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Search for: Zygophyllaceae
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Balanites aegyptiacaDesert Date. Desert date, Soapberry treeZygophyllaceaeAgialida aegyptiaca Kuntze Balanites ferox G.Don Balanites racemosa Chiov. Balanites roxburghii Planch. Ximenia aegyptiaca L.32
Bulnesia arboreaVerawoodZygophyllaceaeGuaiacum arboreum (Jacq.) DC. Zygophyllum arboreum Jacq.00
Bulnesia sarmientoiPao SantoZygophyllaceaeNo synonyms are recorded for this name.01
Cinchona micranthaHuanncoZygophyllaceaeCinchona affinis Wedd.24
Guaiacum officinaleLignum Vitae, Guaiacum, GuayacanZygophyllaceaeGuaiacum bijugum Stokes; Guiacum breynii Spreng.; Guajacum officinale L.;23
Guaiacum sanctumLignum Vitae, Guaiacum, Holy WoodZygophyllaceaeGuaiacum guatemalense Planch. ex Rydb.02
Larrea tridentataCreosote Bush - ChaparralZygophyllaceaeL. divaricata. L. mexicana. Larrea tridendata (incorrect)22
Nitraria schoberi Zygophyllaceae 20
Peganum harmalaSyrian Rue, Harmal peganumZygophyllaceae 13
Tribulus terrestrisCaltrop, PuncturevineZygophyllaceae 13
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