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Search for: Thymus
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Hyssopus officinalisHyssopLamiaceae or LabiataeThymus hyssopus23
Melissa officinalisLemon Balm, Common balm, Bee Balm, Sweet Balm, Lemon BalmLamiaceae or LabiataeFaucibarba officinalis. Mutelia officinalis. Thymus melissa.35
Micromeria chamissonisYerba BuenaLamiaceae or LabiataeM. douglasii. Satureia douglasii. (Benth.)Briq. Thymus chamissonis. T. douglasii.22
Thymus caespititiusCretan ThymeLamiaceae or Labiatae 22
Thymus camphoratusCamphor ThymeLamiaceae or Labiatae 02
Thymus capitatusHeaded Savory, ThymusLamiaceae or LabiataeCoridothymus capitatus. Satureia capitata.22
Thymus cilicicusCilician ThymeLamiaceae or Labiatae 12
Thymus herba-baronaCaraway ThymeLamiaceae or Labiatae 32
Thymus hirtus Lamiaceae or Labiatae 22
Thymus mastichinaMastic ThymeLamiaceae or Labiatae 22
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