Type |
E.T. |
Quercus ilex |
Holm Oak |
Seed |
Most soils. Very wind resistant |
D.T. |
Quercus prinus |
Chestnut Oak |
Seed |
Good deep loam |
The seed of all species is a good source of carbohydrates although in many species the seed is also rich in tannin which is bitter and indigestible. Unfortunately, some of most palatable species do not fruit well in Britain though the following could be worth trying: Q. alba, Q. douglasii, Q. emoryi, Q. gambelii, Q. muhlenbergii and Q. virginiana |
D.T. |
Rhamnus carolinianus |
Indian Cherry |
Fruit |
Most soils. Might not be very hardy |
D.T. |
Rhamnus purshiana |
Cascara Sagrada |
Fruit |
Most soils |
E.SH. |
Rhaphiolepis indica |
Indian Hawthorn |
Fruit |
Mild areas only. Sunny position, fertile soil |
E.SH. |
Rhaphiolepis umbellata |
Seed |
Sunny position, fertile soil |
D.SH. |
Rhus glabra |
Smooth Sumach |
Fruit |
Sunny position. Most soils |
The fruit of the above species is often steeped in warm water for 10 minutes to make a very refreshing drink. Other species with edible fruits that can also be used in this way include R. aromatica, R. copallina, R. integrifolia, R. punjabensis, R. trilobata and R. typhina |
D.SH. |
Ribes divaricatum |
Worcesterberry |
Fruit |
Most soils |
D.SH. |
Ribes nigrum |
Blackcurrant |
Fruit |
Most soils if rich in humus |
D.SH. |
Ribes rubrum |
Redcurrant |
Fruit |
Most soils |
D.SH. |
Ribes uva-crispa |
Gooseberry |
Fruit |
Most soils. Dislikes clay |
The fruit of all species of Ribes is edible but not always very palatable. Some other species worth trying include R. aciculare, R. altissimum, R. americanum, R. aureum, R. bracteosum, R. cynosbati, R. hirtellum, R. longeracemosum, R. meyeri, R. montigenum, R. odoratum, R. oxyacanthoides, R. palczewskii, R. pauciflorum, R. procumbens, R. rotundifolium, R. sachalinense, R. sanguineum and R. valdivianum |
D.T. |
Robinia pseudoacacia |
Locust |
Flowers. Seed - must be cooked |
Most soils |
D.SH. |
Rosa rugosa |
Ramanas Rose |
Fruit, seed, flowers |
Most soils |
D.SH. |
Rosa villosa |
Apple Rose |
Fruit, seed |
Most soils. Sunny position |
The fruit of all species of Rosa is more or less edible, though the flesh is often very thin and there is a layer of seed hairs just below the flesh that can cause irritation if eaten. The following species are also worth trying: R. acicularis, R. californica, R. canina, R. centifolia, R. macrophylla, R. majalis, R. nutkana and R. sericea |
E.SH. |
Rosmarinus officinalis |
Rosemary |
Leaves |
Sunny position. Light, dry soil |
D.CL. |
Rubus procerus |
Himalayan Giant Blackberry |
Fruit |
Most soils |
D.CL. |
Rubus fruticosus |
Blackberry |
Fruit, root |
Most soils |
D.SH. |
Rubus idaeus |
Raspberry |
Fruit |
Dislikes very heavy soils |
D.SH. |
Rubus laciniatus |
Parsley-Leaved Blackberry |
Fruit |
Most soils |
D.SH. |
Rubus loganobaccus |
Loganberry |
Fruit |
Well-drained soil |
D.SH. |
Rubus phoenicolasius |
Japanese Wineberry |
Fruit |
Most soils |
A very large genus, the fruit of all species is more or less edible. Some of the most noteworthy include R. allegheniensis, R. amabilis, R. biflorus, R. caesius, R. corchorifolius, R. flagelliflorus, R. ichangensis, R. innominatus, R. kuntzeanus, R. lasiostylus, R. leucodermis, R. occidentalis, R. palmatus, R. parviflorus, R. setchuensis and R. tricolor |