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Search for: Artemisia
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Artemisia abrotanumSouthernwoodAsteraceae or CompositaeArtemisia altissima Ehrh. ex DC. International Compositae Alliance ILDIS IOPI New Yo13
Artemisia absinthiumWormwood, Absinthium.Asteraceae or CompositaeAbsinthium officinale Brot. Artemisia pendula Salisb.. Artemisia rhaetica Brügger.13
Artemisia annuaQing Hao, Sweet sagewortAsteraceae or Compositae 14
Artemisia anomala Asteraceae or Compositae 02
Artemisia argyi Asteraceae or Compositae 02
Artemisia biennisBiennial WormwoodAsteraceae or Compositae 11
Artemisia campestrisField SouthernwoodAsteraceae or Compositae 02
Artemisia campestris glutinosa Asteraceae or CompositaeA. glutinosa. J.Gay.00
Artemisia capillarisYin Chen HaoAsteraceae or Compositae 13
Artemisia caruifolia Asteraceae or Compositae 13
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