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Checklist of plants suitable for hedging and windbreaks: D - F

Botanical name Common name Deciduous/ Evergreen Height Growth rate Hardiness Wind Notes
Drimys lanceolata Mountain pepper E M-T S-M 8   Semi shade. Dioecious. Fruit is a pepper substitute. Medicinal.
Elaeagnus angustifolia Oleaster D M-T M-F 2 W Prefers well drained soils. Resists drought and honey fungus. Fixes nitrogen. Edible fruit. Gum.
Elaeagnus commutata Silverberry D M M 2 M Light soil, sunny position. Resists drought and honey fungus. Fixes nitrogen. Edible fruit. Fibre.
Elaeagnus x ebbingei   E M-T M-F 6 M Best in not too rich a soil, tolerates shade. Fixes nitrogen. Edible fruit, produced in April/May.
Elaeagnus glabra   E M-T M 8 M Most soils, fixes nitrogen. Very shade tolerant, will eventually climb into trees. Edible fruit.
Elaeagnus macrophylla   E M-T M 8 M As E.glabra.
Elaeagnus multiflora Goumi D M-T M 6 M As E.angustifolius. Tolerates air pollution.
Elaeagnus pungens   E M-T M 7 M As E.glabra.
Elaeagnus x reflexa   E M-T M 7 M As E.glabra.
Elaeagnus umbellata   D M-T M 3 M As E.angustifolius. Edible fruit and seed.
Elaeagnus parvifolia   D M-T M 3 M As above but said to have a superior fruit.
Eleutherococcus sieboldianus   D M-T M 4   Well drained humus rich soil, sunny position. Tolerates urban pollution. Edible leaves. Tea.
Erica x darleyensis Heather E S M 6   Prefers a light peaty soil but tolerates chalk.
Erica x veitchii Heather E S-M M 8   Light peaty soil.
Escallonia spp. Escallonia E M-T F 7-9 M Sunny, most soils.
  Many forms incl:- E."Alice", E."Apple blossom", E."C.F.Ball", E.compacta coccinea, E."Crimson spire", E."Donard gem", E."Donard seedling", E."Edinensis", E.x.exoniensis, E."Glasnevin hybrid", E."Ingrami", E."Iveyi", E.laevis, E."Langleyense", E."Pink pearl", E."Pride of donard", E.pulverulenta, E."Red hedger", E.rosea, E.rubra macrantha, E."St.Keverne", E."Slieve donard", E."William Watson".
Eucryphia lucida Leatherwood E M-T M 8   Most soils preferably lime-free.Dislikes cold winds.Sun or semi-shade.Medicinal.
Eucryphia+x+nymansensis   E M-T M 7   Most soils preferably lime-free. Dislikes cold winds. Full sun only if soil is moist.
Euonymus alatus Spindle D M M 3   Most soils if well drained. Medicinal, tea. Edible leaves and fruit???I have my doubts on this report.
Euonymus fortunei   E S M 5   Most soils sun or shade.
Euonymus japonicus Japanese Spindle E M-T M-F 7 M Well drained soil, sun or shade. Hosts sugar beet fly. Rubber from root and stems.
Fagus sylvatica Beech D M-T S-M 5 W Most soils except heavy and wet. Edible young leaves, seed and oil. Medicinal.
Forsythia x intermedia   D M-T M 5   Well drained preferably rich soil.
Fuchsia magellanica Fuchsia D M-T M 6 M Most soils. Often cut back to base in cold winters. Var."Ricartonii"is hardier. Dye, medicinal.

D = Deciduous E = Evergreen

Height:- S = Small (to 4ft for hedges, 20ft for trees.) M = Medium (To 6ft for hedges, 50ft for trees.) T = Tall (over 6ft for hedges, over 50ft for trees.)

Rate of Growth:- S = Slow M = Medium F = Fast

Wind Resistance:- W = tolerates Windy sites M = tolerates Maritime exposure

Hardiness zones 1(hardiest) to 10:- most of Britain is in zone 7 or 8 with some upland and northern areas being colder whilst western and southern coastal areas are milder.


Now available: PLANTS FOR YOUR FOOD FOREST: 500 Plants for Temperate Food Forests and Permaculture Gardens.

An important new book from PFAF. It focuses on the attributes of plants suitable for food forests, what each can contribute to a food forest ecosystem, including carbon sequestration, and the kinds of foods they yield. The book suggests that community and small-scale food forests can provide a real alternative to intensive industrialised agriculture, and help to combat the many inter-related environmental crises that threaten the very future of life on Earth.

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