Category Tree

Moringa stenopetala

Acacia tortilis woodland, riverine woodland of Hyphaene, Acacia, etc.; Acacia, Delonix, Commiphora associations, scrub and succulent steppe; usually on rocky ground by permanent water; at elevations from 390 – 1,200 metres. Love

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Mauritia flexuosa

Riverine swamps. Found in poorly drained or periodically flooded soils. Usually in permanently swampy areas, often forming extensive, high-density stands; also in gallery forests; usually at elevations below 500 metres, occ. to 900 metres. Love

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Mangifera indica

A mid-canopy tree in humid tropical forests, usually growing in the more open, secondary formations, at elevations usually below 500 metres, but occasionally ascending to 1,700 metres. Love

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