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Search for: Rheum
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Jeffersonia diphyllaTwinleaf, Rheumatism RootBerberidaceaeJ. binata. Podophyllum diphyllum.02
Oxyria digynaMountain Sorrel, Alpine mountainsorrelPolygonaceaeRheum digynum.31
Rheum × hybridumGarden RhubarbPolygonaceaeNo synonyms are recorded for this name. Some confusion with R. raponticum auct. R. rhabarbarum auct. and R. x cultorum43
Rheum australeHimalayan RhubarbPolygonaceaeR. emodi. Wall.33
Rheum compactum Polygonaceae 20
Rheum coreanum Polygonaceae 01
Rheum nobileSikkim RhubarbPolygonaceae 32
Rheum officinaleChinese RhubarbPolygonaceae 13
Rheum palmatumTurkey Rhubarb, Chinese Rhubarb - Da Huang, Chinese rhubarbPolygonaceaeRheum potaninii, Rheum qinlingense, Rhabarbarum palmatum Moench: Unresolved35
Rheum palmatum tanguticumDa HuangPolygonaceaeR. tanguticum. (Reg.)Maxim.35
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