Support Us
Your support allows us to develop and maintain our website and database. Please make a donation or buy one or more of our products.
Research is on going since much of the information on plant uses has been lost from every day life but is stored in books and research papers. We have collated this information in a more accessible way, in the form of a database, which currently consists of nearly 7,000 species of plants.
We also encourage our users to examine plant data and comment where appropriate, via the Forum, Blog or Facebook.
We are constantly on the look out for new sources of useful plants, particularly from those people who travel to or live in other temperate zones. Please contact us if you feel you might be willing to help. It does not require botanical knowledge, just a willingness to search out sources of seed in that area.
Make a donation
By donating to PFAF, you can help us to continue to provide our valuable information service free of charge. You can make a donation via the button below or send a cheque. Please make your donation cheque payable to Plants For A Future and post it to PFAF, 9 Priory Park Road, Dawlish, Devon EX7 9LX, U.K.

Business Supporters
Your organisation can support PFAF through sponsorship in cash, or in kind. Please contact us directly at [email protected]. You can also help us by advertising on this website. All advertising revenue goes directly to support PFAF's work.
Make A Bequest
Leaving a gift in your Will to Plants For A Future is one of the most enduring ways of providing for the future of our projects by helping to build a secure financial base. Making a bequest to PFAF today will help us continue our work into the future. To leave us a gift in your Will, we recommend seeking advice from a solicitor or trustee company.
Buying products from our shop will directly support our work. Visit the shop.