Type |
E.CL. |
Lapageria rosea |
Chilean Bellflower |
Fruit |
Mild areas. Shady position. Lime-free soil |
E.CL. |
Lardizabala biternata |
Fruit |
Mild areas. Well-drained sandy loam. Dioecious |
E.T. |
Laurelia serrata |
Peruvian Nutmeg |
Seed - a spice |
Mild areas only. Sheltered position. Dioecious |
E.T. |
Laurus nobilis |
Bay Tree |
Leaves - a flavouring |
Most soils. Sun or light shade. Dioecious |
E.SH. |
Lavandula angustifolia |
Lavander |
Leaves - very aromatic |
Sunny position. Most soils if well-drained |
D.SH. |
Lespedeza bicolor |
Seed, young stems and leaves |
Light soil. Sunny position |
D.SH. |
Lespedeza cyrtobotrya |
Young shoots |
Light soil. Sunny position |
D.SH. |
Lindera benzoin |
Spice Bush |
Bark - allspice substitute |
Lime-free soil. Dioecious |
D.T. |
Liriodendron tulipifera |
Tulip Tree |
Bark - a flavouring |
Rich, deep soil. Sheltered position |
E.T. |
Lithocarpus densiflorus |
Seed - oily |
Hardy at Kew |
E.T. |
Lithocarpus edulis |
Seed |
Mild areas |
D.SH. |
Lonicera coerulea edulis |
Fruit |
Sunny position |
Other species include L. angustifolia, L. chrysantha, L. gracilipes, L. involucrata and L. villosa |
D.SH. |
Lycium barbarum |
Box Thorn |
Fruit, young shoots |
Shoots should be used with caution. Sunny position. Well-drained soild. Very wind resistant |
D.SH. |
Lycium pallidum |
Fruit |
Sunny position. Well-drained soil |
D.SH. |
Maackia amurensis |
Young leaves |
Sunny position. Most soils |
E.SH. |
Mahonia aquifolium |
Oregon Grape |
Fruit |
Most soils and situations. Tolerates heavy shade |
Other species include M. haematocarpa, M. nepaulensis, M. nervosa, M. nevinii, M. pinnata, M. repens and M. trifoliolata |
D.T. |
Malus domestica |
Apple |
Fruit |
Sunny position |
All species of Malus have edible fruits though they are often not very palatable. Some of the most palatable include M. floribunda, M. fusca, M. praecox, M. prunifolia rinki, M. sieversii and M. trilobata |
E.SH. |
Margyricarpus pinnatus |
Pearl Berry |
Fruit |
Sunny position. Well-drained, not rich soil |
D.T. |
Melia azedarach |
Bead Tree |
Leaves |
Mild areas only |
D.T. |
Melicytus ramiflorus |
Fruit |
Mild areas only. Dioecious |
D.SH. |
Menziesia ferruginea |
Fruit |
Sun or light shade. Well-drained lime-free soil |
D.T. |
Mespilus germanica |
Medlar |
Fruit, bletted |
Most soils. Sunny position |
D.CL. |
Metaplexis japonica |
Root, young leaves, fruit |
Most soils. Mild areas |
D.SH. |
Micromeria juliana |
Leaves - a savoury flavouring |
Well-drained soils |
E.SH. |
Mitchella repens |
Partridge Berry |
Fruit |
Lime-free soil. Shady position |
D.T. |
Morus alba |
White Mulberry |
Fruit, young leaves |
Sunny position. Warm, well-drained soil |
D.T. |
Morus nigra |
Black Mulberry |
Fruit |
Sunny position. Warm, well-drained soil |
Other species include M. australis, M. mongolica, M. rubra and M. serrata |
D.CL. |
Muehlenbeckia adpressa |
Fruit |
Very mild areas only |
D.SH. |
Myrica gale |
Sweet Gale |
Leaves and berries - a flavouring |
Most soils, preferably lime-free. Dioecious |
E.SH. |
Myrica rubra |
Fruit |
Mild areas. Lime-free soil |
Other species used as a flavouring include M. cerifera and M. pensylvanica |
E.SH. |
Myrsine africana |
Fruit |
E.SH. |
Myrtus communis |
Myrtle |
Fruit - a flavouring |
Mild areas. Most soils |
E.SH. |
Myrtus luma |
Fruit - sweet |
Mild areas. Most soils |
Other species include M. nummularia and M. ugni |
E.SH. |
Nandina domestica |
Sacred Bamboo |
Fruit, young leaves |
Best in mild areas. Rich soil. Sunny position |
D.SH. |
Nemopanthus mucronata |
Fruit |
Cold damp soil |
D.T. |
Nyssa sylvatica |
Tupelo |
Fruit |
Dislikes lime |
D.SH. |
Oemleria cerasiformis |
Oso Berry |
Fruit |
Most soils. Dioecious |
E.T. |
Olea europaea |
Olive |
Fruit, oil from fruit |
Sunny position. Mild areas only |
D.SH. |
Oplopanax horridus |
Young shoots |
Cool moist soil. Dense shade |
E.SH. |
Osteomeles schwerinae |
Fruit |
Mild areas |
D.T. |
Oxydendrorum arboreum |
Sorrel Tree |
Leaves |
Well drained lime-free soil. Likes shade |