Ziziphus jujuba

Dry gravelly or stony slopes of hills and mountains. Love
Dry gravelly or stony slopes of hills and mountains. Love
Open woodland, wooded grassland and on rocky outcrops at elevations from 50 – 1,500 metres Love
Dense forest, wooded savannah, coastal savannah, galleried soudanian and riverine thickets. A deciduous forest tree of coastal woodland, riverine and lowland forests and deciduous woodland, extending as high as upland grassland. Love
Combretum, Terminalia and Brachystegia woodland and flood pans with Brachystegia; grassland, wooded grassland or dense woodlands; at elevations from 1,000 – 1,800 metres. Love
Not known Love
Rich soils along woodland borders, edges of streams etc, it is also found on rocky hillsides etc. Love
Lowland forest, secondary miombo woodland such as clearing and gaps, and open woodland. Grows in well-drained escarpments, with infertile sand or gravel soils of acidic reaction. Love
Rich deep soils, often calcareous, on the banks of streams and low rocky hillsides. Love
Usually found near streams or in swampy areas in forests at an altitude up to 1,500 metres. Riverine, mixed evergreen and swamp forests, woodlands, sea level to 1,300 metres. Love
Rich, often moist, soils of woods and bottomlands, often forming pure stands. Love
Not known in a truly wild situation. Love
Woodland. Love
An understorey plant of evergreen rainforest in the wet humid tropics, growing in places that are not usually seasonally inundated. Love
A mid-canopy tree in areas just inland from ocean beaches, near river mouths, and on coastal plains. These areas are typically flat, but they may have dunes or rocky bluffs. Sandy or rocky beaches. Love
Scattered, but sometimes common, in lowland rainforest and riverine forest, at elevations up to 1,000 metres. Love