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Checklist of plants suitable for ground cover: M - O

Key.. A.. B.. C.. D-F.. G.. H.. I-L.. M-O.. P.. R-S.. T-X..


Botanical name Common name Habit Evergreen/ Deciduous Height (meters) Hardiness zone Soil Shade Moisture pH Growth rate Notes
Mahonia aquifolium Oregon grape Sh E 2.00 5 LMH FSN DM ANB M Edible fruit and flowers. Dye.
Mahonia repens Oregon grape Sh E 0.30 6 LMH SN DM ANB M Edible fruit. Dye.
Maianthemum canadense   P   0.20 3 LMH FS M ANB M The fruit might be edible.
Matteuccia struthiopteris Ostrich Fern F   0.90 2 LMH S M AN M Edible young leaves and root.
Meehania urticifolia   P   0.30 5 LMH S M ANB   Edible young leaves.
Mentha requienii Corsican mint P   0.10 6 LMH SN M ANB S Edible young leaves. Tea.
Milium effusum Wood millet P   1.80 6 LMH FS DM ANB M Edible seed. Weaving, soil stabilization.
Miscanthus sinensis Eulalia P   4.00 4 LMH SN M ANB F Biomass. Wind tolerant.
Mitchella repens Partridge berry Sh E 0.30 3 LM SN M AN   Edible fruit.
Mitchella undulata   P E 0.10 6 LM SN M AN   Edible fruit.
Montia sibirica Pink purslane
(Claytonia sibirica)
A/P   0.15 3 LMH FSN DM ANB M Edible leaves and flowers.
Muehlenbeckia axillaris   Cl D 0.30 8 LMH SN M ANB M Edible fruit.

Botanical name Common name Habit Evergreen/ Deciduous Height (meters) Hardiness zone Soil Shade Moisture pH Growth rate Notes
Oenanthe javanica Water dropwort P   1.00 10 LMH N WeWa ANB   Edible root, leaves and seed.
Onoclea sensibilis Sensitive Fern F   1.20 4 LMH FS MWe AN   Edible young leaves and root.
Ophiopogon japonicus   P E 0.30 7 LM SN MWeWa ANB   Edible root.
Origanum vulgare Oreganum P   0.60 5 LMH SN DM ANB M Edible leaves, tea, condiment. Essential oil, dye, insect repellent. Medicinal.
Origanum vulgare hirtum Greek oregano P   0.60 5 LMH SN DM ANB M As above.
Oxalis oregana Redwood sorrel P   0.20 7 LMH FSN M ANB M Edible young leaves.

Edible Trees and Shrubs Hardy in temperate zones.
Checklist of plants suitable for hedging and windbreaks.
Checklist of Trees and Shrubs for Shelterbelts.


Habit: A = Annual. B = Bamboo. Bi = Biennial. Cl - Climber. F = Fern. Sh = Shrub. T = Tree. P = Perennial.

Deciduous/Evergreen: D = Deciduous. E = Evergreen.

Hardiness zone: 1 = Succeeds in the Arctic zone. 10 = Does not tolerate frost. Most of Britain is in zone 7, the milder areas are zone 8 (though some zone 9 plants can be there), some upland and northern areas are 6 or lower.

Soil: L = Light. M = Medium. H = Heavy.

Shade: F = Succeeds in full shade. S = Succeeds in semi-shade. N = Succeeds in full sun (or no shade).

Moisture: D = Succeeds in dry soils. M = Succeeds in moist soils (the average soil moisture level). We = Succeeds in wet soils. Wa = Succeeds in water.

pH: A = Succeeds in acid soils. N = Succeeds in neutral soils. B = Succeeds in basic (alkaline soils).

Growth rate: S = Slow. M = Medium. F = Fast.

When using this list it is important to remember that it can only contain a small portion of the information we hold on each plant. You are strongly advised to seek more information on any plant before making use of it in the manner suggested. This is especially important with any of the comments on edibility.

Now available: PLANTS FOR YOUR FOOD FOREST: 500 Plants for Temperate Food Forests and Permaculture Gardens.

An important new book from PFAF. It focuses on the attributes of plants suitable for food forests, what each can contribute to a food forest ecosystem, including carbon sequestration, and the kinds of foods they yield. The book suggests that community and small-scale food forests can provide a real alternative to intensive industrialised agriculture, and help to combat the many inter-related environmental crises that threaten the very future of life on Earth.

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