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Families in the Database

Jump to Monocotyledon (Single seed leaf) Dicotyledons (Two seed leaves) Non-flowering plants including Ferns and Conifers.

First off there are some items with general entries for an entire genus.

Latin NameCommon NameFamily Members
Castanea speciesChestnut hybridsFagaceae Castanea
Ceanothus species Rhamnaceae Ceanothus
Crataegus speciesHawthorns etc.Rosaceae Crataegus
Escallonia speciesEscalloniaEscalloniaceae Escallonia
Fuchsia speciesFuchsiaOnagraceae Fuchsia
Hemerocallis speciesDay LiliesHemerocallidaceae Hemerocallis
Hosta speciesHostaFunkiaceae Hosta
Lavatera speciesTree lavateraMalvaceae Lavatera
Lilium speciesLilyLiliaceae Lilium
Mentha speciesMint etc.Labiatae Mentha
Morus speciesMulberryMoraceae Morus
Quercus speciesOaksFagaceae Quercus
Rubus speciesHybrid berriesRosaceae Rubus
Sorbopyrus species Rosaceae Sorbopyrus
Sorbus speciesMountain Ash, WhitebeamRosaceae Sorbus

Non-Flowering Plants

Angiosperm (flowering plants)

Monocotyledon (Single seed leaf)

Alismatidea Commelinidae Arecidae Liliidae

Dicotyledons (Two seed leaves)

Asteridae Caryophyllidae Dilleniidae Hamamelididae Magnoliidae Rosidae
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