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Search for: Rubiaceae
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Adina rubella Rubiaceae 01
Asperula cynanchicaSquinancy WortRubiaceae 01
Asperula tinctoriaDyer's WoodruffRubiaceaeGalium triandrum.00
Borojoa patinoiBorojoRubiaceaeAlibertia patinoi (Cuatrec.) Delprete & C.H.Perss.42
Carapichea ipecacuanhaIpecacRubiaceaeCallicocca ipecacuanha Brot. Cephaelis acuminata H.Karst. Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Brot.) A.Rich. Evea04
Cephalanthus occidentalisButton Bush, Common buttonbush, Button Willow, Honey Bells, ButtonbushRubiaceae 02
Chiococca albaWest Indian Snow Berry, David's rot, Skunk-root, Snowberry.RubiaceaeChiococca anguifuga DC. Chiococca racemosa L.02
Ciliosemina pedunculataCilioseminaRubiaceaeCinchona pedunculata H.Karst. Ladenbergia pedunculata (H.Karst.) K.Schum. Remijia pedunculata (H.Kar04
Cinchona calisayaPeruvian Bark, QuinineRubiaceaeCinchona ledgeriana (Howard.) Bern.Moens. ex Trimen. Cinchona officinalis Auct.25
Cinchona officinalisLojabarkRubiaceae 25
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