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Search for: Myricaceae
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Comptonia peregrinaSweet FernMyricaceae 33
Comptonia peregrina asplenifoliaSweet FernMyricaceaeC. asplenifolia. Myrica asplenifolia.33
Melaleuca leucadendraPaperbark, Weeping PaperbarkMyricaceaeCajuputi leucadendron (L.) A.Lyons Leptospermum leucodendron (L.) J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. Meladendron24
Myrica californicaCalifornian Bayberry, California Wax Myrtle, California BarberryMyricaceae 31
Myrica ceriferaWax Myrtle - Bayberry Wild Cinnamon, Southern Bayberry, Wax Myrtle, Southern Wax MyrtleMyricaceaeCerothamnus arborescens, Cerothamnus cerifer, Morella cerifera, Myrica mexicana, Myrica pumila.33
Myrica galeBog Myrtle, SweetgaleMyricaceaeM. palustris. Gale palustris.22
Myrica heterophyllaBayberryMyricaceae 32
Myrica nagiBox MyrtleMyricaceaeM. integrifolia. M. sapida.23
Myrica pensylvanicaNorthern BayberryMyricaceaeM. carolinensis. non Mill. M. cerifera latifolia.31
Myrica rubraChinese BayberryMyricaceaeM. nagi. non Thunb.22
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