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Search for: Solanaceae
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Atropa acuminataIndian BelladonnaSolanaceae 03
Atropa bella-donnaDeadly Nightshade, BelladonnaSolanaceaeAtropa belladonna03
Capsicum annuumSweet Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Chili Pepper, Christmas Pepper, Red Pepper, Ornamental Chili PepperSolanaceaeCapsicum abyssinicum. Capsicum angulosum. Capsicum axi. Capsicum ustulatum43
Capsicum baccatumLocoto, AjiSolanaceaeCapsicum cerasiflorum. Capsicum chamaecerasus. Capsicum ciliare. Capsicum conicum33
Capsicum chinenseBonnet Pepper, Chinese capsicumSolanaceaeCapsicum sinense Murray Capsicum toxicarium Poepp. ex Fingerh.34
Capsicum frutescensTabasco Pepper, Cayenne pepperSolanaceaeC. baccatum. C. minimum.34
Capsicum pubescensTree Pepper, RocotoSolanaceaeBrachistus lanceifolius. Capsicum lanceifolium. Capsicum violaceum33
Chamaesaracha coronopusGreenleaf Five EyesSolanaceaeSolanum coronopus11
Cyphomandra betaceaTree TomatoSolanaceaeC. crassicaulis. (Ortega.)Kuntze.30
Cyphomandra casanaCasanaSolanaceaeC. cajanumensis.30
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