Category Tree

Coula edulis

It has its main distribution in the rain forest. Tolerates moderate shade and is normally a constituent of the upper reaches of the lower storey but is also found in the upper canopy. Semi-gregarious, it does not appear to be…

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Couma macrocarpa

Low wet mixed forest, or often seen in cleared pastures, at or a little above sea level. A climax tree of the rainforest, found mainly on well-drained sites in upland areas of the Amazon. Love

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Corylus colurna

Shady mixed forests, 1000 – 1800 metres in E. Asia. Found at altitudes up to 3000 metres in the Himalayas where it is found mainly on northerly aspects and in shady places. Love

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Cornus kousa

Woods and scrub in the mountains of Sichuan. Valleys, shaded slopes, by streams and roadsides, in mixed, sparse, and dense woods at elevations of 400 – 2200 metres. Love

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