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Checklist of plants suitable for hedging and windbreaks: T - W

Botanical name Common name Deciduous/ Evergreen Height Growth rate Hardiness Wind Notes
Tamarix gallica Tamarisk D T M 5 M Most soils.Edible manna.Medicinal.Also T.africana,T.parviflora and T.ramosissima
Taxus baccata Yew E M-T S-M 6 W Most soils,sun or shade.Edible fruit-sweet.BEWARE:-ALL OTHER PARTS OF PLANT ARE POISONOUS.Insecticide,incense,medicinal. Other species can also be used.
Thamnocalamus spathaceus   E T M 6   Moist well drained loam.Edible young shoots.Plant supports.
Thuja occidentalis White cedar E T S-M 2   Moist soil.Best in west of Britain.Tea,insect repellent,medicinal.
Thuja orientalis   E M-T S-M 6   Prefers a dry well drained soil.Often does not do well.Edible seed.Dye,medicinal.
Thuja plicata Red cedar E M-T M-F 6 W Most soils except light, sandy. Edible inner bark. Fibre, basketry.
Tsuga heterophylla Hemlock E T M-F 6   Best in high rainfall areas in a deep well drained soil. Edible inner bark. Tea, tannin, resin, medicinal. Other species to use include:-T.canadensis, T.caroliniana, T.chinensis and T.mertensiana
Ugni molinae Ugni E M S-M 8 W Most well drained soils.Edible fruit.Tea.
Ulex europaeus Gorse E M F 6 M Prefers a poor dry soil,sunny position.Soil stabilization,tea,dye,kindling.
Ulex parviflorus   E M M-F 7 M As above.
Viburnum x juddii   D M M 5   Dislikes poor dry soils.
Viburnum opulus Guelder rose D M-T M-F 3 W Prefers moist soils.Edible fruit-best cooked.Red dye,medicinal.Ssp.americanum is said to have superior fruit.
Viburnum prunifolium Black haw D M-T M 3   Tolerates poor dry soils.Edible fruit.
Viburnum tinus Laurustinus E M F 7 W Most soils.
Vitex negundo   D M-T M 8   Light soil,sunny position.Seed a condiment.Tea,insect repellent,basketry,medicinal.
Weigela florida Weigela D M M 5   Rich soil,sun or part shade.


D = Deciduous E = Evergreen

Height:- S = Small (to 4ft for hedges, 20ft for trees.) M = Medium (to 6ft for hedges, 50ft for trees.) T = Tall (over 6ft for hedges, over 50ft for trees.)

Rate of Growth:- S = Slow M = Medium F = Fast

Wind Resistance:- W = tolerates Windy sites M = tolerates Maritime exposure

Hardiness zones 1(hardiest) to 10:- most of Britain is in zone 7 or 8 with some upland and northern areas being colder whilst western and southern coastal areas are milder.

Now available: PLANTS FOR YOUR FOOD FOREST: 500 Plants for Temperate Food Forests and Permaculture Gardens.

An important new book from PFAF. It focuses on the attributes of plants suitable for food forests, what each can contribute to a food forest ecosystem, including carbon sequestration, and the kinds of foods they yield. The book suggests that community and small-scale food forests can provide a real alternative to intensive industrialised agriculture, and help to combat the many inter-related environmental crises that threaten the very future of life on Earth.

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