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Minquartia guianensis - Aubl.

Common Name Wanania, Arataweri
Family Olacaceae
USDA hardiness 10-12
Known Hazards None known
Habitats Rainforests, in both primary and secondary formations, most commonly in sites not liable to seasonal inundation, growing in both sandy and clayey soils at elevations from sea level to 1,000 metres[420 ].
Range S. America - Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, the Guyanas; C. America - Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua.
Edibility Rating    (0 of 5)
Other Uses    (4 of 5)
Weed Potential No
Medicinal Rating    (2 of 5)
Care (info)
Tender Moist Soil Full shade Semi-shade
Minquartia guianensis Wanania, Arataweri

Minquartia guianensis Wanania, Arataweri
David J. Stang wikimedia.org


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Minquartia guianensis is a flowering, evergreen tree that can be found in South America and is growing up to 33 m tall and up to 120 cm in trunk diameter. The trunk is cylindrical and straight and the crown is short and oval. The flowers are in spikes located at the leaf axils. The fruit is narrowly oval, green when young and turns yellow to red when ripe. It is edible. The bark is used medicinally against malaria, colds, and intestinal parasites. It exudes white latex when damaged. The wood is used in poles and posts.

Physical Characteristics

 icon of manicon of cone
Minquartia guianensis is an evergreen Tree growing to 20 m (65ft) by 15 m (49ft) at a medium rate.
See above for USDA hardiness. It is hardy to UK zone 10.
Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and prefers well-drained soil. Suitable pH: mildly acid, neutral and basic (mildly alkaline) soils. It can grow in full shade (deep woodland) or semi-shade (light woodland). It prefers moist soil.

UK Hardiness Map US Hardiness Map


Eganthus poeppigii Tiegh. Endusa punctata Radlk. Minquartia macrophylla Ducke Minquartia parvifolia

Plant Habitats

Edible Uses

None known

References   More on Edible Uses

Medicinal Uses

Plants For A Future can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.
Malaria  Parasiticide

The bark has been used in the treatment of malaria, intestinal parasites, and colds[381 ].

References   More on Medicinal Uses

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Other Uses

Latex  Parasiticide  Wood

Agroforestry Uses: In agroforestry trials in Peru, the best establishment and growth of this tree was observed where seedlings were mixed with plantains, or on the borders of the field where neighbouring taller vegetation provided partial shade. A comparison between individuals in agroforestry trials and those in natural forests found that larger DBHs were obtained in agroforestry at a given height and that diameter growth was also higher in agroforestry trees, showing that this species can establish and thrive under these conditions. Plants grown in these agroforestry trials flowered and fruited from the age of approximately 6 years, and the fertile periods in both the flood plain and terra firma trials coincided more or less with the pattern observed in natural flood plain forests. On the basis of the results from this it was concluded that without silvicultural measures to enhance the density and growth of Minqurtia guianensis, there is only a limited ability of natural flood plain forests to supply the wood of this species[381 ]. Other Uses The fissured bark exudes a white latex when cut[420 ]. The wood is fine-textured, irregular-grained, very heavy and almost impervious to rot. A valuable timber, it is very hard to cut but is much used for external purposes such as poles, posts etc[420 ]. The wood is exceptionally durable and has been reported to have lasted 30 - 40 years in the ground without any signs of decay[381 ]. It is resistant to attacks from fungus and termites. Because of this exceptional durability, it has been extracted for subsistence and commercial purposes, mainly for posts and poles in construction[381 ].

Special Uses

References   More on Other Uses

Cultivation details

Prefers a position in some shade[420 ].

References   Carbon Farming Information and Carbon Sequestration Information

Temperature Converter

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The PFAF Bookshop

Plants For A Future have a number of books available in paperback and digital form. Book titles include Edible Plants, Edible Perennials, Edible Trees,Edible Shrubs, Woodland Gardening, and Temperate Food Forest Plants. Our new book is Food Forest Plants For Hotter Conditions (Tropical and Sub-Tropical).

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Plant Propagation

Seed - best sown as soon as it is ripe in a partially shaded position in a nursery seedbed or in individual containers. A low germination rate can usually be expected, with the seed sprouting within 30 - 40 days[420 ]. When the seedbed sown seedlings are 4 - 5cm tall, pot them up into individual containers and they should be ready to plant out 8 - 9 months later[420 ].

Other Names

If available other names are mentioned here

Wanania, Arataweri, Alata-oedoe, Maka, Cuajado, Cuajado negro, Criollo, Crillio negro, Aquariquara roxa, black manwood, huacapu, huacapú, huambula, paini, wambula.

Native Range

SOUTHERN AMERICA: Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, French Guiana, Suriname, Venezuela (Bolívar, Amazonas), Brazil (Acre, Amazonas, Pará), Bolivia, Colombia (Cauca, Caquetá, Amazonas, Vaupés), Ecuador (Esmeraldas, Napo, Pastaza, Tungurahua, Sucumbíos), Peru (Amazonas, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Pasco, Puno)

Weed Potential

Right plant wrong place. We are currently updating this section. Please note that a plant may be invasive in one area but may not in your area so it’s worth checking.

Conservation Status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants Status : Status: Lower Risk/near threatened

Related Plants
Latin NameCommon NameHabitHeightHardinessGrowthSoilShadeMoistureEdibleMedicinalOther

Growth: S = slow M = medium F = fast. Soil: L = light (sandy) M = medium H = heavy (clay). pH: A = acid N = neutral B = basic (alkaline). Shade: F = full shade S = semi-shade N = no shade. Moisture: D = dry M = Moist We = wet Wa = water.


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Botanical References

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A special thanks to Ken Fern for some of the information used on this page.

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Subject : Minquartia guianensis  
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