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Search for: Cornaceae
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Camptotheca acuminataHappy Tree, Cancer TreeCornaceaeCamptotheca yunnanensis Dode. Cephalanthus esquirolii H.Lév.05
Cornus albaTartarian DogwoodCornaceae 00
Cornus alternifoliaGreen Osier, Alternateleaf dogwood, Alternate Leaf Dogwood, Golden Shadows Pagoda Dogwood, Green OsiCornaceaeSwida alternifolia.02
Cornus amomumSilky DogwoodCornaceaeC. coerulea. Swida amomum.12
Cornus asperifolia drummondiiRoughleaf DogwoodCornaceaeC. drummondii. C.A.Mey.00
Cornus australis CornaceaeC. sanguinea australis. (C.A.Mey.)Koehne.10
Cornus canadensisCreeping Dogwood, Bunchberry dogwood, BunchberryCornaceaeChamaepericlymenum canadense.42
Cornus capitataBentham's CornelCornaceaeBenthamida capitata. B. fragifera. Dendrobenthamia capitata.41
Cornus chinensis Cornaceae 23
Cornus controversaGiant Dogwood, Wedding Cake Tree,CornaceaeC. brachypodia.21
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