Plants For A Future Appeal
PFAF employs an administrator who is both a specialist in plant information and in technical aspects of database and website design and development. There is also a need to look after the day-to-day operation of the database and website, without which it would quickly become inoperative or unstable. We know from experience that this can’t be done properly by unpaid volunteers, no matter how skilled or committed they are. This is our main expense.
We get some income by selling our books, and from online advertising, but these revenues are unpredictable and together usually produce only about half of what we need. We have always managed to do a lot with very little money, and all PFAF’s management and admin tasks are done on a voluntary basis. But we still need a regular flow of donations from our individual users and supporters.
In recent years we have focused our development effort on aligning our database with strategies being devised and promoted to produce food, sequester carbon and increase biodiversity, through the establishment of Food Forests/ Forest Gardens. In 2021 this enabled us to produce our easy-to-use reference book Plants for Your Food Forest, which has become our all-time best-selling publication. We are convinced that Food Forests and complementary locally-based enterprises could be an important element in starting to bring about the widespread changes in lifestyle now urgently needed to confront the worldwide ecological crisis. In early 2024 we completed a new reference book on plants for food forests in tropical and sub-tropical conditions, and we are now working on one for Mediterranean-type climates.
Please give what you can to keep Plants For A Future properly funded at this crucial time for the future of the planet.
Make a Donation Directly to PFAF:
By donating to PFAF, you can help support and expand our activities and get the information across to a wider audience. If you would like to donate to support the ongoing work and development of our website you can make a donation using your prefer currency.
Note: Once you click a button below you will be able to make a donation in your own currency using a debit or credit card (or PayPal)
By Bitcoin We also can receive bitcoins at: bc1qhxcw7erlmw50rckuuchedkcyye00tdu2m54nsk
By cheque (UK Only) to 9 Priory Park Road, Dawlish, Devon EX7 9LX, UK). Please make your donation cheque payable to Plants For A Future
Direct Bank Transfer
If you would like to Donate using a Direct Bank Transfer
UK Sterling account
Bank name: The co-operative bank
Bank Address: P.O. Box 250, Delf House, Southwey, Skelmersdale WN8 6WT
Account name: Plants For A Future
Account number: 65744369 (this is essential)
Bank Sort code: 08-92-99
Please provide the following to your bank:
Beneficiary Account name: Plants For A Future
Bank Name: The Co-operative Bank
[1] Eric Toensmeier, The Carbon Farming Solution: A Global Toolkit of Perennial Crops and Regenerative Agriculture Practices for Climate Change Mitigation and Food Securit (Vermont: Chelsea Green, 2016)
[2] Dave Jacke, Edible Forest Gardens: Ecological Design and Practice for Temperate Climate Permaculture (Vermont: Chelsea Green, 2005)