Plants For A Future Species Database Bibliography
Numbers in square brackets are the reference numbers that appear in the database.
[K] Ken Fern
Notes from observations, tasting etc at Plants For A Future and on field trips.
[1] F. Chittendon. RHS Dictionary of Plants plus Supplement. 1956 Oxford University Press 1951
Comprehensive listing of species and how to grow them. Somewhat outdated, it has been replaces in 1992 by a new dictionary (see [200]).
[1-2] Dave Jacke, Eric Toensmeier. Edible Forest Gardens. Chelsea Green Publishing Co 2015. ISBN: 9781890132606
[1-3] Eric Toensmeier. The Carbon Farming Solution. A Global Toolkit of Perennial Crops and Regenerative Agriculture Practices for Climate Change Mitigation and Food Security. Chelsea Green Publishing Co. 2016. ISBN: 9781603585712
[1-4] [1b]Food Plants International.
[1-5] Prairie Moon Nursery
[1-6] Illinois Wild Flowers
[1-7] [1c] Natural Resources Conservation Service
[1-8][1d] Invasive Species Compendium
[1-9] Martin Crawford. 2010. Creating a Forest Garden: Working With Nature to Grow Edible Crops. UIT/GREEN BOOKS. ISBN-10: 1900322625.
[2] Hedrick. U. P. Sturtevant's Edible Plants of the World. Dover Publications 1972 ISBN 0-486-20459-6
Lots of entries, quite a lot of information in most entries and references.
[2-1] Tomas Remiarz. Forest Gardening in Practice: An Illustrated Practical Guide for Homes, Communities and Enterprises. Permanent Publications. 2017. ISBN: 185623293X
[2-2] Missouri Botanical Garden.
[2-3] The Botany of Survival: A Forager's Experience in the American Southwest. Brian Lee Phillips. An excellent foraging source. The area covered extends from the Chihuahuan Desert of western Texas to the Mojave Desert of southern California and northward to central Utah and central Nevada.
[2-4] Mediterranean Wild Edible Plants. Ethnobotany and Food Composition Tables. María de Cortes Sánchez-Mata • Javier Tardío (Editors). Springer. ISBN 978-1-4939-3327-3. ISBN 978-1-4939-3329-7 (eBook)
[2-5] The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at and (Website)
[2-6] International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species. Published on the Internet at (Website)
[3] Simmons. A. E. Growing Unusual Fruit. David and Charles 1972 ISBN 0-7153-5531-7
A very readable book with information on about 100 species that can be grown in Britain (some in greenhouses) and details on how to grow and use them.
[4] Grieve. A Modern Herbal. Penguin 1984 ISBN 0-14-046-440-9
Not so modern (1930's?) but lots of information, mainly temperate plants.
[5] Mabey. R. Food for Free. Collins 1974 ISBN 0-00-219060-5
Edible wild plants found in Britain. Fairly comprehensive, very few pictures and rather optimistic on the desirability of some of the plants.
[6] Mabey. R. Plants with a Purpose. Fontana 1979 ISBN 0-00-635555-2
Details on some of the useful wild plants of Britain. Poor on pictures but otherwise very good.
[7] Chiej. R. Encyclopaedia of Medicinal Plants. MacDonald 1984 ISBN 0-356-10541-5
Covers plants growing in Europe. Also gives other interesting information on the plants. Good photographs.
[8] Ceres. Free for All. Thorsons Publishers 1977 ISBN 0-7225-0445-4
Edible wild plants in Britain. Small booklet, nothing special.
[9] Launert. E. Edible and Medicinal Plants. Hamlyn 1981 ISBN 0-600-37216-2
Covers plants in Europe. a drawing of each plant, quite a bit of interesting information.
[10] Altmann. H. Poisonous Plants and Animals. Chatto and Windus 1980 ISBN 0-7011-2526-8
A small book, reasonable but not very detailed.
[11] Bean. W. Trees and Shrubs Hardy in Great Britain. Vol 1 - 4 and Supplement. Murray 1981
A classic with a wealth of information on the plants, but poor on pictures.
[12] Loewenfeld. C. and Back. P. Britain's Wild Larder. David and Charles ISBN 0-7153-7971-2
A handy pocket guide.
[13] Triska. Dr. Hamlyn Encyclopaedia of Plants. Hamlyn 1975 ISBN 0-600-33545-3
Very interesting reading, giving some details of plant uses and quite a lot of folk-lore.
[14] Holtom. J. and Hylton. W. Complete Guide to Herbs. Rodale Press 1979 ISBN 0-87857-262-7
A good herbal.
[15] Bryan. J. and Castle. C. Edible Ornamental Garden. Pitman Publishing 1976 ISBN 0-273-00098-5
A small book with interesting ideas for edible plants in the ornamental garden.
[16] Simons. New Vegetable Growers Handbook. Penguin 1977 ISBN 0-14-046-050-0
A good guide to growing vegetables in temperate areas, not entirely organic.
[17] Clapham, Tutin and Warburg. Flora of the British Isles. Cambridge University Press 1962
A very comprehensive flora, the standard reference book but it has no pictures.
[18] Philbrick H. and Gregg R. B. Companion Plants. Watkins 1979
Details of beneficial and antagonistic relationships between neighbouring plants.
[19] Stary. F. Poisonous Plants. Hamlyn 1983 ISBN 0-600-35666-3
Not very comprehensive, but easy reading.
[20] Riotte. L. Companion Planting for Successful Gardening. Garden Way, Vermont, USA. 1978 ISBN 0-88266-064-0
Fairly good.
[21] Lust. J. The Herb Book. Bantam books 1983 ISBN 0-553-23827-2
Lots of information tightly crammed into a fairly small book.
[22] Sholto-Douglas. J. Alternative Foods.
Not very comprehensive, it seems more or less like a copy of earlier writings with little added.
[23] Wright. D. Complete Book of Baskets and Basketry. David and Charles 1977 ISBN 0-7153-7449-4
Not that complete but very readable and well illustrated.
[24] Baines. C. Making a Wildlife Garden.
Fairly good with lots of ideas about creating wildlife areas in the garden.
[25] Lawson. Bamboos. Faber 1968
Fairly comprehensive, it was once the standard work but is now rather dated. Deals with species hardy in Britain, giving cultivation details and some uses.
[26] Hills. L. Comfrey Report. Henry Doubleday Research Ass.
A small booklet giving a fairly comprehensive guide to the uses of comfrey.
[27] Vilmorin. A. The Vegetable Garden. Ten Speed Press ISBN 0-89815-041-8
A reprint of a nineteenth century classic, giving details of vegetable varieties. Not really that informative though.
[28] Knight. F. P. Plants for Shade. Royal Horticultural Society. 1980 ISBN 0-900629-78-9
A small but informative booklet listing plants that can be grown in shady positions with a few cultivation details.
[29] Shepherd. F.W. Hedges and Screens. Royal Horticultural Society. 1974 ISBN 0900629649
A small but informative booklet giving details of all the hedging plants being grown in the R.H.S. gardens at Wisley in Surrey.
[30] Carter D. Butterflies and Moths in Britain and Europe. Pan 1982 ISBN 0-330-26642-x
An excellent book on Lepidoptera, it also lists their favourite food plants.
[31] Brown. Shade Plants for Garden and Woodland.
[32] Bruce. M. E. Commonsense Compost Making. Faber 1977 ISBN 0-571-09990-4
Excellent little booklet dealing with how to make compost by using herbs to activate the heap. Gives full details of the herbs that are used.
[33] Organ. J. Rare Vegetables for Garden and Table. Faber 1960
Unusual vegetables that can be grown outdoors in Britain. A good guide.
[34] Harrison. S. Wallis. M. Masefield. G. The Oxford Book of Food Plants. Oxford University Press 1975
Good drawings of some of the more common food plants from around the world. Not much information though.
[35] The Herb Society Herbal Review. Vol.11. 4. The Herb Society 1986 ISBN 0264-9853
[36] The Herb Society Herbal Review. Vol.11. 3. The Herb Society 1986 ISBN 0264-9853
A very interesting article on the stinging nettle, Urtica dioica, giving a lot of information on its uses. Also details on Tanacetum parthenifolium and Melaleuca alternifolium.
[37] Thompson. B. The Gardener's Assistant. Blackie and Son. 1878
Excellent general but extensive guide to gardening practices in the 19th century. A very good section on fruits and vegetables with many little known species.
[38] Simmons A. E. Simmons' Manual of Fruit. David & Charles. 1978 ISBN 0-7153-7607-1
A good guide to some of the cultivars of temperate fruits. It covers quite a wide range of fruits.
[39] Genders. R. Planting Fruit Trees. Robert Hale Ltd. 1956
A general book on growing fruit in Britain, it does give some descriptions of little known cultivars.
[40] Scott's Nursery Scott's Fruit Catalogue. 1985 edition. Scott's Nursery 1985
A nursery catalogue giving descriptions of the wide range of trees and shrubs they grow, including a good range of apples.
[41] Hills. L. Good Fruit Guide. Henry Doubleday Research Ass.
Very dated now, it lists a good range of fruit trees and shrubs with brief descriptions of most of them and details of where they can be obtained.
[42] Grey. C. H. Hardy Bulbs. Williams & Norgate. 1938
Rather dated now, but an immense work on bulbs for temperate zones and how to grow them. Three large volumes.
[43] Fernald. M. L. Gray's Manual of Botany. American Book Co. 1950
A bit dated but good and concise flora of the eastern part of N. America.
[44] Allan. H. H. Flora of New Zealand. Government Printer, Wellington. 1961
The standard work, in 3 volumes though only the first two are of interest to the plant project. Very good on habitats.
[45] Polunin. O. Flowers of Greece and the Balkans. Oxford University Press 1980 ISBN 0-19-217626-9
A good pocket flora, it also lists quite a few plant uses.
[46] Uphof. J. C. Th. Dictionary of Economic Plants. Weinheim 1959
An excellent and very comprehensive guide but it only gives very short descriptions of the uses without any details of how to utilize the plants. Not for the casual reader.
[47] Fox. D. Growing Lilies. Croom Helm 1985
A lovely and very readable book dealing with the cultivation of the genus Lilium.
[48] Boullemier. L. The Checklist of Species, Hybrids and Cultivars of the Genus Fuschia. Blandford Press 1985 ISBN 0-7137-1781-5
Merely a list of names and the occasional elaboration.
[49] Arnold-Forster. Shrubs for the Milder Counties.
Trees and shrubs that grow well in Cornwall and other mild areas of Britain. Fairly good, a standard reference book.
[50] ? Flora Europaea Cambridge University Press 1964
An immense work in 6 volumes (including the index). The standard reference flora for europe, it is very terse though and with very little extra information. Not for the casual reader.
[51] Polunin. O. and Stainton. A. Flowers of the Himalayas. Oxford Universtiy Press 1984
A very readable and good pocket guide (if you have a very large pocket!) to many of the wild plants in the Himalayas. Gives many examples of plant uses.
[52] Larkcom. J. Salads all the Year Round. Hamlyn 1980
A good and comprehensive guide to temperate salad plants, with full organic details of cultivation.
[53] De. Bray. L. The Wild Garden.
Interesting reading.
[54] Hatfield. A. W. How to Enjoy your Weeds. Frederick Muller Ltd 1977 ISBN 0-584-10141-4
Interesting reading.
[55] Harris. B. C. Eat the Weeds. Pivot Health 1973
Interesting reading.
[56] Muhlberg. H. Complete Guide to Water Plants. E. P. Publishing Ltd. 1982 ISBN 0-7158-0789-7
Deals with a wide range of plants for temperate areas (and indoor aquaria) with quite a lot of information on cultivation techniques.
[57] Schery. R. W. Plants for Man.
Fairly readable but not very comprehensive. Deals with plants from around the world.
[58] Ohwi. G. Flora of Japan. (English translation) Smithsonian Institution 1965
The standard work. Brilliant, but not for the casual reader.
[59] Thurston. Trees and Shrubs in Cornwall.
Trees and shrubs that succeed in Cornwall based on the authors own observations. Good but rather dated.
[60] Hitchcock. C. L. Vascular Plants of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press 1955
A standard flora for Western N. America with lots of information on habitat etc. Five large volumes, it is not for the casual reader.
[61] Usher. G. A Dictionary of Plants Used by Man. Constable 1974 ISBN 0094579202
Forget the sexist title, this is one of the best books on the subject. Lists a very extensive range of useful plants from around the world with very brief details of the uses. Not for the casual reader.
[62] Elias. T. and Dykeman. P. A Field Guide to N. American Edible Wild Plants. Van Nostrand Reinhold 1982 ISBN 0442222009
Very readable.
[63] Howes. F. N. Nuts. Faber 1948
Rather old but still a masterpiece. Has sections on tropical and temperate plants with edible nuts plus a section on nut plants in Britain. Very readable.
[64] Howes. F. N. Vegetable Gums and Resins. Faber
A very good book dealing with the subject in a readable way.
[65] Frohne. D. and Pfänder. J. A Colour Atlas of Poisonous Plants. Wolfe 1984 ISBN 0723408394
Brilliant. Goes into technical details but in a very readable way. The best work on the subject that I've come across so far.
[66] Freethy. R. From Agar to Zenery. The Crowood Press 1985 ISBN 0-946284-51-2
Very readable, giving details on plant uses based on the authors own experiences.
[67] Ahrendt. Berberis and Mahonia. Journal of the Linnean Society, 57 1961
Not for the casual reader, it lists all the known species in these two genera together with botanic descriptions and other relevant details for the botanist.
[68] Phillips. R. Mushrooms and other Fungi of Great Britain and Europe. Pan 1981 ISBN 0-330-24441-9
Excellent photographs, it also gives details of habitats and edibility.
[69] Moore. D. M. Flora of Tierra del Fuego. Anthony Nelson. 1983 ISBN 0-904614-05-0
Standard work for this part of S. America. Excellent details of habitat and a few notes on plant uses.
[70] Bolton. E. Lichens for Vegetable Dyeing. Studio Vista 1972 ISBN 0-289-70288-7
A small but interesting book for the casual reader and the enthusiast.
[71] Munz. A California Flora. University of California Press 1959
An excellent flora but no pictures. Not for the casual reader.
[72] Small. Manual of the Southeastern Flora.
Getting rather dated now, it covers Southeastern N. America. No pictures, it is not for the casual reader.
[73] Adamson. and Salter. Flora of the Cape Peninsula.
A good flora but rather short on details of habitat. Not for the casual reader.
[74] Komarov. V. L. Flora of the USSR. Israel Program for Scientific Translation 1968
An immense (25 or more large volumes) and not yet completed translation of the Russian flora. Full of information on plant uses and habitats but heavy going for casual readers.
[75] Rosewarne experimental horticultural station. Shelter Trees and Hedges. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food 1984
A small booklet packed with information on trees and shrubs for hedging and shelterbelts in exposed maritime areas.
[76] Cooper. M. and Johnson. A. Poisonous Plants in Britain and their Effects on Animals and Man. HMSO 1984 ISBN 0112425291
Concentrates mainly on the effects of poisonous plants to livestock.
[77] Kelly. S. Eucalypts. (2 volumes.) Nelson, Melbourne 1969
A very readable book (in two volumes) on the many species of Eucalyptus trees in Australia.
[78] Sheat. W. G. Propagation of Trees, Shrubs and Conifers. MacMillan and Co 1948
A bit dated but a good book on propagation techniques with specific details for a wide range of plants.
[79] Innes. C. The World of Iridaceae
Deals with many of the plants in the Iris family giving brief details of habitat and notes on cultivation. Well illustrated.
[80] McMillan-Browse. P. Hardy Woody Plants from Seed. Grower Books 1985 ISBN 0-901361-21-6
Does not deal with many species but it is very comprehensive on those that it does cover. Not for casual reading.
[81] Rushforth. K. Conifers. Christopher Helm 1987 ISBN 0-7470-2801-X
Deals with conifers that can be grown outdoors in Britain. Good notes on cultivation and a few bits about plant uses.
[82] Sargent. C. S. Manual of the Trees of N. America. Dover Publications Inc. New York. 1965 ISBN 0-486-20278-X
Two volumes, a comprehensive listing of N. American trees though a bit out of date now. Good details on habitats, some details on plant uses. Not really for the casual reader.
[83] Evans. R. L. Handbook of Cultivated Sedums. Science Reviews 1983
Deals with the genus Sedum. Fairly easy reading, it gives cultivation details and some notes on habitats.
[84] Coyle. J. and Roberts. N. C. A Field Guide to the Common and Interesting Plants of Baja California. Natural History Publishing Co. 1975
A very readable pocket flora with good illustrations, it gives quite a few plant uses.
[85] Harrington. H. D. Edible Native Plants of the Rocky Mountains. University of New Mexico Press 1967 ISBN 0-8623-0343-9
A superb book. Very readable, it gives the results of the authors experiments with native edible plants.
[86] Organ. J. Gourds. Faber 1963
Deals with squashes and their relatives. Interesting and readable, it gives cultivation techniques and some details of plant uses.
[87] Woodward. L. Burge. P. Green Manures. Elm Farm Research Centre. 1982
Green manure crops for temperate areas. Quite a lot of information on a number of species.
[88] RHS. The Garden. Volume 112. Royal Horticultural Society 1987
Snippets of information from the magazine of the RHS. In particular, there are articles on plants that are resistant to honey fungus, oriental vegetables, Cimicifuga spp, Passiflora species and Cucurbits.
[89] Polunin. O. and Huxley. A. Flowers of the Mediterranean. Hogarth Press 1987 ISBN 0-7012-0784-1
A very readable pocket flora that is well illustrated. Gives some information on plant uses.
[90] Phillips. R. and Rix. M. Bulbs Pan Books 1989 ISBN 0-330-30253-1
Superbly illustrated, it gives brief details on cultivation and native habitat.
[91] Zhang Jingwei. Alpine Plants of China. Gordon & Breach. New York. 1982 ISBN 0-677-60190-5
A lovely book with nice pictures. Gives habitats and some details of plant uses.
[92] Balls. E. K. Early Uses of Californian Plants. University of California Press 1975 ISBN 0-520-00072-2
A nice readable book.
[93] Davis. P. H. Flora of Turkey. Edinburgh University Press 1965
Not for the casual reader, this is an immense work in many volumes. Some details of plant uses and habitats.
[94] Sweet. M. Common Edible and Useful Plants of the West. Naturegraph Co. 1962 ISBN 0-911010-54-8
Useful wild plants in Western N. America. A pocket guide.
[95] Saunders. C. F. Edible and Useful Wild Plants of the United States and Canada. Dover Publications 1976 ISBN 0-486-23310-3
Useful wild plants of America. A pocket guide.
[96] Surey-Gent. S. and Morris. G. Seaweed - A Users Guide.
Covers seaweeds of Britain. A good coverage of when and what to eat plus some other uses.
[97] Towle. M. A. The Ethno-Botany of Pre-Columbian Peru.
A very interesting book covering quite a lot of information on plant uses in S. America although many of the plants are not suitable for temperate areas..
[98] Gordon. A. G. and Rowe. D. C. f. Seed Manual for Ornamental Trees and Shrubs.
Very comprehensive guide to growing trees and shrubs from seed. Not for the casual reader.
[99] Turner. N. J. Plants in British Columbian Indian Technology. British Columbia Provincial Museum 1979 ISBN 0-7718-8117-7
Excellent and readable guide.
[100] Polunin. O. Flowers of Europe - A Field Guide. Oxford University Press 1969 ISBN 0192176218
An excellent and well illustrated pocket guide for those with very large pockets. Also gives some details on plant uses.
[101] Turner. N. J. and Szczawinski. A. Edible Wild Fruits and Nuts of Canada. National Museum of Natural Sciences 1978
A very readable guide to some wild foods of Canada.
[102] Kavasch. B. Native Harvests. Vintage Books 1979 ISBN 0-394-72811-4
Another guide to the wild foods of America.
[103] Haywood. V. H. Flowering Plants of the World. Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-217674-9
Very readable and well illustrated, it lists plants by families giving the basic diagnostic features and some details of plant uses.
[104] RHS. The Garden. Volume 111. Royal Horticultural Society 1986
Snippets of information from the magazine of the RHS, including an article in Crambe maritima and another on several species thought to be tender that are succeeding in a S. Devon garden.
[105] Tanaka. T. Tanaka's Cyclopaedia of Edible Plants of the World. Keigaku Publishing 1976
The most comprehensive guide to edible plants I've come across. Only the briefest entry for each species, though, and some of the entries are more than a little dubious. Not for the casual reader.
[106] Coon. N. The Dictionary of Useful Plants. Rodale Press 1975 ISBN 0-87857-090-x
Interesting reading but short on detail.
[107] Brooker. M. I. A Key to Eucalypts in Britain and Ireland. HMSO 1983 ISBN 0-11-710192-3
A Forestry commission booklet giving details of the more common Eucalyptus species grown in Britain. Good identification guide.
[108] International Bee Research Association. Garden Plants Valuable to Bees. International Bee Research Association. 1981
The title says it all.
[109] Wilson. E. H. Plantae Wilsonae.
Details of the palnts collected by the plant collector E. H. Wilson on his travels in China. Gives some habitats. Not for the casual reader.
[110] Polhamus. L. G. Rubber: Botany, Cultivation and Utilization.
Mainly tropical plants with a small section on temperate plants for rubber.
[111] Sanders. T. W. Popular Hardy Perennials. Collingridge 1926
A fairly wide range of perennial plants that can be grown in Britain and how to grow them.
[112] Whiting. A. G. A Summary of the Literature on Milkweeds (Asclepias spp) and their utilization.
A technical paper covering the many uses of the genus Asclepias.
[113] Dirr. M. A. and Heuser. M. W. The Reference Manual of Woody Plant Propagation. Athens Ga. Varsity Press 1987 ISBN 0942375009
A very detailed book on propagating trees. Not for the casual reader.
[114] Chakravarty. H. L. The Plant Wealth of Iraq.
It is surprising how many of these plants can be grown in Britain. A very readable book on the useful plants of Iraq.
[115] Johnson. C. P. The Useful Plants of Great Britain.
Written about a hundred years ago, but still a very good guide to the useful plants of Britain.
[116] Brooklyn Botanic Garden Oriental Herbs and Vegetables, Vol 39 No. 2. Brooklyn Botanic Garden 1986
A small booklet packed with information.
[117] Rosengarten. jnr. F. The Book of Edible Nuts. Walker & Co. 1984 ISBN 0802707699
A very readable and comprehensive guide. Well illustrated.
[118] Gunther. E. Ethnobotany of Western Washington. University of Washington Press 1981 ISBN 0-295-95258-X
A small book, it is a good guide to useful plants in Western N. America.
[119] Roach. F. A. Cultivated Fruits of Britain. Oxford University Press 1985
[120] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 2. 1980 - 1981. Royal Horticultural Society 1980
Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants including Billardiera spp, Calochortus spp, Drimys spp.
[121] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 3. 1981 - 1982. Royal Horticultural Society 1981
Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants..
[122] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 1. 1979 - 1980. Royal Horticultural Society 1979
Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants. A good article on the flowering of bamboos.
[123] ? Encyclopaedia Britannica. 15th edition.
It contains a few things of interest to the plant project.
[124] RHS. The Garden. Volume 113. Royal Horticultural Society 1988
Snippets of information from the magazine of the RHS, including details on Podophyllum, Canna and Protea species.
[125] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 5. 1983 - 1984. Royal Horticultural Society 1983
Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants..
[126] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 6. 1984 - 1985. Royal Horticultural Society 1984
Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants including Actinidia and Wisteria species.
[127] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 7. 1985 - 1986. Royal Horticultural Society 1985
Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants..
[128] Laing. and Blackwell. Plants of New Zealand. Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd 1907
An old flora of New Zealand in a readable style. Some details of plant uses.
[129] ? Alpine Garden Society Bulletin. Volume 56. Alpine Garden Society
Excerpts from the periodical. Some details on Corydalis spp.
[130] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 4. 1982 - 1983. Royal Horticultural Society 1982
Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants, including Distylium racemosum and some perennial members of the family Berberidaceae.
[131] Warren-Wren. S. C. Willows. David and Charles 1972
A readable guide to the willows.
[132] Bianchini. F., Corbetta. F. and Pistoia. M. Fruits of the Earth.
Lovely pictures, a very readable book.
[133] Rice. G. (Editor) Growing from Seed. Volume 1. Thompson and Morgan. 1987
Very readable magazine with lots of information on propagation.
[134] Rice. G. (Editor) Growing from Seed. Volume 2. Thompson and Morgan. 1988
Very readable magazine with lots of information on propagation. An interesting article on Ensete ventricosum.
[135] ? The Plantsman. Vol.8. 1986 - 1987. Royal Horticultural Society 1986
Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants including some Cucurbitaceae.
[136] Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Kew Bulletin. 1909 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 1909
An interesting article on growing wild rice, Zizania aquatica and Z. latifolia.
[137] ? The Plantsman. Vol. 9. 1986 - 1987. Royal Horticultural Society 1986
Excerpts from the periodical giving cultivation details and other notes on some of the useful plants including Carya spp and Crocus sativus.
[138] Bird. R. (Editor) Growing from Seed. Volume 3. Thompson and Morgan. 1989
Very readable magazine with lots of information on propagation.
[139] ? Flora of Chile. (in Spanish)
Some information about the useful plants of Chile.
[140] Kamen. B. Siberian Ginseng.
Detailed information for the lay person on this medicinal plant that is so widely used in the Orient and Russia.
[141] Carruthers. S. P. (Editor) Alternative Enterprises for Agriculture in the UK. Centre for Agricultural Strategy, Univ. of Reading 1986 ISBN 0704909820
Some suggested alternative commercial crops for Britain. Readable. Produced by a University study group.
[142] Brouk. B. Plants Consumed by Man. Academic Press 1975 ISBN 0-12-136450-x
Readable but not very comprehensive.
[143] Woodcock. and Coutts. Lilies - Their Culture and Management. Country Life 1935
A classic, but dated. Deals with the genus Lilium.
[144] Cribb. A. B. and J. W. Wild Food in Australia. Fontana 1976 ISBN 0-00-634436-4
A very good pocket guide.
[145] Singh. Dr. G. and Kachroo. Prof. Dr. P. Forest Flora of Srinagar. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh 1976
A good flora of the western Himalayas but poorly illustrated. Some information on plant uses.
[146] Gamble. J. S. A Manual of Indian Timbers. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh 1972
Written last century, but still a classic, giving a lot of information on the uses and habitats of Indian trees. Not for the casual reader.
[147] ? A Barefoot Doctors Manual. Running Press ISBN 0-914294-92-X
A very readable herbal from China, combining some modern methods with traditional chinese methods.
[148] Niebuhr. A. D. Herbs of Greece. Herb Society of America. 1970
A pleasant little book about Greek herbs.
[149] Vines. R. A. Trees of Central Texas. University of Texas Press 1987 ISBN 0-292-78958-3
Fairly readable, it gives details of habitats and some of the uses of trees growing in Texas.
[150] Watson. W. C. R. Handbook of the Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland.
There are hundreds of slightly differing species of the common blackberry growing in Britain. This is a book for the dedicated.
[151] Wilson. E. H. and Trollope. M. N. Corean Flora. Royal Asiatic Society 1918
A very small handbook, it does give a little bit of information on Korean plants.
[152] Lassak. E. V. and McCarthy. T. Australian Medicinal Plants.
A very good and readable guide to the subject.
[153] Brooker. S. G., Cambie. R. C. and Cooper. R. C. Economic Native Plants of New Zealand. Oxford University Press 1991 ISBN 0-19-558229-2
An interesting and readable book on the useful plants of New Zealand.
[154] Ewart. A. J. Flora of Victoria.
A flora of eastern Australia, it is rather short on information that is useful to the plant project.
[155] Arnberger. L. P. Flowers of the Southwest Mountains. Southwestern Monuments Ass. 1968
A lovely little pocket guide to wild plants in the southern Rockies of America.
[156] Cribb. A. B. and J. W. Useful Wild Plants in Australia. William Collins Pty Ltd. Sidney 1981 ISBN 0-00-216441-8
A very readable book.
[157] Wrigley. J. W. and Fagg. M. Australian Native Plants. Collins. (Australia) 1988 ISBN 0-7322-0021-0
A lovely book, written in order to encourage Australian gardeners to grow their native plants. A little bit of information for the plant project.
[158] Gupta. B. L. Forest Flora of Chakrata, Dehra Dun and Saharanpur. Forest Research Institute Press 1945
A good flora for the middle Himalayan forests, sparsly illustrated. Not really for the casual reader.
[159] McPherson. A. and S. Wild Food Plants of Indiana. Indiana University Press 1977 ISBN 0-253-28925-4
A nice pocket guide to this region of America.
[160] Natural Food Institute, Wonder Crops. 1987.
Fascinating reading, this is an annual publication. Some reports do seem somewhat exaggerated though.
[161] Yanovsky. E. Food Plants of the N. American Indians. Publication no. 237. U.S. Depf of Agriculture.
A comprehensive but very terse guide. Not for the casual reader.
[162] Grounds. R. Ornamental Grasses. Christopher Helm 1989 ISBN 0-7470-1219-9
Cultivation details of many of the grasses and bamboos. Well illustrated.
[163] RHS Lily Group. Lilies and Related Plants.
Lots of interesting snippets about plants in the family Liliaceae (in the old, broad sense)
[164] Bird. R. (Editor) Growing from Seed. Volume 4. Thompson and Morgan. 1990
Very readable magazine with lots of information on propagation. A good article on Yuccas, one on Sagebrush (Artemesia spp) and another on Chaerophyllum bulbosum.
[165] Mills. S. Y. The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism.
An excellent small herbal.
[166] Taylor. J. The Milder Garden. Dent 1990
A good book on plants that you didn't know could be grown outdoors in Britain.
[167] Holliday. I. and Hill. R. A Field Guide to Australian Trees. Frederick Muller Ltd. 1974 ISBN 0-85179-627-3
A well illustrated and very readable book, but it does not contain much information for the plant project.
[168] Grae. I. Nature's Colors - Dyes from Plants. MacMillan Publishing Co. New York. 1974 ISBN 0-02-544950-8
A very good and readable book on dyeing.
[169] Buchanan. R. A Weavers Garden.
Covers all aspects of growing your own clothes, from fibre plants to dyes.
[170] Dremann. C. G. Ground Cherries, Husk Tomatoes and Tomatilloes. Redwood City Seed Co 1985 ISBN 0-933421-03-6
Only a small booklet but it covers the various species in some depth.
[171] Hill. A. F. Economic Botany. The Maple Press 1952
Not very comprehensive, but it is quite readable and goes into some a bit of detail about the plants it does cover.
[172] Schofield. J. J. Discovering Wild Plants - Alaska, W. Canada and the Northwest.
A nice guide to some useful plants in that area.
[173] Crowe. A. Native Edible Plants of New Zealand. Hodder and Stoughton 1990 ISBN 0-340-508302
A very well written and illustrated book based on the authors own experiments with living on a native diet.
[174] Kariyone. T. Atlas of Medicinal Plants.
A good Japanese herbal.
[175] Bird. R. (Editor) Focus on Plants. Volume 5. (formerly 'Growing from seed') Thompson and Morgan. 1991
Very readable magazine with lots of information on propagation. A good article on Corydalis spp.
[176] Yeung. Him-Che. Handbook of Chinese Herbs and Formulas. Institute of Chinese Medicine, Los Angeles 1985
An excellent Chinese herbal giving information on over 500 species. Rather technical and probably best suited to the more accomplished user of herbs.
[177] Kunkel. G. Plants for Human Consumption. Koeltz Scientific Books 1984 ISBN 3874292169
An excellent book for the dedicated. A comprehensive listing of latin names with a brief list of edible parts.
[178] Stuart. Rev. G. A. Chinese Materia Medica. Taipei. Southern Materials Centre
A translation of an ancient Chinese herbal. Fascinating.
[179] Reid. B. E. Famine Foods of the Chiu-Huang Pen-ts'ao. Taipei. Southern Materials Centre 1977
A translation of an ancient Chinese book on edible wild foods. Fascinating.
[180] Kunming Inst. of Botany. Yunnan Camellias of China.
Lots of information and good photos.
[181] Pesman. M. W. Meet Flora Mexicana. Dale S. King. Arizona. 1962
Very readable flora but rather lacking botanically. A few notes on useful plants.
[182] Thomas. G. S. Ornamental Shrubs, Climbers and Bamboos. Murray 1992 ISBN 0-7195-5043-2
Contains a wide range of plants with a brief description, mainly of their ornamental value but also usually of cultivation details and varieties.
[183] Facciola. S. Cornucopia - A Source Book of Edible Plants. Kampong Publications 1990 ISBN 0-9628087-0-9
Excellent. Contains a very wide range of conventional and unconventional food plants (including tropical) and where they can be obtained (mainly N. American nurseries but also research institutes and a lot of other nurseries from around the world.
[184] Phillips. R. & Rix. M. Shrubs. Pan Books 1989 ISBN 0-330-30258-2
Excellent photographs and a terse description of 1900 species and cultivars.
[185] Mitchell. A. F. Conifers in the British Isles. HMSO 1975 ISBN 0-11-710012-9
A bit out of date (first published in 1972), but an excellent guide to how well the various species of conifers grow in Britain giving locations of trees.
[186] Beckett. G. and K. Planting Native Trees and Shrubs. Jarrold 1979
An excellent guide to native British trees and shrubs with lots of details about the plants.
[187] Phillips. R. & Rix. M. Perennials Volumes 1 and 2. Pan Books 1991 ISBN 0-330-30936-9
Photographs of over 3,000 species and cultivars of ornamental plants together with brief cultivation notes, details of habitat etc.
[188] Brickell. C. The RHS Gardener's Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd. 1990 ISBN 0-86318-386-7
Excellent range of photographs, some cultivation details but very little information on plant uses.
[189] Bell. L. A. Plant Fibres for Papermaking. Liliaceae Press 1988
A good practical section on how to make paper on a small scale plus details of about 75 species (quite a few of them tropical) that can be used.
[190] Chatto. B. The Dry Garden. Dent 1982 ISBN 0460045512
A good list of drought resistant plants with details on how to grow them.
[191] Letter from Crarae Garden, March 1993. - 1993
A list Nothofagus species growing at Crarae Garden in Scotland.
[192] Emboden. W. Narcotic Plants Studio Vista 1979 ISBN 0-289-70864-8
A lot of details about the history, chemistry and use of narcotic plants, including hallucinogens, stimulants, inebriants and hypnotics.
[193] Low. T. Wild Food Plants of Australia. Angus and Robertson. 1989 ISBN 0-207-14383-8
Well presented, clear information and good photographs. An interesting read for the casual reader as well as the enthusiast
[194] Parmar. C. and Kaushal. M.K. Wild Fruits of the Sub-Himalayan Region. Kalyani Publishers. New Delhi. 1982
Contains lots of information on about 25 species of fruit-bearing plants of the Himalayas, not all of them suitable for cool temperate zones.
[195] Farrelly. D. The Book of Bamboo Sierra Club. 1984 ISBN 0-87156-825-X
Very readable, giving lots of information on the uses of bamboos, both temperate and tropical.
[196] Popenoe. H. et al Lost Crops of the Incas National Academy Press 1990 ISBN 0-309-04264-X
An excellent book. Very readable, with lots of information and good pictures of some lesser known food plants of S. America.
[197] Royal Horticultural Society. Ground Cover Plants. Cassells. 1989 ISBN 0-304-31089-1
A handy little booklet from the R.H.S.
[198] Li. H. L. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Volume 32. Arnold Arboretum. 1952
A monograph of the genus Actinidia.
[199] Newsholme. C. Willows - The Genus Salix. Batsford 1992 ISBN 0713468815
A very readable book on the genus.
[200] Huxley. A. The New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. 1992. MacMillan Press 1992 ISBN 0-333-47494-5
Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. Readable yet also very detailed.
[201] Allardice.P. A - Z of Companion Planting. Cassell Publishers Ltd. 1993 ISBN 0-304-34324-2
A well produced and very readable book.
[202] Davis. B. Climbers and Wall Shrubs. Viking. 1990 ISBN 0-670-82929-3
Contains information on 2,000 species and cultivars, giving details of cultivation requirements. The text is terse but informative.
[203] Davies. D. Alliums. The Ornamental Onions. Batsford 1992 ISBN 0-7134-7030-5
Covers about 200 species of Alliums. A very short section on their uses, good details of their cultivation needs.
[204] Livingstone. B. Flora of Canada National Museums of Canada 1978 ISBN 0-660-00025-3
In 4 volumes, it does not deal with plant uses but gives descriptions and habitats.
[205] Erhardt. W. Hemerocallis. Day Lilies. Batsford. 1992 ISBN 0-7134-7065-8
A comprehensive book on the species with a short section on their uses.
[206] Larkcom J. Oriental Vegetables John Murray 1991 ISBN 0-7195-4781-4
Well written and very informative.
[207] Coffey. T. The History and Folklore of North American Wild Flowers. Facts on File. 1993 ISBN 0-8160-2624-6
A nice read, lots of information on plant uses.
[208] Thomas. G. S. Plants for Ground Cover J. M. Dent & Sons 1990 ISBN 0-460-12609-1
An excellent detailled book on the subject, very comprehensive.
[209] Chancellor. P. M. Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies C. W. Daniel Co. Ltd. 1985 ISBN 85207 002 0
Details the 38 remedies plus how and where to prescribe them.
[210] Westwood. C. Aromatherapy - A guide for home use. Amberwood Publishing Ltd 1993 ISBN 0-9517723-0-9
An excellent little pocket guide. Very concise.
[211] Coventry. B. O. Wild Flowers of Kashmir Raithby, Lawrence and Co. 1923
A nice little pocket guide to 50 wildflowers of Kashmir. This is part one of three, we have not seen the other two volumes
[212] Craighead. J., Craighead. F. and Davis. R. A Field Guide to Rocky Mountain Wildflowers The Riverside Press 1963 ISBN 63-7093
Excellent little pocket guide to the area, covering 590 species and often giving details of their uses.
[213] Weiner. M. A. Earth Medicine, Earth Food. Ballantine Books 1980 ISBN 0-449-90589-6
A nice book to read though it is difficult to look up individual plants since the book is divided into separate sections dealing with the different medicinal uses plus a section on edible plants. Common names are used instead of botanical.
[214] Matthews. V. The New Plantsman. Volume 1, 1994. Royal Horticultural Society 1994 ISBN 1352-4186
A quarterly magazine, it has articles on Himalayacalamus hookerianus, hardy Euphorbias and an excellent article on Hippophae spp.
[215] BBC The Natural History Programme 16th September 1994. BBC 1994
A report on the Natural History radio 4 programme about the value of Japanese knot weed to British wildlife.
[216] Whiting. A. F. Ethnobotany of the Hopi North Arizona Society of Science and Art 1939
A very good guide the the plant uses of the N. American Hopi Indians.
[217] Les Ecologistes de l'Euzière Les Salades Sauvages Not given. 1994 ISBN 2-906128-04-X
A lovely little book about some wild salads in France. Written in French.
[218] Duke. J. A. and Ayensu. E. S. Medicinal Plants of China Reference Publications, Inc. 1985 ISBN 0-917256-20-4
Details of over 1,200 medicinal plants of China and brief details of their uses. Often includes an analysis, or at least a list of constituents. Heavy going if you are not into the subject.
[219] Grey-Wilson. C. & Matthews. V. Gardening on Walls Collins 1983 ISBN 0-00-219220-0
A nice little book about plants for growing against walls and a small section on plants that can grow in walls.
[220] Stapleton. C. Bamboos of Nepal The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 1994 ISBN 0947643680
An excelllent little booklet that looks in some detail at the native bamboos of Nepal, including looking at their uses.
[221] Crook. H. Clifford. Campanulas - their cultivation and classification. Country Life 1951
The most comprehensive treatment of the genus yet written (2002).
[222] Foster. S. & Duke. J. A. A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants. Eastern and Central N. America. Houghton Mifflin Co. 1990 ISBN 0395467225
A concise book dealing with almost 500 species. A line drawing of each plant is included plus colour photographs of about 100 species. Very good as a field guide, it only gives brief details about the plants medicinal properties.
[223] Rottsieper. E.H.W. Vegetable Tannins The Forestal Land, Timber and Railways Co. Ltd. 1946
A fairly detailed treatise on the major sources of vegetable tannins.
[224] Bartram. T. Agnus Castus -
A leaflet that summarizes the medicinal virtues of Vitex agnus-castus.
[225] Knees. S. The New Plantsman. Volume 2, 1995. Royal Horticultural Society 1995 ISBN 1352-4186
A quarterly magazine, it has articles on Coprosma species,
[226] Lauriault. J. Identification Guide to the Trees of Canada Fitzhenry and Whiteside, Ontario. 1989 ISBN 0889025649
Very good on identification for non-experts, the book also has a lot of information on plant uses.
[227] Vines. R.A. Trees of North Texas University of Texas Press. 1982 ISBN 0292780206
A readable guide to the area, it contains descriptions of the plants and their habitats with quite a bit of information on plant uses.
[228] McGregor. R. L. & Barkley. T. M. Flora of the Great Plains. University Press of Kansas. 1986 ISBN 070060295x
A useful source of habitats.
[229] Elias. T. The Complete Trees of N. America. Field Guide and Natural History. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. 1980 ISBN 0442238622
A very good concise guide. Gives habitats, good descriptions, maps showing distribution and a few of the uses. It also includes the many shrubs that occasionally reach tree proportions.
[230] Cribb. P. & Bailes. C. Hardy Orchids. Orchids for the Garden and Frost-free Greenhouse. Christopher Helm. London. 1989 ISBN 0 7470 0416 1
An excellent book looking at the orchids that can be grown outdoors in temperate climates and giving lots of information on how to grow them. Very lttle information on their uses.
[231] McMillan-Browse. P. Palms for Cooler Climates. Trebah Enterprises. 1993 ISBN 0 9521952 0 8
An excellent little booklet on the subject, though it does not mention many plant uses.
[232] Castro. M. The Complete Homeopathy Handbook. Macmillan. London. 1990 ISBN 0-333-55581-3
A concise beginner's guide to the subject. Very readable.
[233] Thomas. G. S. Perennial Garden Plants J. M. Dent & Sons, London. 1990 ISBN 0 460 86048 8
A concise guide to a wide range of perennials. Lots of cultivation guides, very little on plant uses.
[234] - Radio 4 Farming Programme, 25/08/95. - 1995
An article on the potential of Coriandrum sativum as an oil crop.
[235] Britton. N. L. Brown. A. An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States and Canada Dover Publications. New York. 1970 ISBN 0-486-22642-5
Reprint of a 1913 Flora, but still a very useful book.
[236] Hitchcock. A. S. Manual of the Grasses of the United States Dover Publications. New York. 1971 ISBN 0-486-22717-0
A nice and comprehensive flora, though a bit dated. Good line drawings of each plant, plus a brief idea of the habitat and a few notes on plant uses. Not for the casual reader.
[237] Hobbs. C. Ginkgo. Elixir of Youth. Botanica Press, California. 1994 ISBN 0-9618470-3-4
Looks in detail at the medicinal virtues and also mentions some of the plants other uses. The information on traditional Chinese use and modern herbal use of the plant is backed up by an extensive bibliography.
[238] Bown. D. Encyclopaedia of Herbs and their Uses. Dorling Kindersley, London. 1995 ISBN 0-7513-020-31
A very well presented and informative book on herbs from around the globe. Plenty in it for both the casual reader and the serious student. Just one main quibble is the silly way of having two separate entries for each plant.
[239] Kohlein. F. Gentians. Christopher Helm. London. 1991 ISBN 0-88192-192-0
A nice readable book, giving details of habitats and cultural needs of all the members of this genus, with brief notes on other members of the family.
[240] Chopra. R. N., Nayar. S. L. and Chopra. I. C. Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants (Including the Supplement). Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi. 1986
Very terse details of medicinal uses of plants with a wide range of references and details of research into the plants chemistry. Not for the casual reader.
[241] Tsarong. Tsewang. J. Tibetan Medicinal Plants Tibetan Medical Publications, India 1994 ISBN 81-900489-0-2
A nice little pocket guide to the subject with photographs of 95 species and brief comments on their uses.
[242] Davies. P. Correspondence from Allium NCCPG collection 1997
Letter dated 21/01/97, giving additional information on Alium species.
[243] Medicinal Plants of Nepal Dept. of Medicinal Plants. Nepal. 1993
Terse details of the medicinal properties of Nepalese plants, including cultivated species and a few imported herbs.
[244] Phillips. R. & Foy. N. Herbs Pan Books Ltd. London. 1990 ISBN 0-330-30725-8
Deals with all types of herbs including medicinal, culinary, scented and dye plants. Excellent photographs with quite good information on each plant.
[245] Genders. R. Scented Flora of the World. Robert Hale. London. 1994 ISBN 0-7090-5440-8
An excellent, comprehensive book on scented plants giving a few other plant uses and brief cultivation details. There are no illustrations.
[246] Radio 4 AM - 1997
A news item on the Radio 4 morning news programme 'AM', 15/10/97.
[247] Knees. S. The New Plantsman. Volume 4. Royal Horticultural Society, London 1997 ISBN 1352-4186
A few articles of interest, especially Berberdopsis corallina and Tropaeolum species.
[248] Anderson. A. New Scientist IPC Magazines Ltd, London 1997 ISBN 0262-4079
A short item on a couple of soil reclamation plants, Atropa belladonna and Solanum nigrum
[249] Valder. P. Wisterias: a comprehensive guide. Florilegium. Australia. 1995 ISBN 0-646-22049-7
Excellent information and photographs of this genus with a little bit about their uses.
[250] Page. M. The Gardener's Guide to Growing Peonies. David & Charles. Newton Abbot. 1997 ISBN 0 7153 0531 X
A nice little book on the genus, giving information on their cultivation and a little info on plant uses.
[251] Grenfell. Diana The Gardener's Guide to Growing Hostas David &Charles 1996 ISBN 0-7153-0431-3
Excellent cover of the genus, though it concentrates mainly on the cultivars and does not go much into plant uses.
[252] - Scientific American August 1998 Scientific American Inc. New York 1998 ISBN 0036-8733
An interesting article on the use of halophytes as commercial food crops in dessert areas near the sea. Unfortunately lacking in detail of species used and also judges the plant's value as livestock feed rather than direct human food.
[253] Hodgson I. (Editor) The Garden Volume 123 Royal Horticultural Society 1998 ISBN 0308-5457
Articles on Fuchsia species, cultivars of Blackberries.
[254] Chevallier. A. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants Dorling Kindersley. London 1996 ISBN 9-780751-303148
An excellent guide to over 500 of the more well known medicinal herbs from around the world.
[255] Solgar Vitamins Solgar New Product Information - Rhodiola Vegicaps. Solgar Vitamins, Tring, Herts. 1998
Information sheet from Solgar Vitamins, looking at the herbal use of Rhodiola rosea.
[256] Turner. N. J. Food Plants of Coastal First Peoples UBC Press. Vancouver. 1995 ISBN 0-7748-0533-1
Excellent little handbook about the native food plants of Western Canada. Good descriptions of the plants and their uses with colour photos of most plants.
[257] Moerman. D. Native American Ethnobotany Timber Press. Oregon. 1998 ISBN 0-88192-453-9
Very comprehensive but terse guide to the native uses of plants. Excellent bibliography, fully referenced to each plant, giving a pathway to further information. Not for the casual reader.
[258] RHS. Wisley, Surrey. The Garden. Volume 124. 1999. RHS. Wisley, Surrey. 1999 ISBN 0308 5457
The monthly newsletter of the RHS, contains articles on Erythroniums.
[259] Wolverton. B. C. Eco-Friendly House Plants. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. London. 1996 ISBN 0-297-83484-3
Excellent guide to pollution in the home and those plants that can help to remove the problem. Most of the plants are not hardy outdoors in the temperate zone, though a number of species can be grown outside.
[260] Phillips. R. & Rix. M. Conservatory and Indoor Plants Volumes 1 & 2 Pan Books, London. 1998 ISBN 0-330-37376-5
Excellent photos of over 1,100 species and cultivars with habits and cultivation details plus a few plant uses. Many species are too tender for outdoors in Britain though there are many that can be grown outside.
[261] Yakovlev. G. Sytin. A. & Roskov. Yu. Legumes of Northern Eurasia Royal Botanic gardens, Kew. 1996 ISBN 0-947643-97-4
For the academic only, a list of species growing in N. Eurasia with terse details on habitat, range, uses etc.
[262] Vanderplank. J. Passion Flowers Cassell. London. 1991 ISBN 0-304-34076-6
An excellent book on passion flowers, giving information on hardy species and how to grow the less hardy in greenhouses etc. A bit lacking at times on specific information on hardyness. Excellent photographs.
[263] Raintree Nutrition Inc. Maca.htm 1999
Web site giving lots of info on Lepidium meyenii.
[264] Phillips. R. & Rix. M. Vegetables Macmillan Reference Books, London. 1995 ISBN 0 333 62640 0
Excellent and easily read book with good information and an excellent collection of photos of vegetables from around the world, including many unusual species.
[265] Carolin. R. & Tindale. M. Flora of the Sydney Region Reed. Australia. 1993 ISBN 0730104001
Concise flora with little beyond an extensive key, species descriptions, very brief habitat description.
[266] Flora of China 1994
On-line version of the Flora - an excellent resource giving basic info on habitat and some uses.
[267] Stapleton. C. Bamboos of Bhutan Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 1994 ISBN 0-947643-67-2
Excellent little booklet about the bamboos growing wild and cultivated for food, raw materials etc in Bhutan. Very good guide to identification.
[268] Stuart. M. (Editor) The Encyclopedia of Herbs and Herbalism Orbis Publishing. London. 1979 ISBN 0-85613-067-2
Excellent herbal with good concise information on over 400 herbs.
[269] Duke. J. Handbook of Energy Crops - 1983
Published only on the Internet, excellent information on a wide range of plants.
[270] Flora of N. America 0
An on-line version of the flora with an excellent description of the plant including a brief mention of plant uses.
[271] Lewis. P. & Lynch. M. Campanulas - A Gardener's Guide. B. T. Batsford. London. 1998 ISBN 0-7134-8266-4
Very readable account of almost 150 members of the genus, together with their hybrids and cultivars, that are more commonly grown in gardens. Excellent photographs of many of the species.
[272] Manandhar. N. P. Plants and People of Nepal Timber Press. Oregon. 2002 ISBN 0-88192-527-6
Excellent book, covering over 1,500 species of useful plants from Nepal together with information on the geography and peoples of Nepal. Good descriptions of the plants with terse notes on their uses.
[273] Grey-Wilson. C. Clematis - The Genus B. T. Batsford. London. 2000 ISBN 0-7134-7659-1
An excellent and well illustrated concise guide to all the known specis of Clematis.
[274] Diggs, Jnr. G.M.; Lipscomb. B. L. & O'Kennon. R. J Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas Botanical Research Institute, Texas. 1999 ISBN 1-889878-01-4
An excellent flora, which is also available on-line.
[275] Flora of Japan 0
An on-line version of the flora - an excellent resource.
[276] Flora of California 0
An on-line database of the Californian flora, giving details on plant habitats and photos of the plants.
[277] Plants Database United States Department of Agriculture 0
An online database with an excellent collection of fact sheets about native N. American plants.
[278] Lister. P. Wattleseed 0
A very interesting article on the internet about the Aboriginal uses of the Genus Acacia in Australia.
[279] Medicinal Plants in the Republic of Korea World Health Organisation, Manila 1998 ISBN 92 9061 120 0
An excellent book with terse details about the medicinal uses of the plants with references to scientific trials. All plants are described, illustrated and brief details of habitats given.
[280] The Genus Epimedium and other Herbaceous Berberidaceae Stearn. W. T.
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Year: 2002
ISBN 1 84246 039 0
An excellent book covering all the herbaceous members of the Berberidaceae. Gives cultivation details as well as detailed botanical descriptions. Very well illustrated with photographs, paintings and line drawings.
[281] Correspondence from Ivan Viehoff
Viehoff. I.
Year: 2003
Information regarding Azorella diapensioides.
[282] The Color Encyclopedia of Cape Bulbs
Manning. J. Goldblatt. P. & Snijman. D.
Timber Press, Oregon. Year
2002 ISBN
0-88192-547-0 Description
Excellent treatment of these plants, with good descriptions, habitat etc. Lots of high quality colour photographs.
[283] Medicinal Plants in Vietnam
Nguyen Van Dan & Doan Thi Nhu
World Health Organisation Year
1989 ISBN
92 9061 101 4 Description
An excellent book, giving information on over 200 plants, their medicinal compounds and applications.
[284] Cucurbitaceae Website
An excellent site with a wide range of information and some excellent pictures of plants in this family.
[285] Florabase
An excellent on-line database of Western Australian plants
[ 286 ] Flora of Australia
The full information from the Flora of Australia - on-line. An excellent resource.
[287] Flora of Pakistan
As of 2006, there is not much information on habitats available, but it is being developed and promises to be an excellent resource.
[288] Flora of Israel
A good online flora with habitats and photos.
[289] The National Non-Food Crops Centre Crop Database
An excellent on-line information source, with information on over 100 species (as of 2006) of plants being investigated as bio-crops.
[290] Trees for Survival
An excellent site, giving fairly comprehensive information on a small number of native New Zealand trees.
[291] AAPS PharmSciTech 2006; 7 (1) Article 2
F. Lai, S. A. Wissing,R. H. Müller & A. M. Fadda. Website
2006 ISBN
A technical report on using the essential oil with solid lipid nanoparticles as an insecticide.
[292] People Plants Database
An online database of New Zealand plants and their Maori names and uses. An excellent information source.
[293] Poisonous Plants of North Carolina
An excellent concise but comprehensive guide to toxic plants that grow in N. Carolina. It lists even those plants that are of very low toxicity, including several well-known food plants such as carrots and potatoes.
[294] Ornamental Plants From Russia
Brief information on ornamental plants found growing wild in Russia, often including the habitat.
An excellent site giving detailed descriptions and uses of many S. African plants.
[296] Tropical Food Gardens
Author: Norrington. L.
Publisher: Bloomings Books (Melbourne)
Year: 2001
ISBN: 1-876473-41-x
Excellent little book giving some basic information on a range of plants.
[297] Palms of the World
Author: Blombery. A. & Rodd. T.
Publisher: Angus and Robertson
Year: 1992
ISBN: 0-207-14848-1
An excellent guide, well illustrated, with information on cultivation, uses, habitat etc of almost 200 species of Palms.
[298] Edible Leaves of the Tropics
Author: Martin. F. W.; Ruberte. R. M. & Meitzner. L. S.
Publisher: Echo. USA.
Year: 1998
ISBN: 0-9653360-1-8
A terse guide, giving reasonable detail on the more common leaf crops and brief information on a wide range of lesser known plants.
[299] Protabase - Plant Resources of Tropical Africa.
An excellent on-line database with detailed information on over 3,200 species of useful plants of Africa.
[300] Vegetables in the Tropics
Author: Tindall. H. D.
Publisher: MacMillan, Oxford.
Year: 1983
ISBN: 0-333-24268-8
An excellent, in-depth look at the main vegetable crops that can be grown in the Tropics, plus many less well-known plants.
[301] Cornucopia II
Author:Facciola. S.
Publisher:Kampong Publications, California.
Year: 1998
ISBN: 0-9628087-2-5
The second edition of an excellent guide to the edible uses of plants, though it does not give any details of cultivation etc.
[301b] Traditional Herbal Medicines Karalliedde. L. and Gawarammana. I. A guide to the safer use of herbal medicines. Hammersmith Press, London 2008 978-1-905140-04-6
[302] Tropical Ornamentals; A Guide
Whistler. W. Arthur.
Publisher: Timber Press Inc. Oregon.
Year: 2000
An excellent little guide to some of the more commonly cultivated ornamental plants of the Tropics, often giving some information on the plants other uses.
[302b] Commission E From Wikipedia
[303] World Agroforesty Centre
An excellent online database of a huge range of trees giving very good information on each plant - its uses, ecology, identity, propagation, pests etc.
[303b] PDR for Herbal Medicines PDR (Physicians' Desk Reference)
Staff Fourth Edition Thomson 2007 1563636786
[304] Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants
Kapoor. L. D.
Publisher: CRC Press, Florida.
Year: 2001
ISBN: 0-8493-2929-9
A very detailed book on some of the key Ayurvedic herbs, giving both technical and non-technical information on each plant. The whole is very well referenced.
[304b] PFAF Database User Comments Users These comments are made by website users and not verified.
[305] Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk
A very good website detailing weed species that have been introduced into the Pacific Islands.
[305b] Natural Medicines Comprehensive
Database Paid natural medical database
[306] Under-Utilized Tropical Fruits of Thailand. RAP Publication 2001/26
Author: Suranant Subhadrabandhu
Publisher: F. A. O., The United Nations, Bangkok.
Year: 2001
A detailed report on 35 fruit species that could have potential for increased production in Thailand.
[307] Tropical and Subtropical Trees - A Worldwide Encyclopaedic Guide.
Author:Barwick. M.
Publisher: Thames & Hudson, London
Year: 2004
ISBN: 0-500-51181-0
A superb book, very concise and well written, giving a wealth of information on 400 or more species including descriptions, habitat, cultivation details and plant uses. A wealth of colour photographs bring each plant vividly to life.
[306b] Edible Forest Gardens: Vision and Theory v1 David Jacke Chelsea Green 2005
[307b] Edible Forest Gardens: Design and Practice v2 David Jacke Chelsea Green 2006
[308] Flora Zambesiaca
An excellent online flora of plants from the Zambezi River basin. It lists a number of the plant uses as well as the habitats and botanical descriptions of the plants.
[309 - Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida
University of Florida Year
PDF fact sheets on over 500 shrubs.
[310 - Plant Resources of Southeast Asia
[311 - Medicinal Plants in the South Pacific
WHO Regional Publications, Manilla. 1998
ISBN: 92-9061-118-9
[312 - Traditional Trees of Pacific Islands
Elevitch. Craig. R. (Editor)
Permanent Agriculture Resources, Hawaii. 2006
ISBN: 0970254458
[313 - International Legume Database & Information Service
A valuable web-based database of legumes. Gives accurate botanical names, brief details of range and habitat, plus links for more information.
[314 - Palm and Cycad Societies of Australia.
Contains at least a little information on the majority of palm and cycad species, plus a wealth of photographs. A first class website.
[315 - Flora of Barro Colorado Island
Croat. Thomas B. Website
Stanford University Press Year
1978 ISBN
0-8047-0950-5 Description
A very good flora of an area in Panama. Written some years ago, so some of the names have been changed. The book is out of print, but the whole flora is now available on the web.
[316 - Tropical Timbers of the World. Ag. Handbook No. 607.
Chudnoff. Martin.
USDA Forest Service. Wisconsin. 1984
Description: Terse details on the properties of the wood of almost 400 species of trees from the Tropics.
[317 - Mansfeld's Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Plants
Terse details of a huge range of useful plants.
[318 - Raintree Nutrition - Tropical Plant Database
Detailed information on the medicinal uses of more than two hundred rainforest plants, mainly from S. America, with basic descriptions of the plants, their other uses etc.
[318-1 Natural Capital™ Plant Database
A repository of temperate climate plant information for ecological design.
[319 - University of California Riverside. Citrus Variety Collection
A series of fact sheets about various Citrus species and related species, plus varieties. Good photographs, some helpful information on uses.
[320 - Trees Commonly Cultivated in SE Asia
Jensen. M.
FAO Regional Office, Bangkok. 1999
ISBN 974-89377-5-5
[321 - Lost Crops of Africa. Vol. 1 Grains.
National Academy Press. 1996
ISBN 0-309-04990-3
Masses of information on about 70 species of plants that have been utilized for their edible seeds in Africa.
[322 - Lost Crops of Africa. Vol. 2 Vegetables.
National Academy Press. 2006
ISBN 0309103339
Masses of information on about 70 species of plants that have been utilized as vegetables in Africa.
[323 - Lost Crops of Africa. Vol. 3 Fruits.
National Academy Press. 2008
ISBN 030910596X
Masses of information on about 70 species of plants that have been utilized as fruits in Africa.
[324 - Edible Nuts.
Non-Wood Forest Products, Handbook 5
Wickens G.E. Website
FAO, Rome. Year
1995 ISBN
92-5-103748-5 Description
Detailed information on 20 of the most valuable nut crops, plus more basic information on a wide range of other nut-producing plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[325 - Seed Leaflets
Various Website{D28373CC-6EF3-4EF8-B097-6D83FABF209E}&serieid={9F1C3DB1-6E7B-4CF1-AF53-F480B0CB40EF}&sort=title
Forest & Landscape. Denmark Year
A series of leaflets, jointly produced by the University of Copenhagen and the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, focussing on seed information for a number species, but also giving a lot of other information about each plant.
[326 - Flora of Zimbabwe
Over 2,000 species as of 2009 (and growing). Each record usually has at least one photo with a botanical description of the plant, range, habitat etc. A very useful site.
[327 - Euphorbiaceae of Malesia
An online resource that is still being developed, it gives detailed botanical descriptions of plants in the family Euphorbiaceae found growing in Malesia (the region from Peninsual Malaysia through Indonesia, the Philippines).
[328 - African Flowering Plants Database
Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques. Year
Contains information on over 150,000 plant names (including synonyms) giving a description and habitat, plus a distribution map.
[329 - The Gymnosperm Database
A vast amount of information on conifers and families of gymnosperms.
[330 - ChileFlora
Not realy a flora, but a lovely site with lots of helpful information for the gardener and an abundance of excellent photos covering over 2,000 species of Chilean plants.
[331 - Flora of Guatemala
Standley P.C. & J. A. Steyermark Website
1946 - 1976 ISBN
A superb reference, though somewhat dated. Gives lots of plant uses as well as information on plant habit and habitat. The entire flora (13 volumes) can now be downloaded from
[332 - The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
Burkil. H. M.
Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew. 1985 - 2004
Brief descriptions and details of the uses of over 4,000 plants. A superb, if terse, resource, it is also available electronically on the Web - see
[333 - Tree Species of Panama
Factsheets on all the tree and shrub species of Panama, giving identification guide, brief guide to the species and some uses. A vast, but rather incomplete work as of 15/07/09.
[334 - Flora of Peninsula Malaysia
In the process of being assembled (15/07/09), it is currently a series of check sheets giving species name, brief description, habitat and high quality photos of the plants.
[335 - Perennial Edible Fruits of the Tropics : an Inventory
Martin, F. W.; Campbell, C. W.; Rubertbe, R. M.
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service 1987
[336 - Fruits of Warm Climates
Morton. J.
Florida Flair books, Florida. 1987
ISBN: 0961018410
[337 - Tropical Tree Seed Manual
Vosso. J. Editor. Website
USDA Forest Service. Year
2002 ISBN
An extremely good guide, it can also be downloaded in its entirety from the address shown above.
[338 - IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
A list of plants under threat and facing possible extinction, usually with brief details of the threats and information on habitat.
[339 - Agroforestry in the Pacific Islands: Systems for Sustainability
W.C. Clarke and R.R. Thaman (Editors) Website
United Nations University Press, Tokyo Year
1993 ISBN
92-808-0824-9 Description
The guide includes information on 100 species of plants for Agroforestry. It is also available on the web at the address given above.
[340 - Iracambi Medicinal Plants
Gallia. E. Website
2003 ISBN
Basic iInformation on 14 plants of the Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil.
[343 - Growing Native Plants
A series of articles giving details of cultivation and matters of general interest (including a few plant uses) on over 250 Australian plants.
[344 - Boda Grass - Expression of Interest
2009 ISBN
An internet page from the Forest Depf of the Government of Andhra Pradesh, inviting tenders for utilizing Cymbopogon coloratus as a source of essential oil, fibre for paper making and biomass.
[347 - Tropical Palms
Non-Wood Forest Products No. 10
Johnson D.V. Website
FAO, Rome Year
2011 ISBN
978-92-5-106742-0 Description
A terse guide to some of the uses of palms. Also available for download from the web. (Search for "FAO Tropical Palms")
[348 - Medicinal Plants of the Guianas
DeFilipps, R. A.; Maina, S. L.; & Crepin, J. Website
Smithsonian Museum Year
A down-loadable PDF document of a book in pre- awaiting illustration. An excellent, if rather terse, guide to the traditional medicinal uses of the plants of the region
[349 - Global Tree Campaign - 40 Species in Trade
Information on the habitats, uses and some cultivation notes for 40 species of timber trees.
[350 - National Tropical Botanical Garden
General information on almost 400 species, with descriptions, habitats and some uses.
[352 - KemperCentreForHomeGardeningPlantFinder
Missouri Botanical Garden Year
Basic cultivation details, plant uses, habitat etc for several thousand species of plants, mainly from the temperate zone.
[353 - Hawaii's Species of Greatest Conservation Need
A series of fact sheets produced by the state Government of Hawaii giving information on some of the most endangered species on the Islands.
[354 - Plants of Guam
Moore P.H. & McMakin P. Website
University of Guam. Year
1979 ISBN
Brief details, usually with a photo, of plants native to the island of Guam, often together with some information on their uses. An online version is available.
[355 - Rainforest Conservation Fund
Terse details on usage and Agroforestry notes, coupled with some good photos.
[357 - Medicinal Plants of Kadazandusun, Malaysia.
Julius Kulip; Sining Unchi; George Majawat. Website
Forestry Research Centre, Sabah Year
A report from the Forestry Research Centre at Sabah, listing the plants that are used medicinally by local peoples. Very brief list of Botanical names and uses. Also published on the internet.
[358 - Online Guide to Chek Jawa
Brief fact sheets on some of the plants growing in the Mangrove swamps and along the adjoining shore line.
[359 - Trees of Sungai Wain
An excellent site with factsheets on almost 1,000 species of forest trees growing at Sungai Wain in Indonesia. Each factsheet has good quality pictures plus basic information on the ecology and uses of the plants.
[360 - Philippine Medicinal Plants
A lovely site, giving brief details on the medicinal uses of several hundred (over 400 at the last count) plants in the Philippines, plus a picture of each plant.
[361 - Bamboos of India: A Compendium
Seethalakshmi K.K., Muktesh Kumar M.S. Website
Brill. Year
2002 ISBN
8186247254 Description
A very good book giving botanical descriptions of the plants with brief notes on subjects such as uses, habitat and range. It is also available to view on the Internet.
[362 - Dominica Botanic Gardens
An on-line resource, providing top quality pictures and some basic information on various plants being grown at the Botanic Gardens, often including uses and habitat.
[363 - Technical Information on 134 Species of Bolivian Woods
USDA Forest Service -- Forest Products Lab Website
USDA Forest Service Year
A PDF file, available for download. Exactly what the title says, brief and to the point.
[364 - Field Guide to the Moist Forest Trees of Tanzania.
Lovett J.C.; Ruffo C.K.; Gereau R.E.; Taplin J.R.D Website
Frontier Year
1-873070-33-0 Description
A lovely little book giving a basic identification guide to more than 650 species of trees growing in Tanzania. It is also available to view on the internet.
[365 - Flora of New South Wales
An on-line resource giving a brief botanical description of all the native plants of New South Wales, their habitat and range, together with diagrams and photographs of the plants.
[366 - The Botany of Citrus and Its Wild Relatives
Swingle. W.T. Website
An on-line document giving lots of information about Citrus species and their relatives. A bit dated, but still an incredibly detailed work.
[368-1 Missouri Botanical Garden Website
Missouri Botanical Garden
[368 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Volume 30
Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis. Year
1943 ISBN
Contains parts of the Flora of Panama.This, and other volumes of the series, are available for download from the Internet.
[369 - Flora of Costa Rica
Standley P.C. Website
Field Museum of Natural History; Chicago Year
1938 ISBN
Rather dated, but an excellent treatment of the area. Available for download from the internet.
[370 - Minor Oil Crops
Axtell. B.L.; Fairman. R.M. Website
FAO; Rome. Year
1992 ISBN
92-5-103128-2 Description
A well-written small guide that includes information on over 20 species. Also available for download from the internet.
[371 - Oil Yielding Plants
Botanical Survey of India. Year
2004 ISBN
A PDF downloaded from the Internet. Very terse details about the applications of oil obtained from over 300 species of plants.
[372 - Flowers of India
Good quality photos and terse details on almost 2,000 species and cultivars.
[373 - The Essential Oil of Dipterocarpus Kerrii
Ibrahim Bin Jantan Website
Forest Research Institute; Malaysia, Kepong. Year
1988 ISBN
A PDF document, downloaded from the internet. An analysis of the essential oil and some notes on traditional uses.
[374 - Contact-Poisonous Plants of the World
Rohde. M. Website
2006 ISBN
A document on the internet. Gives brief information on about 35 species of plants that can cause severe problems from a single contact with the skin.
[375 - Grassland Species - Profiles
Terse information on over 650 species of plants that grow in grassland, including trees, shrubs and perennial plants as well as grasses. Gives a brief description of the plant, its range and habitat and some of its uses.
[376 - Neotropical Blueberries - The Plant Family Ericaceae
Luteyn. J.L. & Pedraza-Peñalosa. P. Website
A very comprehensive on-line guide to the Ericaceae of tropical America, giving full botanical descriptions, often with details of plant uses.
[377 - Trade Winds Fruit
The on-line catalogue of a company selling seeds. Gives descriptions, photos and uses of a very wide range of fruit and other food-producing plants plus ornamentals.
[379 - Silvics of North America. Agricultural Handbook No. 654.
Burns. R.M. & Honkala. B.H. Website
USDA Forest Service; Washington DC. Year
1990 ISBN
A very comprehensice guide to about 200 species of timber trees of N. America, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Mainly temperate species, plus a number of tropical species. It is downloadable from the Internet.
[381 - Timber Trees of Meso America.
2005 ISBN
A PDF document, published on the internet. Detailed reports on about 30 species of timber trees from Central America.
[384 - Strategies for the Sustaibable Use and Management of Timber Trees - SE Asia.
UNEP; Cambridge, UK. Year
2007 ISBN
A draft document in PDF format, available on the Internet. It gives brief details on habitat, uses etc of over 100 species of trees from SE Aia.
[385 - Bihrmann's Caudiciforms
An internet site giving information on caudiciform plants (plants with swollen stem bases such as the Baobab tree, cycads and many succulents). Excellent photos, usually of cultivated plants in pots.
[386 - Forest Stewardship Council.
The site contains information on the properties of some less well-known tropical timbers. The Forest Stewardship Council works actively to protect tropical forests by encouraging sustainable harvesting of the trees.
[388 - Guide to the Trees of Papua New Guinea
Conn. B.J. & Damas. K.Q. Website
An Internet site giving good descriptions of the trees of Papua New Guinea.
[391 - African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 6 (22)
Adesokan. A.A., Akanji. M.A. & Yakubu. M.T. Website
Academic Journals Year
2007 ISBN
A research paper on the efficacy of the bark extract of Annickia chlorantha (named Enantia chlorantha in the paper) as an antimicrobial.
[393 - Flora and Fauna of Africa
Contains photos and basic information on the plant and its uses. So far just over 70 species appear on the site, though they say that it is a work in progress.
[394 - Flora Capensis
Hiern. W.P.; Brown N.E. Website
1909 ISBN
Rather dated, and many of the botanical names have been changed since it was written, but contains a wealth of information about plants of southern Africa. It can be downloaded or viewed online.
[395 - Pharmaceutical monographs for 60 South African plant species
Scott, G. and Springfield, E.P. Website
2004 ISBN
A series of 60 monographs of S. African medicinal plants. Well written, with information on traditional uses and modern research into the plants.
[397 - Australian Native Plants Society
A series of fact sheets on Australian plants. Good photographs, brief description and information on uses, habitat, range, cultivation etc.
[399 - Hawaiian Native Plant Propagation Database
Detailed information on the propagation of a wide range of Hawaiian plants.
[400 - Hawaii Biodiversity and Mapping Programme
A series of fact sheets on some of the more threatened species of plant and animal life on the islands of Hawaii. Over 1,300 soecies, about half of which are plants!
[401 - Non-wood Forest Products of Central Africa.
Sunderland. T.; Clark. L. & Vantomme. P. Website
FAO; Rome. Year
1999 ISBN
Papers from a workshop organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Downloadable from the FAO website.
[402 - Contribution to an evaluation of tree species using the new CITES Listing Criteria
UNEP-WCMC; Cambridge. Year
1999 ISBN
A document produced by UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre in 1999. It contains fact sheets on more than 200 tree species from around the globe.
[404 - Digital Compendium of Forestry Species of Cambodia
Website; Phnom Penh Year
2008 ISBN
A very detailed booklet, produced in PDF format on the internet, giving information on around 100 species of trees.
[406 - Pharmacognosy Magazine Vol. 4 Issue 16
Dayananda. P.D.: Yapa. W.B.; Ratnasoorya. W.D. Website
Phcog.Net Year
2008 ISBN
Articles on the medicinal properties of plants.
[407 - BoDD (Botanical Dermatology Database)
Brief notes on a very wide range of plants that have reports of causing harm to the skin.
[413 - Global Invasive Species Database
Very detailed information on almost 400 species (with more being added) of plants that have become weeds in areas outside their native range.
[414 - Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Network
A series of in-depth factsheets on a wide range of plants, especially leguminous trees.
[415 - Tropical Forages
Mainly focussed on forage plants, the site gives a lot of information on the plant, with a good botanical description, details of cultivation, plant uses and a good selection of photographs.
[417 - Hawaiian Ethnobotany Online Database
Brief details on over 100 species of Hawaiian plants.
[418 - Ecocrop
Basic information on a wide range of useful plants, plus details of environmental needs where available.
[419 - Brazilian Trees. Volume 1. 4th Edition.
Author: Lorenzi. H.
Publisher: Instituto Plantarum De Estudos Da Flora; Brazil.
Year: 2002
ISBN: 85-86714-17-8
Description: Information on 350 species of Brazilian trees. Stunning photographs of each species, brief details on the plant, its uses and how to grow it from seed. A superb work, with the minor irritation that the translation from Portuguese is not of the best.
[420 - Brazilian Trees. Volume 2. 4th Edition.
Author: Lorenzi. H.
Publisher: Instituto Plantarum De Estudos Da Flora; Brazil.
Year: 2002
ISBN: 85-86714-15-1
Description: Information on 350 species of Brazilian trees. Stunning photographs of each species, brief details on the plant, its uses and how to grow it from seed. A superb work, with the minor irritation that the translation from Portuguese is not of the best.
[421- Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 54
Publisher: Missouri Botanical Garden
Year: 1967
Description: An excellent botanical publication, available for download from the Internet. This volume contains parts of the Flora of Panama.
[422-Fruits of the Guianan Flora
Author: van Roosmalen. M.G.M.
Publisher: Institute of Systematic Boyany, Utrecht University; Netherlands.
Year: 1985
ISBN: 90-9000988-4
Description: Terse descriptions of over 1,700 species from the Guianas that bear fruits - not necessarily edible! Often mentions if the fruit is edible, plus gives brief description of habit and habitat.
[423 - Desert Tropicals
The main focus of the site is succulent plants, but it also contains information on a wide range of other species. Usually at least one good photograph, plus basic information about the plant and its cultivation.
[435 - Solanaceae Source
Incredible detail on all the species in Solanum (now also including the Tomatoes which were formerly in Lycopersicon). The site will eventually include all other Genera within the Solanaceae.
[436 - Native Plants Hawaii
A website containing information on a range of native Hawaiian plants, with descriptions, habitat, traditional uses etc.
[437 - Fern Databank, Sahah.
Information on the ferns growing at Sabah in Indonesia. A description, habitat and plant uses are givem, often accompanied by a photo.
[438 - Ferns and Man in New Guinea
Croft. J. Website
1982 ISBN
Based on a paper presented to Papua New Guinea Botany Society in 1982, gives a brief guide to the uses of 42 species of fern in New Guinea. Published on the internet.
[440 - Brisbane Rainforest Action and Information Network,
Information on plants in the Queensland Rainforests.
[442 - Timber Notes - Light Hardwoods V (Mersawa, Nyatoh, Pelajau, Penarahan, Perupok).
Timber Technology Bulletin No. 15
Gan K.S.; Choo K.T.; Lim S.C. Website
Forest Research Institute; Malaysia Year
1999 ISBN
139-258 Description
Part of an excellent series of s, this one giving brief information on the timber of several Malaysian hardwoods. Available as a PDF file on the Internet.
[443 - Biotik, Laos
Information on more than 100 species of Laotian trees.
[445 - Electronic Journal of Biotechnology. Vol.12 No.3.
Kantachote D.; Kowpong K.; Charernjiratrakul W.; Pengnoo A. Website
2009 ISBN
A paper researching the possibilities of using the fruit of Morinda coreia to make a liquid manure.
[446 - Flora of Thailand - Rubiaceae
Part of the Flora of Thailand project.
[449 - Anti-hemorrhagic Activity of Four Brazilian Vegetable Species
Nishijima C.M.; Hiruma-Lima C.A. Et al Website
Molecules; Basel Year
2009 ISBN
1420-3049 Description
Research paper on the use of flavones in four Brazilian plant species to treat haemorrhaging as a result of snake bites. An open source document, available online.
[451 - Flora Malesiana Series 1
Various Website
Nationaal Herbarium Nederiand, Universiteit Leiden branch Year
A massive treatment of the plants of the Malaysian Archipelago. Much of it has been made available to download from the Internet
[452 - The Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture (6 volumes)
Bailey L.H. Website
The MacMillan Company, Toronto. Year
1919 ISBN
Rather dated, but it still contains a wealth of useful information. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[453 - Woods of Northeastern Peru
Williams L. Website
Field Museum Press; Chicago. Year
1936 ISBN
Gives information on the properties of the wood of well over 1,000 species of woody plants from northeastern Peru. Can be downloaded from the Internet.
[454 - Useful Fiber Plants of the World
Dodge C.R. Website
USDA; Washington. Year
1897 ISBN
A rather dated, but very comprehensive catalogue of fibre plants from around the world. The book can be downloaded from the Internet.
[455 - Flore de Madagascar et des Comores
Humbert H. Website
Museum National D'Histoire Naturelle; Paris Year
1946 - 1984 ISBN
Written in French, an excellent flora of the area though it has not been completed. Available for download from the Internet.
[456 - Adansonia Vol. 15
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Tome 15
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle; Paris. Year
1993 ISBN
Contains treatments of a number of genera. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[458 - Rubber. Its Sources, Cultivation and Preparation.
Brown H. Website
John Murray; London. Year
1914 ISBN
Written in the days before synthetic rubbers and the loss of interest in finding new rubber sources. A good amount of information on latex-producing plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[459 - The Useful Plants of the Island of Guam
Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol 9
Safford W.E. Website
Smithsonian Institute; Washington. Year
1905 ISBN
A very comprehensive, if rather dated, guide to the plants of Guam. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[460 - Flora Medica
Lindley J. Website
Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans: London Year
1838 ISBN
A massive work - many of the botanical names have changed, but the book is still a wealth of information.
[463 - Journal of the Linnean Society. Vol. 45
1920 - 1922 ISBN
Contains a section dealing with plants from New Caledonia.
[464 - A Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon
Trimen H.; continued by Hooker J.D. Website
Dulau and Co; London. Year
1898 ISBN
Very dated, but still a useful work. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[465 - An Enumeration of Philippine Flowering Plants
Merrill E.D. Website
Bureau of Science, Manila. Year
1925 ISBN
Mainly a list of plant names, plus some synonyms, giving details of where the name was published. Also gives a note on the range of the plant, its habitat and local names. Unfortunately, it does not even give a brief description of the plant.
[466 - Useful Plants of Nyasaland
Williamson J. Website
The Government Printer, Zomba, Nyasaland. Year
1955 ISBN
Brief details of the uses of almost 500 species of plants.
[467 - The Philippine Journal of Science. Vol. 4
Freer P.C. (Editor) Website
The Bureau of Science, Philippines. Year
1909 ISBN
A number of articles on Philippine plants, including one on the qualities of Philippine woods.
[468 - The Bahama Flora
Britton N.L.; Millspaugh C.F. Website
Britton N.L.; Millspaugh C.F., New York. Year
1920 ISBN
A botanical description, often accompanied by the plants habitat, of the Flora of the Bahamas.
[469 - Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol. 27
Standley P.C. Website
Smithsonian Institute; Washington. Year
1928 ISBN
Contains a Flora of the Panama Canal zone
[473 - Novon Vol 6
Various Website
Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis. Year
1996 ISBN
A journal of Botanical Nomenclature. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[474 - Sida Vol 15
Lipscomb B.I. (Editor) Website
Botanical Research Institute of Texas. Year
1992 ISBN
A journal of botanical nomenclature. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[475 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Volume 55
Missouri Botanical Garden Year
1968 ISBN
Contains, amongst other things, a taxonomic treatment of the Phytolaccaceae and part of the flora of Panama. Can be downloaded from the Internet.
[476 - Handbook of S. American Indians.
Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 143
Steward J. H. (Editor) Website
US Government Printing Office; Washington Year
1946 - 1950 ISBN
In six volumes, a detailed look at the native peoples of S. America - their culture, lifestyle, use of plants etc,
[477 - Current Science Vol. 87
Balaram P. (Editor) Website
Indian Academy of Sciences Year
2004 ISBN
Contains a short artcle on some Piper species from the Andamans. Available online.
[478 - Botanical Museum Leaflets Vol 11
Harvard University; Cambridge, Mass. Year
1945 ISBN
Includes an article on the Economic Plants of S. John, U.S. Virgin Islands. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[479 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Volume 83
Missouri Botanical Garden Year
Contains, amongst other things, an article on ethnobotany. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[480 - Green Manures and Manuring in the Tropics
Sornay P. De. Translated by Flattely F.W. Website
John Bale, Sons and Danielsson Ltd.: London Year
1916 ISBN
An excellent work on the subject, even if it was written almost 100 years ago. It also includes a section of useful Legumes. Can be downloaded from the Internet.
[482 - Phytologia Vol. 41
H.N. & A.L. Moldenke; New Jersey. Year
1978 ISBN
A botanical with articles on a range of topics. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[483 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Vol. 59.
Harvard University; Boston, Mass. Year
1978 ISBN
A botanical magazine, it contains an Ethnoflora of Chokoloskee Island, Florida. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[484 - West African Forests and Forestry
Unwin A.H. Website
T. Fisher Unwin Ltd.; London Year
1920 ISBN
Quite extensive information on some of the trees of West Africa. The book can be downloaded from the Internet
[485 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Vol 75
Missouri Botanical Garden: Boston. Year
1988 ISBN
Contains, amongst other things, an article on the flora of Tanzania, a treatment of the genus Xyris and one for the Panamanian Boraginaceae. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[486 - Bulletin of The Natural History Museum, Botany Series. Vol 27 No. 2
Natural History Museum; London Year
1997 ISBN
Contains a treatment of the genus Pogostemon, including ethnobotanical uses. Can be downloaded from the Internet.
[487 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported Vol. 21
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry - Bulletin No. 205
USDA Government Printing Office; Washington DC. Year
1911 ISBN
Details of seeds imported for trials by the United States Department of Agriculture in the last quarter of 1909, often detailing the uses of the plant and various other miscellaneous information. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[488 - Pteridophyta of Peru
Tryon R.M.: Stolze R.G. Website
Field Museum of Natural History Year
1993 ISBN
A flora of the fern species in Peru. It cam be downloaded from the Internet.
[489 - Ferns and Fern Allies of Guatemala
Field Museum of Natural History Year
1981 ISBN
A flora of the ferns of Guatemala, giving some plant uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[490 - Flora Vitiensis Nova
Smith. A.C. Website
Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden; Hawaii Year
1979 ISBN
A comprehensive flora of Fiji, often showing plant uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[491 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 57
Harvard University Year
1976 ISBN
A botanical magazine, this issue has a comprehensive treatment of the genus Prosopis as well as several other articles. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[492 - Timbers of British Guiana
Stone H.: Freeman W.G. Website
The Crown Agents for the Colonies: London. Year
1914 ISBN
A guide to the woods of Guiana, though there is no description of the plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[493 - Flora of Yucatan
Standley P.C. Website
Field Museum of Natural History; Chicago Year
1930 ISBN
The first flora that was attempted for this area in 1930, so it is obviously lacking information and the Botanical names can be out of date. Still, an excellent work and it records many plant uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[494 - Report on the Natal Forests
Fourcade H.G. Website
Wm. ;, Natal Year
1889 ISBN
Contains a list of the trees of Natal, with a brief listing of their uses, including many traditional uses. The report can be downloaded from the Internet.
[495 - Silva Capensis
Pappe L. Website
Ward & Co.; London. Year
1862 ISBN
A work on the useful trees and shrubs of S. Africa, written in 1862. Mainly looking at ways of exploiting the plants, but also deals with some traditional uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[496 - Antiviral activity of simalikalactone D, a quassinoid from Quassia africana.
Apers S.; Cimanga K. Et al Website
Planta Med. Year
2002 ISBN
A research paper into the antiviral activity of quassinoids present in Quassia africana. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[497 - The Botany of Bihar and Orissa
Haines H.H. Website
Adlard & Son & West Newman Ltd. London Year
1922 ISBN
A flora, it gives many plant uses. The book can be downloaded from the Internet.
[498 - Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information
HMSO; London. Year
1909 ISBN
Contains information on a wide range of plants, including Raphionacme utilis. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[499 - Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information
HMSO; London. Year
1908 ISBN
Contains information on a wide range of plants, including Raphionacme utilis. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[501 - Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol. 20
Smithsonian Institute; Washington. Year
1925 ISBN
A botanical journal, it includes a monograph on the American species of the genus Rinorea. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[502 - Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol. 18
Smithsonian Institute; Washington. Year
1917 ISBN
Includes a treatment of the Annona. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[503 - Flora Parana
Not quite a flora, but an on-line listing of many of the plants of Parana in southern Brazil. Good photographs, plus descriptions and details of plant uses.
[504 - Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol. 24
Smithsonian Institute; Washington. Year
1931 ISBN
A treatment of the edible fruits of Ecuador is jut one of the articles in this . It can be downloaded from the internet.
[506 - Flora of British India.
Hooker J.D. Website
L.Reeve & Co.; London Year
1872 - 1875 ISBN
Rather dated, but has some information on plant uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[507 - Pharmacobotany of Sambucus Australis
Nunes E. Et al Website
Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia Year
Jul./Set. 2007 ISBN
A study of the medicinal properties of Sambucus australis. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[508 - The Ethnobotany of Chinchero.
Fieldiana Botany New Series No. 24
Franquemont C. Et al Website
Field Museum of Natural History. Year
1990 ISBN
0015-0746 Description
Brief details on the local uses of plants for an Andean community in southern Peru. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[509 - The Indiginous Trees of the Hawaiian Islands
Rock J.F. Website
1913 ISBN
A guide to the trees and forests of Hawaii. Rather dated, but a good work. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[510 - Trees of Costa Rica's Pacific Slope
Information on over 80 species of tree from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica.
[511 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported Vol. 23
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry - Bulletin No. 208
USDA Government Printing Office; Washington DC. Year
1911 ISBN
Details of seeds imported for trials by the United States Department of Agriculture in the second quarter of 1909, often detailing the uses of the plant and various other miscellaneous information. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[512 - Flora of the Lancetilla Valley, Honduras.
Standley P.C. Website
Field Museum of Natural History; Chicago. Year
1931 ISBN
Rather short on details at times, which is not surprising since so little information was available at the time. Still a useful flora. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[515 - Flora of Tropical Africa Vol 1 - 8
Var Website
L.Reeve & Co.; Ashford, Kent. Year
1868 - 1917 ISBN
Very little information on habitat, range and uses, but gives good descriptions of the plants. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[516 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 12
Harvard University Year
1931 ISBN
Various articles on plants, including one on the plants of New Caledonia. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[517 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported Vol. 49
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry
USDA; Washington Year
1921 ISBN
Details of seeds and plants imported for trials by the United States Department of Agriculture in the last quarter of 1916, often detailing the uses of the plant and various other miscellaneous information. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[519 -
A commercial website selling supplements, herbs etc, with a database of herbal uses of plants. Not very comprehensive, but it gives basic uses of a lot of plants from S. America that is not otherwise easily obtained.
[520 - Botanical Beads
Smith R.J. Website
A website looking at seeds that are used for ornament. It is based on a book that the had written.
[521 - Useful Plants of the Siona and Secoya Indians of Eastern Ecuador.
Fieldiana Botany New Series No. 15
Vickers W.T.; Plowman T. Website
Field Museum of Natural History; USA. Year
1984 ISBN
0015 - 0746 Description
Very terse, but it gives the uses of a large number of species. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[522 - Compositae Newsletter No. 43
The Swedish Museum of Natural History; Stockholm. Year
2005 ISBN
0284-8422 Description
Contains a catalogue of the Asteraceae of Chacoan Plin, Argentina. Terse information on each species, often including notes on plant uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[524 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Vol. 41
Harvard University; Boston, Mass. Year
1960 ISBN
Contains a treatment of the genus Artocarpus, section Pseudojaca. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[525 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Vol. 40
Harvard University; Boston, Mass. Year
1959 ISBN
Contains a treatment of the genus Artocarpus, section Artocarpus. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[526 - An Illustrated Dictionary of Medicine, Biology and Allied Sciences.
Gould G.M. Website
P. Blakiston's Son & Co.; Philadelphia. Year
1907 ISBN
A major work at the time, though very dated now. Contains quite a lot of information about medicinal plant uses.
[527 - The Philippine Journal of Science Vol. 12
1917 ISBN
A botanical containing, amongst many others, the first of the name Cryptocarya lanceolata.
[528 - Indicador de Madeiras e Plantas Uteis do Brasil.
Fonseca E. T. De Website
1922 ISBN
Brief details of some of the uses of Brazilian plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[529 - The Cactaceae
Britton N.L. & Rose J.N. Website
The Carnegie Institution of Washington; Washington. Year
1920 ISBN
An immense work in 4 volumes. Many of the botanical names are out of date, of course, but the book contains a wealth of information about the plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[530 - Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information
HMSO; London. Year
1916 ISBN
Contains a range of articles on plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[531 - Diversity, Conservation and Local Knowledge of Rattans and Sugar Palm in Gunung Haliman National Park.
Harada K. Et al Website
The International Palm Society. Year
2005 ISBN
An article from the 2005 issue of the magazine 'Palms'. It is available online as a PDF.
[532 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol 61
Harvard University Year
1980 ISBN
0004-2625 Description
A treatment of the Asian species of Colophyllum is just one of the articles in this . It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[533 - Select Extra-Tropical Plants readily eligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation.
Mueller. Baron Ferdinant von Website
Robert S. Brain; Melbourne. Year
1895 ISBN
Mainly basic information on over 2,000 species of useful plants from around the world.
[534 - Flora of Mauritius
Not a true flora, but a developing site that gives information on the different habitats on the island and the plants that inhabit them.
[535 - Year-Book of Pharmacy
Braithwaite J.O. (Editor) Website
J. & A. Churchill; London. Year
1913 ISBN
An abstract of research in 1913. Contains a number of articles on plants.
[536 - Novon Vol.4
Missouri Botanical Garden; Missouri. Year
1994 ISBN
A botanical magazine, focussing on publishing new and amended names of species. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[538 -
A web site focussing on the endemic flora and fauna of New Caledonia.
[539 - The Philippine Agricultural Review. Vol 8 No. 1
Manilla Bureau of Printing; Philippines Year
1915 ISBN
Contains an interesting article on Citrus fruits in the Philippines. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[540 - Jardineiro.Net
A Brazilian gardening site, giving cultivation details for a large number of species.
[541 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 48
Harvard University Year
1967 ISBN
Includes a treatment of the N. American genera of Euphorbiaceae, but not down to specific level. In can be downloaded from the Internet.
[544 - Cataloge of African Plants Collected by Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch in 1853 - 1861
Hiern. W.P. Website
Longmans & Co.; London. Year
1898 ISBN
In 6 volumes, it gives botanical descriptions and some uses of the plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[546 - Plantes Utiles Du Bresil
Brocadet P. Website
1921 ISBN
A thesis, in French, giving information on a number of useful Brazilian plants.
[548 - Annals of the Royal Botanic Garden Calcutta. Vol. 12, Pt. 1
Beccari O. Website
Bengal Secretariat Press; Calcutta. Year
1911 ISBN
A monograph of the genus Daemonorops. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[549 - Flore Forestiere Du Globe
Chnacerel L. Website
Gauthier-Villars et Co.; Paris. Year
1920 ISBN
Written in French, a very detailed work on the timbers of the world. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[551 - A Century of Trees of Panama.
Pittier H. Mell C.D. Website
A work that was very difficult to get published according to the correspondence contained at the start!. A treatment of 100 different species with descriptions and details of uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[552 - Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Vol. 12, Part 1
Hiern W.P. Website
University Press; Cambridge. Year
1873 ISBN
A monograph of the Ebenaceae. Very dated, but contains information on many plant uses.
[553 - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences Vol. 12
Washington Academy of Sciences; Washington. Year
1922 ISBN
Includues the original of the species Diospyros conzattii. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[554 - Sida Vol.22
Botanical Research Institute of Texas Year
2006 ISBN
A botanical magazine, it includes an article on the Diopyros of Mexico and Central America.
[556 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol.49
Missouri Botanical Garden Year
1962 ISBN
Contains part of a treatment of the Flora of Panama. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[557 - New or Noteworthy Philippine Plants Vol.10
Merrill E.D. Website
The Philippine Journal of Science Year
1914 ISBN
Extracted from The Philippine Journal of Science, 1914. Descriptions of new plants discovered in the Philippines. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[558 - Botanical Museum Leaflets Vol 30
Harvard University, Boston. Year
1984 - 1986 ISBN
A series of botanical articles. It contains an article on the medicinal and toxic plants of the northwest Amazon. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[559 - American Fern Journal Vol.89
American Fern Society; Virginia. Year
1999 ISBN
0002-8444 Description
Includes articles on the commercial uses (inclusing medicinal) of ferns in Central America and the cultivation of the genus Dryopteris. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[560 - American Fern Journal Vol.20
American Fern Society; Virginia. Year
1930 ISBN
0002-8444 Description
Contains information on a range of ferns and related plants, included Equisetum. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[561 - Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol. 40
Dorr L.J.; Stergios B.; Smith A.R.; Cuello N.L. Website
National Museum Natural History; Washington. Year
2000 ISBN
A catalogue of the vascular plants of Guaramacal National Park in Venezuela. Mainly a terse list of plants, but it contains some information on plant uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[562 - Botanical Museum Leaflets Vol 27
Botanical Museum; Massachusetts. Year
1979 ISBN
Contains various articles including one on the uses of Erisma japura and Monopteryx angustifolia. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[563 - Botanical Museum Leaflets Vol 25
Botanical Museum; Massachusetts. Year
1977 ISBN
Contains an article on medicinal and poisonous plants in the Amazon. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[564 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Vol. 66
Missouri Botanical Garden Press; Missouri. Year
1979 ISBN
Contains an article on propagating Erythrina spp. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[567 - Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol. 8
Government Printing Office; Washington. Year
1905 ISBN
Includes an article on the economic plants of Puerto Rico. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[568 - Memoir of the late William Wright M.D.
Wright W. Website
William Blackwood; Edinburgh. Year
1828 ISBN
An interesting collection of notes on plants, including a list of medicinal plants from Trinidad. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[569 - Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information.
HMSO; London. Year
1907 ISBN
Contains a number of articles, including a number on rubber-producing trees. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[570 - Adansonia Vol. 8.
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Tome 8
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle; Paris. Year
1986 ISBN
Contains, amongst others, a treatment of the genus Ficus (Figs) in Madagascar and Mauritius. It can be downloadd from the Internet.
[571 - Bulletin of the Department of Agriculture, Jamaica.
Fawcett. W. (Editor) Website
Hope Gardens; Jamaica. Year
1906 ISBN
Includes an article on rubber plants in Jamaica.
[572 - Icones Plantarum Vol. 11
Hooker J.D. (Editor) Website
Williams & Norgate; London. Year
1867 - 1871 ISBN
Illustrated plates of plants with a botanical description.
[573 - Illustrated Dictionary of Gardening.
Nicholson G. (Editor) Website
L. Upcott Gill; London. Year
Not given ISBN
One of the major gardening dictionaries of the 19th century, it contains information on plants not found in modern works. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[574 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 20
Rehder A. (Editor) Website
Harvard University Year
1939 ISBN
Includes a treatment of the Papuasian Freycinetia. It can be downloded from the Internet.
[575 - Lexique des noms d'arbres et d'arbustes du Cambodge
Lewitz S., Rollet B. Website
1973 ISBN
A list of the trees and shrubs of Cambodia with codes to give some idea of their habitat and growth habit. Available as a PDF document on the Internet.
[576 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 22
Harvard University. Year
1941 ISBN
Contains a study of Papuasian plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[577 - Adansonia Vol. 11
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Tome 11
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle; Paris. Year
1989 ISBN
Contains a monograph of the genus Gladiolus in Madagascar. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[578 - Sida, Conributions to Botany. Vol. 7
Wm. F. Mahler; Dallas, Texas. Year
1977 ISBN
0036-1488 Description
Contains a treatment of the species Gentian in Central America.
[579 - The Philippine Journal of Science. Vol. 14
Bureau of Sciences; Manila. Year
1919 ISBN
Contains a range of interesting articles. It can be downlloaded from the Internet.
[582 - Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
Bureau of Plant Industry, Philippines. Year
An Internet site from the Philippines Department of Agriculture, giving information in a readable way on the medicinal uses of many plants in their area.
[583 - Medicinal and poisonous diversity of the flora of 'Cariri Paraibano', Brazil.
Agra M.F. Et al Website
Journal of Ethnopharmacology Year
2007 ISBN
An article from the Journal of Ethnopharmacy, available as a PDF document on the Internet. Brief details of some medicinal plants from an area of Brazil.
[585 - A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Cnemidaria (Cyatheaceae).
Stoltze R.G. Website
Field Museum; Chicago. Year
1974 ISBN
0015-0746 Description
A treatment of the genus Cnemidaria. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[586 - Flora of the Marquesas Islands
Gives good descriptions of the plants, but little else at the present (2010), not even habitats. A developing site, though, and it might come later.
[587 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 37
Harvard University Year
1956 ISBN
Amongst other articles, it contains an excellent article on the food uses of the genus Hevea. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[589 - Leaflets of Philippine Botany Vol. 10.
Elmer A.D.E. (Editor) Website
1939 ISBN
Various plant articles. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[590 - The genus Hydnora
Old Dominion University Year
A downloaded web page giving fairly detailed information on the parasitic genus Hydnore.
[592 - Contributions to The Flora of Venezuela.
Steyermark J.A. Et al Website
Chicago Natural History Museum; Chicago. Year
1951 - 1957 ISBN
An excellent flora, though made at a time when botanical knowledge of the areas was still very lacking.
[593 - Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol. 17
Various Website
Smithsonian Institute; Washington. Year
1913 - 1916 ISBN
Various articles on botany. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[594 - Chemical and anti-ulcer evaluation of Jodina rhombifolia (Hook. & Arn.) Reissek extracts
Montanha J.A. Et al Website
Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy Year
Jan/Mar 2009 ISBN
A research paper on the effectiveness of Jodina rhombifolia as an anti-ulcer treatment. Available as a PDF document on the Internet.
[595 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Vol. 38
Various Website
Harvard University. Year
1957 ISBN
Amongst other things, it contains an article on the Juglans of central America. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[596 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported Vol. 53
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry
Government Printing Office; Washington DC. Year
1922 ISBN
Details of seeds and plants imported for trials by the United States Department of Agriculture in the last quarter of 1917, often detailing the uses of the plant and various other miscellaneous information. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[597 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported Vol. 48
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry
USDA Government Printing Office; Washington DC. Year
1921 ISBN
Details of seeds and plants imported for trials by the United States Department of Agriculture in the third quarter of 1916, often detailing the uses of the plant and various other miscellaneous information. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[599 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Vol. 26
Harvard University. Year
1945 ISBN
Amongst the many articles is one giving a treatment of the Lauraceae. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[600 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Vol. 34
Harvard University. Year
1953 ISBN
Amongst the various articles, it has a study of Pacific Island plants and a taxonomic review of the Podocarpus. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[601 - The Useful Native Plants of Australia.
Maiden J.H. Website
Turner & Co.; London. Year
1889 ISBN
Terse details of the uses of many Australian plants and other species naturalised, or at least growing, in Australia. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[603 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported. Vol. 51
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry
USDA Government Printing Office; Washington DC. Year
1922 ISBN
Details of seeds and plants imported for trials by the United States Department of Agriculture in the second quarter of 1917, often detailing the uses of the plant and various other miscellaneous information. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[605 - Flore de L'Ile de la Reunion
E. Jacob De Cordemoy Website
Librairie Medicale & Scientifique; Paris. Year
1895 ISBN
Not really a flora, more a list of the plants known at that time. It often includes a brief description of habit and habitat, plus the local uses of the plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[606 - Atlas of the Seed Plants of Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam.
A project in its infancy (2010) listing the plants found in the Cuc Phuong National Park in Vietnam, often showing the habitat and photograph. Eventually it will give maps of plant distribution.
[608 - Medicinal plants of Aguambu - Bamumbu in the Lebialem highlands, southwest province of Cameroon.
Focho D.A.; Ndam W.T.; Fonge B.A. Website
African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Year
January 2009 ISBN
1996-0816 Description
A research paper, documenting the medicinal uses of 133 species of plants in West Africa.
[610 - Flora of Tropical East Africa
Beentje H.J. Website
Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew. Year
2002 ISBN
Available on-line, a modern flora of East Africa.
[611 - Five hundred plant species in Gunung Halimun Salak National Park, West Java
Hari Priyadi et al Website
Center for International Forestry Research; Indonesia. Year
2010 ISBN
978-602-8693-22-6 Description
Brief details of the uses of 500 Indonesian plants. It is available as a PDF document to download from the internet.
[612 - Census of Stemona (Stemonaceae) in Thailand
Inthachub P.; Vajrodaya. S.; Duyfjes B.E.E.E. Website
Blumea Year
2010 ISBN
10.3767-00065 Description
A monograph on the genus Stemona. First published in the Blumea, Vol 55, pp 143 - 152, it can be downloaded from the Internet as a PDF file.
[613 - Annales Du Musee Colonial De Marseille 1925
Faculte Des Sciences De Marseille Year
1925 ISBN
Various articles on plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[614 - Cambodiam Tree Species - Monographs.
Cambodia Tree Seed Project Year
2004 ISBN
Detailed information on 21 species of Cambodian trees. It is available as a PDF file, available as a download from the Internet.
[615 - Pharmacographia Indica
Dymock W.; Warden C.J.H.; Hooper D. Website
Education Society's Press, Byculla; Mombai. Year
1890 ISBN
Information on the principal plant medicines encountered in India in the 19th century.
[616 - The Flora of the Malay Peninsula
Ridley H.N. Website
L. Reeve & Co. Ltd.; London. Year
1922 ISBN
An early flora of the Malay Peninsula.
[621 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 07
Sargent C.S.; Rehder A. (Editors) Website
Harvard University. Year
1926 ISBN
Various articles on botany, including one on the woody plants of New Caledonia.
[623 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 90
Missouri Botanical Garden Year
2003 ISBN
0026-6493 Description
A treatment of the genus Styrax, amongst many other articles. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[624 - The Philippine Journal of Science Vol. 3
Freer P.C. (Editor) Website
The Bureau of Science; Manila. Year
1908 ISBN
Various articles on plants growing in the Philippines. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[628 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Volume 84
Missouri Botanical Garden Year
1997 ISBN
Includes a treatment of the genus Styrax in Central America.
[629 - A revision of Styrax L. section Pamphilia
Wallnöfer B. Website
Naturhistorischen Museums; Wien Year
1997 ISBN
A revised treatment of a section of the genus Styrax, placing species formerly included in the genus Pamphilia into the genus Styrax.
[630 - Botanical Museum Leaflets Vol 28
Harvard University; Cambridge, Mass. Year
1981 ISBN
An article on the Ethnopharmacological uses of plants in northwestern S. America, amongst many other articles. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[631 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 56
Harvard University Year
1975 ISBN
Various articles on botany, including a treatment of the genus Tachia. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[632 - Grand Bahama Island's Ashrubs
InterKnowledge Corp. Year
Brief information on 16 medicinal plants of the Bahamas.
[633 - Annals of the Rotal Botanic Garden, Calcutta. Vol. 7
Gamble J.S. Website
Bengal Secretariat Press; Calcutta. Year
1896 ISBN
A very comprehensive listing of the bamboos of India, as they were known at the end of the 19th Century. Includes some information on plant uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[634 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 44
Harvard University; Cambridge, Mass. Year
1963 ISBN
Contains various articles on botany. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[635 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 39
Harvard University; Cambridge, Mass. Year
1958 ISBN
Amongst the many botanical articles is a treatment of the genus Herrania. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[636 - Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol. 35
Smithsonian Institution Press; Washington. Year
1968 ISBN
A treatment of the genus Theobroma and a monograph of the Humiriaceae are two of the various articles contained in this issue. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[637 - Botanical Museum Leaflets Vol 13
Botanical Museum; Cambridge, Mass. Year
1947 - 1949 ISBN
Various articles on botany.
[638 - The Woods of the United States
Sargent C.S. Website
D. Appleton & Co.; New York Year
1885 ISBN
Contains information on the woods of a large number of N. American species of trees and shrubs. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[639 - Rhodora Vol. 71
Hodgdon A.R. (Editor) Website
The New England Botanical Club; Cambridge, Mass. Year
1969 ISBN
Includes a treatment of the genus Tillandsia.
[640 - Occasional Papers of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum Vol. 11
Bishop Museum Press; Honolulu Year
1903 - 1907 ISBN
Includes an article on the fibre plants of Hawaii.
[641 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol.20
Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis, Mo. Year
1933 ISBN
Contains a treatment of the Apocynaceae.
[642 - The Philippine Journal of Science. Vol. 7
Merrill E.D. (Editor) Website
Manilla Bureau of Printing; Manilla. Year
1912 ISBN
Various articles on botany. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[643 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Vol. 23
Harvard University; Year
1942 ISBN
Contains several articles on botany, including a treatment of some of the trees of New Guinea and a study of the genus Ternstroemia in tropical America. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[644 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported. Vol. 46
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry
USDA Government Printing Office; Washington DC. Year
1919 ISBN
Details of seeds and plants imported for trials by the United States Department of Agriculture in the first quarter of 1916, often detailing the uses of the plant and various other miscellaneous information. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[645 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported. Vol. 62
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry
USDA Government Printing Office; Washington DC. Year
1923 ISBN
Details of seeds and plants imported for trials by the United States Department of Agriculture in the first quarter of 1920, often detailing the uses of the plant and various other miscellaneous information. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[646 - New Crops FactSheets
Purdue University Year
A website dedicated to giving information on potential new agricultural crops.
[647 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported. Vol. 38
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry
USDA Government Printing Office; Washington DC. Year
1917 ISBN
Details of seeds and plants imported for trials by the United States Department of Agriculture in the first quarter of 1914, often detailing the uses of the plant and various other miscellaneous information. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[648 - Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. Vol. 51
Acevedo-Rodríguez P. (Editor) Website
Smithsonian Institution; Washington. Year
2005 ISBN
A treatment of the climbing plants of Puerto Rico. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[649 - Orchids of Guatemala
Ames O. & Correll D.S. Website
Chicago Natural History Museum; Chicago. Year
1952 ISBN
Although dated, still an excellent treatment of the Orchids of Guatemala. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[650 - Phytologia Vol. 6
Moldenke H.N. & Moldenke A.L. Website
Harold N. Moldenke and Alma L. Moldenke; New York Year
1957 ISBN
Includes a treatment of the genus Vitex. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[651 - Phytologia Vol. 51
Harold N. Moldenke and Alma L. Moldenke; New York Year
1982 ISBN
Various articles on botany.
[652 - The Silviculture of Indian Trees
Troup. R.S. Website
Oxford, at the Clarendon Press Year
1921 ISBN
An excellent treatment.
[653 - Plants of Southeast Asia
Excellent site with brief information on the plant, its range, habitat and uses, plus phots of specimens, close-ops of flowers and leaves etc,
[654 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Vol. 47
Harvard University; Cambridge, Mass. Year
1966 ISBN
A treatment of the Malaysian species of Zanthoxylum, amongst other articles. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[655 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported. Vol. 59
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry
USDA Government Printing Office; Washington DC. Year
1922 ISBN
Details of seeds and plants imported for trials by the United States Department of Agriculture in the second quarter of 1919, often detailing the uses of the plant and various other miscellaneous information. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[656 - Monocotyledons and Gymnosperms of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. Vol. 52
Acevedo-Rodríguez P. & Strong M.T. (Editors) Website
Smithsonian Institution; Washington. Year
2005 ISBN
0097-1618 Description
A treatment of the monocots and gymnosperms growing in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[657 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported. Vol. 66
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry
USDA Government Printing Office; Washington DC. Year
1923 ISBN
Details of seeds and plants imported for trials by the United States Department of Agriculture in the first quarter of 1921, often detailing the uses of the plant and various other miscellaneous information. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[659 - Botanical Museum Leaflets Vol 8
Harvard University; Cambridge, Mass. Year
1940 ISBN
Various articles on botany, including species of Saurauia in Mexico. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[660 - Revision of S. American Saurauria (Actinidiaceae).
Soejarto D.D. Website
Field Museum of Natural History: Chicago. Year
1980 ISBN
0015-1746 Description
A treatment of the S. American species in the genus Saurauia. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[661 - Timber Notes - Heavy Hardwoods II (Kekatong, Keranji, Merbau, Penaga, Resak)
Timber Technology Bulletin No. 12
Choo K.T.; Lim S.C.; Gan K.S. Website
Forest Research Institute; Malaysia Year
1999 ISBN
139-258 Description
The properties of several Maleysian timbers. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[663 - Flora of Southern Africa
Roux J.P. Website
2003 ISBN
An excellent on-line resource.
[664 - CITES Prop. 12.60
A proposal by CITES to list certain species of palm endemic to Madagascar in Appendix II.
[665 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported. No. 60
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry.
USDA Government Printing Office; Washington DC. Year
1919 ISBN
Details of seeds and plants imported for trials by the United States Department of Agriculture in the third quarter of 1919, often detailing the uses of the plant and various other miscellaneous information. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[666 - Plants of the Coast of Coromandel
Roxburgh W. Website
1795 ISBN
Gives information on the uses of plants growing on the southeastern coast of India. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[667 - Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Botany Vol. 2
The British Museum; London. Year
1955 - 1962 ISBN
A series of articles on botany. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[668 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported. Vol. 67
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry
USDA Government Printing Office; Washington DC. Year
1923 ISBN
Details of seeds and plants imported for trials by the United States Department of Agriculture in the second quarter of 1921, often detailing the uses of the plant and various other miscellaneous information. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[669 - Red Book of Crop Wild Relatives in Bolivia
Mora A. Et al Website
2009 ISBN
Basic information on a number of less well-known crops in Bolivia.
[670 - Study of the Cultivation Potential of Native Fruit Species in Loja Province, Ecuador
Scheldeman X. Website
A partial study, published on the Internet, of the family Caricaceae, with some very good photographs. Also, some notes on the Cherimoya.
[671 - Novon Vol. 10
Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis. Year
2000 ISBN
A series of articles, mainly involved with naming new plants, but also giving lots of information about each species described. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[672 - Florida Trees - A Handbook of the Native and Naturalized Trees of Florida
Small J.K. Website
Small J.K.; New York Year
1913 ISBN
A terse description of each species with details of habitat and a description of the wood. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[674 - A Contribution to the Guianan Flora: Dalechampia, Haematostemon, Omphalea, Pera, Plukenetia and Tragia (Euphorbiacea
Smithsonian Contributions to Botany No. 86
Gillespie L.J. & Armbruster W.S. Website
Smithsonian Institution Press; Washington. Year
1997 ISBN
97-10535 Description
Part of an excellent series of papers by the Smithsonian Institute, it can be downloaded from their website.
[676 - Anthropological Papers Nos. 27 - 32
Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 136.
US Government Printing Office; Washington. Year
1943 ISBN
A series of papers, including one looking at 100 often used native plants of the Yucatan.
[677 - Contributions from the Gray Herbarium Vol. 175
Earle Smith C. Jr. Website
Harvard University; Massachusets Year
1954 ISBN
A monograph of the Tropical American species of Sloanea.
[679 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Volume 86
Missouri Botanical Garden Year
1999 ISBN
Among many articles on botany, is a treatment of the genus Beilschmiedia.
[680 - Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.; Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula
King G. Gamble J.S. Et al Website
Royal Botanic Garden; Calcutta Year
1889 - 1936 ISBN
Originally published as a series of papers in the 'Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal' and then mainly republished privately.
[681 - Australian Native Food Industry Limited
Information on a small number of Australian plants believed to have the potential for commercial growth.
[682 -
A website with lots of fact sheets on fruit species.
[684 - Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol. 13
Government Printing Office; Washington. Year
1909 - 1912 ISBN
A botanical journal, it ncludes a treatment of the genus Castilla. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[685 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported. Vol. 54
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry
USDA Government Printing Office; Washington DC. Year
1922 ISBN
Information on plant material imported by the US Department of Agriculture for trials during the period January to March 1918. It often gives details of the plant uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[686 - American Fern Journal Vol.60
American Fern Society Year
1970 ISBN
Contains an article on the medicinal uses of Indian ferns. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[688 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 68
Harvard University. Year
1987 ISBN
0004-2625 Description
Various articles on plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[689 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 55
Harvard University. Year
1974 ISBN
Various articles on plants, including a revision of the genus Acronychia. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[692 - Wildland Shrubs of the United States and its Territories: Thamnic Descriptions
Francis J.K. (Editor) Website
USDA; Forest Service International Institute of Tropical Forestr Year
2000 ISBN
An excellent series of papers, in PDf format, from various s giving quite detailed information on a range of shrubs growing in the United States and its Territories. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[693 - Bush Foods of New South Wales
Stewart S.; Percival B. Website
Royal Botanic gardens; Sydney, Australia. Year
1997 ISBN
07313-0004-1 Description
A small booklet with information on more than 30 species of edible plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[695 - Novon Vol. 1
Varoius Website
Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis. Year
1991 ISBN
A botanical magazine, focussing on publishing new and amended names of species. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[696 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Vol. 27
Harvard University; Boston, Mass. Year
1946 ISBN
A series of botanical articles. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[697 - Botanical Museum Leaflets Vol 29
Harvard University; Cambridge, Massachusetts. Year
1983 ISBN
Some interesting notes on plant uses in tropical America. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[698 - A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Ceiba
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 60 (2) pp259 - 300
Gibbs P.; Semir J. Website
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid Year
2003 ISBN
A new treatment of the genus, which includes species previously in Chorisia. Available as a PDF file on the Internet.
[699 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 16
Rehder A. (Editor) Website
Harvard University: Boston. Year
1935 ISBN
A botanical journal containing several interesting articles including one on the Boraginaceae of Amazonia.
[700 - Sida Contributions to Botany Vol. 20
Lipscomb B.L. (Editor) Website
Botanical Research Institute of Texas. Year
2002 ISBN
0036-1488 Description
A series of botanical articles. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[701 - Asean Tropical Plant Database
Terse details, with photos, of many of the plants growing in the tropical forests of southeast Asia. Gives some details of plant uses along with a description of the plant and its range.
[703 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 21
Rehder A. (Editor) Website
Harvard University; Boston. Year
1940 ISBN
A botanical journal containing several interesting articles. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[705 - Studies of Central American Plants Vols. 1 - 7
Standley P.C.; Steyermark J.A. Website
Field Museum of Natural History Year
1944 ISBN
Descriptions and notes on a range of plants from Central America. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[707 - Florabank Fact Sheets
An excellent on-line . At present their are 132 species in the list, giving lots of information on growing and using the plants, plus information on their climatic tolerances, distribution maps and photographs.
[708 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 63
Missouri Botanical Garden Year
1976 ISBN
Among many articles on botany, is part of the Flora of Panama. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[711 - The Nyctaginaceae and Chenopodiaceae of Northwestern South America.
Standley P.C. Website
Field Museum of Natural History; Chicago. Year
1931 ISBN
A botanical treatment of the two genera. A bit dated, but still very useful. Often mentions plant uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[712 - Timber
Baterden J.R. Website
Archibaald Constable & Co.; London Year
1908 ISBN
An excellent book on world timbers from the early 20th Century. Obviously dated, but still containing information hard to find elsewhere. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[713 - Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants
An online resource giving botanical information, and a little bit about plant usage, for over 2,700 species of plants found in the Australian rainforest.
[714 - Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium Vol. 23
Anderson C. (Editor) Website
University of Michigan Herbarium Year
2001 ISBN
0091-1860 Description
A series of botanical articles including a proposed new genus Talipariti, separated from Hibiscus. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[715 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum
Harvard University; Massachusets. Year
1949 ISBN
A series of articles on botanical subjects, including a revision of the genus Ilex in China. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[716 - Growing Food in the Southern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea.
French B.R. Website
1982 ISBN
Originally compiled as a part of AFTSEMU, in a World Bank funded project in Papua New Guinea in 1982, it was made available as a pdf document in 2006.
[717 - Botanical Museum Leaflets Vol 23
Harvard University; Cambridge, Mass. Year
1974 ISBN
A series of botanical articles. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[718 - The genus Cycas (Cycadaceae) in Indonesia.
Lindstrom A.J.; Hill K.D.; Stanberg L.C. Website
Telopea Year
2009 ISBN
A treatment of the genus Cycas in Indonesia, sorting out the correct names for the various species.
[719 - A Manual of the Timbers of the World
Howard A.L. Website
MacMillan and Co.; London. Year
1934 ISBN
An excellent and comprehensive book on timbers. Rather dated, but still a main source of information for many of the less known woods. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[720 - Adansonia Vol. 9
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Tome 9
Muséum National D'Histoire Naturelle; Paris. Year
1987 ISBN
A botanical . It contains a treatment of the littoral members of the genus Sesbania. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[721 - Commercial Woods of the Philippines; Their Preparation and Uses
Philippines Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 14
Schneider E.E. Website
Bureau of Forestry; Manilla. Year
1916 ISBN
A series of booklets dealing with various aspects of the Philippine forests. This volume looks at the preparation and uses of the commercial woods of the Philippines. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[722 - Bureau of Government Laboratories Vol. 6
Merrill E.D. Website
Bureau of Public Printing; Manilla. Year
1903 ISBN
A series of botanical booklets looking at the flora of the Philippines. This volume has descriptions of a number of new species and looks at American plants that have naturalized in the Philippines. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[723 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 59
Missouri Botanical Garden Press; Missouri. Year
1972 ISBN
A series of botanical articles. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[725 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 77
Missouri Botanical Garden Press; Missouri. Year
1990 ISBN
0026-6493 Description
A botanical journal containing various articles, including a monograph of the tropical African species of Lapeirousia. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[726 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 60
Harvard University; Boston, Mass. Year
1979 ISBN
0004-2625 Description
A botanical journal containing various articles, including a review of the genus Margaritaria. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[727 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 82
Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis. Year
1995 ISBN
0026-6493 Description
A botanical journal containing various articles, including a monograph of the genus Adansonia (Baobabs). It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[728 - Adansonia Vol. 16
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Tome 16
Museum National D'Histoire Naturelle; Paris. Year
1994 ISBN
0240-8937 Description
A botanical magazine containing a range of articles, including a revision of a section of the genus Danais. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[733 - Opiliaceae. Species Plantarum: Flora of the World, Part 12: 1-71
Hiepko P. Website
Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève; Switze Year
2008 ISBN
978-2-8277-0451-4 Description
An excellent monograph, part of a very ambitious project to catalogue all the plants in the world. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[734 - Chrysobalanaceae Part 1. Species Plantarum: Flora of the World, Part 9: 1-319
Prance G.T.; Sothers C.A. Website
Australian Biological Resources Study; Canberra. Year
2003 ISBN
0 642 56832 4 Description
An excellent monograph, part of a very ambitious project to catalogue all the plants in the world. It can be downloaded as a PDF file from the Internet.
[735 - Chrysobalanaceae Part 2. Species Plantarum: Flora of the World, Part 19: 1-268
Prance G.T.; Sothers C.A. Website
Australian Biological Resources Study; Canberra. Year
2003 ISBN
0 642 56833 2 Description
An excellent monograph, part of a very ambitious project to catalogue all the plants in the world. It can be downloaded as a PDF file from the Internet.
[736 - Flora of West Tropical Africa
An online flora, not yet complet (2012). Very comprehensive as regards to species covered, but the information on each species is often rather terse.
[737 - Ethnomedicinal Plants Survey and Documentation Related to Paliyar Community.
Ethnobotanical Leaflets 12: 1108-15. 2008.
Vikneshwaran D.; Viji M.; Raja Lakshmi K. Website
Ethnobotanical Leaflets 12: 1108-15. Year
2008 ISBN
Brief notes on the medicinal uses of plants used by the Paliyar Community in southern India.
[738 - Espécies Nativas mais utilizadas pelas Comunidades Rurais
A set of information sheets on some of the plants of northeastern Brazil that are commonly used by the local people.
[740 - Annales Du Musée Colonial De Marseille Series 5 Volume 7.
Leandri M.J. Website
Faculté Des Sciences De Marseille Year
1939 ISBN
Includes a monograph on the genus Croton in Madagascar. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[742 - Flora of Thailand - Euphorbiaceae
van Welzen P.C. Website
An excellent site with masses of information about the species of Euphorbia found in Thailand.
[743 - Ethnomedicinal Perspectives of Botanicals used by Malayali Tribes in Vattal Hills of Dharmapuri (TN), India
Ethnobotanical Leaflets 12: 1054-60. 2008.
Ramya S.; Rajasekaran C.; Sivaperumal R.; Krishnan A.; Jayak Website
Ethnobotanical Leaflets. Year
2008 ISBN
Brief details of 27 plants used medicinally by the Malayali tribes in India.
[745 - Novon Vol. 9
Missouri Botanical Garden; Missouri. Year
1999 ISBN
A botanical with a main focus on publishing the names of new and renamed species. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[746 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 43
Missouri Botanical Garden Year
1956 ISBN
A botanical , it includes a treatment of the genus Rauvolfia. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[747 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 25
Harvard University; Massachusets Year
1944 ISBN
A botanical journal, it has a good article on New Guinea plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[749 - Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. Vol. 32
Rudd V.E. Website
Smithsonian Institution Press; Washington. Year
1968 ISBN
Monographs of several species in the family Fabaceae, including the Ormosia that occur in the Americas. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[750 - Novon Vol. 20
Hollowell V.C. Editor Website
Missouri Botanical Garden Year
2010 ISBN
A botanical journal focussing on publishing names of new species and revised names for already known species. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[751 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 36
Missouri Botanical Gardens; Mass. Year
1949 ISBN
A botanical journal, it contains a monograph of the genus Heliocarpus. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[752 - Adansonia Vol. 18
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Tome 18
Muséum National D'Histoire Naturelle; Paris Year
1996 ISBN
A botanical . It contains a monograph of the Madagascan species of the genus Dalbergia. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[753 - Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 3
The British Museum; London. Year
1965 ISBN
A botanical magazine, amongst the various articles is a monograph of the genus Buchenavia. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[754 - A Systematic Revision of the Neotropical Species of Cinnamomum Schaeffer (Lauraceae)
Lorea-Hemandez F.G. Website
1996 ISBN
A thesis, written when studying for the degree of Doctor of Phylosophy, it is a monograph of the genus Cinnamomum in tropical America. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[755 - Nodulation Plants in GRIN Taxonomy
United States Department of Agriculture Year
An online database listing plants that have either positive or negative reports on root and stem nodulation with nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
[756 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 47
Missouri Botanical Garden; Missouri. Year
1960 ISBN
A botanical magazine, it contains part of the Flora of Panama. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[757 - Fruit Trees and Useful Plants in Amazonian Life
Non-Wood Forest Products 20.
Shanley P.; Cymerys M.; Serra M.; Medina G. (Editors) Website
FAO, United Nations Year
2011 ISBN
978-92-5-107007-9 Description
Quite a lot of information on a number of useful plants growing in the Amazon. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[759 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 67
Missouri Botanical Garden; Missouri. Year
1980 ISBN
A botanical magazine, it contains part of the Flora of Panama. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[761 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Vol. 65.
Harvard University; Massachusets Year
1984 ISBN
0004-2625 Description
A botanical magazine containing various articles, including a treatment of the American species of Agarista. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[762 - Botanical Museum Leaflets Vol 26
Harvard University; Cambridge, Mass. Year
1978 ISBN
A series of botanical leaflets. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[763 - Heart of Palm Use: A Family Survey
Scott Zona, Ph.D. Website
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Virtual Herbarium. Year
An on-line article listing the botanical names and range of palm trees that have an edible apical bud.
[764 - IUCN Spec ies Survival Commission - Palm Specialist Group
Species Fact Sheets
A series of fairly comprehensive fact sheets on some 28 species of Palms that are under threat in the wild. They can be downloaded from the Internet.
[766 - Ethnobotanical Studies of Some Important Ferns
Ethnobotanical Leaflets 11: 164 - 172. 2007
Srivastava K. Website
Ethnobotanical Leaflets Year
2007 ISBN
Some of the uses of ferns in India.
[767 - Folk Lore Uses of Some Plants by the Tribes of Madhya Pradesh with Special Reference to Their Conservation
Ethnobotanical Leaflets 12: 763 - 771.
Dwivedi S., Dwivedi, A., and Dwivedi S.N. Website
Ethnobotanical Leaflets. Year
2008 ISBN
Traditional medicinal uses of plants in Madhya Pradesh, India.
[769 - A Taxonomic Treatment of the Palm Subtribe Attaleinae (Tribe Cocoeae)
Illinois Biological Monographs 59
Glassman S.F. Website
University of Illinois Press; Chicago. Year
1999 ISBN
0-252-06786-X Description
An in depth treatment of the Palm Subtribe Attaleinae. As well as a detailed study of the species, it also mentions various of their uses.
[770 - Journal of Ethnobiology. Vol. 22 No. 2
Miller N.F. (Editor) Website
Society of Ethnobiology Year
2002 ISBN
0278-0771 Description
A periodical with articles on the various uses of plants by native peoples.
[771 - A Revision of Desmoncus (Arecaceae)
Phytotaxa 35; 1-88
Henderson A. Website
Magnolia Press; Auckland Year
2011 ISBN
978-1-86977-839-2 Description
A good description of each species with fairly detailed notes on habitat. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[773 - A Revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae)
Phytotaxa 17: 1 - 271
Henderson A. Website
Magnolia Press Year
2011 ISBN
1179-3155 Description
A treatment of the genus Geonoma, giving very detailed botanical descriptions and some information on habitat. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[776 - An Ethnobotanical Survey of Plants Used to Manage HIV/AIDS Opportunistic Infections in Katima Mulilo, Caprivi Region
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:25
Chinsembu K.C.; Hedimbi M. Website
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine Year
2010 ISBN
Medicinal herbs used in the treatment of AIDS-related health conditions. It can be downloaded in PDF format from the Internet.
[777 - Frutipedia - Encyclopedia of Edible Fruits of the World
Parmar Dr. C. Website
An online , listing over 400 species of fruits, usually with photos and some information on the plant.
[779 - Novon Vol. 5
Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis. Year
1995 ISBN
A botanical magazine devoted to the descriptions of new species, new names for species etc. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[780 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 96
Missouri Botanical Garden Press; St. Louis. Year
2009 ISBN
0026-6493 Description
A botanical magazine with various articles on plant nomenclature etc., including a treatment of the Gnidia species of Madagascar.
[781 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported No. 29
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry Bulletin No. 261
Galloway B.T. () Website
USDA Government Printing Office; Washington Year
1912 ISBN
Details of plants and seeds imported by the US Government during the period October to December 1911, giving some information on the species. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[782 - Ethnobotany of the Valaiyans of Karandamalai, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu, India.
Ethnobotanical Leaflets 12: 195-203.
Kottaimuthu. R. Website
The Berkeley Electronic Press Year
2008 ISBN
Terse information on the medicinal uses of plants by a tribe of people in southern India. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[783 - Flora, Tehuacan Valley
Fieldiana: Botany Vol. 31 No. 4.
C. Earle Smith Jr. Website
Chicago Natural History Museum; Chicago. Year
1965 ISBN
65-18866 Description
An excellent botanical , this issue is an article on the plants found in the Tehuacan Valley in Mexico, including some information on plant uses.
[784 - Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information
HMSO; London Year
1917 ISBN
A botanical by Kew Gardens. It contains information on various plants, including a rather dated treatment of the genus Strychnos in Asia.
[787 - Flora of Dominica, Part 2: Dicotyledoneae
Smithsonian Contributions to Botany No. 77
Nicolson D.H.; et al Website
Smithsonian Institute Press; Washington Year
1991 ISBN
90-10415 Description
A terse but very useful flora with a somewhat limited botanical description plus range, habitat and some uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[788 - Pouteria multiflora (A.DC.) Eyma. Jacana, Bully-tree. Sapotaceae. Sapodilla family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 62).
Parrotta J.A. and Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service Year
1993 ISBN
A very detailed article on Pouteria multiflora. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[789 - Alchornea latifolia Sw. Achiotillo. Euphorbiaceae. Spurge family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 60).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1993 ISBN
A very detailed article on Alchornea latifolia. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[790 - Syzygium jambos (L.) Alst. Rose apple. Myrtaceae. Myrtle family .
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 4 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 26).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1990 ISBN
A very detailed article on Syzygium jambos. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[791 - Hymenaea courbaril (L.) Algarrobo, locust. Leguminosae. Legume family. Caesalpinioideae. Cassia sub-family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 27).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1990 ISBN
A very detailed article on Hymenaea courbaril. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[792 - Fraxinus uhdei (Wenzig) Lingelsh. Fresno, tropical ash. Oleaceae. Olive family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; 4 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 28).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1990 ISBN
A very detailed article on Fraxinus uhdei. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[793 - Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. Ceiba, Kapok, silk cotton tree. Bombacaceae. Bombax family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; 4 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 29).
Chinea-Rivera J.D. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1990 ISBN
A very detailed article on Ceiba pentandra. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[794 - Tamarindus indica L. Tamarindo. Leguminosae. (Caesalpinioideae). Legume family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry ; 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 30).
Parrotta J.A. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1990 ISBN
A very detailed article on Tamarindus indica. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[795 - Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen. Batai. Moluccan sau. Leguminosae (Mimosoideae) Legume family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 31).
Parrotta J.A. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1990 ISBN
A very detailed article on Paraserianthes falcataria. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[796 - Spathodea campanulata Beauv. African Tulip tree. Bignoniaceae. Bignonia family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 32).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1990 ISBN
A very detailed article on Spathodea campanulata. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[797 - Senna siamea Irwin & Barnaby. Yellow cassia, minjri. Leguminosae (Caesalpinioideae). Legume family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; 7 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 33).
Parrotta J.A. & Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1990 ISBN
A very detailed article on Senna siamea. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[798 - Citharexylum fruticosum. L. Péndula, fiddlewood. Verbenaceae. Verbena Family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; 4 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 34).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1990 ISBN
A very detailed article on Citharexylum fruticosum. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[799 - Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. Almácigo, gumbo limbo. Burseraceae. Bursera family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 35).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1990 ISBN
A very detailed article on Bursera simaruba. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[800 - Hura crepitans L. Sandbox, molinillo, jabillo. Euphorbiaceae. Spurge family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 38)
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1990 ISBN
A very detailed article on Hura crepitans. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[801 - Inga vera (Willd.) Guaba. Leguminosae (Mimosoideae). Legume family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 4 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 39).
Rodriguez C. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1990 ISBN
A very detailed article on Inga vera. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[802 - Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. Guamuchil, Madras thorn. Leguminosae (Mimosoideae.) Legume family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 40).
Parrotta J.A. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1991 ISBN
A very detailed article on Pithecellobium dulce. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[803 - Zanthoxylum martinicense Lam. DC. Espino rubial. Rutaceae. Rue family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 42).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1991 ISBN
A very detailed article on Zanthoxylum martinicense. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[804 - Buchenavia capitata (Vahl) Eichl. Granadillo. Combretaceae. Combretum family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 7 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 43).
Weaver P.L. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1991 ISBN
A very detailed article on Buchenavia capitata. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[805 - Cupania americana L. Guara. Sapindaceae. Soapberry family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; 4 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 44).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1991 ISBN
A very detailed article on Cupania americana. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[806 - Hyeronima clusioides (Tul.) Muell-Arg. Cedro macho. Euphorbiaceae. Spurge family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; 3 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 45).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1991 ISBN
A very detailed article on Hyeronima clusioides. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[807 - Swietenia mahagoni Jacq. West Indies mahogany. Meliaceae. Mahogany family.
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 7 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 46).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1991 ISBN
A very detailed article on Swietenia mahagoni. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[808 - Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. Guácima. Sterculiaceae. Chocolate familiy.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 47).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1991 ISBN
A very detailed article on Guazuma ulmifolia. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[809 - Melicoccus bijugatus Jacq. Quenepa. Sapindaceae. Soapberry family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; 4 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 48).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1992 ISBN
A very detailed article on Melicoccus bijugatus. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[810 - Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd. Aroma. Huisache. Leguminosae (Mimosoideae). Legume family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 6 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 49).
Parrotta J.A. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1992 ISBN
A very detailed article on Acacia farnesiana. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[811 - Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. Gliricidia, Mother of Cocoa. Leguminosae (Papilionoideae). Legume family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry;. 7 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 50).
Parrotta J.A. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1992 ISBN
A very detailed article on Gliricidia sepium. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[812 - Spondias mombin L. Hogplum. Anacardiaceae. Cashew family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry;. 4 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 51).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1992 ISBN
A very detailed article on Spondias mombin. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[813 - Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit. Leucaena, tantan. Leguminosae (Mimosoideae) Legume family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 8 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 52).
Parrotta J.A. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1992 ISBN
A very detailed article on Leucaena leucocephala. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[814 - Pinus patula Schiede and Deppe. Patula pine. Pinaceae. Pine family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 54).
Gillespie A.J.R. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1992 ISBN
A very detailed article on Pinus patula. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[815 - Roystonea borinquena O.F. Cook. Puerto Rican royal palm. Palmae. Palm family.
USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 55).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1992 ISBN
A very detailed article on Roystonea borinquena. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[816 - Casuarina equisetifolia L. ex J.R. & G. Forts.. Casuarina, Australian pine: Casuarinaceae. Casuarina family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 11 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 56).
Parrotta J.A. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1993 ISBN
A very detailed article on Casuarina equisetifolia. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[817 - Cocos nucifera L. Coconut, Coconut palm, Palma de coco. Palmae. Palm family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 7 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 57).
Parrotta J.A. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1993 ISBN
A very detailed article on Cocos nucifera. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[818 - Genipa americana L. Jagua, genipa. Rubiaceae. Madder family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry ; . 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 58).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1993 ISBN
A very detailed article on Genipa americana. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[819 - Micropholis chrysophylloides. Pierre. Caimitillo. Sapotaceae. Sapodilla family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 8 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 59).
Weaver P.L. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1993 ISBN
A very detailed article on Micropholis chrysophylloides. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[820 - Moringa oleifera Lam. Reseda, horseradish tree. Moringaceae. Horseradish tree family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . (SO-ITF-SM; 61).
Parrotta J.A. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1993 ISBN
A very detailed article on Moringa oleifera. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[821 - Mangifera indica L. Mango. Anacardiaceae. Cashew family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 6 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 63).
Parrotta J.A. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1993 ISBN
A very detailed article on Mangifera indica. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[822 - Tectona grandis L.f. Teak. Verbenaceae. Verbena family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; 18 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 64).
Weaver P.L. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1993 ISBN
A very detailed article on Tectona grandis. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[823 - Bambusa vulgaris Schrad ex Wendl. Common bamboo. Gramineae. Grass family. Bambusoideae. Bamboo subfamily.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 6 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 65).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1993 ISBN
A very detailed article on Bambusa vulgaris. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[824 - Petitia domingensis Jacq. Capá Blanco. Verbenaceae. Verbena family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 66).
Rodriguez C.D. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1993 ISBN
A very detailed article on Petitia domingensis. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[825 - Guaiacum officinale L. Lignumvitae. Guayacan. Zygophyllacea. Caltrop family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 4 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 67).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1993 ISBN
A very detailed article on Guaiacum officinale. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[826 - Clusia rosea Jacq. Cupey. Clusiaceae. Clusia family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 69).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1993 ISBN
A very detailed article on Clusia rosea. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[827 - Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Neem, margosa. Meliaceae. Mahogany family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry;. 8 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 70).
Parrotta J.A. & Chaturvedi A.N. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1994 ISBN
A very detailed article on Azadirachta indica. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[828 - Artocarpus altilis (S. Park.) Fosb. Breadfruit. Breadnut. Moraceae. Mulberry family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 6 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 71).
Parrotta J.A. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1994 ISBN
A very detailed article on Artocarpus altilis. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[829 - Juglans jamaicensis C. DC. Nogal. Juglandaceae. Walnut family.
New Orleans, LA: USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; 4 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 73).
Francis J.K. & Alemany S. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1994 ISBN
A very detailed article on Juglans jamaicensis. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[830 - Inga fagifolia (L.) Willd. Guamá. Leguminosae. (Mimosoideae). Legume family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; 4 p. (SO-ITF-SM-72.)
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1994 ISBN
A very detailed article on Inga fagifolia. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[831 - Coccoloba uvifera (L.) L. Sea grape. Uva de playa. Polygonaceae. Buckwheat. Buckwheat family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 74).
Parrotta J.A. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1994 ISBN
A very detailed article on Coccoloba uvifera. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[832 - Ficus citrifolia P. Miller. Jaguey blanco. Moraceae. Mulberry family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; 1994. 4 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 75).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1994 ISBN
A very detailed article on Ficus citrifolia. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[833 - Thespesia populnea (L.) Soland. ex Correa. Portiatree, emajaguilla. Malvaceae. Mallow family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 5 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 76).
Parrotta J.A. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1994 ISBN
A very detailed article on Thespesia populnea. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[834 - Cordia sulcata DC. White manjack, Moral. Boraginaceae. Borage family.
USDA Forest Service, Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 4 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 77).
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1995 ISBN
A very detailed article on Cordia sulcata. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[835 - Cyrilla racemiflora L. Swamp cyrilla. Cyrillaceae, Cyrilla family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; 12 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 78).
Weaver P.L. Website
USDA Forest Service; New Orleans. Year
1996 ISBN
A very detailed article on Cyrilla racemiflora. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[836 - Prunus occidentalis Sw. Almendron. Rosaceae. Rose family.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Topical Forestry; . 8 p. (General Technical Report; SM-79).
Alemany-Merly S.E. Website
USDA Forest Service; Rio Piedras; Puerto Rico. Year
1997 ISBN
A very detailed article on Prunus occidentalis. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[837 - Magnolia splendens Urban laurel sabino. Magnoliaceae, Magnolia family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 7 p. (IITF-SM; 80).
Weaver P.L. Website
USDA Forest Service; Rio Piedras; Puerto Rico. Year
1997 ISBN
A very detailed article on Magnolia splendens. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[838 - Swietenia macrophylla King. Honduras mahogany . Caoba.. Meliaceae Mahogany family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry ; . 7 p. (SO-IITF-SM; 81).
Bauer G.P. & Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; Rio Piedras; Puerto Rico. Year
1998 ISBN
A very detailed article on Swietenia macrophylla. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[839 - Prestoea montana (R. Graham) Nichols. Sierra Palm. Palmaceae. Palm family.
US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry;. 9 p. (SO-ITF; SM-82).
Lugo A.E., Francis J.K. & Frangi J.L. Website
USDA Forest Service; Rio Piedras; Puerto Rico. Year
1998 ISBN
A very detailed article on Prestoea montana. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[840 - Sloanea berteriana Choisy motillo. Elaeocarpaceae. Elaeocarpus family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 7 p. (IITF-SM; 84).
Weaver P.L. Website
USDA Forest Service; Rio Piedras; Puerto Rico. Year
1997 ISBN
A very detailed article on Sloanea berteriana. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[841 - Zanthoxylum flavum Vahl. Aceitillo, yellow-sanders. Rutaceae, Rue family.
USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry; . 4 p. (IITF-SM; 85)
Francis J.K. Website
USDA Forest Service; Rio Piedras; Puerto Rico. Year
1997 ISBN
A very detailed article on Zanthoxylum flavum. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[842 - Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth. Northern black wattle. Leguminosae (Mimosoideae). Legume family.
Puerto Rico: USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry;. 4 p. (IITF-SM; 86).
Parrotta J.A. Website
USDA Forest Service; Rio Piedras; Puerto Rico. Year
1997 ISBN
A very detailed article on Acacia auriculiformis. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[843 - Pterocarpus officinalis Jacq. Bloodwood Legumeminosae, Legume Family, lotoideae, Pea Subfamily.
Puerto Rico: USDA Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry;. 4 p. (SO-ITF-SM; 87).
Weaver P.L. Website
USDA Forest Service; Rio Piedras; Puerto Rico. Year
1997 ISBN
A very detailed article on Pterocarpus officinalis. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[844 - Botanical Museum Leaflets. Vol. 14
Harvard University; Cambridge, Mass. Year
1949 - 1951 ISBN
A series of botanical papers, often dealing with ethnobotanical subjects. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[845 - Classification of Boraginaceae subfam. Ehretioideae: Resurrection of the genus HilsenbergiaTausch ex Meisn.
Adansonia Ser. 3 25 (2) 151 - 189
Miller James S. Website
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle; Paris. Year
2003 ISBN
A resurrection and revision of the genus Hilsenbergia with a detailed description of a number of new species from Madagascar. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[848 - Tropix 7
An on-line guide to the timbers of 245 species of trees.
[849 - Medicinal and Ethnoveterinary Remedies of Hunters in Trinidad
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2001; 1: 10.
Lans C.; Harper T.; Georges K.; Bridgewater E. Website
International Society for Complementary Medicine Research Year
2001 ISBN
The paper is available online.
[851 - Plant Material Introduced by the Office of Foreign Plant Introduction. Inventory No. 97
United States Department of Agriculture; Washington. Year
1930 ISBN
Details of plants and seeds imported by the US Government during the period October to December 1928, often giving some information on the species. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[853 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported Vol. 106
USDA, Washington. Year
1932 ISBN
Details of seeds imported for trials by the United States Department of Agriculture in the first quarter of 1931, often detailing the uses of the plant and various other miscellaneous information. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[854 - Plants of Hawaii
Starr F.; Starr K.; Loope L. Website
United States Geological Survey--Biological Resources Division; Year
2003 ISBN
Fairly detailed reports on 92 plants found growing in Hawaii, often giving plant uses. Produced in PDF format, they can be downloaded from the Internet.
[855 - nnals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 88
Missouri Botanical Garden Press; St. Louis. Year
2001 ISBN
0026-6493 Description
A botanical with a range of articles on plants, including a treatment of the genus Striga in Africa.
[856 - Traditional Ethnomedicinal Knowledge Confined to the Pawra Tribe of Satpura Hills, Maharashtra, India.
Ethnobotanical Leaflets 13: 98-115.
Jagtap S.D.; Deokule S.S.; Pawar P.K.; Harsulkar A.M. Website
2009 ISBN
1948-3570 Description
Information on the traditional medicinal use of plants by the Pawra tribe in Maharashtra, India. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[857 - The Forest Resources of the Territories of Papua and New Guinea.
Lane-Poole C.E. Website
Government of the Commonwealth of Australia; Victoria. Year
1925 ISBN
A detailed report on the geography, climate, peoples and many of the plants of New Guinea. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[858 - A nomenclator of Pacific oceanic island Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae), including Glochidion.
PhytoKeys 4:67-94 (2011)
Wagner W.L.; Lorence D.H. Website
PhytoKeys Year
2011 ISBN
1314-2003 Description
A proposed revision of the genus Phyllanthus, enlarging the genus by transferring the genera Breynia, Glochidion, Reverchonia, Phyllanthodendron, and Sauropus to it. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[859 - Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol. 37
Smithsonian Institution Press; Washington Year
1969 ISBN
A botanical journal, containing various articles on plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[860 - Atoll Research Bulletin Nos. 312 - 320
Various Website
Smithsonian Institute; Washington. Year
1988 ISBN
A series of papers, in book form, that provides an outlet for information on the biota of tropical islands and reefs, and on the environment that supports the biota. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[861 - Industrial Fiber Plants of the Philippines
Philippine Bureau of Education, Bulletin No. 49
Muller T. Website
Philippine Bureau of Education; Manila. Year
1913 ISBN
An early guide to the fibre-producing plants of the Philippines.
[862 - Plant Material Introduced by the Division of Plant Exploration and Introduction, Bureau of Plant Industry
Plant Inventory No. 135
USDA; Washington. Year
1949 ISBN
A record of the plant material received by the Division of Plant Exploration and Introduction during the period from April 1 to June 30, 1938. It gives some information on plant uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[863 - World Bamboo Resources
Non-Wood Forest Products No. 18
Lobovikov M.; Paudel S.; Piazza M.; Ren H.; Wu J. Website
FAO; Rome. Year
2007 ISBN
978-92-5-10578-0 Description
Mainly an overview on the global uses of Bamboo, it gives some specific information on plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[864 - Botanical Museum Leaflets Vol 21
Botanical Museum; Cambridge, Massachusetts Year
1963 - 1967 ISBN
A series of botanical articles. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[865 - Chinese Economic Trees
Woon Young Chun Website
Commercial Press; Shanghai. Year
1921 ISBN
Brief details of many of the Chinese trees with economic importance. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[866 - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences Vol. 38
Washington Academy of Sciences; Wisconsin. Year
1948 ISBN
A scientific journal, sometimes with articles on plants. This edition includes the description of several newly recorded trees from S. America. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[867 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Volume 70
Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis Year
1983 ISBN
A botanical journal. This edition includes an article on the arborescent Bauhinias of tropical America. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[868 - Botanical Museum Leaflets Vol 16
Harvard University; Cambridge, Mass. Year
1954 ISBN
A series of articles, often covering the ethnobotanical uses of plants in the Americas. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[869 - Botanical Museum Leaflets Vol 17
Harvard University; Cambridge, Mass. Year
1957 ISBN
A series of articles, often covering the ethnobotanical uses of plants in the Americas. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[870 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Volume 45
Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis Year
1958 ISBN
A botanical journal. This edition includes a part of the Flora of Panama.. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[871 - Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol 26
Smithsonian Institution; Washington Year
1940 ISBN
A botanical Journal, it includes a treatment of the Lecythidaceae. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[874 - Botanical Museaum Leaflets Vol 9
Harvard University; Cambridge, Mass. Year
1941 ISBN
A series of articles on mainly American plants, often mentioning uses. It canbe downloaded from the Internet.
[875 - The Red List of Mexican Cloud Forest Trees
Editors González-Espinosa M., et al. Website
Fauna and Flora International; Cambridge, UK. Year
2011 ISBN
Available to download from the Internet in PDF format, this gives some basic information on the trees of the Mexican Cloud Forests, focussing on their conservation status, but also with a description, habitat, some uses etc.
[876 - The American Woods (in 14 volumes)
Hough R.B. Website
Romeyn B. Hough Co.; New York Year
1888 - 1928 ISBN
Detailed information, with photographs, of the woods of almost 400 species of American trees. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[878 - Plant Inventory No. 142
USDA; Washington. Year
1950 ISBN
A list of plant material (seeds, cuttings etc) recieved by the United States Division of Plant Exploration and Introduction during the period from January 1 to March 31, 1940. It details some plant uses.
[880 - Plant Inventory No. 165
USDA; Washington. Year
1966 ISBN
A list of plant material (seeds, cuttings etc) recieved by the United States Division of Plant Exploration and Introduction during the period from January 1 to December 31, 1957. It details some plant uses.
[881 - Isolation, characterization and antibacterial activity of 3-hydroxy-2,2-bis propanal from Brachystegia eurycoma
Der Pharma Chemica, 2013, 5(2):39-44
Igwe O.U. & Okwu D.E. Website
Scholars Research Library Year
2013 ISBN
0975-413X Description
An on-line , a research paper looking at the antibacterial activity of Brachystegia eurycoma.
[882 - Phytochemical composition and anti-inflammatory activities of Brachystegia eurycoma seeds and stem bark
Der Pharma Chemica, 2013, 5(1):224-228
Igwe O.U. & Okwu D.E. Website
Scholars Research Library Year
2013 ISBN
0975-413X Description
An on-line , a research paper looking at the antiinflammatory activity of Brachystegia eurycoma.
[883 - Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information
Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew Year
1923 ISBN
A botanical journal, it contains a rather dated but still useful treatment of the genus Brachystegia with quite a lot of information on plant uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[884 - The World List of Threatened Trees
Oldfield S.; Lusty C.; and MacKinven A. Website
World Conservation Press; Cambridge UK Year
1998 ISBN
1-899628-10 X Description
A list of the trees on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Plant Species in 1998, often giving some information on habitat and the reasons for being on the list. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[885 - Non-Wood Forest Products in 15 Countries of Tropical Asia - An Overview.
Vantomme P.; Markkula A.; and Leslie R.N. (Editors) Website
FAO Regional Office; Bangkok. Year
2002 ISBN
974-90666-0-X Description
Some general information on the useful, non-tree plants of forests in varions tropical countries in Asia. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[886 - A taxonomic revision of the reinstated genus Leplaea and the newly recognized genus Neoguarea
Plant Ecology and Evolution 145 (2): 209-241, 2012
Koenen E.J.M.; de Wilde J.J.F.E. Website
The Royal Botanical Society; Belgium. Year
2012 ISBN
2032-3913 Description
A review of the genus Guarea in Africa, it excludes all the African species from that genus, placing the majority of them in Leplaea and one in Neoguarea. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[887 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 79
van der Werff H. (Editor) Website
Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis. Year
1992 ISBN
0026-6493 Description
A botanical journal, it includes an article on the ethnobotanical uses of the plant family Bignoniaceae. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[888 - Phytologia Vol. 35
Harold and Alma Moldenke; New Jersey. Year
1976 ISBN
A botanical with a specific purpose of publishing the names and descriptions of newly described species. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[889 - Timber Notes-MediumHardwoods III (Mata Ulat, Mempening, Mengkulang, Meransi, Merawan)
Timber Technology Bulletin No. 20
Choo K.T.; Lim S.C.; Gan K.S. Website
Forest Research Institute; Malaysia Year
2001 ISBN
139-258 Description
Part of an excellent series of s, this one giving basic information on the properties of five types of hardwood timbers from southeast Asia. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[890 - The Philippine Journal of Science Vol. 22
Merrill E.D. (Editor) Website
Bureau of Science; Manila, Year
1923 ISBN
A botanical journal, rather dated but containing some good information on the woods of the Philippines. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[891 - Gums, Resins and Latexes of Plant Origins.
Non-Wood Forest Products 6.
Coppen J.J.W. Website
FAO, United Nations; Rome Year
1995 ISBN
92-5-103757-4 Description
A handbook published by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, it provides good basic information on the sources and uses of the various gums, resins and latexes. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[893 - Identification and utilization of lesser-known commercial timbers in Peninsular Malaysia 6
Timber Technology Bulletin No. 40
Lim S.C. & Gan K.S. Website
Forest Research Institute; Malaysia Year
2006 ISBN
139-258 Description
Part of an excellent series of s, this one giving a brief guide to four lesser known groups of commercial timbers from southeast Asia. It is available in PDF format on the Internet.
[897 - Occurrence of the Synthetic Analgesic Tramadol in an African Medicinal Plant.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition Vol. 52 11780 - 11784
Boumendjel, A. Et al Website
2013 ISBN
1521-3773 Description
A research paper, showing the presence of a natural pain-relieving opoid in the bark and roots of Nauclea latifolia.
[903 - The Gutta Percha and Rubber of the Philippines Islands
Department of Interior; Bureau of Government Laboratories, Philippines.
Sherman P.L. Website
Bureau of Public Printing; Malila, Philippines Year
1903 ISBN
Written at the beginning of the 20th century, before the advent of synthetic rubbers, this is a review of the known rubber-producing plants being utilized in the Philippines. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[907 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 95
Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis. Year
2008 ISBN
0026-6493 Description
A botanical , it contains an article on the genus Tachigali. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[908 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 41
Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis. Year
1954 ISBN
A botanical , it contains an article on the genus Tachigali. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[909 - Forest Types and Products; The Principal Forest Trees
Philippines Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 10
Whitford H.N. Website
Bureau of Forestry; Manilla Year
1911 ISBN
A series of booklets dealing with various aspects of the Philippine forests. This volume gives a brief description of the main timber species in the Philippines . It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[910 - The Philippine Journal of Science Vol. 5
Freer P. C. (Editor) Website
The Bureau of Science; Manilla. Year
1910 ISBN
A botanical journal with descriptions of several newly described (1910) species of plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[911 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 54
Harvard University; Massachusets Year
1973 ISBN
0004-2625 Description
A botanical magazine, it includes a provisional key and enumeration of the genus Syzygium in New Guinea. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[912 - Non-Wood News; An information bulletin on Non-Wood Forest Products No. 11
2004 ISBN
1020-3435 Description
A newsletter containing various short articles on the uses of plants in the forest other than wood. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[914 - The Acanthaceae of Colombia
Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol. 31
Leonard E.C. Website
Smithsonian Institution; Washington Year
1958 ISBN
A botanical journal, this edition is devoted to a treatment of the Acanthaceae of Colombia. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[915 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 78
Missouri Botanical Garden; Missouri. Year
1991 ISBN
0026-6493 Description
A botanical journal, it contains a revision of the genus Anthurium. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[916 - Contributions from the Gray Herbarium Vol. 207
Harvard University; Massachusets Year
1977 ISBN
A botanical journal, it contains a revision of the genus Monstera. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[917 - Tropical American Plants VIII
Fieldiana Botany Vol. 31 No. 10
Williams L.O. Website
Field Museum of Natural History; Chicago Year
1967 ISBN
Information on newly described species from the Americas. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[918 - Journal of Ethnobiology. Vol. 12
Society of Ethnobiology Year
1992 ISBN
0278-0771 Description
A periodical with articles on the various uses of plants by native peoples.
[921 - Participatory Research and Management of Aruma (Ischnosiphon gracilis[Rudge] Körn., Marantaceae) by the Kaiabi Peopl
Journal of Ethnobiology 26(1): 36 - 59
Simone Ferreira de Athayde et al. Website
Journal of Ethnobiology Year
2006 ISBN
0278-0771 Description
Research into the management of Ischnosiphon gracilis as a resource for basket making.
[923 - Journal of Ethnobiology Vol. 8
Society of Ethnobiology. Year
1988 ISBN
0278-0771 Description
[927 - A Partial Revision of Paullinia (Sapindaceae) for Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. Part 1.
Fieldiana Botany Vol. 36 No. 12 pp 125 - 164
Simpson D.R. Website
Field Museum of Natural History; Chicago. Year
1976 ISBN
0015-0746 Description
A botanical journal, this article is a partial revision of the genus Paullinia. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[928 - Botanical Museum Leaflets Vol. 10
Harvard Botanical Museum; Cambridge, Mass. Year
1942 ISBN
A botanical journal.
[929 - A Revision of the South American Species of Brunfelsia (Solanaceae)
Fieldiana Botany New Series No. 39
Plowman T.C. Website
Field Museum of Natural History; Chicago. Year
1998 ISBN
0015-0746 Description
A botanical journal, this edition is devoted entirely to the revision of the genus Brunfelsia in S. America. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[932 - A Field Guide to the Medicinal Plants of Tasek Bera.
Wetlands International. Year
An on-line PDF, there is no evidence that it has been published and no details of the , though it was funded by The Rufford Foundation, charity no 1117270. Gives brief guides to local uses of over 50 medicinal plants.
[935 - Identification and utilization of lesser-known commercial timbers in Peninsular Malaysia 7
Timber Technology Bulletin No. 41
Lim S.C.; Gan K.S. Website
Forest Research Institute Malaysia Year
2006 ISBN
139-258 Description
Part of an excellent series of s, this one giving a brief guide to four groups of lesser known commercial timbers from southeast Asia. It can be downloaded in PDF format from the Internet.
[937 - Saving Culture for Saving Diversity; Final Report (2008 - 2009)
N. Anil Kumar Ph. D. Website
M S Swaminathan Research Foundation; Chennai, India Year
2009 ISBN
A report about a study carried out on the link between cultural and ethnic role of local society in conservation and sustainable utilization of five high- value tree species that are threatened, rare and endemic to the Western Ghats of India
[938 - Conifers of Vietnam
Luu N.D.T.; Thomas P.I. Website
Darwin Initiative Year
2004 ISBN
1-872291-64-3 Description
Described by the s as an illustrated field guide for the most important forest trees of Vietnam, it is available as a PDF document on the Internet.
[939 - Identification and Utilization of Lesser-Known Commercial Timbers in Peninsular Malaysia 12; Pagar Anak, Pepauh, Pep
Timber Technology Bulletin No. 49
Lim S.C.; Gan K.S. Website
Forest Research Institute; Malaysia. Year
2009 ISBN
139-258 Description
Part of an excellent series of s, this one giving a brief guide to four groups of lesser known commercial timbers from Peninsula Malaysia. It can be downloaded in PDF format from the Internet.
[941 - Notes on the Smoking Pipes of North Queensland and the Northern Territory of Australia.
Man; A Monthly Record of Anthropological Science. Vol. 39, pp 76 - 87.
Thomas D.F. Website
Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Year
1939 ISBN
The article contains information on the medicinal and food uses of Grewia polygama.
[943 - Topical antiinflammatory and analgesic activities of Copaifera duckei Dwyer.
Phytoptherapy Research Vol. 19, Issue 11, pp946 - 950
Carvalho J.C.T., et al Website
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Year
2005 ISBN
1099-1573 Description
Research article into the effectiveness of the plant as an antiinflammatory and analgesic.
[946 - Timber Notes - Light Hardwoods 1
Timber Technology Bulletin No. 9
Choo K.T.; Gan K.S.; Lim S.C. Website
Timber Technology Centre; Kuala Lumpur Year
1998 ISBN
139-258 Description
An excellent series of leaflets, this one gives information on the wood of several species in the genus Shorea. It can be downloaded as a PDF document from the Internet.
[947 - Leaflets of Philippine Botany Vol. 9
Elmer A.D.E. (Editor) Website
1920 - 1937 ISBN
Various short botanical articles on Philippine plants, often describing new species. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[948 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 71
Harvard University; Massachusets Year
1990 ISBN
0004-2625 Description
A botanical journal containing many articles on nomenclature etc. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[949 - Flore Générale de L'Indo-Chine
Lecomte H. Website
Masson; Paris. Year
1907 - 1951 ISBN
Produced in ?7 volumes, it is rather old and dated, especially with the amount of nomenclatural changes there have been in the past century, but still contains a wealth of information.
[950 - Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information
Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew, London. Year
1910 ISBN
A botanical from Kew Botanic Gardens, it has a range of articles and many newly published descriptions of plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[952 - The Philippine Journal of Science. Section C. Botany.
Merrill. E.D. (Editor) Website
Manila Bureau of Printing; Philippines Year
1915 ISBN
A botanical journal, it contains lots of new descriptions of plants and various other article on the botany of the Philippines. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[953 - Leaflets of Philippine Botany Vol. 2
Elmer A.D.E. (Editor) Website
Manila; Philippines Year
1908 - 1910 ISBN
Various articles and descriptions of Philippines plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[954 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 81
Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis. Year
1994 ISBN
0026-6493 Description
A botanical journal with various articles, including a revision of the genus Petrea. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[955 - Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Vol. 10
New York Botanical Garden; New York. Year
1958 ISBN
A botanical journal this volume looks mainly at the flora of the Guayana Highlands. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[956 - Timber Notes - Light Hardwoods VII (Sentang, Sepetir, Sesendok, Terap, Terentang)
Timber Technology Bulletin No. 17
Gan K. S.; Choo K. T.; Lim S. C. Website
Timber Technology Centre, FRIM; Kuala Lumpur. Year
1999 ISBN
139-258 Description
An excellent series of leaflets, this one gives information on the wood of several species of light hardwoods. It can be downloaded as a PDF document from the Internet.
[957 - Antioxidant Activities and HPLC/DAD Analysis of Phenolics and Carotenoids from the Barks of Cariniana domestica (Mar
Research Journal of Phytochemistry 6 (4) pp. 105 - 112
Janovik V.; Boligon A. A.; Athayde M. L. Website
Academic Journals Inc. Year
2012 ISBN
1819-3471 Description
Research into the antiinflammatory activity of Cariniana domestica.
[958 - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences Vol. 44
Washington Academy of Sciences; Baltimore Year
1954 ISBN
A botanical journal with a range of articles, including one on the genus Centrolobium. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[959 - The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London Vol. 30
Linnean Society; London Year
1875 ISBN
A botanical journal, it contains the first comprehensive (for its time) treatment of the genus Eschweilera. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[960 - Report of Marine Borer Conference 1952
University of Miami; Florida Year
1953 ISBN
It includes a report on woods suitable for use in a marine environment. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[961 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 57
Missouri Botanical Garden Press; Missouri. Year
1970 ISBN
A botanical journal with a range of articles. It can be downloaded from the Internet/
[962 - Novon Vol. 15
Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis. Year
2005 ISBN
A botanical journal, focussing on publishing new plant names. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[963 - Contributions from the U. S. National Herbarium Vol. 05
Washington Government Printing Office; Washington Year
1897 - 1901 ISBN
A botanical journal with a range of articles. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[964 - New or Noteworthy Spermatophytes from Mexico, Central America and the West Indies
Field Colombian Museum Botanical Series Vol. 2, No. 6 ( No. 126)
Greenman J. M. Website
Field Museum; Chicago Year
1907 ISBN
Descriptions of plants new to science (in 1907). It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[965 - Uapaca (Phyllanthaceae) in the Guineo-Congolian forest region: a synoptic revision
Plant Ecology and Evolution 146 (1) 75 - 94
Breteler F. J. Website
Royal Botanical Society of Belgium Year
2013 ISBN
2032-3913 Description
A revision of the west African members of the genus Uapaca
[966 - Identification and Utilization of Lesser-known Commercial Timbers in Peninsular Malaysia 8: Keruntum, Kungang, Leban
Timber Technology Bulletin No. 43
Lim S. C. Gan K. S. Website
Forest Research Institute Malaysia Year
2007 ISBN
139-258 Description
Part of an excellent series of handbooks giving information on the woods of southeast Asia.
[967 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 50
The Arnold Arboretum; Massachusetts Year
1969 ISBN
A botanical journal with a range of articles, including a treatment of the genus Flindersia. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[968 - Novon Volume 11
Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis. Year
2001 ISBN
A series of articles, mainly involved with naming new plants, but also giving lots of information about each species described. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[969 - Chilli wood, pepper wood Piper ribesioides Wall., Piper interruptum Opiz
Food From Northern Laos
Dorothy Culloty Website
Information on the use of Piper ribesioides and Piper interruptum in cooking in N. Laos
[973 - A Flora of Manilla
Merrill E.D. Website
Dept of the Interior, Bureau of Science; Manila Year
1912 ISBN
A rather old , the botanical names are often out of date, but the book still contains information not easily available elsewhere. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[975 - Les Plantes Utiles des Colonies Françaises
J.-L. De Lanessan (Editor) Website
1886 ISBN
Information on the useful plants of the Frech colonies towards the end of the 19th century. Many botanical names have changed, but the information remains valid and is often not easy to find elsewhwere. It can be downloaded from the Internet
[976 - Plant Material Introduced January to December 1959
Plant Inventory No. 167
USDA, Washington D.C. Year
1959 ISBN
A list of plant introductions into the USA during 1959. It sometimes lists plant uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[984 - Speciality Rattans of the ASEAN
Blumea 54, pp 39 - 43
A. C. Baja-Lapis Website
National Herbarium, Nederland. Year
2009 ISBN
A description of the uses and agricultural practices for 11 selected species of rattan.
[985 - New rattans from New Guinea (Calamus, Arecaceae)
Phytotaxa 163 (4); 181 - 215
Baker W.J., Dransfield J. Website
Magnolia Press Year
2014 ISBN
1179-3163 Description
A description of 14 newly named species of Calamus from New Guinea, including any known uses.
[986 - Four new species of Calamus (Arecaceae) from Vietnam
Phytotaxa 135 (1): 19 - 26
Henderson A.; Nguyen Quoc Dung Website
Magnolia Press, New Zealand Year
2013 ISBN
1179-3155 Description
A description of four new species of Calamus discovered in Vietnam.
[987 - The Gardens' Bulletin Singapore Vol. 47 Part 2
Turner I.M.
Singapore Botanic Gardens; Singapore Year
1995 ISBN
0374-7859 Description
A botanical journal, this edition contains a catalogue of the vascular plants of Malaya.
[Ref:988 - The Vegetation of the Grenadines, Windward Islands, British West Indies. Publication: Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University No. 174 Author: Howard R. A. Publisher: The Gray Herbarium of Harvard University; Cambridge, Mass. Year: 1952 ISBN: Description: Includes some information on the medicinal and other uses of the plants
[Ref:989 - The Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore. Vol. 13 Publication: Author: Publisher: Government Printing Office, Singapore Year: 1950 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal, it includes a treatment of the Zingiberaceae of the Malay Peninsula.
[Ref:990 - The Cycad Pages Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney. Year: 2012 ISBN: Description: A Website: dedicated to the various species of Cycad, with a comprehensive Description: of all the known species (as of 2012). At present (2015), the site is still running but is no longer being updated
[Ref:991 - Cyperaceae of Economic, Ethnobotanical and Horticultural Importance: A Checklist Publication: Kew Bulletin Vol. 56 No. 2, pp 257 - 360 Author: Simpson D.A.; Inglis C.A. Publisher: The Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew, London Year: 2001 ISBN: 1-84246-038-2 Description: An excellent and very comprehensive checklist, giving the range, habitat and uses of over 500 species.
[Ref:992 - The Gardens' Bulletin Vol. 16 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: The Botanic Gardens; Singapore Year: 1958 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal - this issue includes a treatment of the Bamboos in Malaya and the Myristicaceae in Malaya. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:993 - The Gardens' Bulletin Vol. 25 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Botanic Gardens; Singapore Year: 1969 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal - this issue includes a treatment of the genera Dendrocnide and Laportea. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:994 - The Gardens' Bulletin Vol. 64 Publication: Author: Publisher: Singapore Botanic Gardens; Singapore Year: 2012 ISBN: 0374-7859 Description: A botanical journey containing various articles, including a treatment of the climbing species of Annonaceae in Malaysia.
[Ref:995 - Indian Trees - an account of trees, shrubs, woody climbers and palms indigenous or commonly cultivated Publication: Author: Brandis D. Publisher: Archibald Constable & Co Ltd; London Year: 1906 ISBN: Description: Rather dated, but a fine work that still contains relevant information
[Ref:996 - A Dictionary of Malaysian Timbers Publication: Malayan Forest Records No. 30 Author: Wong T.M. Website: http://Elaeocarpaceae Publisher: Forest Research Institute Malaysia; Kuala Lumpur Year: 2002 ISBN: 983-2181-29-1 Description: A fairly comprehensive guide to Malaysian timbers, giving their properties and the main tree species from which they are obtained.
[Ref:997 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported No. 36 Publication: Author: Publisher: Government Printing Office; Washington Year: 1915 ISBN: Description: A list of all the plant material imported by the USDA in the period July to September 1913. It often gives information on the plants
[Ref:998 - Forest Restoration Planting in Northern Thailand Publication: Proceedings of the Southeast Asian Moving Workshop on Conservation, Management and Utilization of Forest Genetic Resources No. 31/2002 Author: Pakkad G.; Elliott S.; Anusarnsunthorn V. Et al Website: Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Bangkok Year: 2002 ISBN: Description: A report on reforestation in northern Thailand by using specific pioneer species. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:999 - The Gardens' Bulletin Vol. 6 Publication: Author: Publisher: Singapore Botanic Gardens; Singapore Year: 1930 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal - this edition contains a list of the medicinal uses of plants in the region.
[Ref:1000 - An Overview of Invasive Woody Plants in the Tropics Publication: School of Agricultural and Forest Sciences Publication: Number 13 Author: Binggeli P.; Hall J.B.; Healey J.R. Publisher: University of Wales, Bangor Year: 1998 ISBN: Description: Gives an analysis of plants with weed potential, a list of over 300 such species and detailed studies of 18 species.
[Ref:1001 - Chemical constituents of Embelia basaal (Roem. & Schult.) DC. Publication: Journal of Pharmacy Research 2009, 2(10),1575-1578 Author: Babu Ganesan et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: 0974-6943 Description: Research into the medically active compounds in Embelia basaal. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1002 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 42 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Harvard University; Cambridge, Mass. Year: 1961 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal containing many aricles including a treatment of the genus Enkleia. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1003 - Invasive lant Species of the World; a reference guide to envoronmental weeds. Publication: Author: Weber E. Publisher: Biddles Ltd., King's Lynn, UK Year: 2005 ISBN: 0-85199-695-7 Description: Contains information on the habit and growth patterns of 450 recognised invasive species of plant.
[Ref:1004 - Leaflets of Philippine Botany Vol. VII Publication: Author: Elmer A.D.E. (Editor) Website: Publisher: Manila; Philippines Year: 1915 ISBN: Description: Description: s of Philippine plants, often with plant uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1005 - The Gardens' Bulletin Vol. 12 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Singapore Botanic Gardens; Singapore Year: 1949 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal, this issue includes a comprehensive treatment of the Eugenia (sensu lato) in Malaysia.
[Ref:1006 - The Gardens' Bulletin Vol. 09 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Singapore Botanic Gardens; Singapore Year: 1938 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal with a range of articles on nomenclature etc
[Ref:1007 - A revision of the genus Gmelina (Lamiaceae) Publication: Kew Bulletin Vol. 67: 293 - 329 Author: de Kok, Rogier Website: Publication: /236278737 Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 1874-933X Description: A detailed revision, it also often gives plant uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1008 - The Chaulmoogra Tree and some Related Species - A survey conducted in Siam, Burma, Assam and Bengal Publication: United States Dept of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 1057 Author: Rock J.F. Publisher: Government Printing Office, Washington. Year: 1922 ISBN: Description: A review of various species in the genus Hydnocarpus that are the source of the medicinal oil Chaulmoogra.
[Ref:1009 - New South Wales Government; Pest and Weeds Management Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A Website: with very well-produced factsheets on over 300 noxious and environmental weeds of New South Wales
[Ref:1010 - The Gardens' Bulletin Vol. 60 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Singapore Botanic Gardens; Singapore Year: 2008 ISBN: 0374-7859 Description: A botanical journal containing a range of articles, including a treatment of the genus Eugenia in southeast Asia.
[Ref:1011 - The Philippine Journal of Science Vol. XI Publication: Author: Merrill E.D. Website: Publisher: Manila Bureau of Printing Year: 1916 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal
[Ref:1012 - Acanthaceae of Bolivia Publication: Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol. 49 Author: Wasshausen D.C. & Wood J.R.I Publisher: National Museum of Natural History; Washington Year: 2004 ISBN: Description: A treatment of all the Acanthaceae in Bolivia
[Ref:1013 - Sargentia Vol VII Publication: Author: Publisher: The Arnold Arboretum; Massachusetts Year: 1947 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal, this volume has a treatment of the families of Illiciaceae and Scisandraceae
[Ref:1014 - Monograph of Kadsura (Schisandraceae) Publication: Systematic Botany Monographs Vol. 54 Author: Saunders R.M.K. Publisher: The American Society of Plant Taxonomists; Michigan Year: 1998 ISBN: 0-912861-54-1 Description: A detailed monograph of the genus Kadsura, mentioning plant uses
[Ref:1015 - The Gardens' Bulletin Vol. 48 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Singapore Botanic Gardens; Singapore Year: 1996 ISBN: 0374-7859 Description: A botanical journal
[Ref:1016 - Four New Genera of Bamboos (Gramineae: Bambusoideae) from Malesia Publication: Kew Bulletin Vol 48, No. 3 pp 517 - 532 Author: Wong K.M. Website: Publisher: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; London Year: 1993 ISBN: Description: Several new bamboo species are described.
[Ref:1017 - Annals of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta. Vol. 12 Part 2 Publication: Author: Beccari O. Website: Publisher: Bengal Secretariat Book Depot; Calcutta Year: 1916 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal, this volume has an extensice treatment of the Asiatic Palms in the subfamily Lepidocaryeae. Although dated, it remains a classic work.
[Ref:1018 - A Field Guide to Philippine Rattans Publication: Asia Life Sciences Supplement 5 Author: Aida C. Baja-Lapis Publisher: Rushing Water Publisher: s Ltd; Philippines Year: 2010 ISBN: 0117-3375 Description: A very useful book with concise information on the various rattan species that grow in the Philippines
[Ref:1019 - A Field Guide of the Rattans of Cambodia Publication: Author: Khou Eang Hourt Publisher: World Wildlife Fund Year: 2008 ISBN: Description: A draft Publication: giving an excellent concise guide to the various rattan species growing in Cambodia.
[Ref:1020 - The Gardens' Bulletin Vol. 41 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Ministry of National Development, Singapore Year: 1988 ISBN: 0374-7859 Description: A botanical journal, this issue includes Description: s of four new rattan (calamus) species.
[Ref:1021 - A Synopsis of the genus Korthalsia (Palmae; Lepidocaryoideae) Publication: Kew Bulletin 36.1 pp 163 - 194 Author: Dransfield J. Publisher: Year: 1981 ISBN: Description: An excellent treatment of the genus Korthalsia
[Ref:1022 - Leaflests of Philippine Botany Vol VIII Publication: Author: Elmer A.D.E. ( Author: ) Website: Publisher: Manila; Philippines Year: 1915 - 1919 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal from the early 20th century, although rather dated it remains a source of information about Philippine plants that is difficult to source elsewhere. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1023 - Ethnobotanical Observation on Tuberous Plants from Tribal Area of Rajasthan (India) Publication: Ethnobotanical Leaflets 12: 647 - 666 Author: Shweta Swarnkar & S.S. Katewa Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: Description: A study on the traditional uses of root tubers in the Aravalli Hills of Rajasthan.
[Ref:1024 - A revision of Licuala (Arecaceae, Coryphoideae) in Borneo Publication: Kew Bulletin 67 No. 4:pp 577 - 654 Author: Saw L.G. Publisher: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: Richmond Year: 2012 ISBN: 0075-5974 Description: A detailed treatment of 46 species of the genus Licuala that can be found in Borneo - it gives plant uses where known. The Author: 's personal copy can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1025 - The Gardens' Bulletin Vol. 57 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: National Parks Board; Singapore Year: 2005 ISBN: 0374-7859 Description: A botanical Publication: containing a range of articles including one of the genera Lindera, Litsea and Neolitsea. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1026 - Useful Plants of Ghana Publication: Author: Abbiw D.K. Publisher: The Royal Botanic Gardens; Kew, UK Year: 1990 ISBN: 1-85339-043-7 Description: The book is ordered by usage, rather than by plant. It makes it easier to look up individual uses, but rather difficult to collate all the uses of each species. Otherwise, a well-researched book.
[Ref:1027 - Studies in Annonaceae. II. A monograph of the genus Anaxagorea A. St. Hil. Part 1 Publication: Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 105: 73 - 134. Author: Maas P.J.M. & Westra L.Y.Th. Website: Publisher: Year: 1984 ISBN: 0006-8152 Description: A very comprehensive treatment of the genus, it can be downloaded from the Internet
[Ref:1028 - Confronting a morphological nightmare: Revision of the Neotropical genus Guatteria (Annonaceae) Publication: Blumea Vol. 60 1 - 219 Author: Maas P.J.M et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description: A comprehensive review of the genus Guatteria, recognizing 177 species. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1029 - A Monograph of the Genus Heritiera, Aiton, (Sterculariaceae). Publication: Reinwardtia Vol. 4, Part 4, pp 465 - 583 Author: Kostermans A.J.G.H. Publisher: Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia. Year: 1959 ISBN: Description: Somewhat dated, but an excellent monograph of the genus Heritiera. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1030 - The Genus Mastersis (Papilionaceae: Phaseoleae) Publication: Blumea 30 pp 77 - 87 Author: P.C. Van Welzen; S. Den Hengst Publisher: Year: 1984 ISBN: Description: A treatment of the genus Mastersia, reducing it to two distinct species.
[Ref:1031 - Revision of the Southeast Asian Genus Melastoma (Melastomataceae) Publication: Blumea 46 pp 351 - 398 Author: Meyer K. Publisher: Year: 2001 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1032 - The Gardens' Bulletin Vol. 57 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Botanic Gardens Park and Recreation Department; Singapore Year: 1980 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal, this edition includes a revision of the Asian section of the genus Memecylon
[Ref:1033 - Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants of Sri Lanka Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: An excellent site and comprehensive information resource, still being developed (2016), detailing the Ayurvedic medicinal uses of the plants of Sri Lanka
[Ref:1034 - The Gardens' Bulletin Vol. 23 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Botanic Gardens Park and Recreation Department; Singapore Year: 1968 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal, this one contains a revision of the genus Myristica.
[Ref:1035 - Reconciling natural history and species ecology: Myristica beddomei (Myristicaceae) in the Western Ghats, India. Publication: Open Access Journal - Tropical Conservation Science Vol. 6 pp 663 - 673 Author: Chetana H.C. & Ganesh T. Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 1940-0829 Description: The article focuses on seed dispersal for this species, but also gives basic information on the habitat and uses of the plant.
[Ref:1036 - Taxonomic Review of Myristica (Myristicaceae) in the Pacific Publication: Blumea Vol. 38 pp 349 - 406 Author: de Wilde W.J.J.O. Publisher: Year: 1994 ISBN: Description: A review and revision of the species of Myristica growing in the pacific
[Ref:1037 - Revision of Ochrosia (Apocynaceae) in Malesia Publication: Blumea 49: pp 101-128 Author: Hendrian Website: Publisher: Year: 2004 ISBN: 0006-5196 Description: A detailed revision of the genus Ochrosia in Malesia.
[Ref:1038 - Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Straits Branch No. 60 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Royal Asiatic Society; Singapore Year: 1911 ISBN: Description: Although dated, it contains information on a number of plants, such as Ophiorrhiza communis, that is difficult to obtain elsewhere.
[Ref:1039 - The Gardens' Bulletin Vol. 38 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Botanic Gardens Parks and Recreation Department, Ministry of Nat Year: 1985 ISBN: 0374-7859 Description: A botanical journal with articles on taxonomy etc.
[Ref:1040 - The Wild Relatives of Rice, A Genetic Resources Handbook Publication: Author: Vaughan D.A. Website: Publisher: International Rice Research Institute; Philippines Year: 1994 ISBN: 971-22-0057-4 Description: An excellent guide to the wild species of the genus Oryza. It gives good Description: s of the species, habitats etc and often gives details of uses. It can be downloaded from the Internet
[Ref:1041 - Novon Vol. 22 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Missouri Botanical Garden Year: 2012 ISBN: 1055-3177 Description: A botanical journal speciallizing in nomenclature.
[Ref:1042 - Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of extracts and fractions from Polygonum capitatum Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology Author: Shang-Gao Liao et al Website: Publisher: Elsevier Ireland Ltd Year: 2011 ISBN: 0378-8741/$ Description: A research paper, it contains some information on the medicinal properties of Persicaria capitata
[Ref:1043 - Revision of the Genus Phaeanthus (Annonaceae) Publication: Blumea Vol. 45 pp205 - 233 Author: Mols J.B.; Kessler P.J.A. Publisher: National Herbarium, Nederlands Year: 2000 ISBN: Description: A revision of the genus Phaeanthus
[Ref:1044 - Antioxidant Activity Characterization, Phytochemical Screening, and Proximate Analysis of Cermela Hutan (Phyllanthus Publication: Medical Science Monitor Author: Ebby-Anuar Bahari et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 2325-4416 Description:
[Ref:1045 - Anti-inflammatory activities of constituents isolated from Phyllanthus polyphyllus Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 103 (2006) 181-186 Author: Yerra Koteswara Rao; Shih-Hua Fang; Yew-Min Tzeng Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1046 - Regeneration of Pimpinella pruatjan through Somatic Embryogenesis Publication: Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science 8(2), 2007: 60-66 Author: Roostika I.; Purnamaningsih R.; Darwati I.; Mariska I. Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1047 - Pharmacognostical studies on the root tuber of Pimpinella tirupatiensis Bal. & Subr. Publication: International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 2011;3(3): 56-60 Author: Sudhakar A.; Ramesh C.; Nagaraju N.; Sri Rama Murthy K. Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: 0975 4873 Description:
[Ref:1048 - Somatic Embryogenesis in Pimpinella tirupatiensis Bal. And Subr., an Endangered Medicinal Plant of Tirumala Hills Publication: Current Science; Vol 81 No. 9, pp1239 - 1243 Author: Prakash E.; Sha Valli Khan; Elusing Meru; Rao K.R. Publisher: Year: 2001 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1049 - SANBI Invasive Alien Plant Alert Publication: Author: South African National Biodiversity Institute Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A series of leaflets on invasive plant species produced on the Internet and available for download
[Ref:1050 - Fire Effects Information System Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: An on-line information site with comprehensive information on over 1,100 species of plant. Mainly developed to supply information on the effects of fire on plants and animals, it also contains a wealth of other information on the plants
[Ref:1051 - Annals of the Royal Botanic Garden Vol.10 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta Year: 1905 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal, this edition contains a treatment of the genera Dalbergia and Aconitum in Asia. Rather old, but a wealth of information, illustrations etc.
[Ref:1052 - Homeopathic Materia Medica Publication: Author: William Boericke, M.D. Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: An on-line version of the book
[Ref:1053 - The Sweetness and Bitterness of Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus L.) - A Review Publication: Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 4 Issue 2 pp 598-610 Author: Mythili Avadhani MN et al Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 0975-8585 Description: A review of the literature regarding the medicinal and other uses of Acorus calamus.
[Ref:1054 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported Vol. 61 Publication: USDA Bureau of Plant Industry Author: Website: Publisher: USDA; Washington Year: 1922 ISBN: Description: A list of plants and seed imported into the USA in late 1919. It often contains information about the plants.
[Ref:1055 - A Taxonomic Revision of Actinidiaceae of Vietnam Publication: Blumea 52; pp 209 - 243 Author: Nguyen M. Cuong, Djaja D. Soejarto & Jiangquiang Li Website: Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description: A treatment of the Actinidiaceae found in Vietnam
[Ref:1056 - Genetic Resources of Kiwifruit: Domestication and Breeding Publication: Horticultural Reviews; Vol. 33 Author: A. Ross Ferguson; Hongwen Huang Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Year: 2007 ISBN: 978-0-471-73214-3 Description: A very detailed look at the horticultural prospects of kiwifruits (Actinidia species).
[Ref:1057 - Jointed Goatgrass and Barb Goatgrass Publication: Weed Control in Natural Areas in Western United States Author: DiTomaso J.M.; Kyser G.B. Et al Publisher: University of California Year: 2013 ISBN: Description: An article on Aegilops triuncialis and its impact as a weed
[Ref:1058 - Phytologia Vol. 62 No. 3 Publication: Author: Publisher: Moldenke H.N. & A.L. Year: 1987 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal devoted to the valid Publication: of new taxa.
[Ref:1059 - A Guide to Medicinal Plants in North Africa Publication: Author: Publisher: IUCN; Malaga, Spain Year: 2005 ISBN: 2-8317-0893-1 Description: A guide to over 100 species of medicinal herbs in N. Africa.
[Ref:1060 - A Revision of the Genus Allium L. (Liliaceae) in Africa Publication: Author: Brigitta E. E. De Wilde-Duyfjes Publisher: H.Veenman & Zonen B.V.- Wageningen-19 Year: 1976 ISBN: Description: An extensive treatment of the genus in Africa.
[Ref:1061 - Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Potential of Leaf Extract of Allium Stracheyi Publication: Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 6(2): 139-143, 2010 Author: Shashi Ranjan et al Publisher: INSInet Publication: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description: Research paper confirming the efficcy of Allium stracheyi as a medicinal herb. It can be downloaded from the Internet
[Ref:1062 - European Atlas of Forest Tree Species Publication: Author: Jesús San-Miguel-Ayanz et al Website: Publisher: European Union Year: 2016 ISBN: 978-92-79-36740-3 Description: Detailed information on 76 species of European trees. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1063 - American Species of Amelanchier Publication: Illinois Biological Monographs Vol. 20 No. 2 Author: Jones G.N. Publisher: The University of Illinois Press; Illinois Year: 1946 ISBN: Description: An excellent monograph of the American species of the genus Amelanchier, even though it is rather dated and there have been numerous name changes as a result of new information.
[Ref:1064 - WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants Vol. 3 Publication: Author: Publisher: World Health Organization; Geneva Year: 2007 ISBN: 978-92-4-154702-4 Description: Very detailed treatments of 31 medicinal herbs
[Ref:1065 - The Myrtle Family (Myrtaceae) in Chile Publication: Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences Vol. 45 No. 12 pp 277 - 317 Author: Landrum L.R. Publisher: The California Academy of Sciences; San Francisco Year: 1988 ISBN: 0068-547X Description: An enumeration of the Myrtaceae in Chile, describing the plants and their habitats, often including their uses.
[Ref:1066 - Constituents of the Leaf Extract of Amomyrtus meli (R. A. Philippi) Legrand et Kausel, Amomyrtus luma (Molina) Legra Publication: Flavour and Fragrance Journal, Vol. 7 pp 247-251 Author: Weyerstahl P., Marschall H., Landrum L.R. Publisher: Year: 1992 ISBN: Description: A research paper, giving information on plant uses as well as the main constituents of the plant
[Ref:1067 - Mapuche Herbal Medicine Inhibits Blood Platelet Aggregation Publication: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2012, Article ID 647620, 9 pages Author: Susan Skanderup Falkenberg et al Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Year: 2012 ISBN: Description: A research paper, it includes information on the herbal uses of 12 plants
[Ref:1068 - Medicinal Plants in China - A selection of 150 commonly used species. Publication: Author: Publisher: World health Organisation; Manila Year: 1997 ISBN: 92-9061-102-2 Description: Brief guide to 150 medicinal herbs of China
[Ref:1069 - Phytochemical Screening, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Anabasis aphylla L. Extracts Publication: Kragujevac Journal of Science 34 (2012) 71-78. Author: Abollfazl Shakeri et al Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description: A research paper
[Ref:1070 - Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Botany Vol. 7 Publication: Author: Publisher: British Museum; London Year: 1979 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal, this volume contains a very detailed revision of the genus Anacyclus
[Ref:1071 - Anti-Inflammatory activity of Angelica keiskei through suppression of mitogen-activated protein kinases and nuclear Publication: Journal of Mecicinal Food 2010 Jun;13(3):691-9. Author: Lee H.J. Et al Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description: A research paper into the antiinflammatory effects of Angelica keiskei
[Ref:1072 - Ashitaba (Angelica keiskei) extract prevents adiposity in high-fat diet-fed C57BL/6 mice Publication: Food and Function, 2015, 6, 135 Author: Tianshun Zhang et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description: A research paper on the effect of Angelica keiskei on the metabolism of lipids in the body.
[Ref:1073 - The Industries of Japan Publication: Author: Rein J.J. Website: Publisher: Hodder and Stoughton; London Year: 1889 ISBN: Description: It might be dated, but it still contains lots of relevant information about the useful plants of Japan. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1074 - Inhibitory effect of Aralia continentalis on the cariogenic properties of Streptococcus mutans Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology; Volume 137, Issue 2, Pages 979-984 Author: Da-Hong Lee et al Publisher: Elsevier; Ireland Year: 2011 ISBN: 0378-8741 Description: Research article regarding the efficacy of Aralia continentalis as a treatment for caries.
[Ref:1075 - Systematics and Biogeography of Aralia L. (Araliaceae): Revision of Aralia Sects. Aralia, Humiles, Nanae, and Sciado Publication: Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol 57 pp 1 - 172 Author: Jun Wen Website: Publisher: Smithsonian Institute; Washington Year: 2011 ISBN: 0097-1618 Description: A detailed revision of four sections of the genus Aralia.
[Ref:1076 - Aristolochia Publication: Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description: An extensive database of herbal products and other natural medicines, giving up-to-date information on research into their uses, their effectiveness and possible adverse reactions
[Ref:1077 - Systematic revision of the Aristolochia auricularia group (Aristolochiaceae) Publication: Flora Mediterranea 3 pp 223 - 232 Author: Enio Nardi Publisher: Year: 1993 ISBN: 1120-4052 Description:
[Ref:1078 - The Journal of the Linnean Society Botany Vol 17 Publication: Author: Publisher: Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer; London Year: 1880 ISBN: Description: Contains an early treatment of the genus Arjona.
[Ref:1079 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 52 Publication: Author: Publisher: Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University; Boston Year: 1971 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal, amongst the articles is a series of revisions of genera in the Boraginaceae in India.
[Ref:1080 - On Distinctions of Cultivated Black-fruited Aronia from its Wild Ancestors Publication: Bulletin of the Central Botanical Garden, AN SSSR 126 (1982): 35-40 Author: A. K. Skvortsov, Yu. K. Maitulina Publisher: Year: 1982 ISBN: Description: A research paper, establishing the species Aronia mitschurinii
[Ref:1081 - Medicinal Plants in Mongolia Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: World Health Organisation; Western Pacific Region Year: 2013 ISBN: 987 92 9061 632 0 Description: Information on medicinal plants from Mongolia
[Ref:1082 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 64 Publication: Author: Publisher: Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University; Boston Year: 1983 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal, amongst the articles is a series of revisions of the genus Asarum in China
[Ref:1083 - Potent Indian herbs used for the cure and management of Diabetes Publication: The Journal of Phytopharmacology Author: Thiru Murgan; Kesava Murgan; Valli Manalan Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 2320-480X Description: An on-line, open access journal
[Ref:1084 - The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Aster spathulifolius (Asteraceae); genomic features and relationship wit Publication: Gene July 2015 Author: Kyoung Su Choi, SeonJoo Park Website: Publisher: Elsevier B.V. Year: 2015 ISBN: 0378-1119 Description: A research paper, briefly mentioning the uses of Aster spathulifolius
[Ref:1085 - Inhibitory effects of Aster spathulifolius extract on adipogenesis and lipid accumulation in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes Publication: Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 68 (2016), pp. 107-118 Author: Sa-Jic Kima and Se-Young Choung Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 2042-7158 Description: A research paper, confirming the effectiveness of Aster spathulifolius in its ability to reduce body lipid levels
[Ref:1086 - Systematic revision of Astragalus sect. Adiaspastus, sect. Macrophyllium and sect. Pterophorus (Fabaceae) Publication: Englera 18 Author: Shahin Zarre-Mobarakeh Website: Publisher: Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Germany Year: 2000 ISBN: 3-921800-42-0 Description: An extensive revision of three gum-producing sections of the genus Astragalus, though it does not include section Rhacophorus, which is the main commercial producer of Gum Tragacanth
[Ref:1087 - Flora of Nepal Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: The Flora of Nepal is in the process (2016) of being produced. Currently 23 plant families have been treated and are permanently available in PDF format - more will be added as they are produced. A truly excellent reference.
[Ref:1088 - Determination of the Tragacanth gum production potential of white Astragalus (Astragalus gossypinus) in western rang Publication: Author: Habib Yazdanshenas & Mina Jafari Website: Publication: /277438364 Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description: Studying the potential yields of Tragacanth gum from Astragalus gossypinus
[Ref:1089 - Antifungal activities of Astragalus verus Olivier. Against Trichophyton verrucosum on in vitro and in vivo guinea pi Publication: Mycoses; August 2011 Author: Ali Mikaeili et al Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: 1439-0507 Description: A research paper, testing the antifungal activity of Astragalus verus
[Ref:1090 - Anti-candidal activity of Astragalus verus in 22(5): 1035-1043, Sep./Oct. 2012 the in vitro and in vivo guinea pig m Publication: Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy 22(5): 1035-1043, Sep./Oct. 2012 Author: Ali Mikaeili t al Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 0102-695X Description: A research paper, studying the effectiveness of Astragalus verus in treating candida
[Ref:1091 - Effect of Athamanta sicula oil on inhibition of mild steel corrosion in 1M HCl Publication: Der Pharma Chemica · February 2015, 7(2):103-111 Author: A. Bouyanzer et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 0975-413X Description: Research paper on the value of plant extracts, especially Athamanta sicula, in protecting steel from acid corrosion.
[Ref:1092 - Antimicrobial and antiproliferative activity of Athamanta sicula L. (Apiaceae) Publication: Pharmacogn Mag. 2011 Jan-Mar; 7(25): 31-34 Author: Vita Di Stefano, Rosa Pitonzo, and Domenico Schillaci Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description: A researh paper, looking at the effectiveness of Athamanta sicula, especially the essential oil, in the treatment of cancer
[Ref:1093 - Invasive Species Compendium Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: An immense resource - in depth information on over 900 species of invasive plants (it also has information on animals, fungi etc).
[Ref:1094 - Llareta (Azorella compacta, Umbelliferae); A Review Publication: Economic Botany 49(2);207-212. 1995 Author: Wickens G.E. Publisher: Year: 1995 ISBN: Description: A review of the uses of Azorella compacta
[Ref:1095 - A revision of the southern African genus Babiana, Iridaceae: Crocoideae Publication: Strelitzia 18 Author: Goldblatt P. & Manning J.C. Publisher: South African National Biodiversity Institute: Pretoria Year: 2007 ISBN: 978-1-919976-32-7 Description: An in-depth revision of the genus Babiana
[Ref:1096 - Native Tastes of Australia Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A Website: with detailed information on around 50 species of native Australian food plants, including recipes.
[Ref:1097 - Australian Timber handbook Publication: Author: Wallis N.K. Publisher: Angus & Robertson; Sydney Year: 1970 ISBN: 0-207-12053-6 Description: A comprehensive book about the uses of timber in Australia, it includes a section with information on the properties of the more commonly used woods in Australia
[Ref:1098 - Tasmanian Threatened Species Factsheets Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A series of Information sheets in PDF format on almost 500 species in Tasmania that are listed as under threat.
[Ref:1099 - Beilschmiedia tawa (A. Cunn.) Benth. et Hook. F. ex Kirk (Lauraceae) Tawa Publication: New Zealand Journal of Botany, 1982, Vol. 20 : 37-54 Author: Barbara Knowles & A.E. Beveridge Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: An in-depth treatment of the plant, its ecology and uses.
[Ref:1100 - A Revision of Berberis ss (Berberidaceae) in Nepal Publication: Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 69, pp 447522 Author: B. Adhikari, C. A. Pendry, R. T. Pennington and R. I. Milne Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description: A comprehensive revision of the Barberry species in Nepal, reducing a number of previously accepted species to synonymy and describing two new species.
[Ref:1101 - Bergenia crassifolia (L.) Fritsch - Pharmacology and phytochemistry Publication: Phytomedicine 21 (2014) 1534-1542 Author: Alexander N. Shikov et al Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description: Detailed information on the research into the medicinal uses of Bergenia crassifloia
[Ref:1102 - Curtis's Botanical Magazine 2nd series Vol 22 (4) Publication: Author: Hugh McAllister Publisher: oyal Botanic Gardens, Kew Year: 2005 ISBN: Description: Article, and excellent illustration on the plant
[Ref:1103 - Bidens: A Popular Remedy Escapes Notice of Western Practitioners Publication: Author: Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D Publisher: Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A leaflet produced by the Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon. It looks at the scientific research into the medicinal properties of the genus Bidens, giving full references to the various papers
[Ref:1104 - Cladistic analysis and revision of Billardiera (Pittosporaceae) Publication: Australian Systematic Botany 17, 83-125 Author: L.W.Cayzer; M.D.Crisp & I.R.H.Telford Website: Publisher: CSIRO Publishing Year: 2004 ISBN: 1030-1887 Description: A revision of the genus Billardiera, merging the genera Sollya and Pronaya into it, resurrecting five species and making three new combinations.
[Ref:1105 - The New World Species of Boehmeria and Pouzolzia (Urticaceae, tribus Boehmerieae). A Taxonomic Revision Publication: Opera Botanica 129 pp 1-103 Author: Wilmot-Dear C.M. & Friis I. Publisher: Year: 1996 ISBN: 87-88702-37-5 Description: A comprehensive revision of the two genera.
[Ref:1106 - The Old World species of Boehmeria (Urticaceae, tribus Boehmerieae). A taxonomic revision Publication: Blumea 58, 2013: 85-216 Author: Wilmot-Dear C.M. & Friis I. Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description: A comprehensive revision of the genus.
[Ref:1107 - Bolax gummifera: Toxicity against Artemia sp. of Bornyl and iso-Bornyl Esters Publication: Molecular Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 1 July-September pp 26-29 Author: Mongelli E., et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2003 ISBN: 1666-888X Description: A report on the use of the plant in treating cancer cells
[Ref:1108 - Alkaloids of Bongardia chrysogonum Publication: Phytochemistry 50 (1999) 333-336 Author: Atta-ur-Rahman et al Publisher: Pergamon Press Year: 1999 ISBN: Description: A research paper, establishing the presence of alkaloids in Bongardia chrysogonum
[Ref:1109 - VicFlora - Flora of Victoria Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: An om-line flora for the state of Victoria, Australia.
[Ref:1110 - Investigation of heavy metal accumulation in Polygonum thunbergii for phytoextraction Publication: Environmental Pollution Volume 126, Issue 2, November 2003, Pages 235-243 Author: Kim IS, Kang KH, Green PJ, Lee EJ Website: Publisher: Year: 2003 ISBN: Description: A paper showing the potential of Polygonum thunbergii in phytoremediation
[Ref:1111 - Phytoremediation of Cadmium, Lead and Zinc by Brassica juncea L. Czern and Coss Publication: Journal of Applied Biosciences (2009), Vol. 13: 726 - 736 Author: Anamika S., Susan Eapen and M.H.Fuleka Website: Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: 1997-5902 Description: A paper showing the effectiveness of Brassica juncea in taking up heavy metals from polluted soils
[Ref:1112 - Brickellia Publication: Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description: Database entry on the medicinal applications of Brickellia spp
[Ref:1113 - Sustainable management and use of a medicinal emblematic plant in Chile: Buddleja globosa Hope Publication: International Journal of Experimental Botany Author: Wilckens P., Fernández M.P., Gómez M., Peña I., Montenegro G Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 0031 9457 Description:
[Ref:1114 - Corn Gromwell; A new oil crop for UK farmers, containing stearidonic acid (SDA), an omega-3 fatty acid from plants w Publication: Author: Dr Lydia Smith Website: Publisher: NIAB Year: 2010 ISBN: Description: An internet article, dowmloaded 06/10/2016
[Ref:1115 - Therapeutic Effects of Bupleurum Polysaccharides in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Mice Publication: PLoS ONE 10(7): e0133212. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0133212 Author: Pan L, Weng H, Li H, Liu Z, Xu Y, Zhou C, et al Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description: Research paper demonstrating the effectiveness of polysaccharides from Bupleurum smithii in treating diabetes, inflammation etc.
[Ref:1116 - Antidepressant-like effects of total saikosaponins of Bupleurum yinchowense in mice Publication: Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 6(26), pp.4308-4316 Author: Sun X., Shi Z., Li T., Pan R., Liu X., Bu L., Kong L., Chang Website: http:// Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 1996-0875 Description: Clinical trial on the effectiveness of the saikosaponins of Bupleurum yinchowense in treating depression
[Ref:1117 - Antioxidative and in vitro hepatoprotective activity of Bupleurum kaoi leaf infusion. Publication: Phytother Res. 2006 Nov;20(11):1003-8. Author: Liu CT, Chuang PT, Wu CY, Weng YM, Chen W, Tseng CY. Website: Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description: Clinical research intot eh effectiveness of the foliage of Bupleurum kaoi as an antioxidant and liver tonic
[Ref:1118 - Genus Bupleurum: a review of its phytochemistry, pharmacology and modes of action Publication: Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 63 305-321 Author: Ashour M.L., Wink M. Website: Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: 0022-3573 Description: A review of the medicinal properties of a range of bupleurum species
[Ref:1119 - Andes Flower is Champion Pestkiller Publication: New Scientist; 20th January 1996 Author: Coghlan A. Publisher: Year: 1996 ISBN: Description: An article on the use of compounds in Calceolaria andina that are effectivre pesticides
[Ref:1120 - The medicinal uses of Callicarpa L. in traditional Chinese medicine: An ethnopharmacological, phytochemical and phar Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 146 (2013) 465-481 Author: Yanhua Tu, Lianna Sun, Meili Guo, Wansheng Chen Publisher: Elsevier Year: 2013 ISBN: Description: A review of the Chinese species of Callicarpa used in medicine
[Ref:1121 - Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of the extracts of the flowers of the Chinese plant Chi Publication: Natural product research 26(14):1363-7 Author: Jin-Shun lv; Li-Li Zhang; Xiao-Zhong Chu; Jian-Feng Zhou Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description: A research paper ananlyzing the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Chimonanthus praecox
[Ref:1122 - Studies on the Constituents of Zanthoxylum coreanum Naka Publication: Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy 18.1(1987): 75 Author: Yook, Chang Soo. & Im, Suk Lin Publisher: Year: 1987 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1123 - Yuccas of the Southwest Publication: Agriculture Monograph No. 17 Author: Webber J.M. Publisher: USDA Year: 1953 ISBN: Description: Rather dated, but very detailed information on the various species and their uses
[Ref:1124 - Yucca Publication: Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description: A very comprehensive database of herbs, minerals and other natural products taken to promote health
[Ref:1125 - Study of Anti-anaemic Effect of Schrebera swietenioides Roxb., in Rat Models Publication: Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research Author: Pingali P.S.; Srinivas P.; Reddy M. Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 0974-2441 Description:
[Ref:1126 - A Survey of Medicinal Plants in Tabora Region, Tanzania Publication: Author: Ruffo C.K. Publisher: Tanzania Forestry Research Institute, Lushoto Tanzania Year: 1991 ISBN: Description: Brief details of the medicinal uses of around 125 species of plants
[Ref:1127 - Single-flowered vetch (Vicia articulata Hornem.): A relic crop in Italy Publication: Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 47: 461-465, 2000 Author: Laghetti G.; Piergiovanni A.R.; Galasso I.; Hammer K. & Perr Publisher: Year: 200 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1128 - Revision of Vicia L. (Leguminosae) in Central Anatolia, Turkey. Publication: Author: Okan Kaan Binzat Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description: A thesis submitted to the Graduate School of Natural and Allpied Sciences of Middle east Technical University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences
[Ref:1129 - Study on the antiulcer effects of Veronicastrum axillare on gastric ulcer in rats induced by ethanol based on tumor Publication: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2013; 3(12): 925-930 Author: Yong Du, Weichun Zhao, Leilei Lu, Jiayan Zheng, Xishi Hu, Zh Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 10.1016/S2221-169 Description: A research paper into the antiinflammatory effects of Veronicastrum axillare
[Ref:1130 - Plate 428. Veronicastrum stenostachyum Publication: Curtis's Botanical Magazine, 18: 200-204. Author: Bhandol, P. and Hall, T. Publisher: Kew Botanic Gardens; London Year: 2001 ISBN: 10.1111/1467-8748 Description:
[Ref:1131 - The Genus Vaccinium in North America Publication: Author: Vander Kloet S.P. Publisher: Canadian Government Publishing Centre; Ottawa Year: 1988 ISBN: 0-660-13037-8 Description: A detailed study of the genus in N. America.
[Ref:1132 - Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of the endangered species Vaccinium sieboldii and Vaccinium ciliatu Publication: Plant Systematics and Evolution 2010 Vol.287 No.1/2 pp.75-84 Author: Hirai, M.; Yoshimura, S.; Ohsako, T.; Kubo, N. Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1133 - Blueberry Publication: Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Author: Jeff M. Jellin, PharmD, Founding Editor Website: Publisher: Therapeutic Research Faculty. Year: 2007 ISBN: Description: An on-line database containing extensive information on medicinal plants and research relating to them.
[Ref:1134 - Bog Bilberry Publication: Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Author: Jeff M. Jellin, PharmD, Founding Editor Website: Publisher: Therapeutic Research Faculty. Year: 2007 ISBN: Description: An on-line database containing extensive information on medicinal plants and research relating to them.
[Ref:1135 - Bilberry Publication: Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Author: Jeff M. Jellin, PharmD, Founding Editor Website: Publisher: Therapeutic Research Faculty. Year: 2007 ISBN: Description: An on-line database containing extensive information on medicinal plants and research relating to them.
[Ref:1136 - Alpine Cranberry Publication: Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Author: Jeff M. Jellin, PharmD, Founding Editor Website: Publisher: Therapeutic Research Faculty. Year: 2007 ISBN: Description: An on-line database containing extensive information on medicinal plants and research relating to them.
[Ref:1137 - Cranberry Publication: Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Author: Jeff M. Jellin, PharmD, Founding Editor Website: Publisher: Therapeutic Research Faculty. Year: 2007 ISBN: Description: An on-line database containing extensive information on medicinal plants and research relating to them.
[Ref:1138 - The taxonomy of Vaccinium section Hemimyrtillus Publication: The Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 105: 601-614 Author: Vander Kloet S.P. & Dichinson T.A. Publisher: Year: 1992 ISBN: Description: A revision of the genus Vaccinium (section Hemimyrtillus)
[Ref:1139 - Antioxidant Activities and Anti-Cancer Cell Proliferation Properties of Natsuhaze (Vaccinium oldhamii Miq Publication: Plants 2013, 2, 57-71; doi:10.3390/plants2010057 Author: Hirotoshi Tsuda et al Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 2223-7747 Description: An open access article, it can be downloaded from the internet
[Ref:1140 - Brachiaria, Urochloa (Gramineae-Paniceae) in Malesia Publication: Blumea 41 pp 413-437 1996 Author: Veldkamp J.F. Publisher: Year: 1996 ISBN: Description: A paper transferring various Brachiaria species to Urochloa, it also gives information on plant uses.
[Ref:1141 - Ulmus davidiana var. japonica Nakai Upregulates Eosinophils and Suppresses Th1 and Th17 Cells in the Small Intestine Publication: PLoS ONE 8(10): e76716. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076716 Author: Lee H-S, Jang MS, Kim J-H, Hong C-P, Lee E-J, et al Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1142 - Evaluation of Antioxidant, Analgesic and Cytotoxic Activities of Typha angustata L. Root Publication: Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences; 14(1): 55-59, 2015 Author: Fahrima Islam, Amir Hossain, Md. Golam Hossain et al Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1143 - Evaluation of Nootropic Activity of Leaf Extract of Typha angustata Publication: International Journal of Preclinical & Pharmaceutical Research. 2014; 5(2): 57-60 Author: Ashok Kumar K. Website: Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 2229-7502 Description:
[Ref:1144 - Site-Specific Grasses and Herbs - Seed production and use for restoration of mountain environments Publication: Author: Krautzer B.; Peratoner G.; Bozzo F. Website: Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Rome Year: 2004 ISBN: 92-5-105188-7 Description: Information on 25 species of plants used for restoring mountain pastures. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[Ref:1145 - AgroAtlas Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: An on-line database of economic plants of Russia and the surrounding countries that formed the USSR, giving botanical Description: s, distribution, habitats and uses. It also gives comprehensive information on climate, soil, pests, diseases etc
[Ref:1146 - Ethnobotanical Notes on Allium Species of Arunachal Pradesh, India Publication: Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol 13 (3) July 2014 pp 606-612 Author: Ashalata Devi; K. Rakshit; B. Sarania et al Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description: Information on the traditional uses of nine Allium species from Arunachal Pradesh
[Ref:1147 - Status of cultivated & wild Allium species in India : A Review Publication: The SciTech Journal Vol 1, Issue 9 pp 28-36 Author: Shah N.C. Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 2347-7318 Description: Information on some of the cultivated and wild species of Allium used for food and medicine in India.
[Ref:1148 - Flore Forestière de la Cochinchine Publication: Author: Pierre L. Website: Publisher: Year: 1883-1889 ISBN: Description: Written in French and, although rather dated, remains an excellent reference for woody plants from IndoChina. There is a Description: of the plant, often followed by a resumé of uses, and some truly excellent line drawings.
[Ref:1149 - Contribution to the taxonomy of Garcinia (Clusiaceae) in Africa, including two new species from Gabon and a key to t Publication: PhytoKeys 17: 41-62 (2012) Author: Marc S.M. Sosef, Gilles Dauby Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1150 - Compartmentation and localization of bioactive metabolites in different organs of Allium roylei Publication: Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry · February 2014 Author: Abdelrahman Mostafa; Hirata Sho et al Website: http:// Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 0916-8451 Description:
[Ref:1151 - Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol. 7 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Government Printing Office; Washington Year: 1900 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal. Rather dated, but it includes an ethnobotanical report from California and an early monograph of N. American Apiaceae. It can be downloaded from the Internet
[Ref:1152 - Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West Publication: Author: Moore M. Publisher: Museum of New Mexico Press; Santa Fe Year: 2003 ISBN: 0-89013-454-5 Description: Detailed information on the medicinal uses of around 150 species of plants from the Rocky Mountains of N. America. An excellent, detailed Publication: , written in a style that connects the writer to his readers.
[Ref:1153 - The medicinal uses of the genus Mahonia in traditional Chinese medicine: An ethnopharmacological, phytochemical and Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 175, September 2015 pp 668-683 Author: Jian-Ming He, Qing Mu Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 0378-8741 Description: A review of the medicinal uses of the genus Mahonia in China.
[Ref:1154 - Characterisation and preliminary bioactivity determination of Berberis boliviana Lechler fruit anthocyanins Publication: Food Chemistry 128 (2011) 717-724 Author: Carla Del Carpio Jiménez, Carlos Serrano Flores et al Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1155 - Rust Susceptible Berberis, Mahoberberis, and Mahonia Plants Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research S Year: 2017 ISBN: Description: A list of Berberidaceae that are considered to be susceptible to black stem-rust fungus.
[Ref:1156 - Mineral Elements, Phenolics and Organic Acids of Leaves and Fruits from Berberis crataegina DC. Publication: Asian Journal of Chemistry Vol 23 No. 7 (2011) 3071-2074 Author: Serkan Gülsoy, Gulcan Ozkan, Kürsad Özkan Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description: Research paper on the medicinal and health-promoting compounds in Berberis crataegina
[Ref:1157 - The fruit extract of Berberis crataegina DC: exerts potent antioxidant activity and protects DNA integrity Publication: DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Author: Mohammad Charehsaz; Hande Sipahi et al Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 2008-2231 Description:
[Ref:1158 - Composition and Antioxidant Activity of the Anthocyanins of the Fruit of Berberis heteropoda Schrenk Publication: Molecules 2014 19 19078-19096 Author: Li-Li Sun, Wan Gao, Meng-Meng Zhang, Cheng Li, Ai-Guo Wang, Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 1420-2049 Description:
[Ref:1159 - Evaluation of the antimalarial and antileishmanial activity of plants from the Greek island of Crete Publication: Journal of Natural Medicines (2007) 61:38-45 Author: Fokialakis N.; Kalpoutzakis E.; Tekwani B.L. et al Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description: A survey of 65 species of plants for their anti parasitic activity,
[Ref:1160 - Influence of extraction procedures on phenolic content and antioxidant activity of Cretan barberry herb Publication: Food Chemistry 138 (2013) 406-413 Author: Kukula-Koch W.; Aligiannis N.; Halabalaki M.; Skaltsounis A. Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1161 - Cultivation of Iranian seedless barberry (Berberis integerrima ‘Bidaneh’): A medicinal shrub Publication: Industrial Crops and Products 50 (2013) 276-287 Author: Ali Alemardan; Wahab Asadi; Mehdi Rezaei; Leila Tabrizi; Sia Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description: Report on the cultivation and uses of Berberis integerrima
[Ref:1162 - Effects of Aqueous Extract of Berberis integerrima Root on Some Physiological Parameters in Streptozotocin-Induced D Publication: Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (2013), 12 (2): 425-434 Author: Hossein Ashraf; Reza Heidari; Vahid Nejati; Minoo Ilkhanipoo Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1163 - Anticonvulsant Effect of Berberis integerrima L. Root Extracts in Mice Publication: Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies (2013) 6(1):12-17 Author: Hossein Hosseinzadeh; Mohammad Ramezani; Hojjat Shafaei; Ela Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1164 - Hot and cold: Medicinal plant uses in Quechua speaking communities in the high Andes Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 155 (2014) 1093-1117 Author: Mercedes Gonzales de la Cruz et al Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description: Information on 178 species of medicinal plants used in the Quecha communities of Andean Peru
[Ref:1165 - New Zealand Plant Conservation Network Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: They have produced a series of fact sheets for the flora of New Zealand, giving comprehensive Description: s, good photos, cultivation information and some uses.
[Ref:1166 - Therapeutic Constituents and Actions of Rubus Species Publication: Current Medicinal Chemistry Vol 11 Issue 11 2004 Author: Patel A.V.; Rojas-Vera J.; Dacke C.G. Publisher: Year: 2004 ISBN: Description: A summary of the various medicinal uses of the genus Rubus
[Ref:1167 - Wound Healing Activity of Rubus sanctus Schreber (Rosaceae): Preclinical Study in Animal Models Publication: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Vol 2011, Article ID 816156, 6 pages Author: Ipek Suntar; Ufuk Koca;Hikmet Keles; & Esra Kupeli Akkol Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Year: 2011 ISBN: Description: A study on the wound healing properties of Rubus sanctus
[Ref:1168 - The Genus Rubus (Rosaceae) in Malesia; 2. The Subgenus Malachobatus Publication: Blumea 29 (1984) 319-386 Author: Kalkman C. Publisher: Year: 1984 ISBN: Description: A revision of part of the genus Rubus in Malesia
[Ref:1169 - Monograph of the plant genus Porophyllum (Compositae: Helenieae). Publication: University of Kansas Science Bulletin 48 225-257 Author: Johnson R.R. Publisher: Year: 1969 ISBN: Description: An in-depth treatment of the genus Porophyllum
[Ref:1170 - Antifungal activity of essential oils extracted from Agastache mexicana ssp. Xolocotziana and Porophyllum linaria ag Publication: Industrial Crops and Products 74 (2015) 178-182 Author: Zaida N. Juárez; Luis R. Hernández et al Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 0926-6690 Description:
[Ref:1171 - Flora del Bajío y de Regiones Adyacentes Publication: Author: Jerzy Rzedowski & Graciela Calderón de Rzedowski (Editors) Website: Publisher: Instituto de Ecología A.C. Centro Regional del Bajío; Mexico Year: 0 ISBN: 0188-5170 Description: Spanish-language flora of northwestern Mexico. It can be downloaded from the Internet
[Ref:1172 - Triterpenes from Rubus cochinchinensis Publication: Phytochemistry 50(1999) 463-465 Author: Trinh Phuong Lien; Christine Kamperdick; Tran Van Sung; Gunt Publisher: Year: 1999 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1173 - Soh-Shang (Elaeagnus latifolia): An Under-utilized Fruit of North East Region needs Domestication Publication: ENVIS Bulletin : Himalayan Ecology 16( 2), 2008 Author: R. K Patel; A. Singh; B.C. Deka Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: Description: A brief article on the edible uses and potential for cultivation of Elaeagnus latifolia
[Ref:1174 - Ethnobotanical Uses of Biofencing Plants in Himachel Pradesh, Northwest Himalaya Publication: Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 16 (24): 1957-1963, 2013 Author: Pankaj Sharma & Usha Devi Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 1028-8880 Description: A brief look at 61 species of plants used in hedging in northwest Himalayas nd their other uses
[Ref:1175 - Caragana versicolor Benth. (Fabaceae), a keystone species of high conservation concern in the Hindu Kush Himalayan r Publication: Current Science Vol 111, No. 6, 25 September 2016 Author: Amit Kumar; B.S. Adhikari; G.S. Rawat Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description: A letter, fully referenced, regarding the uses and ecological fragility of Caragana versicolor.
[Ref:1176 - Studies on Phytochemical Screening, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activities of Caragana jubata of Nepal Publication: Advances in Pharmacology and Clinical Trials; Vol 1 Issue 1 Author: Reeta Mandal, Kanti Shrestha and Mohan Bikram Gewali Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 2474-9214 Description:
[Ref:1177 - Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of the Methanol Extract of Elaeagnus oldhamii Maxim. In Mice Publication: The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 40(3):581-97 · June 2012 Author: Chi-Ren Liao; Yuan-Shiun Chang; Wen-Huang Peng; Yu-Ling Ho Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1178 - Phytometabolomic fingerprinting of selected actinorhizal fruits popularly consumed in North-East India Publication: Symbiosis May 2016 Author: Pallab Kar; Priyankar Dey; Arvind Kumar Misra; Tapas Kumar C Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: DOI 10.1007/s1319 Description:
[Ref:1179 - Antioxidant Activities of Ribes diacanthum Pall Extracts in the Northern Region of Mongolia Publication: Preventive Nutrition and Food Science 2012 December: 17(4): 261-268 Author: Bayarmaa Birasuren, Hye Lim Oh et al Website: http://10.3746/pnf.2012.17.4.261 Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1180 - Phenolics from the Patagonian currants Ribes spp.: Isolation, characterization and cytoprotective effect in human AG Publication: Journal of Functional Foods 26 (2016) 11-26 Author: Felipe Jiménez-Aspee; Cristina Theoduloz et al Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1181 - Anthocyanin profiles in south Patagonian wild berries by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS Publication: Food Research International 51 (2013) 706-713 Author: Antonieta Ruiz; Isidro Hermosín-Gutiérrez et al Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: DOI: 10.1016/ Description:
[Ref:1182 - Taiwan Sassafras [Sassafras randaiense (Hay.) Rehd.] Publication: Trees III Author: Wang P.J.; Hu C.Y.; Chen M.H. Publisher: Year: 1991 ISBN: DOI: 10.1007/978- Description:
[Ref:1183 - Antioxidant activity of selected lesser known edible fruits from western ghats of India Publication: Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources Vol 2(2), June 2011, pp 174-178 Author: Karuppusamy S.; Muthuraja G.; Rajasekaran K.M. Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1184 - Dioecy and wind pollination in Pernettya rigida (Ericaceae) of the Juan Fernández Islands Publication: Botanical Joumal of the Linnean Society (2000).132: 121-141. Author: Anderson G.J.; Bernardello G.; Lopez P.; Stuessy T.F.; Crawf Publisher: Year: 2000 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1185 - Los nombres vulgares de las Plants Silvestres de Chile i su concordancia con los nombres cientificos Publication: Annales de la Universidad Tomo 147, Ano 78 Author: Victor Manuel Baeza Publisher: Year: 1920 ISBN: Description: A list of Chilean common names, listing the botanical name, a brief Description: and, often, a list of uses.
[Ref:1186 - Contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium Vol. 1 Publication: Author: Publisher: Government Printing Office; Washingtom Year: 1895 ISBN: Description: A botanical magazine containing a range of articles.
[Ref:1187 - Mediterranean Wild Edible Plants - Ethnobotany and Food Composition Tables Publication: Author: María de Cortes Sánchez-Mata; Javier Tardío (Editors) Publisher: Springer; New York Year: 2016 ISBN: 978-1-4939-3327-3 Description:
[Ref:1188 - New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research Ltd Plant Factsheets Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research Ltd Year: 2010 ISBN: Description: Fact sheets on new and promising crops for New Zealand
[Ref:1189 - Nothofagus cunninghamii Notesheet Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A factsheet produced by the
[Ref:1190 - New Zealand Native Tree Species Information Publication: National Association of Woodworkers NZ Inc. Author: Website: Publisher: National Association of Woodworkers NZ Inc. Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A series of information sheets (15 as of May 2017) in PDF format, giving information on some of the more important native timber trees of New Zealand,
[Ref:1191 - Journal of the Arnold Arboretum Vol. 29 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Harvard University; Boston, Mass. Year: 1948 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal with various articles, including a revision of the genus Podocarpus. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1192 - Vietnam Conifers. Conservation Status Review 2004 Publication: Author: Nguyen Tien Hiep, Phan Ke Loc, Nguyen Duc To Luu, P.I. Thoma Publisher: Fauna & Flora International, Vietnam Programme; Hanoi Year: 2004 ISBN: 1-903703-16-6 Description: Information on more than 30 species of Conifer growing in Vietnam, giving a Description: , range, conservation status, uses etc. It can be downloaded as a PDf from the Internet.
[Ref:1193 - A taxonomic revision of the genus Cephalotaxus (Taxaceae) Publication: Phytotaxa 84 (1); 1-24 Author: Xue-Dong Lang; Jian-Rong Su; Shu-Gang Lu & Zhi-Jun Zhang Website: Publisher: Magnolia Press Year: 2013 ISBN: 1179-3163 Description: A review of the genus Cephalotaxus. It can be downloaded from the Internet
[Ref:1194 - The Botanical Magazine Vol XXXII Publication: Author: Publisher: The Tokyo Botanical Soiety; Tokyo Year: 1918 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1195 - European Forest Genetic Resources Programme Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A series of information sheets about the woodland trees of Europe with an excellent depth of treatment. They can be downloaded from the Internet
[Ref:1196 - Protective effects of Chaenomeles thibetica extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced damage via the MAPK/Nrf2 pa Publication: Food & Function · February 2016 Author: Bingxin Ma; Jing Wang; Jing Tong; Gao Zhou; Yuxin Chen; Jing Website: Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry Year: 2016 ISBN: DOI: 10.1039/c5fo Description:
[Ref:1197 - Polyphenols and triterpenes from Chaenomeles fruits: Chemical analysis and antioxidant activities assessment Publication: Food Chemistry 141 (2013) 4260-4268 Author: Hui Du; Jie Wu; Hui Li; Pei-Xing Zhong; Yan-Jun Xu; Chong-Hu Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: DOI: 10.1016/ Description:
[Ref:1198 - Bioactive Triterpenoids from the Twigs of Chaenomeles sinensis Publication: J. Nat. Prod. 2017, 80, 1134-1140 Author: Chung Sub Kim; Lalita Subedi; Joonseok Oh; Sun Yeou Kim; San Publisher: American Chemical Society Year: 2017 ISBN: DOI: 10.1021/acs. Description:
[Ref:1199 - Edible Film Production from Chinese Quince Seed (Pseudocydonia sinensis) Mucilage Publication: Author: Patthrare Inthamat; Yasunori Hamauzu; Wirongrong Tongdeesoon Website: http:// Publication: /305489115 Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description: A conference paper, given at The International Conference on Food and Applied Bioscience in 2016
[Ref:1200 - Morphological and Antioxidant Characteristics of Quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) and Chinese Quince fruit (Pseudocydo Publication: Potravinarstvo, vol. 8, 2014, no. 1, p. 333-340 Author: Anton Monka, Olga Grygorieva, Peter Chlebo, Ján Brindza Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: doi:10.5219/415 Description:
[Ref:1201 - Bryonia alba L. and Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich. - Two related species of the Cucurbitaceae family with importa Publication: Farmacia, 2016, Vol 64, 3 pp 323-332 Author: Irina Ielciu; Michel Feédérich; Monique Tits; Luc Angenot; R Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1202 - Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Echinophora spinosa L. (Apiaceae) Essential Oil Publication: Rec. Nat. Prod. 5:4 (2011) 319-323 Author: Jasmina M. Glamoclija, Marina D. Sokovic et al Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1203 - Ethnopharmacological and Phytochemical constituents review of Echinops exhinatus Roxb. Publication: J App Pharm Vol. 7; Issue 1: 69-74; January, 2015 Author: Qudsia Bano, Muqeet Wahid, Muhammad Irfan, VeshChaurasiya, I Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1204 - Phenolic Contents and Antioxidant Properties of Echinops ritro L. and E. Tournefortii Jaup. Et. Spach Extract Publication: Int. J. Sec. Metabolite, Vol. 3, Issue 2 (2016) pp. 74-81 Author: Çigdem Aydin; Gülten Tasdelen Özcan; Murat Turan; Ramazan Ma Website: http:// Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 2148-6905 Description:
[Ref:1205 - Artemisia herba-alba Publication: Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Author: Website: Publisher: Therapeutic Research Faculty; California Year: 2007 ISBN: Description: A database of medicinal plants
[Ref:1206 - Advances in New Crops. Proceedings of the First National Symposium NEW CROPS: Research, Development, Economics Publication: Author: Jules Janick and J.E.Simon (eds.) Publisher: Timber Press, Portland, Oregon Year: 1990 ISBN: 0-88192-166-1 Description: This book is the proceedings of the First National Symposium on New Crops held October 23-26, 1988 in Indianapolis, Indiana. The contents include papers from invited speakers, papers derived from posters, and abstracts from poster presentations
[Ref:1207 - Flora del Valle de Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Year: 1993 - 2015 ISBN: 968-36-3108-8 Description: An excellent flora (in Spanish) of the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán biosphere reserve in southeastern Mexico. It can be downloaded from the Internet
[Ref:1208 - Edible properties of cuphea seed oil Publication: Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi 48(3):210-213 · January 2001 Author: Takayo Saikusa; Kazumi Kitta; Yasunobu Ohkawa; Yutaka Mori Website: Publication: /289299060_Edible_properties_of_Cuphea_seed_oil Publisher: Year: 2001 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1209 - A comprehensive review of Cuphea (Lythraceae) Publication: Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2(3):847-855 · July 2011 Author: Mohamed R Elgindi; Nahla Ayoub; Rola Milad and Reham Hassan Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: 0975-8585 Description: Gives information on the traditional medicinal uses of various cuphea species, and also a review of modern research and the compounds the plants contain.
[Ref:1210 - In vitro evaluation of trypanocidal activity in plants used in Argentine traditional medicine Publication: Parasitology Research (2006) 98: 370-374 Author: V. Sülsen; C. Güida; J. Coussio; C. Paveto; L. Muschietti; V Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: DOI 10.1007/s0043 Description:
[Ref:1211 - Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activities of Cuphea hyssopifolia Kunth (Lythraceae) Cultivated in Egypt Publication: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry; Vol. 1, Issue 4, 2012, pp 68-78 Author: Mohamed Elgindi; Nahla Ayoub; Rola Milad; Reham Mekky Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 2278- 4136 Description:
[Ref:1212 - New Trees Publication: Author: Grimshaw J.; Bayton R.; Wilks H. Publisher: Kew Publishing; London Year: 2009 ISBN: 1842461737 Description: Provides comprehensive botanical Description: s and horticultural commentary on over 800 tree species that have been introduced to cultivation in recent decades.
[Ref:1213 - Southern Trees Fact Sheets Publication: Author: Gilman E.F. Website: Publisher: University of Florida, IFAS Extension Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A series of fact sheets on trees that can be grown in Florida. They can be downloaded from the Internet
[Ref:1214 - Trends in New Crops and New Uses Publication: Author: Jules Janick and Anna Whipkey (Editors) Website: Publisher: ASHS Press; Virginia USA Year: 2002 ISBN: 0-970756-5-5 Description: This book, the fifth of a series, is based on the symposium entitled New Crops and New Uses: Strength in Diversity held Nov. 8 to 11, 2001 in Atlanta, Georgia. It can be downloaded from the Internet
[Ref:1215 - Phenolic Antioxidants from Green Tea Produced from Camellia crassicolumna Var. multiplex Publication: J. Agric. Food Chem. 2009, 57, 586-590 Author: Qing Liu; Ying-Jun Zhang; Chong-Ren Yang & Mei Xu Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: DOI: 10.1021/jf80 Description: A research paper.
[Ref:1216 - Genetic Divergence between Camellia sinensis and Its Wild Relatives Revealed via Genome-Wide SNPs from RAD Sequencin Publication: PLoS ONE 11(3) Author: Hua Yang; Chao-Ling Wei et al Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: DOI:10.1371/journ Description:
[Ref:1217 - Antioxidant Properties of Chorispora tenalla and Camphorosma monspeliaca subsp. Monspeliaca Halophyte Plants from Tu Publication: Conference Paper, January 2017; International Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Author: Yavuz Selim Cakmak Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description: Conference paper, delivered at the International Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in January 2017
[Ref:1218 - Biomass production and bark yield in the plantations of Pteroceltis tatarinowii Publication: Biomass and Bioenergy 26 (2004) 319-328 Author: Shengzuo Fang; Guangyou Li; Xiangxiang Fu Website: http:// Publisher: Year: 2004 ISBN: Description: Available for download on the Internet
[Ref:1219 - Investigation of oil content and fatty acid composition of Pyrus glabra Boiss. Publication: Journal of Medicinal Plants June 2012 Vol 11 No 9 pp 32-36 Author: Hazrati Yadekori S., Alirezalu K., Tahmasebi Sarvestani Z, A Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1220 - Forestry of Japan Publication: Author: Norinsho. Sanrinkyoku Website: Publisher: Bureau of Forestry, Dept of Agriculture and Commerce, Japan Year: 1910 ISBN: Description: Rather dated, but a lot of information about the forestry products of Japan
[Ref:1221 - Dynamic principle of mineral elements accumulating in the fruit of Quercus fabri. Publication: Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis 2009 Vol.31 No.1 pp.104-108 ref.10 Author: Wang YuRu; Liu RenLin; Liao WeiMing Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1222 - Polyphenolic Compounds and Antimicrobial Activity of Quercus aucheri Leaves Publication: Turk J Chem 29 (2005) , 555 - 559 Author: Sakar M.K.; Söhretoglu D. Et al Publisher: Year: 2005 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1223 - Phytologia Vol. 49 No. 2 Publication: Author: Publisher: Year: 1981 ISBN: Description: A botanical journal, it includes an article on the oaks of Turkey.
[Ref:1224 - Durabilidad natural de la madera de cinco especies de Quercus del estado de Puebla Publication: Polibotanica Núm.12, pp.85-100, ISSN 1405-2768; México, 2001 Author: Salazar J.A.H.; Silva L.V.; Sánchez F.J.Z. Website: Publisher: Year: 2001 ISBN: 1405-2768 Description:
[Ref:1225 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 89 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis. Year: 2002 ISBN: 0026-6493 Description: A botanical journal, it includes a treatment of the oaks of Mexico. It can be downloaded from the Internet
[Ref:1226 - World Woods in Colour Publication: Author: Lincoln W.A. Publisher: Stobart Davies Ltd., Hertford, England Year: 1986 ISBN: 0-85442-028-2 Description: An extremely nice book with information about the wood of several hundred species of tree, including a very good photo of the grain.
[Ref:1227 - Study and Evaluation on Physical and Mechanical Properties of 40 Kinds of Wood Species in Zhejiang Province (China) Publication: Advanced Materials Research (Volumes 962-965) pp 657-662 2014 Author: Man Ping Xu; Fei Yan Guo; Kan Kan Zhou; Wei Ming Yang Website: http://10.4028/ Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1228 - European Atlas of Forest Tree Species Publication: Author: San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., de Rigo, D., Caudullo, G., Houston Dur Website: http://10.2788/038466 Publisher: European Commission Year: 2016 ISBN: 978-92-79-52833-0 Description: An excellent guide to the forest trees of Europe. It can be downloaded from the Internet
[Ref:1229 - Propiedades tecnológicas de la madera de Quercus insignis de Huatusco, Edo. De Veracurz, México Publication: evista Chapingo, Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente · January 1999 Author: Francisco José Zamudio Sánchez; Guadalupe Martha Barcenas-Po Publisher: Year: 1999 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1230 - Inhibitory potential of Quercus lusitanica extract on Dengue virus type 2 replication Publication: The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health, Vol 37 pp 132-135 February 2006 Author: Sylvia Y. Muliawan; Lam Sai Kit; Shamala Dev; Onn Hashim; an Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1231 - Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of Some Quercus Species Growing in Turkey Publication: FABAD J. Pharm. Sci., 32, 127-130, 2007 Author: Didem Söhretoglu; Melike Ekizoglu; Ekrem Kiliç; M. Koray Sak Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1232 - Ethnobotanical Studies of Some Useful Shrubs and Trees of District Buner, NWFP, Pakistan Publication: Author: Muhammad Hamayun Publisher: Ethnobotany Project, WWF-Pakistan; Peshawar Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A brief guide to the traditional uses of 94 woody species from District Buner, NWFP, Pakistan
[Ref:1233 - Phenolic Compositions and Antioxidant Properties in Bark, Flower, Inner Skin, Kernel and Leaf Extracts of Castanea c Publication: Antioxidants 2017, 6, 31 Author: Phung Thi Tuyen et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: doi:10.3390/antio Description:
[Ref:1234 - Agricultural Explorations in the Fruit and Nut Orchards of China Publication: USDA Bureau of Plant Industry: Bulletin No. 204 Author: Meyer F.N. Publisher: USDA, Government Printing Office, Washington, USA Year: 1911 ISBN: Description: A very interesting booklet with details of the various fruits and nuts being cultivated in China at the beginning of the 20th century.
[Ref:1235 - Anthocyanins in Cornus alternifolia, Cornus controversa, Cornus kousa and Cornus florida fruits with health benefits Publication: Life Sciences 78 (2006) 777 – 784 Author: Shaiju K. Vareed; Muntha K. Reddy; Robert E. Schutzki; Mural Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1236 - A method for micropropagation of Comus wilsoniana: An important biofuel plant Publication: Industrial Crops and Products 76 (2015) 49-54 Author: Yongxin Li; Xiaoming Wang; Jianjun Chen; Neng Cai; Huijie Ze Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1237 - Protective effect of Cornus walteri Wangerin leaf against UVB irradiation induced photoaging in human reconstituted Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 445-449 Author: Hyun-Chul Park; Taek Kyu Jung; Mi Jin Kim; Kyung-Sup Yoon Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1238 - Conservation Status of Cornus macrophylla: An Important Medicinal Plant from Himalaya Publication: Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species 5:2 (2017) Author: Hafiza Saira; Muhammad Iqbal Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 2332-2543 Description:
[Ref:1239 - Computed tomography findings of hepatic veno-occlusive disease caused by Sedum aizoon with histopathological correla Publication: Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2015) 48(12): 1145-1150 Author: H. Shao; H.Z. Chen; J.S. Zhu; B. Ruan; Z.Q. Zhang; X. Lin; M Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 1414-431X Description:
[Ref:1240 - Cold Tolerance of Ground Cover Plants for Use as Green Roofs and Walls Publication: Kor. J. Hort. Sci. Technol. 32(5):590-599, 2014 Author: Ju Hyun Ryu; Hyo Beom Lee; Cheol Min Kim; Hyun Hwan Jung; an Website: Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 1226-8763 Description:
[Ref:1241 - Assessment of Sedum Plants Covering as Ground Cover Plants on Extensive Green Roof System Publication: Author: Inhea Kim; K.Y.Huh Website: DOI: 10.11628/ksppe.2015.18.6.481 Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1242 - Heavy Metal Fractionation after application of fermented sludge to soil and its effect upon Sedum lineare Publication: Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Vol 26 February 2017 pp 810-822 Author: Cheng Peng; Li Tang; Xuejun Tan; Yinsheng Li; Xiuhong Wang; Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1243 - CosIng Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: CosIng is the European Commission database for information on cosmetic substances and ingredients.
[Ref:1244 - A Novel Antibacterial Compound from Siegesbeckia glabrescens Publication: Molecules 2012, 17, 12469-12477 Author: Young-Soo Kim; Hyungil Kim; Eunsun Jung; Jang-Hyun Kim; Wang Website: doi:10.3390/molecules171112469 Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 1420-3049 Description:
[Ref:1245 - Traditional Usage of Some Wild Plants in Trabzon Region (Turkey) Publication: Kastamonu Uni.,Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 2014,14 (1) 135-145 Author: Sefa Akbulut; Zafer Cemal Ozkan Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1246 - Phedimus stoloniferus: a problematic alien species detected in Swiss grasslands Publication: Botanica Helvetica 2008 Vol.118 No.1 pp.77-80 Author: Stutz, C. J.; Gago, R.; Huguenin-Elie, O. Website: Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: 0253-1453 Description:
[Ref:1247 - Effect of Gallotannins Derived from Sedum takesimense on Tomato Bacterial Wilt Publication: Plant Disease 97(12):1593-1598 · December 2013 Author: Vu T.T.; Kim J.-C.; Choi Y.H.; Choi G.J., Jang, K. S., Choi, Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1248 - Urban Herbs Publication: Author: Adriane Fugh-Berman MD. Website: Publisher: Georgetown University School of Medicine Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A Website: with information on over 60 medicinal herb species grown at Georgetown University
[Ref:1249 - Sedum sediforme subsp. Dianium, an endemic Mediterranean succulent with a restricted distribution Publication: Acta Succulenta 3(1) pp 102-117 2014 Author: Ortiz D.G.; Lumbreras E.L. Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1250 - Anti-Haemolytic, Antioxidant and Xanthine Oxidase inhibitory Effect of Sedum Sediforme Shoot Extracts Publication: International Journal of Indigenous Medicinal Plants, Vol.47, Issue.1 pp 1502-1510 2014 Author: Hayat Trabsa; Sabah Boumarfegue; Abderrahmane Baghiani; Naou Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 2051-4263 Description:
[Ref:1251 - Copper in plant species in a copper gradient in Catalonia (North East Spain) and their potential for phytoremediatio Publication: Plant and Soil 230 March 2001 pp 247-256 Author: Poschenrieder C.; Bech J.; Llugany M.; Pace A.; Fenés E.; Ba Publisher: Year: 2001 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1252 - Effect of substrate depth on initial growth, coverage, and survival of 25 succulent green roof plant taxa Publication: HortScience 42(3):588-595. 2007 Author: Durhman A.K.; Rowe D.B.; Rugh C.L. Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1253 - Micropropagation and Subsequent Enrichment of Carotenoids, Fatty Acids, and Tocopherol Contents in Sedum dasyphyllum Publication: Front. Chem. October 2017; Vol 5:77. Author: Park HY, Saini RK, Gopal J, Keum Y-S, Kim DH, Lee O and Siva Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: doi: 10.3389/fche Description:
[Ref:1254 - Cytotoxicity and Pharmacogenomics of Medicinal Plants from Traditional Korean Medicine Publication: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Volume 2013, Article ID 341724, 14 pages Author: Kuete V.; Ean-Jeong Seo; Krusche B.; Oswald M.; Wiench B.; S Website: Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1255 - Revision of Meliosma (Sabiaceae), section Lorenzanea excepted, Living and Fossil, Geography and Phylogeny Publication: Blumea Vol 19, No. 3, 1971, pp 355-529 Author: C.F. Van Beusekom Publisher: Year: 1971 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1256 - Transcriptome Comparison Reveals the Adaptive Evolution of Two Contrasting Ecotypes of Zn/Cd Hyperaccumulator Sedum Publication: Front. Plant Sci. 8:425; 2017 Author: Qianying Yang; M. J. I. Shohag; Ying Feng; Zhenli He; and Xi Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: doi: 10.3389/fpls Description:
[Ref:1257 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol 92 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis, Missouri Year: 2005 ISBN: 0026-6493 Description: A botanical journal, containing a range of articles
[Ref:1258 - Hawthorns and Medlars Publication: Author: Phipps J.B.; O'Kennon R.J. & Lance R.W. Publisher: Timber Press; Portland Year: 2003 ISBN: 0-88192-591-8 Description: An excellent guide to some of the better known Crataegus species, plus quite a few less well-known. It also contains some information on the Medlar.
[Ref:1259 - Revision of Crataegus Sect. Crataegus and Nothosect. Crataeguineae (Rosaceae-Maloideae) in the Old World Publication: Systematic Botany Monographs Vol 35 June 1992 pp 1-199 Author: Knud Ib Christensen Website: Publisher: Year: 1992 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1260 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol 85 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Missouri Botanical Garden; St. Louis, Missouri Year: 1998 ISBN: 0026-6493 Description: A botanical journal containing a range of articles
[Ref:1261 - Chemical Composition, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, and Antiproliferative Activities of the Plant Lebanese Crataeg Publication: Med Sci Monit Basic Res, 2017; 23: 270-284 Author: Hany Kallassy; Mohammad Fayyad-Kazan et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 2325-4416 Description:
[Ref:1262 - Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Crataegus songarica Methanol Extract Publication: Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology, 33(2):131-143 (2014) Author: Showkat Ahmad Ganie; Tanveer Ali Dar et al Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 0731-8898 Description:
[Ref:1263 - Acer Nikoense Publication: Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Author: Jeff M. Jellin, Founding Editor Website: Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description: An extensive database of herbal products and other natural medicines, giving up-to-date information on research into their uses, their effectiveness and possible adverse reactions
[Ref:1264 - Some Native Plants for Erosion Control Efforts in Coruh River Valley, Artvin, Turkey Publication: Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 9 (4) 667-673, 2006 Author: Askin Gokturk; Zafer Olmez; Fatih Temel Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: 1028-8880 Description:
[Ref:1265 - Sonicator dyeing of cotton with the leaves extract Acer pectinatum Wallich Publication: Pigment and Resin Technology; Vol XX No. X, 2007 Author: Padma S Vankar, Rakhi Shanker , Shalini Dixit , Debajit Maha Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1266 - Capparis spinosa L. in A Systematic Review: A Xerophilous Species of Multi Values and Promising Potentialities for A Publication: Front. Plant Sci. 8;1845. 2017 Author: Chedraoui S, Abi-Rizk A, El-Beyrouthy M, Chalak L, Ouaini N Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description: An in-depth study of Capparis spinosa with a wealth of references to the latest research.
[Ref:1267 - A taxonomic revision of the Capparis spinosa group (Capparaceae) from the Mediterranean to Central Asia Publication: Phytotaxa 174 (1): 001-024. 2014 Author: Silvio Fici Website: Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 1179-3155 Description:
[Ref:1268 - A taxonomic revision of the Capparis spinosa group (Capparaceae) from eastern Africa to Oceania Publication: Phytotaxa 203 (1): 024-036. 2015 Author: Silvio Fici Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 1179-3155 Description:
[Ref:1269 - Critical Notes on three species of Capparis Linn, from peninsular India Publication: Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society Vol 62 No. 1 pp 412-424. 1965 Author: R. Sundara Raghavan & Rolla Seshagiri Rao Publisher: Year: 1965 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1270 - Phytochemical study of Cistus albidus (Cistaceae) in a northern mountainous region of Algeria Publication: Acta horticulturae 955(955):79-82 · August 2012 Author: Bendifallah L.; Alouan S.; Drah S. Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1271 - The flavonol-enriched Cistus albidus chloroform extract possesses in vivo anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive act Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 209 (2017) 210-218 Author: Ouahiba Tahiria; Dina Atmani-Kilani et al Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: 0378-8741 Description:
[Ref:1272 - Genus Cistus: a model for exploring labdane-type diterpenes’ biosynthesis and a natural source of high value product Publication: Frontiers in Chemistry Vol 2, Article 35, June 2014 Author: Dimitra Papaefthimiou, Antigoni Papanilkolaou et al Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1273 - Phytochemical Screening, Antiradical and Antibacterial Activities of Cistus crispus from Morocco Publication: JMES, 2017 Volume 8, Issue 5, Page 1560-1566 Author: Bouyahya A.;Abrini J.; Talbaoui A.; Et-Touys A.; Chatoui K.; Website: / Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 2028-2508 Description:
[Ref:1274 - Phytoremédiation de sols pollués par l'utilisation de la plante Cistus libanotis Publication: Author: Laplaze L.; Doumas P.; Smouni A.; Brhada F.; Ater M. Website: http:// Publication: /312024862 Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description: Downloaded from Researchgate, there were no details given of where the paper was published.
[Ref:1275 - Screening of Mineral Elements in Cistus ladanifer and Cistus libanotis Essential Oils and their Leaves Publication: Oriental Journal of Chemistry Vol 29, No 4, pp 1319-1324, 2013 Author: Zidane H.; Aouniti F.; Tahani A.; Fauconnier M.L.; Elbachiri Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 0970-020X Description:
[Ref:1276 - Antiviral activity of some Tunisian medicinal plants against Herpes simplex virus type 1 Publication: Natural Product Research, 22:1, 53 - 65, 2008 Author: Sassi, A. Ben, Harzallah-Skhiri, F., Bourgougnon, N. and Aou Website: http:// Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1277 - Screening of Jordanian Flora for alpha-Amylase Inhibitory Activity Publication: Pharmaceutical Biology, 46:10-11, 746-750, 2008 Author: Imad I. Hamdan & Fatma U. Afifi Website: Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1278 - Screening of Some Medicinal Plants for their Pancreatic Lipase Inhibitory Potential Publication: Jordan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 4, No. 2, pp 81-88; 2011 Author: Yasser Bustanji; Mohammad Mohammad; Mohammad Hudaib; Khaled Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1279 - Antileishmanial potential of medicinal plant extracts from the North-West of Morocco Publication: Author: Abdelhakim Bouyahya; Abdeslam Et-Touys; Nadia Dakka; Hajiba Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1280 - Chemical Composition of Volatile Extract and Biological Activities of Volatile and Less-Volatile Extracts of Juniper Publication: J. Agric. Food Chem. 2008, 56, 5021–5025 Author: Ahmed El-Ghorab; Hamdy A. Shaaban; Khaled F. El-Massry; & Ta Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1281 - An Insight into therapeutic Potential of Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb Publication: Journal of medicinal and spice plants 22(2):93-96 January 2017 Author: Kulsoom Zahara; Yamin Bibi; Abdul Qayyum; Ahmad Sher; Abdul Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1282 - Ethnobotany of Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb. (Cupressaceae) in Iran Publication: Ethnobotany Research & Applications 9:335-341 (2011) Author: Atefeh Pirani, Hamid Moazzeni, Shahab Mirinejad, Farzaneh Na Website: Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description: This report actually refers to Juniperus polycarpos, recognized as distinct in 2014.
[Ref:1283 - Traditional medicine in Turkey IX: Folk medicine in North-west Anatolia Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 64 (1999) 195-210 Author: Erdem Yesilada; Ekrem Sezik; Gisho Honda; Yoshihisa Takaishi Publisher: Year: 1999 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1284 - Traditional Medicine in Turkey VI.Folk Medicine in West Anatolia: Afyon, Kütahya, Denizli, Mugla, Aydin provinces Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 53 (1996) 75-87 Author: Gisho Honda; Erdem Yesilada; Mamoru Tabata; Ekrem Sezik; Tet Publisher: Year: 1996 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1285 - A Potential New Source of Cedarwood Oil: Juniperus foetidissima Willd. Publication: J. Essent. Oil Res. 16, 233-235 (May/June 2004) Author: Tunalier Z.; Kirimer N.; Baser K.H.C. Publisher: Year: 2004 ISBN: DOI: 10.1080/1041 Description:
[Ref:1286 - Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory and Antinociceptive Effects of Some Juniperus Species Growing in Turkey Publication: Turk J Biol 36 (2012) 719-726 Author: Orhan N.; Akkol E.; Ergun F. Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: doi:10.3906/biy-1 Description:
[Ref:1287 - Juniperus rigida Sieb. extract inhibits inflammatory responses via attenuation of TRIF-dependent signaling and infla Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 190 (2016) 91-99 Author: Ji-Won Han; Do-Wan Shim et al Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1288 - Quality Evaluation of Juniperus rigida Sieb. et Zucc. Based on Phenolic Profiles, Bioactivity, and HPLC Fingerprint Publication: Front. Pharmacol. 8:198 2017 Author: Zehua Liu, Dongmei Wang; Dengwu Li; & Shuai Zhang Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: doi: 10.3389/fpha Description:
[Ref:1289 - Antifungal and Insecticidal Activity of two Juniperus Essential Oils Publication: Natural Product Communications Vol. 4 (1) 123-127, 2009 Author: David E. Wedge; Nurhayat Tabanca et al Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1290 - A Note on Distribution of Juniperus semeglobosa in Uttarakhand, India Publication: Indian Journal of Forestry 38(1) 79-80, 2015 Author: K. Chandra Sekar; Lalit Giri; Aseesh Pandey; S.K. Srivastava Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1291 - Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet activities of the methanolic extract of Acacia modesta leaves Publication: Inflammopharmacol (2010) 18:187-196 Author: Ishfaq A. Bukhari; Rafeeq A. Khan; Anwar H. Gilani; Sagheer Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: DOI 10.1007/s1078 Description:
[Ref:1292 - Acacia species as large-scale crop plants in theWestern Australian wheatbelt Publication: Conservation Science W. Aust. 4 (3) : 96-108 (2002) Author: Bartle J.; Cooper D.; Olsen G.; Carslake J. Website: Publication: /283798072 Publisher: Year: 2002 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1293 - Domestication of wattles with edible seeds for the wheatbelt of Western Australia Publication: Conservation Science W. Aust. 4 (3) : 170-180 (2002) Author: McDonald M.W.; Maslin B.R.; Thomson L.A.J. Publisher: Year: 2002 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1294 - Potential of Australian Acacias in combating hunger in semi-arid lands Publication: Conservation Science W. Aust. 4 (3):161-169 (2002) Author: Rinaudo A.; Patel P.; Thomson L.A.J. Publisher: Year: 2002 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1295 - Acacia in Australia: Ethnobotany and Potential Food Crop Publication: Janick (ed.), Progress in new crops pp 228-236, (1996) ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA. Author: Lister P.R.; Holford P.; Haigh T.; Morrison D.A. Website: Publisher: ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA. Year: 1996 ISBN: 0-9615027-3-8 Description:
[Ref:1296 - Trees and Shrubs of the Okavango Delta; Medicinal Uses and Nutritional Value Publication: The Shell Field Guide Series: Part 1 Author: Roodt V. Publisher: Shell Oil Botswana (Pty) Ltd; Gaborone, Botswana Year: 1998 ISBN: 99912-0-241-2 Description: A concise guide to some of the trees and shrubs of Botswana, often giving some of the plant's uses.
[Ref:1297 - Wattles of the Kalannie region: their identification, characteristics and utilisation Publication: Author: Maslin B.R. Website: Publisher: Year: 1998 ISBN: Description: Produced on a CDROM, a database of Acacias growing in a region of Western Australia. Fact sheets for individual species can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1298 - Wattles of the Pilbara Publication: Author: Website: Description: s/pilbara/html/default.htm Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A Website: with factsheets for the various Acacia species that grow in the Pilbara region of northwestern Western Australia
[Ref:1299 - Biomass production and nutrient dynamics of Acacia lenticularis (L.) Willd-Curcuma domestica Valeton agroforestry sy Publication: Indian Journal of Agroforestry Vol. 17 No 1: 74-80 (2015) Author: Das D.K.; Laik R.; Chaturvedi O.P. Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1300 - Australian Trees and Shrubs: Species for Land Rehabilitation and Farm Planting in the Tropics Publication: Author: Doran J.C.; Turnbull J.W. (Editors) Publisher: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research; Canbe Year: 1997 ISBN: 1-86320-127-0 Description: A very informative book, rich in information about the uses, cultivation needs and very much more for over 160 species of Australian trees and shrubs.
[Ref:1301 - Acacia Search; Evaluation of Acacia as a woody crop option for Southern Australia Publication: Author: Maslin B.R. & McDonald M.W. Publisher: Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation; Western A Year: 2004 ISBN: 0642 58585 7 Description:
[Ref:1302 - Acacia thomsonii (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae: Acacia section Juliflorae), a new species from the tropical dry zone of Publication: Nuytsia 10: 3 pp 443-449 (1996) Author: Maslin B.R. & McDonald M.W. Publisher: Year: 1996 ISBN: 0085-4417 Description:
[Ref:1303 - Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Vol. VI Publication: Author: Marshall A. Howe (Editor) Publisher: New York Botanical Garden; New York Year: 1916 ISBN: Description: A collection of papers presented at the 20th Anniversary of the new York Botanical Gardens, including one on the plants of Anegada in the Virgin Islands. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1304 - Traditional Food Plants of Kenya Publication: Author: Patrick M Maundu Publisher: Kenya Resource Centre for Indigenous Knowledge, National Museums Year: 1999 ISBN: 9966986146 Description: A concise guide to the edible plants of Kenya
[Ref:1305 - Encroachment of Acacia brevispica and Acacia drepanolobium in Semi-Arid Rangelands of Ethiopia and their Influence o Publication: Research Journal of Botany 5(1):1-13; January 2010 Author: Beyene S.; Mlambo V. Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: 10.3923/rjb.2010. Description:
[Ref:1306 - Rare and Endangered Medicinal Orchids of Asthavarga Group in Attaranchal - Habenaria intermedia (Virdhii) and Habena Publication: MFP News, Vol XII, No. 4; 2002 Author: Manmohan Jagatram Dobriyal Publisher: Year: 2002 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1307 - Assessment of Nutritional and Antioxidant Potential of Selected Vitality Strengthening Himalayan Medicinal Plants Publication: International Journal of Food Properties, 17:703-712, 2014 Author: Sandeep Rawat, Harish Andola, Lalit Giri, Praveen Dhyani, Ar Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: 1094-2912 Description:
[Ref:1308 - Distribution Pattern, Survival Threats and Conservation of 'Astavarga' Orchids in Himachal Pradesh, Northwest Himala Publication: Plant Archives Vol. 12 No. 1, 2012 pp. 165-168 Author: Ravi Kant; Jagdeep Verma; and Kranti Thakur Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 0972-5210 Description:
[Ref:1309 - The Leguminosae; A Source Book of Characteristics, Uses and Nodulation Publication: Author: Allen O.N.; Allen E.K. Publisher: University of Wisconsin Year: 1981 ISBN: 0-333-32221-5 Description: An amazing and comprehensive work, giving a brief guide to the many genera of the family Fabaceae and also the principle uses of the genus.
[Ref:1310 - Evaluation of Analgesis and Anti-inflammatory Activities of the Methanolic Leaf Extract of Adenodolichos paniculatus Publication: International Journal of Biomedical Research 1[5] [2010] 185-193 Author: Sani M.B; Anuka J.A.; Zezi A.U.; Magaji I.I.; Yaro A.H.; Mag Website: Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1311 - Heavy Metals Concentration in Adenodolichos rhomboideus (O. Hoffm.) Harms. Forage Growing on Mining Tailings in Sout Publication: Int. J. Curr. Res. Biosci. Plant Biol. 2014, 1(5): 16-27 Author: Tshibangu M.I.; Nsahlai V.I.; Kiatoko M.H.; and Hornick J.L. Website: Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1312 - GC-MS analysis of ethyl acetate extract of Alysicarpus Monilifer -Whole plant Publication: Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2016, 8 (13):106-114 Author: Karthikeyan K. & Dhanapal C.K. Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 0975-5071 Description:
[Ref:1313 - Pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical evaluation of Alysicarpus longifolius W. and A. Prodr Publication: AYU; Apr-Jun 2013; Vol 34; Issue 2 pp229-232 Author: Bhavesh Patil, Bhupesh Patel, Preeti Pandya, C.R. Harisha Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1314 - Toxic effect of some medicinal plants used in Moroccan traditional medicine Publication: Moroccan J. Biol. 2-3 (2006) 21-30 Author: Mohamed Bnouham; Fatima Zahra Merhfour; Mostafa Elachoui; Ab Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1315 - Revision of the genus Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae) in Africa, Madagascar and adjacent islands Publication: Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 151, 219-238 Author: Holger De Groot, Stefan Wanke and Christoph Neinhuis Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1316 - A revision of the genus Mandragora (Solanaceae) Publication: Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Lond. (Bot.) 28(1): 17-40 Author: Ungricht S.; Knapp S; Press J.R. Publisher: Year: 1998 ISBN: 0968-0446 Description: A detailed study of the genus, including information on the historical and modern medicinal uses
[Ref:1317 - Libro Rojo de la Flora Canaria contenida en la Directiva-Hábitats Europea Publication: Author: Angel Bañares Baudet; Manuel V. Marrero Gómez; Eduardo Carqu Publisher: Year: 1999 ISBN: Description: A detailed study of several species endemic to the Canary Islands that are on the IUCN Red List
[Ref:1318 - Revision of the African genus Anthonotha (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae) Publication: Plant Ecology and Evolution 143(1): 70-99, 2010 Author: Frans J. Breteler Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: doi:10.5091/plece Description:
[Ref:1319 - Analysis and identification of oils from seed extract of Anthonotha macrophylla using gas chromatographymass spectro Publication: African Journal of Biotechnology; Vol. 13(22), pp. 2260-2264, 28 May, 2014 Author: Ugoeze K.C.; Ehianeta T.; Alaribe C.; and Anyakora C. Website: Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 1684-5315 Description:
[Ref:1320 - Zulu Medicine and Medicine-men Publication: Annals of the Natal Museum Vol 2 Pt 1, pp 1 - 103; 1909 Author: Rev. A.T.Bryant Publisher: Natal Museum; Natal Year: 1909 ISBN: Description: An early study of the traditional medicinal plants of Natal. Botanical names are often outdated, but lots of information on uses and methods of use.
[Ref:1321 - Swaziland's Flora - siSwati Names and Uses Publication: Author: Chris Long Website: Publisher: Year: 2005 ISBN: Description: A basic, but very long, list of names and uses.
[Ref:1322 - A Contribution to the Flora of the Leribe Plateau and Environs Publication: Annals of the South African Museum Vol XVI Author: Garabedian S. Publisher: South African Museum Year: 1917 ISBN: Description: A brief Description: of the plants, usually giving local names and often traditional uses.
[Ref:1323 - Response of Piptatherum miliaceum to co-culture with a legume species for the phytostabilisation of trace elements c Publication: J Soils Sediments; September 2015 Author: Arco-Lázaro E.; Martínez-Fernández D.; Ma Pilar Bernal; & Cl Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: DOI: 10.1007/s113 Description:
[Ref:1324 - Phenolic composition, enzyme inhibitory, and antioxidant activity of Bituminaria bituminosa Publication: Food Sci. Biotechnol. 25(5): 1299-1304 (2016) Author: Cengiz Sarikurkcu; Mustafa Cengiz; Mehmet Cemil Uren; Olcay Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 1226-7708 Description:
[Ref:1325 - Effects of Bauhinia championii (Benth.) Benth. Polysaccharides on the proliferation and cell cycle of chondrocytes Publication: Molecular Medicine Reports 7: 1624-1630, 2013 Author: Liangliang Cai; Hongzhi Ye; Fangrong Yu; Huiting Li; Jiashou Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: DOI: 10.3892/mmr. Description:
[Ref:1326 - Bauhinia championii flavone inhibits apoptosis and autophagy via the Pi3K/akt pathway in myocardial ischemia/reperfu Publication: Drug Design, Development and Therapy, 2015:9 5933-5945 Author: Jie Jian; Feifei Xuan; Feizhang Qin; Renbin Huang Website: Publisher: Dove Press Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1327 - Monograph of Pictetia (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) and Review of the Aeschynomeneae Publication: Systematic Botany Monographs Vol 56 pp 1-93 1999 Author: Beyra A.M. & Lavin M. Website: Publisher: American Society of Plant Taxonomists Year: 1999 ISBN: DOI: 10.2307/2509 Description:
[Ref:1328 - Chemical and Spectra Studies of the Alleged Killer Seed of Berlinia grandiflora Publication: IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC) Vol 7, Issue 1, Ver II 2018 pp 14-18 Author: Duru C.E.; Duru I.A.; Ikpa C.B.C. & Ibe F.C. Website: Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 2278-5736 Description:
[Ref:1329 - Validación etnofarmacológica de Nectandra coriacea (Sw.) Griseb. y Caesalpinia bahamensis Lam. reportadas como diuré Publication: Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales 16(2):115-134 2011 Author: Maykel Pérez MachínFrancisco Morón RodríguezMario L Sueiro O Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1330 - Antioxidant Activities of Different Parts of Calicotome villosa (Poiret) Link (Leguminosae) from Turkey Publication: Author: Murat Turan; Ummahan Öz; Cennet Özay; Ramazan Mammadov Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1331 - Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, 1889 Publication: Author: Publisher: Royal Gardens; Kew; London Year: 1889 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1332 - Carob Tree; Ceratonia siliqua Publication: Author: Battle I. & Tous J. Publisher: IPGRI; Gatersleben, Germany Year: 1997 ISBN: 92-9043-328-X Description: An excellent and very comprehensive book about the carob.
[Ref:1333 - The Genus Cercidium (Leguminosae:Caesalpinioideae) in the Sonoran Desert of Mexico and the United States Publication: Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, Series 4, Vol XL, No 2, pp 17-57; 1974 Author: Carter A.M. Publisher: Year: 1974 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1334 - A novel approach to produce oil extraction from non-edible seed Indigofera colutea Publication: Energy Sources Part A Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects; June 2017 Author: Veeranan T.; Ravindran E.; Rajendran A.; Sahadevan R.; Kanna Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 10.1080/15567036. Description:
[Ref:1335 - Assessment of Wound Healing Activity of the Aqueous Extracts of Colutea cilicica Boiss. & Bal. Fruits and Leaves Publication: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Vol 2011 Article ID 758191 7 pages Author: Süntar I.P.; Koca U.; Akkol E.K.; Yilmazer D.; Alper M. Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Year: 2009 ISBN: 10.1093/ecam/nep1 Description:
[Ref:1336 - The Genus Colutea L. A Monograph. Publication: Monographiae Botanicae Vol. 14 1963 Author: Browicz K. Publisher: Year: 1963 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1337 - The Pharmacological and Toxicological Effects of Coronilla varia and Coronilla scorpioides: A Review Publication: The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal, 2016, 3(2):105-114 Author: Ali Esmail Al-Snafi Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 2349-7092 Description:
[Ref:1338 - Systematics of Coursetia (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) Publication: Syst. Bot. Monogr. 21 1988 Author: Lavin M. Publisher: Year: 1988 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1339 - An insight into medicinal and ethnopharmacological potential of Crotalaria burhia Publication: Asian Pac J Trop Dis 2015; 5(7): 511-514 Author: Saboon, Yamin Bibi, Muhammad Arshad, Nabeela Ahmad, Iqra Ria Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 10.1016/S2222-180 Description: A review of the ethnobotanical information available on this species
[Ref:1340 - Las Especies Argentinas De Crotalaria (Leguminosae - Crotalarieae): Novedades, Descripciones Y Clave Publication: Gayana Bot. 57( 1 ): 67-87. 2000 Author: Edith Gómez-Sosa Publisher: Year: 2000 ISBN: 0016-5301 Description:
[Ref:1341 - A revision of the Genus Crotalaria Linn. (Papilionaceae) in Thailand Publication: Thai For Bull 11;105-181; 1978 Author: Chawalit Niyomdham Publisher: Year: 1978 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1342 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported Vol. 8 Publication: USDA Section of Seed and Plant Introduction Author: Website: Publisher: USDA; Washington Year: 1901 ISBN: Description: A list of plants and seed imported into the USA in 1899. It often contains information about the plants.
[Ref:1343 - Crotalaria L. (Fabaceae: Faboideae) in continental Southeast Asia Publication: Phytotaxa 320 (1): 001-074 Author: Ninkaew S.; Balslev H.; Pornpongrungrueng P.; Chantaranothai Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 978-1-77670-218-3 Description:
[Ref:1344 - Honeybush; Healthful beverage tea from South Africa Publication: Author: Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D. Website: Publisher: Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon Year: 2004 ISBN: Description: A good, in-depth article on the use of Cyclopia species to make honeybush tea.
[Ref:1345 - Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of the Essential Oils of Laggera crispata (Vahl) Hepper & Wood, Cycl Publication: Analytical Chemistry Letters, 5:3, 162-171 Author: Ram S. Verma, Rajendra C. Padalia, Sajendra K. Verma, Amit C Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 2229-7928 Description:
[Ref:1346 - Plectranthus: A review of ethnobotanical uses Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 103 (2006) 1-24 Author: Lukhoba C.W.; Simmonds M.S.J.; Paton A.J. Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description: An excellent guide to the uses of Plectranthus species, giving the basic uses and the literature supporting this.
[Ref:1347 - Plectranthus: A plant for the future? Publication: South African Journal of Botany 77 (2011) 947-959 Author: Rice L.J.; Brits G.J.; Potgieter C.J.; Van Staden J. Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description: A review of the Plectranthus species with potential as economic plants
[Ref:1348 - Hyptis brevipes (Lamiaceae) Extracts Strongly Inhibit the Growth and Development of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) L Publication: Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science Vol. 3 (10), pp. 083-088, October, 2013 Author: Hanem H. Sakr, Shimaa H. Roshdy, & Hesham R. El-Seedi Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 10.7324/JAPS.2013 Description:
[Ref:1349 - Chemical component studies on the leaf and inflorescence essential oil of Hyptis brevipes (Poit.) Publication: Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 4(20), pp. 2128-2131, 18 October, 2010 Author: Md. Nazrul Islam Bhuiyan, Jaripa Begum & Nemai Chandra Nandi Website: Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: 1996-0875 Description:
[Ref:1350 - A detailed study of the volatile components of Plectranthus asirensis of Saudi Arabian origin Publication: Natural Product Research, Vol 30, No 20, 2360-2363, 2016 Author: Muneera S. M. Al-Saleem, Merajuddin Khan & Hamad Z. Alkhathl Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1351 - Antimicrobial Activity Of Plectranthus Asirensis Extract From Jazan Region Publication: Life Sci J 2013;10(4):1880-1883 Author: Marwah M. Bakri Website: http:// Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 1097-8135 Description:
[Ref:1352 - The chemotaxonomic significance of two bioactive caffeic acid esters, nepetoidins A and B, in the Lamiaceae Publication: Phytochemistry Vol 64, Issue 2 pp 519-528, 2003 Author: Grayer R.J.; Eckert M.R.; Veitch N.C.; Kite G.C.; Marin P.D. Website: Publisher: Year: 2003 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1353 - Plant species first recognised as naturalised for New South Wales in 2002 and 2003, with additional comments on spec Publication: Cunninghamia · 10(1): 139-166 January 2007 Author: Hosking J.R.; Conn B.J.; Lepschi B.J.; Barker C.H. Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1354 - Evaluating the natural durability of a number of lesser known species of Ghanaian hardwoods using a short term labor Publication: The International Research Group on Wood Preservation; 35th Annual Meeting; Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2004 Author: Williams J.R.; Cragg S.M.; Borges L.M.S.;Shayler B. Publisher: Year: 2004 ISBN: IRG/WP 04-10540 Description:
[Ref:1355 - Plants of the World online Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: An on-line database giving detailed Description: s of almost 40,000 species of plants (as of 2018), almost 25,000 images and a list of almost 850,000 plant names. A truly excellent resource and still growing.
[Ref:1356 - Pharmacognostical Evaluation on the Leaves of Plectranthus mollis Spreng. (Syn. P. incanus Link.) Publication: World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol 4, Issue 09, pp 556-569, 2015 Author: Ramu G.; Shantha T.R.; Mohan G.K.; Reddy M.P.; Jayaveera K.N Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 2278-4357 Description:
[Ref:1357 - Antimicrobial Abietane-Type Diterpenoids from Plectranthus punctatus Publication: Molecules Online · November 2017 Author: Negera Abdissa, Marcel Frese and Norbert Sewald Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: DOI: 10.3390/mole Description:
[Ref:1358 - Plectranthus vettiveroides - a least known vetiver on the verge of extinction Publication: Current Science March 2015; pp 782-784 Author: Murugan R.; Sriramavaratharajan V.; Ayyanar M. Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1359 - Daleae Imagines; An Illustrated Revision of ERRAZURIZIA Philippi, PSOROTHAMNUS Rydberg, MARINA Liebmann, and DALEA L Publication: Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Vol 27 pp 1 - 892, 1977 Author: Barneby R.C. Publisher: The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York Year: 1977 ISBN: 0-89327-001-6 Description: A very detailed treatment of the genera Errazurizia, Psorothamnus, Marina and Dalea
[Ref:1360 - Chemical profile, nutraceutical and anti-phytobacterial properties of the essential oil from Dalea foliolosa (Fabace Publication: Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2017. 29(9): 724-728 Author: Villa-Ruano N.; Pacheco-Hernández Y.; Rubio-Rosas E.; Zarate Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: doi: 10.9755/ejfa Description:
[Ref:1361 - Taxonomic Revision of Daniellia (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae) Publication: Systematic Botany (2010), 35(2): pp. 296-324 Author: Manuel de la Estrella, Carlos Aedo, Barbara Mackinder, and M Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1362 - Antinociceptive and Antioxidant Activity of an Aqueous Root Bark Extract of Daniellia oliveri (Rolfe) Hutch. & Dalzi Publication: Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science Vol. 3 (12), pp. XXX-XXX, December, 2013 Author: Boye A.; Amoateng P.; Koffuor G.A,; Barku V.Y.A.; Bawa E.M.; Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: DOI: 10.7324/JAPS Description:
[Ref:1363 - Anti-diarrheal Activity of the leaf extracts of Daniellia oliveri Hutch and Dalz (Fabaceae) and Ficus sycomorus Miq Publication: Afr. J. Trad. CAM (2007) 4 (4): 524 - 528 Author: Ahmadu A.A.; Zezi A.U.; & Yaro A.H. Website: Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: 0189-6016 Description:
[Ref:1364 - A monograph of Daviesia (Mirbelieae, Faboideae, Fabaceae) Publication: Phytotaxa 300 (1): 001-308 Author: Crisp M.D.; Cayzer L.; Chandler G.T.; Cook L.G. Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 1179-3155 Description:
[Ref:1365 - Exploration of antimicrobial potential of essential oils of Cinnamomum glanduliferum, Feronia elephantum, Bupleurum Publication: Pharm Biol, Early Online: 1-4 Author: Charu Singh; Shalini Singh; Chitra Pande; Geeta Tewari; Veen Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 1744-5116 Description:
[Ref:1366 - Cytotoxic Lignan Esters from Cinnamomum osmophloeum Publication: Planta Medica 613-619, November 2009 Author: Tai-Hung Chen; Yu-Hao Huang; Jhih-Jhang Lin; Bing-Chung Liau Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: DOI: 10.1055/s-00 Description:
[Ref:1367 - Antihyperglycemic and antioxidant activities of twig extract from Cinnamomum osmophloeum Publication: Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 6 (2016) 281-288 Author: Gong-Min Lin, Yu-Han Chen, Pei-Ling Yen, Shang-Tzen Chang Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1368 - Activity of Cinnamomum osmophloeum leaf essential oil against Anopheles gambiae s.s Publication: Parasites & Vectors 2014, 7:209 Author: France P Mdoe; Sen-Sung Cheng; Shandala Msangi; Gamba Nkweng Website: Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1369 - High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of kaempferol glycosides in Cinnamomum osmophloeum leaves Publication: Int. J. Appl. Sci. Eng., 2009. 7, 1 Author: Yerra Koteswara Rao; Madamanchi Geethangili; Hsiao-Sung Chan Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: 1727-2394 Description:
[Ref:1370 - Anti-inflammatory Activity of the Methanolic Extract of Cinnamomum sulphuratum Barks Publication: Ethnobotanical Leaflets 12: 494-498. 2008 Author: Muthiah Maridass Publisher: Year: 2008` ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1371 - Optimizing the Propagation of Cinnamomum micranthum by Cuttings Publication: Life Science Journal 2014;11(12) Author: Bihua Chen; Jianmin Li; Juan Zhang; Huihua Fan; Qianzhen Li Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1372 - Taxonomic revision of Cinnamomum (Lauraceae) in Borneo Publication: Blumea 56, 2011: 241-264 Author: Soh Wuu-Kuang Website: Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1373 - Chemical composition and antioxidant properties of the essential oil of Cinnamomum altissimum Kosterm. (Lauraceae) Publication: Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2014) Author: Abdelwahab, S.I. et al. Website: Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1374 - Pharmacognostic and preliminary phytochemical evaluation of Cinnamomum bejolghota (Buch.-Ham.) Sweet bark Publication: Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources Vol. 7(1), March 2016, pp. 59-64 Author: Barnali Gogoi; Bibhuti Bhusan Kakoti; Nilutpal Sharma and Su Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1375 - Composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil from Cinnamomum bejolghata (Lauraceae) Publication: Author: Barnali Gogol; Bibhuti Bhusan Kakoti; Nilutpal Sharma Bora Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1376 - In vitro antihelmintic activity of bark extract of Cinnamomum bejolghota (Buch.-Ham.) in Indian adult earthworm (Phe Publication: Asian Pac J Trop Dis 2014; 4(Suppl 2): S924-S927 Author: Barnali Gogoi; Bibhuti Bhusan Kakoti; Nilutpal Sharma Bora; Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: doi: 10.1016/S222 Description:
[Ref:1377 - Improved Lipid Profile Associated with Daily Consumption of Tri-Sura-Phon in Healthy Overweight Volunteers: An Open- Publication: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2017, Article ID 2687173, 9 pages Author: Sirigoon Kuamsub et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1378 - Chemical Constituents and Antimicrobial Activity of the Leaf Oil of Cinnamomu, filipedicellatum Kosterm. Publication: J. Essent. Oil Res., 18 234-236 (March/April 2006) Author: Koranappally B.Rameshkumar; Varughese George Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1379 - Essential Oils Leaf of Cinnamomum glaucescens and Cinnamomum verum from Vietnam Publication: American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2017, 8, 2712-2721 Author: Hoang V. Chinh; Ngo X. Luong; Dau B. Thin; Do N. Dai; Tran M Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 2158-2750 Description:
[Ref:1380 - Antidiabetic Activity of Cinnamomum macrocarpon Hook.f. Leaves on Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Swiss Albino Mice Publication: International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences Vol. 5 Issue 3 July-Sept 2015 pp 16-21 Author: M. Arul Jothi; A. Benno Susai Vijayakumar; C.S. Parameswari; Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 2231-4490 Description:
[Ref:1381 - Antibacterial and antifungal potentials of the solvents extracts from Eryngium caeruleum, Notholirion thomsonianum a Publication: BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2016) 16:478 Author: Abdul Sadiq; Sadiq Ahmad; Rahmat Ali; Fawad Ahmad; Sajjad Ah Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: DOI 10.1186/s1290 Description:
[Ref:1382 - In-Vitro Efficacy of Certain Essential Oils and Plant Extracts against Three Major Pathogens of Jatropha curcas L. Publication: American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2015, 6, 362-365 Author: Purnajyoti Deka Bhuyan; Phatik Tamuli; Paran Boruah Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1383 - Study of Antimicrobial Activity and Carbon Composition by GC-FID of extract from Cymbopogon jwarancusa (Jones.) Publication: International Journal of Natural Products Research 2013; 3(3): 57-61 Author: Prasad Chandan; Singh Digvijay and Shukla Omkar Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 2249-0353 Description:
[Ref:1384 - Chemical composition, antioxidant and the possible use as skin-care ingredient of clove oil ( Syzygium aromaticum (L Publication: Journal of Essential Oil Research 25(4):315-323 August 2013 Author: Xiao-wei Huang; Yun-chao Feng; Yi Huang; Hai-ling Li Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: DOI10.1080/104129 Description:
[Ref:1385 - Promising Cultivars of Medicinal and Aromatic Crops and their Large Scale Propagation Publication: National Exhibition & Seminar on Medicinal Plants & Herbal Products pp 55-64 No date given Author: S. K. Kothari; K. P. Sastry; C. P. Singh; D. K. Rajput and B Publisher: A.P. Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Board; Hyderabad, India Year: 2006 ISBN: Description: A Conference Paper, said to be from January 2006, but no date given on the Paper.
[Ref:1386 - An inventory of the ethnobotanicals used as anti-diabetic by a rural community of Dhemaji district of Assam, Northea Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 138 (2011) 345-350 Author: Doi Tarak; Nima D. Namsa; Sumpam Tangjang; S.C. Arya; Bhaska Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1387 - Antioxidant potential and antimicrobial activity of Cinnamomum malabathrum (Batka) Publication: Oriental Journal of Chemistry Vol. 26(4), 1449-1453 (2010) Author: B. Hari Kumar; Shani Basheer; Haseena Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1388 - Anti Cancer activity of Cinnamomum Malabatrum against Dalton's ascitic lymphoma Publication: Int. J. of Res. in Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics Vol-2(1) 2013 [314-319] Author: Sorabh Kumar Agrawal; R.C.Chipa; K.C.Samanta Suresh Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 2278 - 2648 Description:
[Ref:1389 - Chemical examination of leaves of Cinnamomum malabatrum (Burm. f.) Blume sold as Tamalapatra Publication: Phcog J Sep-Oct 2012 Vol 4 Issue 31 pp 11-15 Author: Koppala Narayana Sunil Kumar; Maheshwari Rajalekshmi; Billad Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1390 - Screening of antifungal activities of barks of Cinnamomum species Publication: Thai J. Pharm. Sci. 33 (2009) 137-143 Author: M. Muridass Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1391 - Antidiarrheal Activity of Cinnamomum mercadoi Methanolic Leaf and Bark Extracts Publication: Phil J of Nat Sci 16-1 (2011): 43-47 Author: Stan Rey P. Gorgonio; Rolly G. Fuentes Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1392 - ethanol extracts of Cinnamomum kanehirai Hayata leaves induce apoptosis in human hepatoma cell through caspase-3 cas Publication: OncoTargets and Therapy 2015:8 99-109 Author: Yu-Kuo Liu; Kuan-Hsing Chen; Yann-Lii Leu; Tzong-Der Way; Li Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1393 - Anti-inflammatory evaluation of the cinnamomum malabatrum (burm. f).blume leaves using carrageenan induced rat paw o Publication: Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Volume 6, Number 7, p.746-748 (2013) Author: Aravind, R.a; Bindu, A.R.b; Bindu, K.b; Kanthlal, S.a; Anilk Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1394 - Impact of decomposing Cinnamomum septentrionale leaf litter on the growth of Eucalyptus grandis saplings Publication: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Volume 70, September 2013, Pages 411-417 Author: Weiwei Huang Tingxing; Hong Chen; Qian Wang; Hongling Hu; Li Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1395 - Review on pharmacological activities of Cinnamomum subavenium Publication: Natural Product Research: Formerly Natural Product Letters, 27:11, 988-991 Author: Chien-Hsing Lee; Chien-Neng Kuo; Hsin-Liang Chen; & Chung-Yi Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1396 - Pharmacognostical and phytochemical evaluation of Cinnamomum wightii Meissn. Flowers Publication: Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources Vol. 3(1), March 2012, pp. 33-39 Author: D Laloo; A N Sahu; S Hemalatha; and S D Dubey Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1397 - Analgesic Activity of the Methanol Leaf Extract of Delonix Regia Publication: Nigerian Veterinary Journal, Vol:33 (2) 515-522, 2012 Author: Ezeja M.I.; Ezeigbo I.I.; Madubuike K.G. and Ekpe I.J. Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1398 - Antimicrobial Coumarin Derivative from Delonix regia Publication: The Manilla Journal of Science, Vol 7, No 1, 7- 11, 2011 Author: Ragasa C.Y.; Hofilena J.G. Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1399 - Chemical and Nutritional Compositions of Flame of Forest (Delonix regia) Seeds and Seed Oil Publication: S. Afr. J. Chem., 2017, 70, 16-20 Author: Oyedeji O.A.;Azeez L.A.; and Osifade B.G. Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1400 - Delonix regia Leaf Extract (DRLE): A Potential Therapeutic Agent for Cardioprotection Publication: PLoS ONE 11(12): e0167768 Author: Lung-Shuo Wang; Chun-Ting Lee; Wei-Lieh Su; Shih-Che Huang; Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: doi:10.1371/journ Description:
[Ref:1401 - Vitamin C content of commonly eaten green leafy vegetables in fresh and under different storage conditions Publication: Tropical Plant Research 2(3): 240-245, 2015 Author: Umaramani M. & Sivakanesan R. Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 2349 - 1183 Description:
[Ref:1402 - Ethnomedicinal Uses of Plants in the Plains Area of the Tirunelveli-District, Tamilnadu, India Publication: Ethnobotanical Leaflets 12: 1198-1205. 2008 Author: Vanila, D., Ghanthikumar, S. and Manickam, V.S. Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1403 - Review on Genus Canthium: Special Reference to Canthium coromandelicum - an Unexplored Traditional Medicinal Plant o Publication: American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics, [2][6][2014]796-813 Author: Sanjeeb Kumar Patro; D. Sasmal; Papiamitra Mazumndar; Padmac Website: Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 2321-2748 Description:
[Ref:1404 - Larvicidal activity of Dregea volubilis and Bombax malabaricum leaf extracts against the filarial vector Culex quinq Publication: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine (2011)436-441 Author: Emdad Hossain; Anjali Rawani; Goutam Chandra; Subhash C. Man Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1405 - Evaluation of Dregea volubilis leaf extract for its potential against stress induced amnesia in experimental rats Publication: BioMedRx 2013,1(3),304-307 Author: Ch.Sandhya; K.Divya Mohana, S.Sasmitha; P.V.N.S.Mounika; G.V Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1406 - Phytochemical Composition and in vitro Antimicrobial, Antioxidant Activities of Ethanolic Extract of Dregea volubili Publication: Advances in Biological Research 7 (3): 81-88, 2013 Author: Venkatesan Natarajan and Anton Smith Arul Gnana Dhas Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 1992-0067 Description:
[Ref:1407 - An antioxidant and Anti bacterial activity of Dregea volubilis leaves extract Publication: Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2012, 4 (2):525-529 Author: Purushoth Prabhu.T; Maheswaran.V. S. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 0975-5071 Description:
[Ref:1408 - Phytochemical Investigation of Aqueous Fruit Extracts of Dregea volubilis (Linn.) Benth Publication: Indian Journal of Plant Sciences 2015 Vol.4 (1) January-March, pp.11-15 Author: Bharathamma G. & Sudarsanam G Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 2319-3824 Description:
[Ref:1409 - Protection Against Selenite Cataract in Rat Lens by Drevogenin D, a Triterpenoid Aglycone from Dregea volubilis Publication: J Med Food 10 (2) 2007, 308-315 Author: P.G. Biju; V. Gayathri Devi; Y. Lija; and Annie Abraham Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: DOI: 10.1089/jmf. Description:
[Ref:1410 - In vitro Anti-Leishmanial and Anti-Tumour Activities of a Pentacyclic Triterpenoid Compound Isolated from the Fruits Publication: Trop J Pharm Res, April 2009; 8 (2): 127-131 Author: Biswas Moulisha et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1411 - Screening the Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Potential of Ventilago denticulata, Scolopia crenata and Rivea hypocrate Publication: Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology 6 (1), 58-62 2012 Author: Smitha P. Venkata et al Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1412 - Evaluation of phytochemical content, nutritional value and antioxidant activity of Phanji - Rivea hypocrateriformis Publication: Ayu 2015;36:298-302 Author: Sneha D. Borkar; Raghavendra Naik; Vinay J. Shukla; Rabinara Website: http:// Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: DOI: 10.4103/0974 Description:
[Ref:1413 - Chemical Composition and Hepatoprotective Effects of Polyphenolic Fraction from Rivea hypocrateriformisin Paracetamo Publication: Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 8, Issue 10, 228-234 2016 Author: Shivakumar S. Godipurge et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 0975-1491 Description:
[Ref:1414 - The Genera Aganope, Derris, and Paraderris (Fabaceae, Millettieae) in Thailand Publication: Systematic Botany (2012) 37(2) pp 404-436 Author: Sirichamorn Y.; Adema F.A.C.B.; & van Welzen P.C. Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1415 - Plants of Possible Insecticidal Value - A Review of the Literature up to 1941 Publication: Author: McIndoo N.E. Publisher: USDA; Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Year: 1945 ISBN: Description: Information on the insecticidal properties (or not) of almost 1,200 species of plant. Rather dated but still with information hard to obtain elsewhere. It can be downloaded from the Intenet
[Ref:1416 - A synopsis of the genus Deguelia (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Millettieae) in Brazil Publication: Brittonia, DOI 10.1007/s12228-013-9302-4 Author: Camargo R.A. & Azevedo Tozzi A.M.G. Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 1938-436X Description:
[Ref:1417 - In-Vitro Cytotoxic Effect of Linderina madayiparense Extracts against Human Lung Carcinoma Cell Lines (A-549) Publication: Der Pharma Chemica, 2017, 9(3):54-58 Author: Umakrithika Chiranjeevi; Anandarajagopal Kalusalingam; Ajayk Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 0975-413X Description:
[Ref:1418 - Susceptibility of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Lines (HepG-2) in Linderina madayiparense Extracts Publication: Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 42(2), January - February 2017; Article No. 41, Pages: 225-229 Author: Umakrithika Chiranjeevi; Anandarajagopal Kalusalingam; Kanna Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 0976 - 044X Description:
[Ref:1419 - Anti-Oxidant Activity of Linderina Madayiparense Extracts Publication: International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2017,10(3):178-184 Author: Umakrithika Chiranjeevi; Anandarajagopal Kalusalingam; Kanna Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 2455-9555 Description:
[Ref:1420 - Rotenone-Yielding Plants of South America Publication: American Journal of Botany 24 (9) 573-587 1937 Author: Krukoff B.A. & Smith A.C. Publisher: Year: 1937 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1421 - Antimutagenic Effects of Ethanol Extract of Syzygium myrtifolium Walp. in Cyclophosphamide-induced Mice Publication: Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 11, Issue 5, 2018, 210-213 Author: Irene Sondang Lingga; Urip Harahap; Yuandani Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: 0974-2441 Description:
[Ref:1422 - Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activities of the petroleum ether fraction from the ethanol extract of Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 133 (2011) 1126-1131 Author: Zhan-Zhou Zhu et al Website: http://10.1016/j.jep.2010.11.042 Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1423 - Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic activities of the ethanol extract from Desmodium caudatum Publication: Pharmaceutical Biology, 2011; 49(4): 403-407 Author: Ke-Jia Ma; Zhan-Zhou Zhu; Cheng-Hao Yu; Hong Zhang; Juan Liu Website: http://10.3109/13880209.2010.520322 Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: 1388-0209 print/I Description:
[Ref:1424 - Inhibition of Meliodogyne incognita Egg Hatching by Herbal Extracts Publication: The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science Vol 12, 2 pp 155-161, 2008 Author: Elbadri G.A.A.; Dong Woon Lee; Jung Chan Park; Ho Yul Choo; Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1425 - Dichrostachys cinerea as a possible energy crop - facts and figures Publication: Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2012) 2:41–51 Author: Pedroso D.T. & Kaltschmitt M. Website: http://10.1007/s13399-011-0026-y Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1426 - Analysis of a gum from the exudates of Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn Publication: African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 10(33), pp. 6241-6245, 6 July, 2011 Author: Gundidza M.; Mmbengwa V.; Sibambo S.R.; Magwa M.L.; Mushisha Website: http://10.5897/AJB10.1506 Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: 1684 - 5315 Description:
[Ref:1427 - Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Effects of the Aqueous Leaf Extract of Dichrostachys cinerea Publication: J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage. August 2017, Vol. 21 (5) 821-825 Author: Agbonlahor Okhuarobo; Godswill Nwamaife; Raymond Ozolua Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 1119-8362 Description:
[Ref:1428 - Traditional herbal remedies and dietary spices from Cameroon as novel sources of larvicides against filariasis mosqu Publication: Parasitology Research · September 2016 Author: Roman Pavela et al Website: http://10.1007/s00436-016-5254-4 Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1429 - Dioclea grandiflora and Dioclea sclerocarpa seeds. A nutritional study Publication: Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. March 1986, Volume 36, Issue 1, pp 47-61 Author: Grant G.; McKenzie N.H.; Moreira R.A.; Pusztai A. Website: Publisher: Year: 1986 ISBN: 1573-9104 Description:
[Ref:1430 - Antinociceptive and Toxicological Effects of Dioclea grandiflora Seed Pod in Mice Publication: Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, Volume 2010, Article ID 606748, 6 pages Author: Rita de Cassia da Silveira e Sá et al Website: http://10.1155/2010/606748 Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1431 - Water extracts of Brazilian leguminous seeds as rich sources of larvicidal compounds against Aedes aegypti L. Publication: Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (2010) 82(3): 585-594 Author: Davi F. Farias et al Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: 0001-3765 Description:
[Ref:1432 - Effects of Methanolic Extract of Dioclea reflexa Hook F Seed on some Haematological and Kidney Function Parameters i Publication: British Biotechnology Journal, 4(12): 1253-1262, 2014 Author: Sunday Ene-Ojo Atawodi & Uju Dorothy Iliemene Website: http://10.9734/BBJ/2014/13836 Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 2231-2927 Description:
[Ref:1433 - Proximate Composition of Some Under-Exploited Leguminous Crop Seeds Publication: Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 10 (2); 143-146, 2011 Author: Akoja S.S. & Amoo A. Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: 1680-5194 Description:
[Ref:1434 - The Botany of San Jose Island (Gulf of Panama) Publication: Sargentia 8 pp 1 - 306, 1949 Author: Johnston I.M. Publisher: Arnold Arboretum; Massachusetts Year: 1949 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1435 - Antinociceptive Activity of the Chloroform Fraction of Dioclea virgata (Rich.) Amshoff (Fabaceae) in Mice Publication: Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology; Volume 2011, Article ID 342816, 10 pages Author: Vanine Gomes Mota et al Website: http://10.1155/2011/342816 Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1436 - Flavonoids and benzoic acid derivatives from Dioclea virgata Publication: Planta Medica 76(12) August 2010 Author: C Queiroz Alves; A Kijjoa; Jorge Mauricio David; Juceni P. D Website: http://10.1055/s-0030-1264666 Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1437 - Antimicrobial Activity of the Extract of Stem Bark of Diplotropis Ferruginea Benth Publication: Journal of Young Pharmacists 2011;3;284-286 Author: Cerqueira G.S.; Rocha N.F.M. Almeida J.R.G.S.; de Freitas A Website: http://10.4103/0975-1483.90237 Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1438 - Food Plants in the Americas: A Survey of the Domesticated, Cultivated, and Wild Plants Used for Human Food in North, Publication: Author: Kermath B.M.; Bennett B.C.' Pulsipher L.M. Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description: A pre- Publication: draft of an amazing, on-going work first started in 1985. It contains information on more than 3,900 taxa from the Americas - from Arctic regions to the Tropics
[Ref:1439 - Rapid Inventories; Biological and Social 28 Perú: Medio Putumayo-Algodón Publication: Author: Nigel Pitman, Adriana Bravo et al (Editors) Website: http://www.fieldmuseum. Org Publisher: Fiel Museum Publication: s; Illinois Year: 2016 ISBN: 978-0-9828419-6-9 Description:
[Ref:1440 - Pharmacognostic standardization and phytochemical investigation of Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) Thouars Publication: Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 10(1): January- March, 2018 Author: Anindya Sundar Ray & Chowdhury Habibur Rahaman Website: http://10.5958/0975-4385.2018.00018.3 Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: 0975-2331 Description:
[Ref:1441 - Eminia, Rhynchosia et Vigna (Fabacées) à` complexes amylolytiques employés dans la région Zambésienne pour la fabric Publication: Belgian Journal of Botany 125:41-60; January 1992 Author: Pauwels L.; Mulkay P.; Ngoy K.; Delaude C. Publisher: Year: 1992 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1442 - Composition of Tubers Used by Hadza Foragers of Tanzania Publication: Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2001) 14, 15-25 Author: Schoeninger M.J.; Bunn H.T.; Murray S.S.; Marlett J.A. Website: http://10.1006/jfca.2000.0961 Publisher: Year: 2000 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1443 - Flavonoids from the roots of two Rhynchosia species used in the preparation of a Zambian beverage Publication: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 65(3):347 - 354 July 1994 Author: Zulu R.; Renée Grayer J.; Ingham J.L.; Harborne J.B.; Eagles Website: http://10.1002/jsfa.2740650313 Publisher: Year: 1994 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1444 - Phytochemical screening of the dichloromethane–ethanolic extract of Eriosema crinitum roots and its antiproliferativ Publication: Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia xxx (2015) xxx–xxx Author: Michaelle G. Santos; Valéria G. Almeida et al Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1445 - Lupinalbin A as the most potent estrogen receptor a- and aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonist in Eriosema laurentii de Publication: BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014 14:294 Author: Ateba et al Website: http://10.1186/1472-6882-14-294 Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1446 - Eriosema laurentii De Wild (Leguminosae) methanol extract has estrogenic properties and prevents menopausal symptoms Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology; Volume 150, Issue 1, 28 October 2013, Pages 298-307 Author: Ateba et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1447 - Antimicrobial Activity of Tanzanian Chewing Sticks Against Oral Pathogenic Microbes Publication: Pharmaceutical Biology, 38:3, 235-240; 2000 Author: Maryam N. Khan, Olipa Ngassapa & Mecky I.N. Matee Website: Publisher: Year: 2000 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1448 - Applications of Eco-Friendly Natural Dye on Wool Fibers Using Combination of Natural and Chemical Mordants Publication: Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology; Volume 2, Issue 2: 48-55; 2012 Author: Shyam Vir Singh & M.C. Purohit Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 2249 0256 Description:
[Ref:1449 - Potential of Erythrina brucei, Erythrina abyssinica and Ensete ventricosum as Organic Sources of N P K on Small Hold Publication: Author: Wassie Haile & Abebe Abay Publisher: United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Afr Year: 2013 ISBN: 978-9988-633-73-8 Description:
[Ref:1450 - Chemical constituents of root and stem bark of Erythrina brucei Publication: Phytochemistry Letters 25 (2018) 37-42 Author: Getahun Tadesse Gurmessa et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1451 - Antibacterial activities of the methanol extracts and compounds from Erythrina sigmoidea against Gram-negative multi Publication: BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2015) 15:453 Author: Doriane E. Djeussi et al Website: http://DOI 10.1186/s12906-015-0978-8 Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1452 - Anxiolytic-like Effects of Erythrinian Alkaloids from Erythrina suberosa Publication: Quim. Nova, Vol. 34, No. 5, 808-811, 2011 Author: Serrano et al. Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1453 - Notes on Useful Plants of Mexico Publication: Contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium, Vol 5, No 4 pp 209-259, 1899 Author: Rose J.N. Publisher: Year: 1899 ISBN: Description: Brief notes on some of the useful plants of Mexico for food, medicine and various commodities
[Ref:1454 - Potential of Euchresta horsfieldii (Lesch.) Benn. Leaf Extract to Prevent Oxidative Stress through decrease of Malon Publication: World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol 5, Issue 1,. pp 1340-1352, 2016 Author: I.W.G. Gunawan, K. Suastika, A. A. Bawa Putra Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 2278-4357 Description:
[Ref:1455 - Révision du genre Eurypetalum Harms (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae) Publication: Adansonia, sér. 3, 29 (1) : 67-76, 2007 Author: Diosdado Obiang-Mbomio, Franciscus J. Breteler Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1456 - Revisión del género Eysenhardtiaa (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae). Publication: A postgraduate Thesis at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Author: Ramiro Cruz Durán Publisher: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Year: 2006 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1457 - Eysenhardtia (Leguminosae): Taxonomic revision and relationships Publication: Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. 4750. Iowa State University 1972 Author: Lang J.M. Website: Publisher: Iowa State University Year: 1972 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1458 - Activity of extracts from two Eysenhardtia species against microorganisms related to urinary tract infections Publication: British Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 66 (2) Author: C. Rivas-Morales et al Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1459 - The Ethanolic Extract of Eysenhardtia polystachya (Ort.) Sarg. Bark and Its Fractions Delay the Progression of Rheum Publication: Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (2018), 17 (1): 236-248 Author: Saudy Saret Pablo-Pérez et al Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1460 - Evaluation of antidiabetic, antioxidant and antiglycating activities of the Eysenhardtia polystachya Publication: Pharmacognosy Magazine 10, 38 (Supplement 2) April-June 2014 Author: Rosa Martha Perez Gutierrez, Efren Garcia Baez Website: http://10.4103/0973-1296.133295 Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1461 - Flora of Tasmania Online Publication: Author: Duretto MF (Ed.) Website: Publisher: Tasmanian Herbarium, Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery: Hobart Year: 2009 ISBN: Description: An excellent flora, in the process of being published (58 family treatments as of 2017). It can be accesed online and can also be downloaded as PDFs.
[Ref:1462 - An Ethnopharmacological Study of Medicinal Plants of the Kamilaroi and Muruwari Aboriginal Communities in Northern N Publication: A Thesis submitted at Macquarie University Author: Qian Liu Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description: In particular it looks at Ethnopharacological information on the genera Eremurus and Exocarpus. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1463 - Phytochemical and Pharmacological potential of Flemingia Roxb. Ex W.T.Aiton (Fabaceae) Publication: International Journal of Phytomedicine 3 (2011) 294-307 Author: Kavita Ghalot; V.K.Lal.; S.Jha Website: Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: 0975-0185 Description:
[Ref:1464 - Flemingia tuberosa Dalz. (Fabaceae) - a new addition to the flora of Kerala, India Publication: JoTT Note 3(2): 1548-1549, 2011 Author: K. Subrahmanya Prasad, P. Biju & K. Raveendran Website: http://10.11609/JoTT.o2524.1548-9 Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1465 - Estrogenic Potential of Flemingia vestita Benth Tubers in Ovariectomized Rat Model Publication: Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 8, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2016 Author: Sunita Shailajan et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1466 - Competitive Neutrophil Elastase Inhibitory Isoflavones from the Roots of Flemingia philippinensis Publication: Bioorganic Chemistry 78 (2018) 249-257 Author: Jeong Yoon Kim, Yan Wang et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: 0045-2068 Description:
[Ref:1467 - Chemical Constituents from Roots of Flemingia philippinensis Publication: Chinese Herbal Medicines, 2012, 4(1): 8-11 Author: Fu Man-Qin et al Website: http://10.3969/j.issn.1674-6384.2012.01.003 Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1468 - New In Vitro Studies on the Bioprofile of Genista tenera Antihyperglycemic Extract Publication: Nat. Prod. Bioprospect. (2015) 5:277-285 Author: Daniela Batista et al Website: http://10.1007/s13659-015-0077-z Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1469 - Geoffroea decorticans for Biofuels: A Promising Feedstock Publication: Journal of Renewable Energy; Volume 2017, Article ID 4216175, 5 pages Author: Claudia Santibáñez & Marcela Vargas Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1470 - Gleditsia caspica Desf. Fabaceae Publication: Ethnobotany of the Caucasus, European Ethnobotany, Author: Naiba Mehdiyeva, Valida Alizade, Narel Y. Paniagua Zambrana, Website: http://10.1007/978-3-319-50009-6_67-1 Publisher: Springer International Publishing Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1471 - From Traditional Usage to Pharmacological Evidence: A Systematic Mini-Review of Spina Gleditsiae Publication: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Volume 2016, Article ID 3898957, 6 pages Author: Jiayu Gao; Xiao Yang; & Weiping Yin Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1472 - Physicochemical Characteristics of Gradual Fractionation Ingredients of Industrial Galactomannan Gums from Gleditsia Publication: Bioresources · July 2016 Author: Yu-dong Liu et al Website: http://10.15376/biores.11.3.7046-7060 Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1473 - Functional dioecy in Gleditsia amorphoides (Fabaceae) Publication: Australian Journal of Botany, 2018, 66, 85-93 Author: Cerino M.C.; Castro D.C.; Richard G.A.; Exner E. de L.; Pens Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1474 - Antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antidiabetic effects of the aqueous extracts from Glycine species and its bioa Publication: Bot Stud (2016) 57:38 Author: Shyh-Shyun Huang, Shan-Yu Su, Jui-Shu Chang et al Website: http://10.1186/s40529-016-0153-7 Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1475 - Isolation and characterization of antimutagenic components of Glycyrrhiza aspera against N-methyl-N-nitrosourea Publication: Genes and Environment (2017) 39:5 Author: Keiko Inami, Yusuke Mine, Jin Tatsuzaki, Chihiro Mori, & Mas Website: http://10.1186/s41021-016-0068-2 Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1476 - Constituent Properties of Licorices Derived from Glycyrrhiza uralensis, G. glabra, or G. inflata Identified by Genet Publication: Biol. Pharm. Bull. 30(7) 1271-1277 (2007) Author: Kenji Kondo; Mao Shiba; Rie Nakamura; Takashi Morota & Yukih Website: http://10.1248/bpb.30.1271 Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1477 - Identification and biological activity of the volatile compounds of Glycyrrhiza triphylla Fisch. & C.A.Mey Publication: Microbial Pathogenesis, Volume 109, August 2017, Pages 39-44 Author: AbolfazlShakeri et al Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1478 - In depth chemical investigation of Glycyrrhiza triphylla Fisch roots guided by a preliminary HPLC-ESIMS n profiling Publication: Food Chemistry January 2018 Author: Abolfazl Shakeri et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1479 - Botanical characteristics and medicinal value of five Glycyrrhiza species cultivated in the Hexi region of Gansu Publication: Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 25, 246-253 (2016) Author: Chen X N, Qiu D Y, Lin H M Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1480 - Gymnocladus assamicus Kanjilal ex P.C.Kanjilal fruit - A soap substitute Publication: Natural Product Radiance, Vol 6(5), 2007, pp 427-429 Author: Choudhury B.I.; Khan M.L.; Arunachalam A.; Arunachalam K. Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1481 - Antioxidant activity of different parts of Lysimachia laxa and Gymnocladus assamicus, a comparison using three diffe Publication: J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2013, 5(4):33-40 Author: Sanjoy Gupta, Soneswar Sarma, A.A. Mao & Tapan Seal Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 0975-7384 Description:
[Ref:1482 - Culturally important Dekang (Gymnocladus burmanicus C. E. Parkinson) - An addition to the flora of India from Arunac Publication: Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol. 8(4), October 2009, pp. 482-484 Author: Ranjay K Singh, RC Srivastava, Adi Community & TK Mukherjee Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1483 - Minangmose (Gymnocladus assamicus) and Dekang (Gymnocladus Burmanicus): Culturally important and endangered trees of Publication: Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, Vol 9(3), July 2010, pp 419-429 Author: Singh R.K.; Srivastava R.C.; Adi tribe; Monpa tribe; Khasi t Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1484 - The anomalous Kentucky coVeetree: megafaunal fruit sinking to extinction? Publication: Oecologia (2009) 161:221-226 Author: Zaya D.N.; Howe H.F. Website: Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1485 - Medicinal plants using traditional healers and Malayali tribes in Jawadhu hills of Eastern ghats, Tamil Nadu, India Publication: Advances in Applied Science Research, 2014, 5(2):292-304 Author: Salai Senthilkumar M. S., D. Vaidyanathan, N. Sisubalan and Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 0976-8610 Description:
[Ref:1486 - Survey of Ethnomedicinal Plants and Folklore Studies on Malayali Tribals of Vellakadai Village a part of Shervaroy R Publication: International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol. 5, Issue, 7, pp.1368-1380, July, 2014 Author: Vaidyanathan D., Sisubalan N & M. Ghouse Basha Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 0976-3031 Description:
[Ref:1487 - Harpalycin 2 inhibits the enzymatic and platelet aggregation activities of PrTX-III, a D49 phospholipase A2 from Bot Publication: BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012, 12:139 Author: Rafael M Ximenes et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1488 - Pharmacological properties of the new antiviral preparation alpizarin (in Russian) Publication: Farmakol Toksikol. 1988 Jul-Aug;51(4):93-6. Author: Sokolov SIa, Belova LF, Baginskaia AI, Leskova TE, Gorodniuk Publisher: Year: 1988 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1489 - Rational use of Hedysarum L., growing in Samara Oblast Publication: News of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 14, ? 1 (9), 2012 Author: Popova I.A.; Plaksina T.I.; Kurkin V.A.; Ryzhov V.M.; Tarase Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1490 - Is Hedysarum mackenziei (Wild Sweet Pea) Actually Toxic? Publication: Ethnobotany Research & Applications 6:319-321 (2008) Author: Treadwell E.M. & Clausen T.P. Website: Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1491 - Phytochemicals and biological studies of plants in genus Hedysarum Publication: Chemistry Central Journal 2013, 7:124 Author: Yinmao Dong, Dongyan Tang, Na Zhang, Yue Li, Chunhong Zhang, Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1492 - Immunomodulatory Effects of Hedysarum polybotrys Extract in Mice Macrophages, Splenocytes and Leucopenia Publication: Molecules 2013, 18, 14862-14875 Author: Guan-Cheng Huang et al Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: 1420-3049 Description:
[Ref:1493 - The Genus Hoffmannseggia Cav. (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae), new for the Mediterranean Flora Publication: Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, Volume 47, 1999 - Issue 4 Author: Camuñas E. & Crespo M.B. Website: Publisher: Year: 1999 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1494 - Sinopsis de Caesalpinia y Hoffmannseggia (Leguminosae - Caesalpinioideae) de Sudamérica Publication: Darwinia 34(1-4); 299-348, 1996 Author: Ulibarri E.A. Publisher: Year: 1996 ISBN: 0011-6793 Description:
[Ref:1495 - Anatomia dos órgãos vegetativos de Hymenaea martiana Hayne (CaesalpinioideaeFabaceae): espécie de uso medicinal em C Publication: Rev. Bras. Pl. Med., Botucatu, v.14, n.4, p.673-679, 2012 Author: Silva M.S.; Leite K.R.B.; Saba M.D Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1496 - A Revision of the Genus Indigofera (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) in Southeast Asia Publication: Blumea 30 (1984) 89-151 Author: Kort I. de, Thijsse G. Publisher: Year: 1984 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1497 - The Ethnobotany of Southern Balochistan, Pakistan, with Particular Reference to Medicinal Plants Publication: Fieldiana Botany New Series No. 31, 1992 Author: Goodman S.M.; Ghafoor A. Publisher: Year: 1992 ISBN: 0015-0746 Description:
[Ref:1498 - Use and management of traditional medicinal plants by Maale and Ari ethnic communities in southern Ethiopia Publication: Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2014 Author: Kidane B.; Andel T. van.; Maesen L.J. van der.; Asfaw Z. Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 1746-4269 Description:
[Ref:1499 - Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Indigofera trita Linn. on CCl4 Induced Hepatotoxic Publication: J. Pharmacol. Toxicol., 3(5): 344-350, 2008 Author: Raju Sentil Kumar et al Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: 1816-496X Description:
[Ref:1500 - Radical Scavenging and Antioxidant Activities of Successive Solvent Extracts of Indigofera astragalina Publication: International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical and Biological Research, 2016; 1(2):33-43 Author: Shiju V Mathew, Senthil Kumar R. & Manivannan R. Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 2456-0189 Description:
[Ref:1501 - Phytochemical analysis and in vitro cytotoxic activity of various extracts of Indigofera astragalina Publication: Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2015, 7 (12):206-210 Author: Senthilkumar Manoharan et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 0975-5071 Description:
[Ref:1502 - Antibacterial activity of Sivanar Vembu (Indigofera aspalathoides) against some human pathogenic bacteria Publication: J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2015, 7(3):937-941 Author: V. N Ariharan, V. N. Meena Devi, N. K. Parameswaran, & P. Na Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 0975-7384 Description:
[Ref:1503 - Indian Medicinal Planta Publication: Author: Kirkitar K.R.; Basu B.D. & Indian Civil Service Publisher: Sudhindra Nath Basu, BahadurGanj; India Year: 1918 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1504 - Some Medicinal Forest Plants of Africa and Latin America Publication: FAO Forestry Paper 67 Author: Various Publisher: FAO, Rome Year: 1986 ISBN: 92-5-102361-1 Description: Monographs of 40 medicinal plants. It can be downloaded from the internet
[Ref:1505 - Medicinal Plants in Nigeria ( Website: ) Publication: Author: Professor Tolu Odugbemi Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: An on-line database, downloadable in .xls format, it has basic information on 628 species of plants
[Ref:1506 - Polyphenol Contents and Antioxidant Activities of Five Indigofera Species (Fabaceae) from Burkina Faso Publication: Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 11 (11): 1429-1435, 2008 Author: Bakasso S.; Lamien-Meda A.; Lamien C.E.; Kiendrebeogo M.; Mi Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: 1028-8880 Description:
[Ref:1507 - Antioxidant, a-glucosidase inhibitory activities in vitro and alloxan-induced diabetic rats’ protective effect of In Publication: Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 5(14), pp. 3321-3328, 18 July, 2011 Author: Yuanyuan Li, Changqin Li, Qitai Xu and Wenyi Kang Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: 1996-0875 Description:
[Ref:1508 - Ethnomedicinal plants used by the tribals of Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve (KMTR), Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu fo Publication: Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol. 9 (3), July 2010, pp 502-509 Author: S Sutha, VR Mohan, S Kumaresan, C Murugan & T Athiperumalsam Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1509 - Biochemical activity of endangered medicinal plant Kingiodendron pinnatum Publication: Asian Journal of Plant Science and Research, 2011, 1 (4):70-75 Author: J. Komal Kumar, A.G.Devi Prasad, S. Austin Richard Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: 2249-7412 Description:
[Ref:1510 - A revision of four genera of the tribe Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae-Cynometreae in Indomalesia and the Pacific Publication: Blumea Vol 18, No 1 1970, pp 1-52 Author: M.S. Knaap-van Meeuwen Publisher: Year: 1970 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1511 - Kingiodendron pinnatum, a pharmacologically effective alternative for Saraca asoca in an Ayurvedic preparation, Asok Publication: Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine xxx (2017) 1e7 Author: Adangam Purath Shahid et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1512 - Larvicidal activity of Kotschya uguenensis plant powders and methanol extracts against Anopheles gambiae ss larvae i Publication: Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 3(2):122-126, February 2013 Author: Ester Innocent; M.H.H. Nkunya; Ahmed Hassanali Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1513 - Placebo-Controlled Trial of Cytisine for Smoking Cessation Publication: New Eng J Med 2011;365:1193-1200 Author: West R, Zatonski W, Cedzynska M, et a Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1514 - A novel survey of the ethno medicinal knowledge of dental problems in Manoor Valley (Northern Himalaya), Pakistan Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 194 (2016) 877-894 Author: Inayat Ur Rahman, Farhana Ijaz et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 0378-8741 Description:
[Ref:1515 - Chemical Constituents of Lathyrus davidii Publication: Natural Product Sciences 14(4) : 281-288 (2008) Author: Su Yeon Park, Ju Sun Kim, So Young Lee, KiHwan Bae, & Sam Si Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1516 - Therapeutic Potential of Temperate Forage Legumes: A Review Publication: Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 56:sup1, S149-S161; 2015 Author: Laura Cornara, Jianbo Xiao & Bruno Burlando Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 1549-7852 Description:
[Ref:1517 - The Australasian Fruit Cul;turist Publication: Author: Crichton D.A. Publisher: Alex McKinley & Co.; Melbourne Year: 1893 ISBN: Description: Comprehensive information on fruit growing in Australia and New Zealand, including many native species.
[Ref:1518 - Leucaena A Genetic Resources Handbook Publication: Tropical Forestry Papers No. 37 Author: Hughes C.E. Website: Publisher: Oxford Forestry Institute; Oxford, UK Year: 1998 ISBN: 0 85074 145 9 Description: An excellent guide to the genus, giving detailed information on the various species
[Ref:1519 - Boron and Selenium Removal in Boron-Laden Soils by Four Sprinkler Irrigated Plant Species Publication: Journal of Environmental Quality Vo 22, No 4, pp 786-792, 1992 Author: Bañuelos G.S. et al Website: doi:10.2134/jeq1993.00472425002200040021x Publisher: Year: 1992 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1520 - Screening of some indigenous Qatari medicinal plants for antimicrobial activity Publication: Phytotherapy Research, Vol 16, Issue 8 pp 751-753, 2002 Author: Adel M Mahasneh Website: Publisher: Year: 2002 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1521 - A taxonomic revision of the South American papilionoid genus Luetzelburgia (Fabaceae) Publication: Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175, 328-375 Author: Domingos Venício Oliveira Silva Cardoso; Luciano Paganucci D Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1522 - Silk Tree, Guanacaste, monkey's Earing: a generic system for the synandrous Mimosaceae of the Americas Publication: Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden Vol 74 Part 1 pp 1-292, 1996 Author: Barneby R.C. Publisher: The New York Botanical Garden; New York Year: 1996 ISBN: 0-89327-395-3 Description: A detailed treatment of several genera of the Mimosaceae found in N. America and the Caribbean
[Ref:1523 - Lysiloma (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) in Mesoamerica Publication: Kew Bulletin 59. 453-467 (2004) Author: Gale S.W. & Pennington T.D. Publisher: Year: 2004 ISBN: Description: An excellent review of the Mesoamerican species of Lysiloma with complete botanical Description: s, range, habitats and uses.
[Ref:1524 - Antioxidative and Antitumor Effects of Isoflavones Isolated from the Leaves of Maackia fauriei Publication: Rec. Nat. Prod. 10:4 (2016) 441-451 Author: Ki Hoon Yoon et al Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1525 - Arnoldia Vol. 68 Publication: Author: Publisher: Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University, Massachusetts Year: 2010 ISBN: 0004-2633 Description: A quarterly journal with articles on plants.
[Ref:1526 - The genus Machaerium (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae:Dalbergieae) in Ecuador Publication: Brittonia, 58(2), 2006, pp. 124-150 Author: Lozano P. & Klitgaard B.B. Website: http://10.1663/0007-196X(2006)58[124:TGMLPD]2.0.CO;2 Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1527 - Taxonomia de Machaerium incorruptibile (Vell.) Benth., e espécies afins (Leguminosae - Papilionoideae) na Mata Atlân Publication: Rodriguésia 58 (1): 017-025. 2007 Author: Ribeiro R.D. & Lime H.C. de Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1528 - Machaerium (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Dalbergieae) nos estados de Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil Publication: Rodríguésia 62(1): 107-122. 2011 Author: Polido C.A. & Sartori A.L.B. Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1529 - Macrolobium Schreb. (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae) na Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã, Pará, Brasil Publication: Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Naturais 8(1): 75-93. 2012 Author: Félix-Da-Silva, M.M., M.N.C. Bastos & E.S.C. Gurgel Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1530 - O gênero Macrolobium Schreb. (Leguminosae) no estado do Amapá, Brasil Publication: Iheringia, Série Botânica, Porto Alegre, 72(2):267-275, 31 de agosto de 2017 Author: Félix-da-Silva et al. Website: http://10.21826/2446-8231201772213 Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 2446-8231 Description:
[Ref:1531 - Revision of Martiodendron (Cassieae, Caesalpiniaceae) Publication: Brittonia Vol. 14, No. 2 (Apr. 15, 1962), pp. 191-209 Author: Koeppen R. & Iltis H.H. Website: http://10.2307/2805226 Publisher: Year: 1962 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1532 - A Revision of Callerya Endl. (including Padbruggea and Whitfordiodendron) (Papilionaceae; Millettieae) Publication: Blumea 39 (1994) 1-40 Author: Schot A.M. Publisher: Year: 1994 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1533 - Notes on Malesian Fabaceae (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) 16. The genus Mucuna Publication: Blumea 61, 2016: 90-124 Author: Wiriadinata H.; Ohashi H.; Adema F. Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description: An excellent treatment
[Ref:1534 - An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in the East Sepik province of Papua New Guinea Publication: Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2015) 11:79 Author: Koch M. et al Website: http://10.1186/s13002-015-0065-8 Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1535 - Establishment, growth and biomass production of 10 tree woody species introduced for reforestation and ecological re Publication: Forest Ecology and Management xxx (2006) xxx–xxx Author: Foroughbakhch R. et al Website: http://10.1016/j.foreco.2006.08.012 Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1536 - Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activities of the Essential Oils from the Rhizomes of Four Hedychium Species Publication: Journal of Essential Oil Research Vol 19, Issue 1 pp 93-97 2007 Author: Baby Sabulal et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1537 - An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants commercialized in the markets of La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 97 (2005) 337-350 Author: M.J. Macía et al Publisher: Year: 2005 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1538 - Determinación del Potencial Nutritivo y Funcional de Galletas y Compotas Preparados a Base de Chocho (Lupinus bogote Publication: Revista Científica YACHANA, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2013, pp. 17-25 Author: Sanaguano H.; Bayas F.; Tigre A.; Pomagualli D. Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 1390-7778 Description:
[Ref:1539 - Evaluation of material from plants of medicinal importance in Malawi as protectants of stored grain against insects Publication: Crop Protection Vol 15, Issue 3 May 1996, pp 289-294 Author: Chimbe C.M.; Galley D.J. Website: Publisher: Year: 1996 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1540 - Central Inhibitory Effects of the Methanol Extract of Neorautanenia mitis Root in Rats and Mice Publication: Pharmaceutical Biology 2005, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 113-120 Author: Vongtau H.O.; Abba J.; Chindo B.A.; Mosugu O.; Salawu A.O.; Website: http://10.1080/13880200590919401 Publisher: Year: 2005 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1541 - Novitates Gabonenses 50. Le genre Oddoniodendron (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae) de Basse Guinée : une révision taxo Publication: Adansonia, sér. 3, 2004, 26 (2): 241-250 Author: Ngok Banak L. & Breteler F.J. Publisher: Year: 2004 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1542 - Olneya Beans. A Native Food Product of the Arizona Desert, Worthy of Domestication Publication: The Journal of Heredity Vol 10, No 1, January 1919 Author: Cook O.F. Publisher: Year: 1919 ISBN: Description: A detailed study of Olneya tesota and its possibility as a cultivated food crop
[Ref:1543 - Protein Quality and Antinutritional Factors of Wild Legume Seeds from the Sonoran Desert Publication: J. Agric. Food Chem. 1996, 44, 3130-3132 Author: Vázquez-Moreno L. & Robles-Burgueno M.R. Publisher: Year: 1996 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1544 - Phytochemical, antimicrobial and antioxidant preliminary screening of a traditional Palestinian medicinal plant, Ono Publication: European Journal of Integrative Medicine Volume 14, September 2017, Pages 46-51 Author: Nidal AminJaradat et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1545 - Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of the Essential Oil of Ononis natrix from Morocco Publication: Jeobp 13 (4) 2010 pp 477 - 488 Author: Elamrani A. & Benaissa M. Website: http://10.1080/0972060X.2010.10643852 Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: 0972-060X Description:
[Ref:1546 - Wound healing acceleration effect of endemic Ononis species growing in Turkey Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 135 (2011) 63-70 Author: Süntar I.; Baldemir A.; Coskun M.; Keles H.; Akkol E.K. Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1547 - Comparative morphological studies on three endemic Ononis L. (Leguminosae) species growing in Turkey Publication: Biological Diversity and Conservation 9/1 (2016) 82-91 Author: Baldemir A. & Coskun M. Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: 1308-8084 Description:
[Ref:1548 - Flora Iberica Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: Published in book form, the treatments of the various species have also been released on-line in PDF format. Records entered here are all from the on-line PDFs.
[Ref:1549 - Biogeography and Systematics of Poitea (Leguminosae); Inferences from Morphological and Molecular Data Publication: Syst. Bot. Monogr. 37:45. pp 1-87, 1993 Author: Lavin M. Publisher: Year: 1993 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1550 - Pharmacognostic evaluation of Desmodium oojeinense (Roxb.) H. Ohashi - Stem bark Publication: J Ayu Med Sci 2017; Oct-Dec 2(4): 261-8 Author: Rekha Bhagawan Nirawane et al Website: http://10.5530/jams.2017.2.33 Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 2456-4990 Description:
[Ref:1551 - Phytologia Volume 15 Publication: Author: Moldenke H.N. & Moldenke A.L. Website: Publisher: Harold N. Moldenke and Alma L. Moldenke; New York Year: 1967 ISBN: Description: A botanical Publication: with a specific purpose of publishing the names and Description: s of newly described species. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1552 - Review of the Current Status of Study Oxytropis Publication: Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research Vol 11, Issue 4, 2018 Author: Amirkhanova A.Sh.; Ustenova G.O. Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: 2455-3891 Description:
[Ref:1553 - Ahipa (Pachyrhizus ahipa (Wedd.) Parodi) in Bolivia Publication: Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 43: 435-446,1996 Author: Ørting B.; Grüneberg W.J. & Sörensen M. Publisher: Year: 1996 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1554 - The Genus Peteria (Leguminosae) Publication: Rhodora 58, pp 344 - 353, 1956 Author: Porter C.L. Publisher: Year: 1956 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1555 - Taxonomy, Distribution, and Ecology of the Genus Phaseolus (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) in North America, Mexico and Publication: SIda, Botanical Mlscellany, No 23 Author: Freytag G.F. & Debouck D.G. Website: Publisher: Botanical Researeh Institute of Texas Year: 2002 ISBN: 1-889878-11-1 Description: An excellent, detailed study of the genus Phaseolus, it has been made available on-line as an open access document.
[Ref:1556 - Flora of SW Arizona Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: University of Arizona Herbarium Year: 0 ISBN: Description: An excellent flora, published on-line in PDF format
[Ref:1557 - A Contribution to South African Materia Medica Publication: Author: Smith A. Publisher: J.C.Juta & Co; Cape Town, S. Africa Year: 1895 ISBN: Description: Rather dated, a brief guide to the medicinal plants used by native peoples in S. Africa in the late 19th century.
[Ref:1558 - A Synopsis of the Genus Poecilanthe (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Brongniartieae) Publication: Rodriguésia Vol 58 No 1, pp 255-264, 2007 Author: Meireles J.E. & Tozzi Azevedo Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: 0370-6583 Description:
[Ref:1559 - Prosopis flexuosa DC. (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae) Publication: Kurtziana Tomo 35 (1): 49-63. 2009 Author: Alvarez J.A. & Villagra P.E. Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1560 - Prosopis alpataco Phil. (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae) Publication: Kurtziana Tomo 36 (2): 53-64. 2011 Author: Riveros C.G.; Meglioli P.A. & Villagra P.E. Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1561 - Ethnobotany and Trade of Medicinal Plants in the Qaysari Market, Erbil, Kurdish Autonomous Region, Iraq Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology Vol 133, 2, pp 490-510, 2011 Author: Mati E. & Boer H. de Website: Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1562 - In Vitro Callus Induction in Prosopis farcta (Banks & Sol.) J.F. Macbr.: A Middle East Medicinal Plant Publication: Al Azhar Bulletin of Science Vol. 9th., Conf., March 2017, p. 337-344 Author: Ewais E.A.; Mahgoub H.A.M.; Mamdouh D. Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1563 - Phytopharmaceutical Potentials of Prosopis laevigata, Symplocos cochinchinensis and Nymphaea alba; A Review Publication: Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 10, Issue 10, 2017, 63-68 Author: Matta D.; Nanda H. & Mahalingam G. Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 2455-3891 Description:
[Ref:1564 - Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Activity of Methanolic Plant Extracts against Nosocomial Microorganisms Publication: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2016, Article ID 1572697, 8 pages Author: Sánchez E. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1565 - Biblioteca Digital de la Medicina Tradicional Mexicana Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A very valuable on-line resource with detailed information on many hundreds of medicinal plants used in Mexico
[Ref:1566 - Plantae Diaphoricae Florae Argentinae ó Revista Sistematica de las Plantas medicinales, alimenticias ó de alguna otr Publication: Author: Hieronymus J. Publisher: Guillermo Kraft; Buenos Aires Year: 1882 ISBN: Description: A very old work, but lots of information on the uses of Argentinian plants. It can be downloaded from the internet.
[Ref:1567 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported Vol. 63 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: USDA; Government Printing Office; Washington Year: 1923 ISBN: Description: Details of seeds imported for trials by the United States Department of Agriculture in the months of April and May of 1920, often detailing the uses of the plant and various other miscellaneous information. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1568 - An efficient plant regeneration system through callus for Pseudarthria viscida (L.) Wright and Arn., a rare ethnomed Publication: Physiol Mol Biol Plants (October-December 2011) 17(4):395-401 Author: Cheruvathur M.K. & Thomas T.D. Website: http://10.1007/s12298-011-0089-z Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1569 - Pharmacognostical Evaluation of the Roots of Pseudarthria viscida (Linn.) Publication: Natural Product Sciences 13(3) : 214-219 (2007) Author: Rajendran K.; Srinivasan K.K. & Shirwaikar A. Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1570 - Uses, Nutritional Composition, and Ecogeography of Four Species of Psophocarpus (Fabaceae, Phaseoleae) in Zaire Publication: Economic Botany Vol. 44, No. 3 (Jul. - Sep., 1990), pp. 391-409 Author: Harder D.; Lolema O.P.M. & Tshisand M. Website: Publisher: Year: 1990 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1571 - A Revision of Psophocarpus (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae-Phaseoleae) Publication: Kew Bulletin Vol. 33, No. 2 (1978), pp. 191-227 Author: Verdcourt B. & Halliday P. Website: http://10.2307/4109575 Publisher: Year: 1978 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1572 - Furocoumarins and Other Secondary Metabolites from Psoralea canescens Publication: International Journal of Pharmacognosy, 1997, Vol 35, 4 pp 232-236 Author: Innocenti G.; Bourgaud F.; Piovan A. & Favretto D. Publisher: Year: 1997 ISBN: 0925-1618 Description:
[Ref:1573 - Extraction, characterization and pharmacological evaluation of leaves and root bark of Dalbergiella nyasae (Baker f. Publication: Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 4 Issue 34, December 2012 Author: Ngonda F.; Magombo Z.; Mpeketula P.; and Mwatseteza J. Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: DOI: 10.5530/pj.2 Description:
[Ref:1574 - Estrogen-like activities and cytotoxicity effects of Thai herbal medicines as natural ingredients in anti-ageing Publication: J. Med. Plants Res., Vol. 5(31), pp. 6832-6838, 2011 Author: Bancha Yingngam, Nuttapun Supaka & Wandee Rungseevijitprapa Website: http://10.5897/JMPR11.1223 Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: 1996-0875 Description:
[Ref:1575 - Effects of Curcurma comosa Roxb. on Platelet Aggregation and Atherosclerotic Plaque Development in Hypercholesterole Publication: Int. J. Pharmacol., 8 (4): 234-242, 2012 Author: Ratanachamnong P. et al Website: http://10.3923/ijp.2012.234.242 Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 1811-7775 Description:
[Ref:1576 - Some Ethnomedicinal Plants of Family Fabaceae of Chhattisgarh State Publication: Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol. 5(4), pp 551-553, 2006 Author: Tirkey A. Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1577 - Revision of the Genus Pueraria DC., with some notes on Teyleria Backer Publication: Agricultural University Wageningen Papers 85-1, 1985 Author: Ven der Maesen L.J.G. Publisher: Agricultural University,Wageningen,theNetherlands Year: 1985 ISBN: 90-6754-066-8 Description:
[Ref:1578 - Medicinal Plants of East and Southeast Asia; Attributed Properties and Uses Publication: Author: Perry L.M. & Metzger J. Publisher: MIT Press; Cambridge, Massachussetts Year: 1980 ISBN: 0-262-16076-5 Description: A monumental work, detailing the traditional medicinal uses of plants from the region
[Ref:1579 - A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Rafnia Thunb. (Fabaceae, Crotalarieae) Publication: Dissertation for Magister Scientiae in Botany Author: Campbell G. Publisher: Rand Afrikaans University Year: 1998 ISBN: Description: A Dissertation presented in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Magister Scientiae in Botany at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Rand Afrikaans University, S. Africa.
[Ref:1580 - Estructura de un bosque de Ramorinoa girolae (Fabaceaa), en la Sierra de Pie de Palo, San Juan (Argentina) Publication: Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 49 (2): 283-292. 2014 Author: Hadad M.; Almiron M. & Scaglia J. Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 0373-580 X Description:
[Ref:1581 - Inventario Espanol de los Conocimientos Tradicionales relativos a la Biodiversidad. Segunda Fase Publication: Author: Editors: Manuel Pardo de Santayana et al Website: Publisher: Ministerio de Agricultura; Madrid Year: 2018 ISBN: 978-84-491-1472-4 Description: An excellent guide to the traditional uses of plants in Spain. Produced in three volumes, it is available for download as a PDF from the Internet
[Ref:1582 - Producción y manejo de semillas y plantas forestales Publication: Author: García J.P. et al Website: Publisher: Ministerio de Agricultura; Madrid Year: 2014 ISBN: 978-84-8014-837-5 Description: An excellent guide, in Spanish, to the Forestry trees and shrubs of Spain. It can be downloaded as a PDF.
[Ref:1583 - Genus Retama: a review on traditional uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacological activities Publication: Phytochem Rev February 2018 Author: León-González A.J. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description: Published on-line, an excellent review of the uses of species in the genus Retama
[Ref:1584 - A study of antimicrobial activity, acute toxicity and cytoprotective effect of a polyherbal extract in a rat ethanol Publication: BMC Research Notes 2012, 5:546 Author: Haule E.E.; Moshi M.J.; Nondo R.S.O.; Mwangomo D.T. & Mahunn Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1585 - Antidiabetic and Antioxidant Activity of Rhynchosia Beddomei Baker Publication: AJPCT[2][11][2014]1323-1332 Author: Suvarchala Reddy N.V.L. et al Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 2321-2748 Description:
[Ref:1586 - Pollination ecology of Rhynchosia beddomei Baker (Fabaceae), an endemic medicinal shrub in the southern Eastern Ghat Publication: Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol 40 (3), 718-724, May - Jun. 2018 Author: Aluri J.S.R. & Kunuku V.R. Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1587 - Genetic Resources of Under-exploited Legumes/Tribal Pulses of Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu Publication: J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. Vol. 35 No.2 (2011) Author: Kalidass C. & Mohan V.R. Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1588 - Antibacterial Activity of Mucuna atropurpurea D.D. Publication: Science Research Reporter 2(3): 277-280, Oct. 2012 Author: Murugan M. & Mohan V.R. Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 2249-2321 Description:
[Ref:1589 - Antidiabetic activity of ethanolic extract of Rhynchosia suaveolens (L.f.) DC. in Streptazotocin induced Publication: Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 8(4), 596-602 2017 Author: Vinoth Kumar S.; Gopal V. & Devanna N. Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 0975-7538 Description:
[Ref:1590 - Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Evaluation of Aerial parts of Rhynchosia nummularia (L.) DC. Publication: Int J Pharma Bio Sci 2018 January; 9(1): (P) 156-163 Author: Vinoth Kumar S.; Gopal V. & Devanna N. Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: 0975-6299 Description:
[Ref:1591 - n-Butanol extract of Rhynchosia volubilis Lour: A potent spermicidal agent In Vitro Publication: J. Huazhong Univ. Sci. Technol. [Med. Sci.] (2014) 34: 398 Author: Guan, H., Fang, F., Xiong, Z. et al. Website: http:// Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1592 - Texture and Storage Stability of Tofu Incorporated with Rhynchosia volubilis Publication: J Food Sci Nutr Vol 14, p 71-75 (2009) Author: Jun Ho Lee & Mi Jung Ahn Website: http://10.3746/jfn.2009.14.1.071 Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1593 - Allelopathic Activity and Chemical Composition of Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC. Essential Oil from Egypt Publication: Chem. Biodiversity 2018, 15, e1700438 Author: El-Gawad A.M.A.; El-Amier Y.A. & Bonanomi G. Website: http://10.1002/cbdv.201700438 Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1594 - A Revision of the Genus Saraca L. (Legum. - Caes/) Publication: Blumea 15, 2 pp 413-425, 1967 Author: Zuijderhoudt G.F.P. Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1595 - Ethnobotanical, phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Saraca asoca bark: A Review Publication: ejpmr, 2016,3(6), 274-279 Author: Kauser A.S.; Hasan A.; Parrey S.A. & Ahmad W. Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 2394-3211 Description:
[Ref:1596 - Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany Volume 2 Publication: Author: Hooker W.J. (Editor) Publisher: Reeve and Benham; London Year: 1850 ISBN: Description:
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[Ref:1598 - Caracterização Física da Madeira de Tachi, Proveniente do Segundo Ciclo de Manejo em Floresta Amazônica Publication: Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência e Tecnologia da Madeira; Florianópolis, 2017 Author: Dill S.; Coelho S. & Moutinho V. Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description: Conference paper
[Ref:1599 - Ethnobotanical Survey of Aromatic Plants of Masako Forest Reserve ( Kisangani, DR Congo) Publication: J. of Advanced Botany and Zoology Volume 2 Issue 3 pp1-8, 2015 Author: Mbula J.P. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 2348-7313 Description:
[Ref:1600 - Local Vegetables of Thailand Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences Year: 2010 ISBN: Description: A Website: providing information on more than 100 species of plants used as vegetables and available in the markets of Thailand - ranging from the common to those only used locally
[Ref:1601 - Flora of Missouri Publication: Author: Yatskievych G. (Director) Website: Publisher: Missouri Botanical Garden; Missouri Year: 0 ISBN: Description: An on-line resource, based on the three volume work 'Flora of Missouri', published from 1999 - 2013.
[Ref:1602 - Characterization of a Lead Hyperaccumulator Shrub, Sesbania drummondii Publication: Environ. Sci. Technol., 2002, 36 (21), pp 4676-4680 Author: Sahi S.V.; Bryant N.L.; Sharma N.C. & Singh S.R. Website: http://10.1021/es020675x Publisher: Year: 2002 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1603 - Antimutagenic activity of Sesbania javanica Miq. flower DMSO extract and its major flavonoid glycoside Publication: Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health Vol 36 No. 6 pp 1543-1551 November 2005 Author: Tangvarasittichai S. et al Publisher: Year: 2005 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1604 - New species and varieties in Sesbania (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae-Robinieae)from Madagascar and the Comoro Islands Publication: Adansonia, sér. 3 - 1997 - 19(1) pp 93-99 Author: Labat J-N. & Du Puy D.J. Publisher: Year: 1997 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1605 - Fat Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Oils Extracted from Selected Wild-Gathered Tropical Plant Seeds from Niger Publication: JAOCS, Vol. 75, no. 8 (1998) pp 1031-1036 Author: Ezeagu I.E.; Petzke K.J.' Lange E. & Metges C.C. Website: http://10.1007/s11746-998-0282-6 Publisher: Year: 1998 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1606 - Wood properties and uses of Australian timbers. Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: The State of Queensland (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A Website: by the Australian Governement giving properties and uses of about 100 Australian tree species.
[Ref:1607 - Antidiabetic Activity of a Flavonoid-Rich Extract From Sophora davidii (Franch.) Skeels in KK-Ay Mice via Activation Publication: Frontiers in Pharmacology July 2018 - Volume 9 - Article 760 Author: Huang Y. et al Website: http://10.3389/fphar.2018.00760 Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description: A Website: by the Australian Governement giving properties and uses of about 80 Australian tree species.
[Ref:1608 - Genetic Diversity, Population Structure, and Conservation of Sophora moorcroftiana (Fabaceae), a Shrub Endemic to th Publication: Plant Biology 8 (2006) 81-92 Author: Liu Z.-M. et al. Website: http://10.1055/s-2005-872889 Publisher: Year: 2005 ISBN: 1435-8603 Description:
[Ref:1609 - Antitumor Effects of Ethanolic Extracts from Sophora moorcroftiana Seeds in Mice Publication: Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 2009; 11(1):18-22 Author: Xingming M. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
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[Ref:1611 - Essential oil composition and bioinformatic analysis of Spanish broom (Spartium junceum L.) Publication: Trends in Phramaceutical Sciences 2015: 1(2 ); 97-104 Author: Younes Ghasemi et al Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1612 - Subtle and Profound Sensory Attributes of Medicinal Plants among the Kenyah Leppo'Ke of East Kalimantan, Borneo Publication: Journal of Ethnobiology 24(2): 173-201 Author: Gollin L.X. Publisher: Year: 2004 ISBN: Description:
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[Ref:1616 - Tetrapleura tetraptera in Ghana, Nigeria and Uganda: households uses and local market Publication: Forests, Trees and Livelihoods DOI:10.1080/14728028.2018.1498027 Author: Kemigisha E. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: 2164-3075 Description:
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[Ref:1618 - Endemic shrubs in temperate arid and semiarid regions of northern China and their potentials for rangeland restorati Publication: AoB Plants June 2015 Author: Jianmin Chu; Hongxiao Yang; Qi Lu & Xiaoyan Zhang Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description: An open access article, downloaded from
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[Ref:1627 - Growth and heavy metal accumulation of Paulownia fortunei and Koelreuteria bipinnata in an ecological restoration si Publication: China Environmental Science, 2016, 36(3):908-916 Author: Ouyang L. et al Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1628 - Medicinal Plants of the Andes and the Amazon: The magic and medicinal flora of Northern Peru Publication: Author: Bussmann R.W. & Sharon D. Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 10:0-9960231-2-7 Description: An introduction to traditional herbalism in Peru plus brief information on the medicinal uses of
[Ref:1629 - The Essential Oil Constituents of Zornia diphylla (L.) Pers, and Anti-Inflammatory and Antimicrobial Activities of t Publication: Rec. Nat. Prod. 8:4 (2014) 385-393 Author: Arunkumar R. et al Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1630 - Anti-inflammatory Studies of the Alcoholic Extract of Zornia gibbosa Publication: Pharmacologyonline 1: 67-76 (2011) Author: Sumit N. Laxane et al Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
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[Ref:1632 - The Effect of Zuccagnia punctata, an Argentine Medicinal Plant, on Virulence Factors from Candida Species Publication: Natural Product Communications Vol. 9 (7) 2014 pp. 933-936 Author: Gabriela N. et al Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 1555-9475 Description:
[Ref:1633 - Effect of structurally related flavonoids from Zuccagnia punctata Cav. on Caenorhabditis elegans Publication: Acta Parasitologica, 2015, 60(1), 164-172 Author: D’Almeida R.E. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 1230-2821 Description:
[Ref:1634 - Extracts and phenolic compounds from Zuccagnia punctata as fungicide seed protectants for corn Publication: Ann Appl Biol (2018) Author: Jiménez C.M. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: 0003-4746 Description:
[Ref:1635 - Traditional medicine in Turkey X. Folk medicine in Central Anatolia Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 75 (2001) 95-115 Author: Sezik E. et al Publisher: Year: 2001 ISBN: Description: Traditional medicinal uses of 103 plants in Turkey
[Ref:1636 - Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Pistacia L. (Anacardiaceae) Publication: American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2012, 3, 12-32 Author: AL-Saghir M.G. & Porter D.M. Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1637 - An overview of Pistacia integerrima a medicinal plant species: Ethnobotany, biological activities and phytochemistry Publication: Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.28, No.3, May 2015, pp.1009-1013 Author: Bibi Y.; Zia M. & Qayyum A. Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1638 - Flore Forestiere se L'Algérie, Tunisie, Maroc et Midi de la France Publication: Author: Lapie G. & Maige A. Publisher: Gouvernement Général de l'Algérie Year: 1914 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1639 - Five Pistacia species (P. vera, P. atlantica, P. terebinthus, P. khinjuk, and P. lentiscus): A Review of Their Tradi Publication: The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2013, Article ID 219815, 33 pages Author: Bozorgi M. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description: A very comprehensive review of the traditional uses and modern medicinal research into five species of Pistacia growing in Iran
[Ref:1640 - A Potential Bioenergy Tree: Pistacia chinensis Bunge Publication: Energy Procedia 16 (2012) 737-746 Author: Mingli Tang et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1641 - Ethnobotany of the Hawraman Region of Kurdistan, Iraq Publication: Harvard Papers in Botany, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2015, pp. 85-89 Author: Ahmad S.A. & Askari A.A. Website: http://10.3100/hpib.v20iss1.2015.n8 Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 1938-2944 Description:
[Ref:1642 - Antihyperlipidemic effect of a Rhamnus alaternus leaf extract in Tritoninduced hyperlipidemic rats and human HepG2 c Publication: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 101 (2018) 501-509 Author: Tacherfiout M. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1643 - Plants collected by R.C. Ching in Southern Mongolia and Kansu Province, China Publication: Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Vol. 28 Part 4 pp 563-694, 1943 Author: Walker E.H. Publisher: Smithsonian Institution Press; Washington. Year: 1943 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1644 - Flavonol glycosides from the fruits of Rhamus leptophylla Publication: Phytochemistry Volume 27, Issue 12, 1988, Pages 3995-3996 Author: Wang J. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 1988 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1645 - Rhamnus alpinus Leaf Extract Suppresses Lipopolysaccharide-Induced, Monocyte-Derived Macrophage Chemokine Secretion Publication: Inflammation, Vol. 31, No. 5, October 2008 Author: Chiavaroli A. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1646 - Plant Material Introduced by the Division of Foreign Plant Introduction, Bureau of Plant Industry, October 1 to Dece Publication: USDA Inventory No. 105 Author: Publisher: USDA, Washington Year: 1932 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1647 - The Forest Flora of North-west and Central India - A handbook of the indigenous trees and shrubs of those countries. Publication: Author: Stewart J.L. & Brandis D. Website: Publisher: W.H. Allen & Co; London Year: 1874 ISBN: Description: Excellent for its time, the book still contains much useful and interesting information on Indian plants. It can be downloaded from the Internet.
[Ref:1648 - Antioxidative Effects of 6-Methoxysorigenin and Its Derivatives from Rhamnus nakaharai Publication: Chem. Pharm. Bull. 55(3) 382-384, 2007 Author: Lean-Teik Ng; Chun-Ching Lin & Chai-Ming LU Website: Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1649 - Medicinal plants in Himachal Pradesh, north western Himalaya, India Publication: International Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management 3 (2007) 234-251 Author: Samant S.S. et al Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description: Very terse information on each plant, but lists 643 species used medicinally in Himachal Pradesh
[Ref:1650 - Antigenotoxic properties of Paliurus spinachristi Mill fruits and their active compounds Publication: BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2017) 17:229 Author: Zor M. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1651 - Researches concerning the potential of biomass accumulation in cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.) Publication: Journal of Horticulture, Forestry and Biotechnology; Volume 22(2), 34- 39, 2018 Author: Noemi Jucsor, Sumalan R. Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1652 - Performance of Sida hermaphrodita and Silphium perfoliatum in Europe: Preliminary Results Publication: 26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 14-17 May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark Author: Facciotto G. et al Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1653 - Further acylated flavonol bisdesmosides from Sinocrassula indica Publication: Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2013 Vol. 15, No. 8, 885-890 Author: Hai-Hui Xiea & Masayuki Yoshikawa Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1654 - Shilianhua extract inhibits GSK-3 and promotes glucose metabolism Publication: Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 296: E1275-E1280, 2009 Author: Jun Lin et al Website: doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00092.2009 Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1655 - Sinomenine induces apoptosis in RAW 264.7 cellderived osteoclasts in vitro via caspase-3 activation Publication: Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (2014) 35: 203-210 Author: Long-gang He et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 1671-4083 Description:
[Ref:1656 - Effects of Sinomenine on the Expression of microRNA-155 in 2,4,6-Trinitrobenzenesulfonic Acid-Induced Colitis in Mic Publication: PLoS ONE 8(9): e73757 2013 Author: Qiao Yu et al Website: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073757 Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1657 - The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Siphonostegia chinensis Benth. (Orobanchaceae) Publication: Mitochondrial DNA Part B 2019, Vol. 4, No. 1, 732-733 Author: Jing Gao et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1658 - Eucalypts for Planting Publication: FAO Forestry Series No.11 Author: Jacobs M.R. Website: Publisher: FAO; Rome Year: 1981 ISBN: 92-5-100570-2 Description: An excellent Publication: , rather dated now but with a wealth of information about the Eucalypts. It can be downloaded from the Internet as a PDF file.
[Ref:1659 - Eucalyptus Leaf Oils: Use, Chemistry, Distillation and Marketing Publication: Phytochemistry June 1992 Author: Southwell I.A. Website: Publisher: Year: 1992 ISBN: Description: An extensive list of Eucalyptus species and their essential oil content.
[Ref:1660 - EUCLID - Eucalypts of Australia Publication: Author: Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research, Canber Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A Website: dedicated to the genus Eucalyptus (sensu latu), with Description: s and nomencultural information on all the species.
[Ref:1661 - Flora of South-eastern Queensland (3 volumes) Publication: Queensland Department of Primary Industries; Miscellaneous Publication: 81020 Author: Stanley T.D. & Ross E.M. Publisher: Queensland Government; Queensland Year: 1983 ISBN: 0-7242-2127-1 Description:
[Ref:1662 - Eucalyptus Oil Report Publication: Author: Pain G.N. Publisher: Verve Energy Year: 2007 ISBN: Description: A technical report, funded by the Australian Government, looking at the potential of commercial production of essential oils in Australia
[Ref:1663 - A Revision of the genus Tetradium (Rutaceae) Publication: The Gardens' Bulletin Singapore Vol 34:1 pp 91-131, 1981 Author: Hartley T.G. Publisher: Botanic Gardens Parks and Recreation Dept., Singapore Year: 1981 ISBN: 0374-7859 Description:
[Ref:1664 - Evaluation of anticancer and antimicrobial activities of selected medicinal plants of Kashmir Himalayas, India Publication: Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol. 16 (1), January 2017, pp. 141-145 Author: Mushtaq S. et al Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1665 - Wild Food Plants in South Korea; Market Presence, New Crops, and Exports to the United States Publication: Economic Botany, Vol. 50, No. 1 (Jan. - Mar., 1996), pp. 57-70 Author: Pemberton R.W. & Nam Sook Lee Website: Publisher: Year: 1996 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1666 - Mechanisms Associated with the Effect of Hypericum perforatum and Smilax cordifolia Aqueous Extracts on Hepatic Stea Publication: Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2018, 1800403 Author: Perez-Ramírez I.F. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1667 - Rhododendron Species and Their Uses with Special Reference to Himalayas - A Review Publication: Assam University Journal of Science & Technology: Biological and Environmental Sciences, Vol 7 Number 1 pp 161-167, 2011 Author: Bhattacharyya D. Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: 0975-2773 Description: A useful breif guide to the uses of Rhododendron species in the Himalayas
[Ref:1668 - Grayanotoxin Poisoning: ‘Mad Honey Disease’ and Beyond Publication: Cardiovasc Toxicol (2012) 12:208-215 Author: Jansen S.A. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description: An in-depth review of the literature on the toxic effects of a toxin widely found in the family Ericaceae
[Ref:1669 - An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in Loja and Zamora-Chinchipe, Ecuador Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 111 (2007) 63-81 Author: Tene V. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: 0378-8741 Description:
[Ref:1670 - Anti-HIV Activity Directed Fractionation of the Extracts of Margyricarpus setosus Publication: Pharmaceutical Biology 1998, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 29-32 Author: Nunziatina De Tommasi et al Website: Publisher: Year: 1998 ISBN: 1388-0209 Description:
[Ref:1671 - Revision of Hibiscus section Furcaria (Malvaceae) in Africa and Asia Publication: Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Lond. (Bot.) 29( 1 ): 47-79 Author: Wilson F.D. Publisher: Year: 1999 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1672 - Knowledge and uses of wild edible plants by Paniyas and Kurumbas of Western Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu Publication: Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources, Vol 4 (4), December 2013, pp 412-418 Author: Ramachandran V.S. & Udhayavani C. Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1673 - Passifloraceae Publication: Flora Mesoamericana, Volume 3 (2), Passifloraceae, pp 1 - 135 Author: MacDougal J.M. Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1674 - Revision of Passiflora Subgenus Decaloba Section Pseudodysosmia (Passifloraceae) Publication: Systematic Botany Monographs, Vol 41 pp 1 - 146, 1994 Author: MacDougal J.M. Website: Publisher: American Society of Plant Taxonomists Year: 1994 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1675 - A taxonomic revision of Passiflora subgenus Decaloba (Passifloraceae) in Brazil Publication: Phytotaxa 53; 1-68, 2012 Author: Milward de Azeved M.A.; Fernando J.; Baumgratz A. & Gonçalve Publisher: Magnolia Press; Auckland Year: 2012 ISBN: 1179-3155 Description:
[Ref:1676 - Passiflora miniata Publication: Curtis's Botanical Magazine, New Edition 227, pl. 562. 2006. (Aug 2006) Author: Vanderplank R. John R. Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1677 - Dicionário das Plantas Úteis do Basil e das Exóticas Cultivadas Vol. 5 Publication: Author: Corrêa M. Pio & Penna L. de Azeredo Publisher: Ministério da Agricultura; Rio de Janeiro Year: 1978 ISBN: Description: A massive work in six volumes, first published in the 1920's and revised in the 1970's. Written in Portuguese.
[Ref:1678 - Passifloraceae do Brasil. Estudo do gênero Passiflora L., subgênero Passiflora Publication: Fontqueria 45 (1997) Author: Cervi A.C. Publisher: Year: 1997 ISBN: 0212-0623 Description:
[Ref:1679 - Brazilian Passifloraceae: Study of the subgenus Distephana (Juss.) Killip of the genus Passiflora L. Publication: Revista Estudos de Biologia, v. 26, n.55, p. 45-67, Abr./Jun. 2004 Author: Cervi A.C. & Dunaiski Junior A. Publisher: Year: 2004 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1680 - Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Belize; with common names and uses Publication: Author: Balick M.J.; Nee M.H. & Atha D.E. Publisher: New York Botanical Gardens Press; USA Year: 2000 ISBN: 0-89327-440-2 Description: A list of the native and naturalized species known to be found in Belize, with very terse information on their uses.
[Ref:1681 - The American Species of Passifloraceae Parts 1 & 2 Publication: Field Museum of Natural History, Volume 19 pp 1-613. Author: Killip E.P. Publisher: Year: 1938 ISBN: Description: An immnse work, rather dated now but still an excellent source of information
[Ref:1682 - New Species of Passiflora Subgenus Plectostemma (Passifloraceae) Publication: Novon Vol. 2, No. 4, pp358-367, 1992 Author: MacDougal J.M. Publisher: Year: 1992 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1683 - The Australian and New Zealand Species of Pittosporum Publication: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Vol. 43 No. 2, pp 87-188 May 1956 Author: Cooper R.C. Publisher: Year: 1956 ISBN: Description: Rather dated, but still an excellent treatment.
[Ref:1684 - The Pacific Species of Pittosporum Banks ex Gaertn. (Pittosporaceae) Publication: Allertonia Vol 1, No 2, pp73-167 May 1977 Author: Haas J.E. Publisher: Year: 1977 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1685 - Revision of Pittosporum (Pittosporaceae) in Australia Publication: Australian Systematic Botany 13, 845-902, 2000 Author: Cayzer L.W.; Crisp M.D. & Telford I.R.H. Publisher: Year: 2000 ISBN: Description: A comprehensive review of the genus in Australia
[Ref:1686 - A New Triterpene and an Antiarrhythmic Liriodendrin from Pittosporum brevicalyx Publication: Arch Pharm Res Vol 33, No 12, 1927-1932, 2010 Author: Chun Feng et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1687 - Wild food plants and wild edible fungi in two valleys of the Qinling Mountains (Shaanxi, central China) Publication: Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2012, 9:26 Author: Yongxiang Kang, Lukasz Luczaj, Jin Kang & Shijiao Zhang Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description: Basic information on 185 wild food plant species.
[Ref:1688 - New triterpenoids from Staphylea bumalda flower buds and their neuroprotective activity against H2O2-induced injury Publication: Arch. Pharm. Res. October 2018 Author: Zheng-Xi Zhang et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: 1976-3786 Description:
[Ref:1689 - A comparative ethnobotany of Khevsureti, Samtskhe-Javakheti, Tusheti, Svaneti, and Racha-Lechkhumi, Republic of Geor Publication: Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2016) 12:43 Author: Bussmann R.W. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description: Basic information on the traditional uses of around 480 plant species.
[Ref:1690 - Anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory properties of fractions from Sargentodoxa cuneata ethanol extract Publication: J. Med. Plants Res. Vol. 9(4), pp. 104-110, 25 February, 2015 Author: Ma R. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 1996-0875 Description:
[Ref:1691 - An Overview of Lardizabalaceae Publication: Curtis’s Botanical Magazine 2012 vol. 29 (3): pp. 235-276 Author: Christenhusz M.J.M. Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1692 - 743. Stauntonia brachyandra Publication: Curtis’s Botanical Magazine 2012 vol. 29 (3): pp. 309-314 Author: Christenhusz M.J.M. Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1693 - Chemical constituents from the roots and stems of Stauntonia brachyanthera Hand-Mazz and their bioactivities Publication: Journal of Functional Foods 14 (2015) 374-383 Author: Jing Zhao; Jia Guo; Yi Zhang; Dali Meng & Zhou Sha Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1694 - Diuretic Properties and Chemical Constituent Studies on Stauntonia brachyanthera Publication: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2015, Article ID 432419, 8 pages Author: Xuan Li Liu, Dan Dan Wang, Zi Hao Wang, & Da Li Meng Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1695 - The analgesic activities of Stauntonia brachyanthera and YM11 through regulating infammatory mediators and directly Publication: Scientific Reports volume 7, Article number: 7574 (2017) Author: Meng D. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1696 - Triterpenoid Saponins from Stauntonia chinensis Ameliorate Insulin Resistance via the AMP-Activated Protein Kinase a Publication: Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2014, 15, 10446-10458 Author: Xin Hu et al Website: doi:10.3390/ijms150610446 Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 1422-0067 Description:
[Ref:1697 - Optimized high performance liquid chromatography tandem chemiluminescent detector applied to assess the antioxidativ Publication: Anal. Methods, 2013, 5, 1837 Author: Shuai Sun; Shunjun Xu; Yuzhen Yan; Peishan Xie & Waikei Lam Website: http://10.1039/c3ay26326f Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1698 - Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of total saponins from Stauntonia chinensis in diabetic db/db mice Publication: J Cell Mol Med. 2018;1-13 Author: Jing Xu; Sha Wang; Tianhui Feng; Yu Chen & Guangzhong Yang Website: http://10.1111/jcmm.13876 Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1699 - New 30-Noroleanane Triterpenoid Saponins from Holboellia coriacea Diels Publication: Molecules 2016, 21, 734 Author: Wenbing Ding; Ye Li; Guanhua Li; Hualiang He; Zhiwen Li & Yo Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
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[Ref:1703 - Simultaneous quantitative analysis of nine triterpenoid saponins for the quality control of Stauntonia obovatifoliol Publication: J. Sep. Sci. 2014, 37, 3632-3640 Author: Xuran Lu; Feng Qiu; Xueqiang Pan; Jing Li; Manyuan Wang & Mu Website: http://10.1002/jssc.201400771 Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1704 - Heimia salicifolia: a phytochemical and phytopharmacologic review Publication: J. Ethnopharmacol. 42 (1994) 135-159 Author: Malone M.H. & Rother A. Publisher: Year: 1994 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1705 - A Monograph on Sonneratia apetala Buch.-Ham. Publication: Author: Nasrin S.; Hossain M. & Alam Md.R. Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing Year: 2017 ISBN: 978-3-330-05251-2 Description: A very detailed look at the environmental and other uses of this species.
[Ref:1706 - Effect of lead on oxidative status, antioxidative response and metal accumulation in Coronopus didymus Publication: Plant Physiology et Biochemistry vol 105 pp 290-296, 2016 Author: Sidhu G.P.S.; Singh H.P.; Batish D.R. & Kohli R.K. Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1707 - Edible Plants of the Arctic Publication: Arctic pp 15-34, 1953 Author: Porsild A.E. Publisher: Year: 1953 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1708 - The application of scientific names to plants in cultivation: Salix vitellina L. and related taxa (Salicaceae) Publication: Skvortsovia: 4(2): 42 –70 (2018) Author: Belyaeva I.V. et al Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: 2309-6500 Description:
[Ref:1709 - Analysis of the genetic diversity and population structure of Salix psammophila based on phenotypic traits and simpl Publication: PeerJ 7:e6419 DOI 10.7717/peerj.6419 Author: Hao L, Zhang G, Lu D, Hu J, Jia H. Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1710 - Willows of Russia and adjacent Countries; Taxonomical and Geographical Revision Publication: Author: Skvortsov A.K. Publisher: Joensuu: University of Joensuu, Finland Year: 1999 ISBN: 951-708-766-7 Description:
[Ref:1711 - Phytopharmacology and medicinal properties of Salix aegyptiaca L. Publication: African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 11(28), pp. 7145-7150, 5 April, 2012 Author: Asgarpanah J. Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 1684-5315 Description:
[Ref:1712 - Advances in Plant Material and Revegetation Technology in Alaska Publication: Reclamation, a global perspective: Proceedings of the conference; 1989 August 27-31; Calgary, AB. Rep. No. RRTAC 89-2. Vol. 1. Edmonton, AB. Author: Wright S. Publisher: Alberta Land Conservation and Reclamation Council Year: 1989 ISBN: Description: A presentation paper at a conference in Alaska, based on the research work being carried out at the State of Alaska, Division of Agriculture, Plant Materials Center.
[Ref:1713 - Ethnobotanical Studies of Useful Trees of District Kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir Publication: Biologia (Pakistan) 2014, 60 (1), 63-71 Author: Muhammad Ajaib & Zaheer-Ud-Din Khan Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 2313-206X Description:
[Ref:1714 - Phytoremediation of Lead, Nickel, and Copper by Salix acmophylla Boiss.: Role of Antioxidant Enzymes and Antioxidant Publication: Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. (2003) 70:462-469 Author: Ali M.B., Vajpayee P., Tripathi R.D., Rai U.N., Singh S.N. & Website: Publisher: Year: 2003 ISBN: Description:
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[Ref:1716 - Essential oil of Casearia grandiflora Camb. Publication: Journal of Essential Oil Research 9(6):697-698 November 1997 Author: Selene Maia de Morais et al Website: Publisher: Year: 1997 ISBN: Description:
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[Ref:1718 - Neutralization of some hematological and hemostatic alterations induced by neuwiedase, a metalloproteinase isolated Publication: Biochimie 85 (2003) 669-675 Author: Izidoro L.F.M. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2003 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1719 - Anti diabetic activity of stem of Casearia esculenta Roxb Publication: NPAIJ, 4(2), 2008 [162-164] Author: Kumar P. Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1720 - Pharmacological Evaluation of Hexane Fraction of Casearia gossypiosperma Briquet: Antivenom Potentiality Publication: Journal of Life Sciences, April 2014, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 306-315 Author: Juliana de Oliveira Soares-Silva et al Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 1934-7391 Description:
[Ref:1721 - Bothrops jararacussu venom-induced neuromuscular blockade inhibited by Casearia gossypiosperma Briquet hydroalcoholi Publication: J Venom Anim Toxins incl Trop Dis, 2010, volume 16, issue 3 pp 432-441 Author: Camargo TM, et al Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: 1678-9199 Description:
[Ref:1722 - Chloroplast diversity of Casearia grandiflora in the Cerrado of Piauí State Publication: Genetics and Molecular Research 16 (1): gmr16019572 Author: Costa M.F. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1723 - Levantamento de plantas medicinais arbóreas e ocorrência em Floresta Ombrófila Mista Publication: Ambiência - Revista do Setor de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais V. 3 N. 1 Jan./Abr. 2007 Author: Pedroso K. et al Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: 1808-0251 Description:
[Ref:1724 - Presencia en Argentina de dos Especies de uso múltiple: Acca sellowiana (Myrtaceae) y Casearia lasiophylla (Flacourt Publication: Darwiniana 45(2): 204-212. 2007 Author: Keller H.A. & Tressens S.G. Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: 0011-6793 Description:
[Ref:1725 - Chemical composition and cytotoxic activity of the essential oil from the leaves of Casearia lasiophylla Publication: Rev. Bras. Farmacogn. Braz. J. Pharmacogn. 21(5): pp 864-868; Sep./Oct. 2011 Author: Salvador M.J. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: 0102-695X Description:
[Ref:1726 - Casearia Tomentosa: A Potential Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Source Publication: J.Chem.Soc.Pak., Vol. 37, No. 04, pp 811-816, 2015 Author: Ajaib M. et al Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1727 - The genus Casearia: a phytochemical and pharmacological overview Publication: Phytochem Rev (2015) 14: 99. Author: Li Xia; Qiang Guo; Pengfei Tu & Xingyun Chai Website: Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 1568-7767 Description:
[Ref:1728 - Plants of Haiti used as Antifertility Agents Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 6 (1982) 61 - 84 Author: Weniger B. et al Publisher: Year: 1982 ISBN: 0378-8741 Description:
[Ref:1729 - The genus Grewia (Malvaceae: Grewioideae) in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India with a conservation note on the endemi Publication: Journal of Threatened Taxa; 11(12): 14599-14605; 26 September 2019 Author: Kishor K.C. & Nandikar M.D. Website: Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: 0974-7893 Description:
[Ref:1730 - Revision of Grewia (Malvaceae-Grewioideae) in Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo Publication: Edinburgh Journal of Botany; 62 (1&2); 1-27, July 2006 Author: Chung R.C.K. Website: Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description:
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[Ref:1732 - Hitherto Unreported Ethnomedicinal Uses of Plants by Tharu Tribe of Valmiki Tiger Reserve, West-Champaran District, Publication: Indian Forester, 141 (7) : 771-778, 2015 Author: Singh R.Kr. & Singh V. Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: 0019-4816 Description:
[Ref:1733 - Behavioural studies on the ethanol leaf extract of Grewia carpinifolia in Wistar rats. Publication: Afri Health Sci. 2016;16(1): 339-346 Author: Adebiyi O.E. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
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[Ref:1736 - Study of intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of Phoenix loureiroi Kunth (Arecaceae) fruit Publication: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 93 (2017) 156-164 Author: Murugan R.; Saravanan S. & Parimelazhagan T. Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
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[Ref:1738 - Ethno-Medico Botanical Study of Sundargarh District, Orissa, India Publication: Ethnobotanical Leaflets 11: 148-163. 2007 Author: Prusti A.B. & Behera K.K. Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1739 - Wendlandia exserta: a pertinent source of antioxidant and antimicrobial agent Publication: Turk J Biochem, March 2018; aop Author: Tayyaba Shahzadi et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1740 - Effects of Eleutherococcus Extract Mixture on Endochondral Bone Formation in Rats Publication: Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 1253 Author: Donghun Lee et al Website: doi:10.3390/ijms20051253 Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1741 - Anti-diabetic and Hypoglycemic Effect of Eleutherococcus spp Publication: J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr, 39(12), 1761-1768 (2010 Author: Sang Hyun Lim et al Website: DOI: 10.3746/jkfn.2010.39.12.176 Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1742 - Effects of Flavonoids and Triterpene Analogues from Leaves of Eleutherococcus sieboldianus (Makino) Koidz. ‘Himeukog Publication: Molecules 2017, 22, 671 Author: Atsuyoshi Nishina et al Website: doi:10.3390/molecules22040671 Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1743 - Acute Toxicity of Brucea javanica Merril Leaves Extract on Mice Publication: J. Trop. Life. Science; Volume 2, Number 2,, pp 29-31, May 2012 Author: Angelina M. et al Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1744 - Clerodendrum indicum (L.) Kuntze- A folk Medicine for skin ailment (Agiya) from Bhar aborigine of Tikri Reserve Fore Publication: Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products 23 (4), 221-223, 2016 Author: Singh V. et al Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1745 - Clerodendrum (Lamiaceae) in Borneo Publication: Systematic Botany (2011), 36(4): pp.1050-1061 Author: Wearn J.A. & Mabberley D.J. Website: http://10.16(X)/036364411X605056 Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
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[Ref:1747 - A Synopsis of the Genus Clerodendrum L. (Lamiaceae) in Thailand Publication: Tropical Natural History 11(2): 177-211, October 2011 Author: Leeratiwong C., Chantaranothai P. & Paton A.J. Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1748 - Plants from the Markets of Thailand Publication: Author: Jacquat C. Publisher: Editions Duang Kamol; Bangkok Year: 1990 ISBN: 947-210-5065 Description:
[Ref:1749 - Clerodendrum petasites S. Moore: The therapeutic potential of phytochemicals, hispidulin, vanillic acid, verbascosid Publication: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 118 (2019) 109319 Author: Brimson J.M. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1750 - Orchid diversity in two community forests of Makawanpur District, central Nepal Publication: Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 October 2018 | 10(11): 12523-12530 Author: Bijaya Pant et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: 0974-7893 Description:
[Ref:1751 - Use of Edible Forest Plants among Indigenous Ethnic Minorities in Cat Tien Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam Publication: Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol 3, Art. 82, pp.23-49, January 2012 Author: Dinh Thanh Sang, Kazuo Ogata & Nobuya Mizoue Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 2094-1519 Description:
[Ref:1752 - Ethnobotany of the Miskitu of Eastern Nicaragua Publication: Journal of Ethnobiology 17(2):171-214, Winter 1997 Author: Coe F.G. & Anderson G.J. Publisher: Year: 1997 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1753 - Evaluation of the Wound Healing Potential of Resina Draconis (Dracaena cochinchinensis) in Animal Models Publication: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2013, Article ID 709865, 10 pages Author: Huihui Liu, Shaohui Lin et al Website: Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1754 - A Systematic Review of the Botanical, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Profile of Dracaena cochinchinensis, a Plant Publication: Molecules 2014, 19, 10650-10669; doi:10.3390/molecules190710650 Author: Jia-Yi Fan et al Website: http://10.3390/molecules190710650 Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 1420-3049 Description:
[Ref:1755 - Antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibition activity of the fertile fronds and rhizomes of three different Drynaria specie Publication: BMC Res Notes (2015) 8:468 Author: Joash Ban Lee Tan & Yau Yan Lim Website: http://10.1186/s13104-015-1414-3 Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1756 - Elsholtzia blanda Benth: New Citral-rich Chemotypes from India Publication: Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, 18:2, 132-139 2012 Author: Rana V.S. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1757 - Elsholtzia: review of traditional uses, chemistry and pharmacology Publication: Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences 2007 (16) 73-78 Author: Ai-Lin Liu, Simon M.Y. Lee, Yi-Tao Wang and Guan-Hua Du Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1758 - Elemental and Phytochemicals Profile in Ethno Medicinal Plants Used for Treating Cardiovascular Diseases by Mizo-Tri Publication: Asian J. Chem. Vol. 31, No. 6 (2019) 1237-1242 Author: Rajan J.P., Mishra R.K., & Singh K.B. Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1759 - Cadmium tolerance and accumulation of Elsholtzia argyi origining from a Zinc/Lead Mining Site - a Hydroponics Experi Publication: International Journal of Phytoremediation, 16:1257-1267, 2014 Author: Siliang Li, Fengping Wang, Mei Ru, & Wuzhong Ni Website: http://10.1080/15226514.2013.828010 Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 1522-6514 Description:
[Ref:1760 - Chemical constituents of the whole plant of Elsholtzia rugulosa Publication: Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, Vol. 14, No. 2, February 2012, 89–96 Author: Bo Liu et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 1028-602 Description:
[Ref:1761 - Ethnopharmacological survey, Phytochemical screening and Antibacterial activity measurements of high altitude medici Publication: Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, Vol. 13 (3), July 2014, pp. 496-507 Author: Lamichhane J. et al Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1762 - Volatile constituents in the flowers of Elsholtzia argyi and their variation: a possible utilization of plant resour Publication: J Zhejiang Univ SCI 2005 6B(2):91-95 Author: Peng Hong-yun & Yang Xiao-e Website: http://10.1631/jzus.2005.B0091 Publisher: Year: 2005 ISBN: 1009-3095 Description:
[Ref:1763 - Copper Uptake and Tolerance in Two Contrasting Ecotypes of Elsholtzia argyi Publication: Journal of Plant Nutrition, 27:12, 2067-2083, 2004 Author: Jang L.Y. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2004 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1764 - Copper tolerant Elsholtzia splendens facilitates Commelina communis on a copper mine spoil Publication: Plant and Soil · August 2015 Author: Yang R. et al Website: http://10.1007/s11104-015-2616-0 Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1765 - Fumigant activity of Elsholtzia stauntonii extract against Lasioderma serricorne Publication: S Afr J Sci. 2012;108(7/8), Art.#556, 3 pages Author: Lü J-H, Su X-H, Zhong J-J Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1766 - Six new species and a new subspecies of Gomphandra (Stemonuraceae) from the Philippines Publication: Kew Bulletin Vol. 67: 713 - 729 (2012) Author: Schori M. & Utteridge T.M.A. Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 0075-5974 Description:
[Ref:1767 - Ethnobotanical studies of spice and condiment plants used by some communities of Assam Publication: International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research, Vol 03, Issue 01, pp 1 - 11, |2017 Author: Bharali P., Sharma C.L., Singh B. &Sharma M. Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 2395-3616 Description:
[Ref:1768 - CNS effects of Homalomena aromatica based on linalool content: A review. Publication: Curr Trends Pharm Res, 2016, 3(2):20-38. Author: Goswami A K, Banu Z W, Sharma H K. Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 2310-4820 Description:
[Ref:1769 - Therapeutic Anabolic and Anticatabolic Benefits of Natural Chinese Medicines for the Treatment of Osteoporosis Publication: Front. Pharmacol. 10:1344. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01344 Author: He J., Li X., Wang Z. et al Website: http://10.3389/fphar.2019.01344 Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1770 - Epimedium brevicornu Maxim. (Yinyanghuo, Barrenwort) Publication: Y. Liu et al. (eds.), Dietary Chinese Herbs, DOI 10.1007/978-3-211-99448-1_69 Author: Li-Hua Yan Website: http://10.1007/978-3-211-99448-1_69 Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1771 - Heavy Metals in Selected Medicinal Plants Originated in Dana Biosphere Reserve, Jordan Publication: International Journal of Phytomedicine 6 (3) 384-390, 2014 Author: Mohammad Sanad Abu-Darwish Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1772 - Genus Panax L. (Araliaceae) in India Publication: Pleione 1(2): 46 - 54. 2007. Author: Arun K. Pandey et al Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1773 - A New Species of Panax L. (Araliaceae) from Sikkim Himalaya, India Publication: Systematic Botany (2009), 34(2): pp. 434-438 Author: Sharma S.K. & Pandit M.K. Website: http:// 10.1600/036364409788606235 Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1774 - A taxonomic revision of Pogostemon (Lamiaceae) from China Publication: Phytotaxa 200 1-67 Author: Yao, G., Deng, Y.F. & Ge, X.J. Website: Publisher: Magnolia Press; Aukland Year: 2015 ISBN: 978-1-77557-650-1 Description:
[Ref:1775 - Trace elements and antioxidant activity of six wild edible plants that are widely consumed by ethnic tribes of Aruna Publication: Indian J. Agric. Res., 52 (1) 2018 : 85-88 Author: Medak B. & Singha L.B. Website: http://10.18805/IJARe.A-4755 Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: 0367-8245 Description:
[Ref:1776 - Ethnobotanical investigation of traditional medicinal plants commercialized in the markets of Mashhad, Iran Publication: March 2013 Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine 3(3):254-271 Author: Amiri M.S. & Joharchi M.R. Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description: Brief information on the traditional medicinal uses of 267 species of plant in Iran
[Ref:1777 - Adventures in Armenia. Article on accessed 11/02/2020. Publication: Author: Dr. Aisyah Faruk Website: Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: Description: An article written about harvesting wild foods in Armenia, with some information on Rosa hemisphaerica.
[Ref:1778 - Antimicrobial assay of endophytic fungi from Rumex madaio and chemical study of strain R1 Publication: Bangladesh J Pharmacol 2019; 14: 129-135 Author: Xuelian Bai, Ronglu Yu, Mingzhu Li, & Huawei Zhang Website: http://10.3329/bjp.v14i3.41598 Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: 1991-0088 Description:
[Ref:1779 - The Genus Rumex: Review of traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology Publication: J Ethnopharmacol. 2015 Dec 4;175:198-228. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2015.09.001. Epub 2015 Sep 14. Author: Vasas A, Orbán-Gyapai O, & Hohmann J. Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1780 - Botanical Museum Leaflets Vol 19 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Harvard University; Cambridge, Mass. Year: 1959 - 1962 ISBN: Description: A botanical Journal published by Harvard University and looking particularly at the traditional uses of plants, this has an interesting articles on the Solanaceae and their cultivation in Colombia
[Ref:1781 - Invasive Species Publication: Tasmanian Government, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Hobart Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A series of information sheets on around 150 species of plants that are declared weeds in Tasmania
[Ref:1782 - Estudo farmacobotânico comparativo de folhas de Solanum crinitum Lam., Solanum gomphodes Dunal e Solanum lycocarpum Publication: Rev. Bras. Farmacogn. Braz. J. Pharmacogn. 20(5): 666-674; Out./Nov. 2010 Author: Araújo N.D. et al Website: http://10.1590/S0102-695X2010005000016 Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: 0102-695X Description:
[Ref:1783 - Enciclopedia de las Plantas Útiles del Ecuador Publication: Author: de la Torre, L., Navarrete H., P. Muriel M., Macía M.J. & Ba Publisher: Herbario QCA de la Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas de la Pontific Year: 2008 ISBN: 978-9978-77-135-8 Description:
[Ref:1784 - Solanum perlongistylum and S. catilliflorum, New Endemic Peruvian Species of Solanum, Section Basarthrum, Are Close Publication: Novon 16(2): 161-167 (2006) Author: Anderson G.J. et al Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: 1055-3177 Description:
[Ref:1785 - Antioxidant Activity and Phytochemical Composition of Solanum corymbiflorum Fractions (Leaves and Fruits) Publication: Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 2016, Vol. 4, No. 11, 736-741 Author: Piana M. et al Website: http://10.12691/jfnr-4-11-6. Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1786 - Wound healing activity of Streptocaulon juventas root ethanolic extract Publication: Wound Repair and Regeneration 25(35) September 2017 Author: Nguyen C.M. et al Website: http://10.1111/wrr.12599 Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1787 - Medicinal Plants (Indigenous and Exotic) Used in Ceylon Part 1 Publication: Author: Jayaweera D.M.A. Publisher: The National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka Year: 2006 (Reprint) ISBN: Description: Detailed information on over 100 medicinal plants used in Sri Lanka as part of the Ayurvedic method.
[Ref:1788 - A Comprehensive Review on Pharmacognostical Investigation and Pharmacology of Typhonium trilobatum Publication: The Natural Products Journal, 2016, 6, 172-178 Author: Manna K. et al Website: http://10.2174/2210315506666160810145157 Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1789 - Khartasia Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation des Collections; Paris Year: 2020 (Accessed) ISBN: Description: A Website: containing information on almost 100 species (as of March 2020) of fibre-producing plants that are used in paper making in eastern Asia. An excellent and developing resource.
[Ref:1790 - Ardisiphenols and Other Antioxidant Principles from the Fruits of Ardisia colorata Publication: Chem. Pharm. Bull. 50(11) 1484—1487 (2002) Author: Sumino M. et al Publisher: Year: 2002 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1791 - The Hongmu Challenge; A briefing for the 66th meeting of the CITES Standing Committee, January 2016 Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Environmental Investigation Agency; London Year: 2016 ISBN: Description: Lists the 33 species used in making Hungmu furniture and the degree of over-exploitation plus recommendations for protecting them.
[Ref:1792 - An account of Dalbergia (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) in Thailand Publication: Thai For. Bull. (Bot.) 30 124-166 2002 Author: Chawalit Niyomdham Publisher: Year: 2002 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1793 - Circaea lutetiana sensu lato (Onagraceae) reconsidered Publication: Harvard Papers in Botany, Vol. 9, No. 2. 2005. pp. 255-256. Author: Boufford D.E. Publisher: Year: 2005 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1794 - Anti-arthritic activities of ethanol extracts of Circaea mollis Siebold & Zucc. (whole plant) in rodents Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Vol 225, 2018, pp 359-366 Author: Yanhong Yu et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1795 - Revision of the Sapotaceae of the Malaysian area in a wider sense. XV. Payena A. De Candolle Publication: Blumea Vol IX, No 1, 1958 Author: Bruggen A.C. van Publisher: Year: 1958 ISBN: Description: Written in 1958, but still the most recent work on the full genus of Payena. Very detailed Description: s, it also includes brief notes on uses when known.
[Ref:1796 - Garcinia pictoria Buch.-Ham. Publication: [online] India Biodiversity Portal,Species Page : Garcinia pictoria Author: Ganeshaiah K.N., Atree B.R. Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: Accessed 22/04/2020
[Ref:1797 - Garcinia wightii T. Anderson Publication: [online] India Biodiversity Portal,Species Page :Garcinia wightii Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: Accessed 22/04/2020
[Ref:1798 - Taxonomic Revision of Garcinia Section Garcinia (Clusiaceae) Publication: Phytotaxa 373 (1): 001-052 Author: Nazre M., Newman M.F., Pennington R.T. & Middleton D.J. Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: 1179-3155 Description:
[Ref:1799 - Garcinia atroviridis Griffith ex T. Anderson Publication: [online] India Biodiversity Portal,Species Page :Garcinia atroviridis Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: Accessed 24/04/2020
[Ref:1800 - Garcinia cowa Roxb. ex DC. Publication: [online] India Biodiversity Portal,Species Page :Garcinia cowa Roxb. ex DC. Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: Accessed 24/04/2020 One of two different pages for the same species
[Ref:1801 - Garcinia cowa Roxb. Publication: [online] India Biodiversity Portal,Species Page :Garcinia cowa Roxb. Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: Accessed 25/04/2020 One of two different pages for the same species
[Ref:1802 - Garcinia dulcis Publication: [online] India Biodiversity Portal,Species Page :Garcinia dulcis (Roxb.) Kurz Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: Accessed 25/04/2020
[Ref:1803 - Garcinia indica (Thouars) Choisy. Publication: [online] India Biodiversity Portal,Species Page :Garcinia indica (Thouars) Choisy Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: Accessed 25/04/2020
[Ref:1804 - Garcinia morella (Gaertn.) Desr. Publication: [online] India Biodiversity Portal,Species Page :Garcinia morella (Gaertn.) Desr. Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: Accessed 25/04/2020
[Ref:1805 - Garcinia pedunculata Roxb. ex Buch.-Ham. Publication: [online] India Biodiversity Portal,Species Page :Garcinia pedunculata Roxb. ex Buch.-Ham. Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: Accessed 26/04/2020
[Ref:1806 - Garcinia rubro-echinata Kosterm. Publication: [online] India Biodiversity Portal,Species Page :Garcinia rubro-echinata Kosterm. Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: Accessed 28/04/2020
[Ref:1807 - Garcinia sopsopia Publication: [online] India Biodiversity Portal,Species Page :Garcinia sopsopia (Buch.-Ham.) Mabb. Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: Accessed 28/04/2020
[Ref:1808 - Garcinia stipulata T. Anderson Publication: [online] India Biodiversity Portal,Species Page :Garcinia stipulata T. Anderson Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: Accessed 28/04/2020
[Ref:1809 - Garcinia spicata Publication: [online] India Biodiversity Portal,Species Page :Garcinia spicata (Wight & Arn.) Hook. f. Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: Accessed 28/04/2020
[Ref:1810 - Phenolic content and antioxidant potential of Sarcostigma kleinii Wight. & Arn Publication: Food and Agricultural Immunology Vol. 22, No. 2, June 2011, 161-170 Author: Arunachalam K., Parimelazhagan T. & Saravanan S. Website: http://10.1080/09540105.2010.549211 Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: 0954-0105 Description:
[Ref:1811 - Wild edible plants traditionally used by the tribes in the Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, Keala, India Publication: Natural Product Radiance, Vol 6(1), 2007, pp. 74-80 Author: Yesodharan K. & Sujana K.A. Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1812 - An enumeration of the plants of Guam Publication: The Philippine Journal of Science, Section C. Botany, Vol. 9, pp 17-156, 1914 Author: Merrill E.D. Publisher: Year: 1914 ISBN: Description: Originally published in two sections in February and April 1914, then amalgamated.
[Ref:1813 - A Monograph of the Fern Genus Microsorum (Polypodiaceae) including an attempt towards a reconstruction of the phylog Publication: Leiden Botanical Series, 14(1), 1 - 161, 1991 Author: Bosman M.T.M. Website: Publisher: Year: 1991 ISBN: A monograph of th Description:
[Ref:1814 - Pandanaceae of the island of Yapen, Papua (West new Guinea), Indonesia, with their nomenclature and notes on the red Publication: Blumea 54, 2009: 255-266 Author: Keim A.P. Website: http://10.3767/000651909X476247 Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1815 - The Pandan flora of Foja-Mamberamo Game Reserve and Baliem Valley, Papua-Indonesia Publication: Reinwardtia 13 (3): 271-297 Author: Keim A.P. Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1816 - Weaving Plants - biology, distribution, and propagation Publication: Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research Author: Scheele S. Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: A series of twelve factsheets on the main traditional plants used by the Maori for weaving into baskets, mats etc. Accessed 20/05/2020.
[Ref:1817 - South Pacific Indigenous Nuts. ACIAR Proceedings No 69 Publication: Author: Stevens M.L.; Bourke R.M. & Evans B.R. Publisher: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research; Canbe Year: 1996 ISBN: 1 86320 175 0 Description: Proceedings of a workshop held from 31 October to 4 November 1994 at Le Lagon Resort, Port Vila, Vanuatu.
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[Ref:1819 - Ethnobotany of Wopkaimin Pandanus: Significant Papua New Guinea Plant Resource Publication: Economic Botany, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Jul. - Sep., 1984), pp. 287-303 Author: Hyndman D.C. Website: Publisher: Year: 1984 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1820 - The New Guinea species of Pandanus section Maysops St.John (Pandanaceae) Publication: Blumea 37 (1992) 31-61 Author: Stone B.C. Publisher: Year: 1992 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1821 - Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 9 Three New Pandanus Species from Queensland, Australia Publication: Pacific Science Vol. 16, pp74-87 January 1962 Author: St.John H. Publisher: Year: 1962 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1822 - Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 35 Additional Pandanus Species from New Guinea Publication: Pacific Science (1973) Vol. 27, No 1, pp 44-91 Author: St.John H. Publisher: Year: 1973 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1823 - Revision of the Genus Pandanus Stickman, Part 2 Pandanus in Western Australia and Notes on the Section Foullioya Publication: Pacific Science (1961) Vol. 15, No 2, pp 180-185 Author: St.John H. Publisher: Year: 1961 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1824 - The Kanehira-Hatusima 1940 Collection of New Guinea Plants. II Publication: Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 55: 295-306 (1941). Author: Kanehira R. Publisher: Year: 1941 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1825 - Studies in the Malesian Pandanaceae X111. New and noteworthy Pandanaceae from Papuasia Publication: Contributions from Herbarium Australiense. Volume 1974 Number 4 pp. 7-40 ,1974 Author: Stone B.C. Publisher: Year: 1974 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1826 - Pandanus from Ok Tedi Region, Papua New Guinea, Collected by Debra Donoghue Publication: Economic Botany, 38(3), 1984, pp. 304-313 Author: Stone B.C. Publisher: Year: 1984 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1827 - Pandanus leram Publication: Edible Medicinal And Non-Medicinal Plants: Volume 4, Fruits, pp131-133 Author: Lim T.K. Website: http://10.1007/978-94-007-4053-2_18 Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1828 - New or Noteworthy Philippine Plants, II. Publication: Bureau of Government Laboratories Publication: No.17 Author: Merrill E.D. Publisher: Bureau of Public Printing, Manila Year: 1904 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1829 - New or Noteworthy Philippine Plants, III. Publication: Bureau of Government Laboratories Publication: No.29 Author: Merrill E.D. Publisher: Bureau of Public Printing, Manila Year: 1905 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1830 - The genus Teijsmanniodendron Koord. (Lamiaceae) Publication: Kew Bulletin Vol. 64; 587-625 (2009) Author: de Kok R.P.J.; Rusea G. & Latiff A. Website: Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1831 - Malesian Malvaceae Revised Publication: Blumea Vol. 14, No. 1, 1-213, 1966 Author: van Borssum Waalkes J. Publisher: Year: 1966 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1832 - Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant activities of the leaves of Wissadula amplissima var rostrata Publication: Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2011) 8(2):185-195 Author: Mensah A.Y.; Donkor P.O. & Fleischer T.C. Website: http://10.4314/ajtcam.v8i2.63207 Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1833 - Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic and Antioxidant Activities of Hydro-acetonic Extract from Wissadula amplissima var rost Publication: Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 10, Issue 8, 113-117 Author: Kiendrebeogo et al. Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: 0975-1491 Description:
[Ref:1834 - Synopsis of Abutilon (Malvoideae, Malvaceae) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil Publication: Phytotaxa 44: 39-57 (2012) Author: Takeuchi C. & Esteves G.L. Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 1179-3155 Description:
[Ref:1835 - Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported by the Office of Foreign Seed and Plant Introduction, January 1 to March 31, Publication: USDA Inventory No. 58 Author: Publisher: Bureau of Plant Industry, USDA., Washington Year: 1922 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1836 - Uses of Hawaiian Ferns Publication: American Fern Journal, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp 15-23, 1942 Author: Fosberg F.R. Publisher: Year: 1942 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1837 - Descriptive Notes on Fibres prepared for the Greater Britain and Paris Exhibitions Publication: Author: Guilfoyle W.R. Publisher: Melbourne Botanic Gardens; Melbourne Year: 1899 ISBN: Description: A list of more than 100 fibre-producing plant species with notes on how the fibre is ectracted.
[Ref:1838 - Ethnobotany of Agave lecheguilla and Yucca carnerosana in Mexico's Zona Ixtlera Publication: Economic Botany, Vol. 34, No. 4 (Oct. - Dec., 1980), pp. 376-390 Author: Sheldon S. Website: Publisher: Year: 1980 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1839 - Use and Nutritional Composition of some Traditional Mountain Pima Plant Foods Publication: J. Ethnobiol. 11(1):93-114 Summer 1991 Author: Laferriere J.E.; Weber C.W. & Kohlhepp E.A. Publisher: Year: 1991 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1840 - A New Yucca from Sonora Publication: Madrono, Vol 14, pp 51-53 1957-1958 Author: Gentry H.S. Publisher: Year: 1957 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1841 - The Warihio Indians of Sonora-Chihuahua; An Ethnographic Survey (Anthropological Papers, No. 65) Publication: Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 186 pp 61-144 Author: Gentry H.S. Publisher: Smithsonian Institution Year: 1963 ISBN: Description: An excellent study
[Ref:1842 - The Agave Family in Sonora; Agriculture Handbook No. 399 Publication: Author: Gentry H.S. Publisher: Agicultural Research Service, USDA; Washington D.C. Year: 1972 ISBN: Description: Gives quite a lot of information on the traditional uses of the plants.
[Ref:1843 - Four New Species of Agave (Agavaceae) of the Marmoratae Group Publication: Systematic Botany (2013), 38(2): pp. 1-12 Author: Vázquez-García J.A. et al Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1844 - Agave Agavaceae Publication: Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Monocotyledons, pp 21-311 Author: Thiede J. Website: Publisher: Springer Nature Year: 2020 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1845 - Population Dynamics and Sustainable Management of Mescal Agaves in Central Mexico: Agave potatorum in the Tehuacán-C Publication: Econ. Bot. 69(1): 26-41, 2015 Author: Toees I. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1846 - The Agaves of Baja California Publication: Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences, No. 130, Author: Gentry H.S. Publisher: California Academy of Sciences; San Francisco Year: 1978 ISBN: 0068-5461 Description:
[Ref:1847 - Agave simplex, a new combination for Agavaceae Publication: Phytoneuron 2019-219: 1-4. Published 25 April 2019 Author: Salywon, A.M. & Hodgson W.C. Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: 2153 733X Description:
[Ref:1848 - Characterization of Agave vera-cruz Mill Leaf Fiber for Textile Applications–An Exploratory Investigation Publication: Journal of Natural Fibers, 9:4, 219-228, 2012 Author: Kanimozhi M. & Vasugi N. Website: Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 1544-0478 Description:
[Ref:1849 - Famine Foods Publication: Author: Freedman R. Website: Publisher: Purdue Agriculture, West Lafayette, Indiana Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A Website: containing a still evolving database with brief details on more than 1,500 species of plants that have been eaten by people in times of need.
[Ref:1850 - Notes on Agave palmeri Engelm. (Agavaceae) and its allies in the Ditepalae Publication: Bradleya 28, pp 53-66, 2010 Author: Klopper R.R. et al Website: http://10.25223/brad.n28.2010.a8 Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1851 - Agave cocui: un noble de las zonas áridas de Venezuela Publication: Desde el Herbario CICY 10: 137-143, 2018 Author: Diaz M., Yepex L. & Gotopo E. Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: 2395-8790 Description:
[Ref:1852 - Huaco and Amole: A Survey of the Uses of Manfreda and Prochnyanthes Publication: Economic Botany, Vol. 32, No. 2 (Apr. - Jun., 1978), pp. 124-130 Author: Verhoek S. Website: Publisher: Year: 1978 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1853 - A Revision of the Genus Exostyles Schott (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) Publication: Kew Bulletin, Vol. 59, No. 4 (2004), pp. 521-529 Author: Mansano F. & Lewis G.P. Publisher: Year: 2004 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1854 - Cuatro especies nuevas de Agave (Asparagaceae, Agavoideae) del sur de México Publication: Acta Botanica Mexicana 126: e1461, 2019 Author: García-Mendoza A.J. et al Website: http://10.21829/abm126.2019.1461 Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1855 - Two new species of Manfreda Salisb. (Agavaceae) from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico Publication: Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 135(2), 2008, pp. 168-177 Author: Hernández-Sandoval L., Orellana R. & Carnevali G. Website: Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1856 - Sistemática del género Manfreda Salisb. (Agavaceae) Publication: Author: Castillejos-Cruz C. Publisher: Texcoco (MX): Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Montecillo Year: 2009 ISBN: Description: An unpublished Ph.D. thesis.
[Ref:1857 - Optimización de las condiciones de producción de cápsulas con microestacas para aumentar el tiempo de almacenamiento Publication: Acta Botanica Mexicana 126: e1442, 2019, 10.21829/abm126.2019.1442 Author: León-Romero Y. et al Website: http://10.21829/abm126.2019 Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: 2448-7589 Description:
[Ref:1858 - A revision of Themeda (Gramineae) in Malesia with a new species from Laos Publication: Blumea 61, 2016: 29-40 Author: Veldkamp J.F. Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1859 - Ethnobotanical Survey of Dracaena cinnabari and Investigation of the Pharmacognostical Properties, Antifungal and An Publication: Plants 2018, 7, 91; doi:10.3390/plants7040091 Author: Al-Fatimi M. Website: http://10.3390/plants7040091 Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1860 - Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants; Monocotyledons (Second Edition) Publication: Author: Eggli U. & Nyffeler R. (Editors) Publisher: Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020 Year: 2020 ISBN: 978-3-662-56484-4 Description:
[Ref:1861 - Removal of benzene from indoor air by Dracaena sanderiana: Effect of wax and stomata Publication: Atmospheric Environment 57 (2012) 317e321 Author: Treesubsuntorn C. & Thiravetyan P. Website: http://10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.04.016 Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1862 - Taxonomic novelties in African Dracaena (Dracaenaceae) Publication: Blumea 63, 2018: 31-53 Author: Damen T.H.J. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: 2212-1676 Description:
[Ref:1863 - The Conservation Status and Population Mapping of the Endangered Dracaena Serrulata in the Dhofar Mountains, Oman Publication: Forests 2020, 11, 322 Author: Vahalik P. et al Website: http://10.3390/f11030322 Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1864 - Siparunaceae Publication: Flora Neotropica, Vol. 95, Siparunaceae (May 23, 2005), pp. 1-247 Author: Renner S.S. & Hausner G. Publisher: New York Botanical Garden Press; New York Year: 2005 ISBN: 0-89327-462-3 Description:
[Ref:1865 - Illustrated Flora of Bambusoideae in China Volume 1 Publication: Author: J. Y. Shi et al Website: Publisher: Science Press and Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd Year: 2020 ISBN: 978-981-10-8580-2 Description: Detailed information on 351 species of Bamboos.
[Ref:1866 - Medicinal Orchids of Asia Publication: Author: Eng Soon Teoh Website: Publisher: Springer International Publishing Switzerland Year: 2016 ISBN: 978-3-319-24272-9 Description:
[Ref:1867 - Chimonocalamus longiusculus Hsueh & T.P.Yi (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) a new record for India Publication: Nelumbo 52: 150-151, 2010 Author: Mao, A.A. & Bhaumik M. Website: http://10.20324/nelumbo/v52/2010/57785 Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1868 - Taxonomic identity, ecological niche and distribution of two restricted range bamboo species of Meghlaya - Phyllosta Publication: Indian Forester 135, Issue 1, 67-77, January 2009 Author: Barik S.K. et al Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1869 - The genus Astrocaryum (Arecaceae) Publication: Rev. peru. biol. 15(supl. 1): 031- 048 (Noviembre 2008) Author: Kahn F. Publisher: Year: 2008 ISBN: 1727-9933 Description:
[Ref:1870 - Superação da dormência de sementes de Tucum (Astrocaryum huaimi Mart.) Publication: Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 35, n. 2, p. 749-758, mar./abr. 2014 Author: Souza A.L. et al Website: http://10.5433/1679-0359.2014v35n2p749 Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1871 - Botanica Part 6 Publication: Author: Hoehne F.C. et al Website: Publisher: Brazil. Comissa~o de Linhas Telegra´phicas Estrate´gicas de Mato Year: 1915 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1872 - Sertum Palmarum Brasiliensium:ou Relation des palmiers nouveax du Brésil, découverts, décrits et dessinés d'après na Publication: Author: Barbosa Rodrigues J. Publisher: Bruxelles : Impr. typ. veuve Monnom Year: 1903 ISBN: Description: A massive work, written in Latin and French at the beginning of the 20th century, it gives a botanical Description: of the known palms of Brazil plus many excellent colour drawings of them.
[Ref:1873 - Sertum Palmarum Brasiliensium:ou Relation des palmiers nouveax du Brésil, découverts, décrits et dessinés d'après na Publication: Author: Barbosa Rodrigues J. Publisher: Bruxelles : Impr. typ. veuve Monnom Year: 1903 ISBN: Description: A massive work, written in Latin and French at the beginning of the 20th century, it gives a botanical Description: of the known palms of Brazil plus many excellent colour drawings of them.
[Ref:1874 - Astrocaryum (Palmae) in Amazonia. A Preliminary Treatment Publication: Bull. Inst. Fr. Études Andines 1992, 21 (2): 459-531 Author: Kahn F. & Millán B. Publisher: Year: 1992 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1875 - Palms and People in the Amazon Publication: Author: Smith N. Website: http://10.1007/978-3-319-05509-1 Publisher: Springer Cham Heidelberg Year: 2020 ISBN: 978-3-319-05509-1 Description: An excellent, detailed work on the uses of more than 50 palm species in Brazil, with lots of excellent photos.
[Ref:1876 - Iridoides adicionales de la planta medicinal Astianthus viminalis y su actividad hipoglucemiante y antihiperglucemia Publication: Rev. Soc. Quím. Méx. Vol. 45, Núm. 4 (2001) 195-199 Author: Meckes M. et al Publisher: Year: 2001 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1877 - Anatomía foliar de Boehmeria caudata (Urticaceae) en la provincia de Tucumán, Argentina Publication: Lilloa 48 (1): 53-59, 2011 Author: Fernandez R.D. et al Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1878 - Inventario Español de los Conocimientos Tradicionales Relativos a la Bioversidade. Primera Fase Publication: Author: Santayana M.P. de; Morales R.; Aceituno L. & Molina M. (Edi Publisher: Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente; Madrid Year: 2014 ISBN: Description: Written in Spanish, detailed information on the traditional and modern used of over 40 species of plant. It is made freely available on the Internet as a PDF.
[Ref:1879 - Phenological Changes in the Concentration of Alkaloids of Carex brevicollis in an Alpine Rangeland Publication: J Chem Ecol (2010) 36;1244-1254 Author: Busqué J. et al Website: http://10.1007/s10886-010-9865-4 Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1880 - Inhibitory Effects of Carex humilis Extract on Elastase Activity and Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 Expression Publication: J. Soc. Cosmet. Scientists Korea Vol. 36, No. 2, June 2010, 129-136 Author: Sun Hee Park et al Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description: Written in Korean, apart from an abstract written in English
[Ref:1881 - Major Indicator Shrubs and Herbs on National Forests of Eastern Washington Publication: Author: Williams C.K. & Lillybridge T.R. Publisher: USDA Forest Service; Pacific Northwest Region Year: 1987` ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1882 - Major Indicator Shrubs and Herbs in Riparian Zones on National Forests of Central Oregon. Publication: Author: Kovalchik B.L.; Hopkins W.E. & Brunsfeld S.J. Publisher: USDA Forest Service; Pacific Northwest Region Year: 1988 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1883 - Rhizofiltration of a Heavy Metal (Lead) Containing Wastewater Using the Wetland Plant Carex pendula Publication: Clean - Soil, Air, Water 2011, 39 (5), 467-474 Author: Yadav B.K.; Siebel M.A. & van Bruggen J.J.A. Website: http://10.1002/clen.201000385 Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1884 - Phytochemical Profile and Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities of Medicinal Plants Used by Aboriginal People of Publication: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2016, Article ID 4683059, 14 pages Author: Akter K. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1885 - A taxonomic revision of Celmisia coriacea (Forst.f.) Hook.f. and its immediate allies (Astereae-Compositae) Publication: New Zealand Journal ofBotany, 1980, Vol. 18: 127-140 Author: Given D.R. Publisher: Year: 1980 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1886 - Extraction, Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of Secondary Metabolites of Aerial Parts of Clematis heynei a Publication: Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 2019; 9(1-s):260-264 Author: Morankar P. & Alok Pal Jain Website: Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: 2250-1177 Description:
[Ref:1887 - Screening of bioconstituents and in vitro cytotoxicity of Clematis gouriana leaves Publication: Natural Product Research, 2015 Author: Shalika Rana et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1888 - Aboriginal Plant Use - NSW Southern Tablelands Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 0 ISBN: Description: A Website: produced by the Australian National Botanic Garden giving information on the traditional uses of more than 80 species of plant
[Ref:1889 - Repertorio fisico-natural de la isla de Cuba. Tome 1 Publication: Author: Poey F. Publisher: Impr. del gobierno y capitanía general por S.M.; Havana, Cuba Year: 1865-1868 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1890 - A new Australian genus, Androcalva, separated from Commersonia (Malvaceae s.l. or Byttneriaceae) Publication: Australian Systematic Botany, 24, 284-349 Author: Wilkins C.F. & Whitlock B.A. Website: Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1891 - A revision of Commersonia including Rulingia (Malvaceae s.l. or Byttneriaceae) Publication: Australian Systematic Botany, 2012, 25, 81 Author: Wilkins C.F. & Whitlock B.A. Website: Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1892 - Corylus x vilmorinii Publication: Curtis's Botanical Magazine Vol 22, Issue 4 pp 225-228, 2005 Author: Taylor N. & Kirkham T. Website: Publisher: Year: 2005 ISBN: 1355-4905 Description:
[Ref:1893 - O gênero Croton (Euphorbiaceae) na microrregião do Vale do Ipanema, Pernambuco, Brasil Publication: Rodriguésia 60 (4): 879-901. 2009 Author: Silva, J. S., Sales, M. F. & Carneiro-Torres, D. S. Website: Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1894 - Vegetable Fats and Oils Publication: Author: Krist S. (Translated by Barbara Bauer) Website: Publisher: Springer Nature; Switzerland Year: 2020 ISBN: 978-3-030-30314-3 Description:
[Ref:1895 - The tribe Crotoneae (Euphorbiaceae, Crotonoideae) in the Chapada dos Veadeiros, Goiás, Brazil Publication: Phytotaxa 321 (1): 001-059, 2017 Author: Sodré R.C. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 1179-3163 Description:
[Ref:1896 - Estudio fitoquímico de la corteza de Croton gossypiifolius colectada en Venezuela Publication: Rev. Latinoamer. Quím. 41/3 pp 161-170, (2013) Author: Suárez A.I. et al Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1897 - Estudio químico-biológico de los aceites esenciales de Croton malambo H.Karst y su componente mayoritario, metileuge Publication: Bol Latinoam Caribe Plant Med Aromat 13(4): 336 - 343, 2014 Author: Muñoz-Acevedo et al. Website: Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 0717 7917 Description:
[Ref:1898 - Evaluation og Antifungal Effect of Croton aromaticus on Storage Life Extension of Banana Publication: International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research; Vol 02 Issue 05 pp 1507-1525, 2016 Author: Dilhani S. et al Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 2455-6939 Description:
[Ref:1899 - As espécies de Croton L. sect. Cyclostigma Griseb. e Croton L. sect. Luntia (Raf.) G. L. Webster subsect. Matourense Publication: Acta Amazonica VOL. 40(3) 2010: 471 - 488 Author: Guimarães L.A.C. & Secco S. Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1900 - Bioactivity of certain medicinal latexes used by the Ese’ejas Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 47 (1995) 159-163 Author: Mongelli E. et al Website: http://10.1016/0378-8741(95)01262-C Publisher: Year: 1995 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1901 - Welensali (Croton flavens): Folk Uses and Properties Publication: Economic Botany 25(4):457-463 1971 Author: Morton J.F. Website: http://10.1007/BF02985212 Publisher: Year: 1971 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1902 - Two new species of Cordia L. (Boraginaceae) from Madagascar Publication: Adansonia series 3, 23(2), 289-295, 2001 Author: Miller J.S. Publisher: Year: 2001 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1903 - A Revision of Cordia Section Gerascanthus (Boraginales; Cordiaceae) Publication: J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 7(1); 55 - 83. 2013 Author: Miller J.S. Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1904 - Ethnopharmacology of Medicinal Plants of the Pantanal Region (Mato Grosso, Brazil) Publication: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Volume 2012, Article ID 272749, 36 pages Author: Bieski I.G.C. et al Website: http://10.1155/2012/272749 Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1905 - Traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of the medicinal species of the genus Cordia (Boraginaceae) Publication: Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 69 (2017), pp. 755-789 Author: Oza M.J. & Kulkarni Y.A. Website: http://10.1111/jphp.12715 Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1906 - Direct and indirect antimicrobial effects and antioxidant activity of Cordia gilletii De Wild (Boraginaceae) Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 112 (2007) 476-481 Author: Okusa P.N. et al Website: http://10.1016/j.jep.2007.04.003 Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1907 - Antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Cordia globosa Publication: Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. Vol. 10(11), pp. 179-184, 22 March, 2016 Author: Melissa M. et al Website: http://10.5897/AJPP2015.4444 Publisher: Year: 2016 ISBN: 1996-0816 Description:
[Ref:1908 - The role of the shrub Cordia multispicata Cham. as a 'succession facilitator' in an abandoned pasture, Paragominas, Publication: Plant Ecology 115(2):91-99, 1994 Author: Vieira I.C.G.; Uhl C. & Nepstad D.C. Website: http://10.1007/BF00044863 Publisher: Year: 1994 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1909 - New species of Cordia and Tournefortia from northwestern South America Publication: J. Washington Acad. Sci. 17: 327-335 (1927) Author: Killip E.P. Publisher: Year: 1927 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1910 - First Chemical Constituents from Cordia exaltata Lam and Antimicrobial Activity of Two Neolignans Publication: Molecules 2013, 18, 11086-11099 Author: Tiago Bezerra de Sá de Sousa Nogueira et al Website: http://10.3390/molecules180911086 Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 1420-3049 Description:
[Ref:1911 - Ethnomedicines used in Trinidad and Tobago for reproductive problems Publication: Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2007, 3:13 Author: Lans C. Website: http://10.1186/1746-4269-3-13 Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1912 - Cordia cylindristachya Roem. et Schult. (Boraginaceae) Naturalised in India Publication: Bull. Bot. Surv. India Vol. 30 (I-4), pp 171-173, 1988 Author: Ravi N. & Muraleedharan P.N. Publisher: Year: 1988 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1913 - Revision and phylogeny of Acalypha (Euphorbiaceae) in Malesia Publication: Blumea 55, 2010: 21-60 Author: Sagun V.G., Levin G.A. & van Welzen P.C. Website: http://10.3767/000651910X499141 Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1914 - Anti-inflammatory activity of diterpenes from Croton stellatopilosus on LPS-induced RAW264.7 cells Publication: J Nat Med (2013) 67:174-181 Author: Premprasert C. et al Website: http://10.1007/s11418-012-0668-5 Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: 1340-3443 Description:
[Ref:1915 - Ethnobotany of the Andes Publication: Author: Bussmann R.W. & Paniagua-Zambrana N.Y. (Editors) Website: Publisher: Springer Nature; Switzerland Year: 2020 ISBN: 978-3-030-28932-4 Description:
[Ref:1916 - Culcitium canescens Humb. & Bonpl. (Asteraceae): una revisión etnobotánica, etnofarmacológica y fitoquímica Publication: Ethnobotany Research and Applications 19:20 (2020) Author: Ramirez J-Kenedy et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1917 - Effects of crude plant extracts of Senecio calvus on Biofilm Formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia col Publication: Annals of West University of Timisoara, ser. Biology, 2015, vol XVIII (1), pp. 13-18 Author: Florian-Carrillo C. Publisher: Year: 2015 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1918 - Traditional medicinal plant use in Northern Peru: tracking two thousand Year: s of healing culture Publication: Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2006, 2:47 Author: Bussmann R.W. & Sharon D. Website: http://10.1186/1746-4269-2-47 Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description: Includes a list of over 50o species of plants with brief details of their traditional medicinal uses
[Ref:1919 - Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham.: A review on its ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicity Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology 149 (2013) 1-23 Author: Wang D., Huang L. & Chen S. Website: Publisher: Year: 2013 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1920 - Ambaville Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: A Website: for the Association for Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of Reunion (, with information on more than 40 medicinal plant species of Réunion. This record was accessed on 21/12/2020
[Ref:1921 - Phenolic compounds, antioxidant properties and antifungal activity of jarilla (Barkleyanthus salicifolius [Kunth] H. Publication: Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 80(3), 352-360, July 2020 Author: Joaquín-Ramos A.deJ. Et al Website: http://10.4067/S0718-58392020000300352 Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1922 - Gunneraceae Publication: Flora Neotropica Monograph 109 Author: Mora-Osejo L.E., Pabón-Mora N. & González F. Publisher: The New York Botanical Garden Press; New York Year: 2011 ISBN: 978-0-89327-508-2 Description:
[Ref:1923 - The genus Hypoxis L. (Hypoxidaceae) in the East Tropical Africa: variability, distribution and conservation status Publication: Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 14: 1-129, 2009 Author: Wiland-Szymanska J. Website: http://10.2478/v10119-009-0011-5 Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1924 - The Genus Hypoxis (Hypoxidaceae) in Central Africa Publication: Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 88: 302-350. 2001 Author: Wiland-Szymanska J. Publisher: Year: 2001 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1925 - Diversity and Conservation Through Cultivation of Hypoxis in Africa - A Case Study of Hypoxis hemerocallidea Publication: Diversity 2020, 12, 122; Author: Mofokeng M.M. et al Website: http://10.3390/d12040122 Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1926 - Plants of the northern provinces of South Africa: keys and diagnostic characters Publication: Strelitzia 6; 1-681 Author: Retief E. & Herman P.P.J. Publisher: National Botanical Institute, Pretoria. Year: 1997 ISBN: 1-874907-30-7 Description:
[Ref:1927 - Traditional herbal remedies used by women in a rural community in northern Maputaland (South Africa) for the treatme Publication: South African Journal of Botany 94 (2014) 129-139 Author: H. de Wet & S.C. Ngubane Website: Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1928 - A Flora of the Eastern Cape Province Volume 1-3 Publication: Strelitzia 41 Author: Bredenkamp C.L. Publisher: South African National Biodiversity Institute; Pretoria Year: 2019 ISBN: 978-1-928224-28-0 Description:
[Ref:1929 - African Potato (Hypoxis Spp): Diversity and Comparison of the Phytochemical Profiles and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Publication: Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 4 (04); 2014: 079-083 Author: Zimudzi C. Website: http://10.7324/JAPS.2014.40414 Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 2231-3354 Description:
[Ref:1930 - Diversity of Hypoxis species used in ethnomedicine in Tanzania Publication: South African Journal of Botany 122 (2019) 336-341 Author: Pereus D. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: 0254-6299 Description:
[Ref:1931 - In vitro investigation of potential anti-diabetic activity of the corm extract of Hypoxis argentea Harv. Ex Baker Publication: Acta Pharm. 68 (2018) 389-407 Author: Akinrinde A. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1932 - Ethnomedicinal plants used for diarrhea by tribals of Meghalaya, Northeast India Publication: Pharmacognosy Reviews, July-December 2011, Vol 5, Issue 10, 147-154 Author: Laloo D. & Hemalatha S. Website: http:// 10.4103/0973-7847.91108 Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: 0973-7847 Description:
[Ref:1933 - A Taxonomic Revision of the Genera Cycas and Epicycas gen. nov. (Cycadaceae) Publication: Blumea 43 (1998) 351-400 Author: de Laubenfels D.J. & Adema F. Publisher: Year: 1998 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1934 - Economic Botany of the Cycads Publication: Econ Bot 12, 3-41 (1958) Author: Thieret J.W. Website: Publisher: Year: 1958 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1935 - The Cycads Publication: Author: Whitelock L.M. Publisher: Timber Press; Portland, Oregon Year: 2002 ISBN: 0-88192-522-5 Description: An excellent book dealing with the eleven different genera and almost 300 species of plants we know as Cycads. There are detailed Description: s and a host of other information for each species.
[Ref:1936 - Notes on the Species of Cycas (Cycadaceae) from Sri Lanka and Islands of the Andaman Sea Publication: Novon 12; 237-240. 2002 Author: Lindstrom A.J. & Hill K.D. Publisher: Year: 2002 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1937 - The genus Cycas (Cycadaceae) in India Publication: Telopea 11(4) 463-488. 2007 Author: Lindstrom A.J. & Hill K.D. Website: http://10.7751/telopea20075745 Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: 0312-9764 Description:
[Ref:1938 - Traditional food and medicinal uses of Cycas sphaerica Roxb. and Cycas beddomei Dyer (Cycadaceae) Publication: Species, 2019, 20, 24-27 Author: Solomon Raju AJ. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: 2319-5746 Description:
[Ref:1939 - Taxonomy, Nomenclature, Biogeography, Morphology, Ecology, Ethnobotany, and Conservation Status of Zamia lindenii Re Publication: The Cycad Newsletter 33(4) December 2010, pp8-11 Author: Lindström A.J. Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1940 - Underexplored Medicinal Plants from Sub-Saharan Africa Publication: Author: Lall N. (Editor) Publisher: Academic Press; London Year: 2020 ISBN: 978-0-12-816814-1 Description: Detailed information on 46 lesser known medicinal plants from Africa
[Ref:1941 - The status of Cyperus pertenuis and Cyperus scariosus (Cyperaceae) Publication: Kew Bulletin Vol. 67: 93-96 (2012) Author: Prasad V.P. & Simpson D.A. Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 0075-5974 Description:
[Ref:1942 - The Medicinal and Poisonous Sedges of India Publication: The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, Vol 38 No. 1 pp 163-170 1936 Author: Caius J.F. Publisher: Year: 1936 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1943 - Survey of useful wetland plants of South Odisha, India Publication: Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge; Vol. 11 (4), October 2012, pp. 658-666 Author: Misra M.K., Panda A. & Sahu D. Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1944 - Studies in Cyperaceae in Southern Africa 38: The identities of Cyperus natalensis, Cyperus crassipes and Cyperus bre Publication: South African Journal of Botany 72: (2006) 133-138. Author: Gordon-Gray, K.D., Ward, C.J. & Edwards, T.J. Website: http://10.1016/j.sajb.2005.06.002 Publisher: Year: 2006 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1945 - Flora de Veracruz; Cyperaceae, Fascículo 157 Publication: Author: Pérez N.D. Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: 0187-425X Description:
[Ref:1946 - Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Cyperus glomeratus L. (Cyperaceae) from Serbia Publication: Journal of Essential Oil Research · Vol. 22, November 2010 pp 587-581 Author: Lazarevic J. et al Publisher: Year: 2010 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1947 - An Account of the Genus Debregeasia (Urticaceae-Boehmerieae) Publication: Kew Bulletin, Vol. 43, No. 4 (1988), pp. 673-692 Author: Wilmot-Dear C.M. Publisher: Year: 1988 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1948 - Hydrophylloideae Publication: Article in Wikipedia, accessed 20/03/2021 Author: Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: An article in Wikipedia, accessed in the 20/03/2021, which was last updated on 11 November 2020, at 19:54 (UTC).
[Ref:1949 - A Taxonomic Revision of Dombeya Sect. Decastemon (Malvaceae) Publication: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 99(4):553-619. 2014. Author: Applequist W.L. Website: http:// Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description: A detailed revision of a section of this large genus.
[Ref:1950 - Neuroprotective compounds from Reynoutria sachalinensis Publication: Arch. Pharm. Res. DOI 10.1007/s12272-017-0918-x Author: M. R. Eom et al. Website: http://10.1007/s12272-017-0918-x Publisher: Year: 2017 ISBN: 1976-3786 Description:
[Ref:1951 - A Taxonomic Study of Polymnia (Compositae) Publication: Brittonia 17, 144–159 (1965). Author: Wells J.R. Website: Publisher: Year: 1965 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1952 - Les plantes médicinales de la Réunion Publication: Author: Website: Publisher: L’Aplamedom Réunion Year: 2020 ISBN: Description: A Website: with information on more than 40 species of medicinal plants used in Réunion.
[Ref:1953 - Flore des Mascareignes la Réunion, Maurice, Rodrigues 51. Malvacées à 62. Oxalidacées Publication: Author: Bosser J., Cadet Th., Guého J. & Marais W. (Editors) Publisher: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London. Year: 1987 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1954 - Revision of the genus Dombeya (Sterculiaceae) in southern Africa Publication: Bothalia 16,1; 1-9 (1986) Author: Verdoorn I.C. & Herman P.P.J. Publisher: Year: 1986 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1955 - The Feral Buffalo Gourd, Cucurbita foetidissima Publication: Economic Botany 32: 87-95. January-March, 1978 Author: Bemis W.P., Curtis L.D., Weber C.W. & Berry J. Publisher: Year: 1978 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1956 - The Domestication of Cucurbita (Cucurbitaceae) Publication: Economic Botany, Vol. 44, No. 3, Supplement: New Perspectives on the Origin and Evolution of New World Domesticated Plants (Jul. - Sep., 1990), pp. 56-68 Author: Nee M. Publisher: Year: 1990 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1957 - Anticancer and antiinflammatory activities of cucurbitacins from Cucurbita andreana Publication: Cancer Letters 189 (2003) 11-16 Author: Jayaprakasam B. et al Publisher: Year: 2003 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1958 - A "Lost" Viking Cereal Grain Publication: J.Ethnobiol 1 (2): 200-207 1981 Author: Griffin L.C. & Rowlett R.M. Publisher: Year: 1981 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1959 - Pollination biology of Eriolaena hookeriana Wight & Arn. (Sterculiaceae), a rare tree species of Eastern Ghats, Indi Publication: Journal of Threatened Taxa 6(6): 5819-5829 2014 Author: Raju, A.J.S., P.H. Chandra, K.V. Ramana & J.R. Krishna Website: http://10.11609/JoTT.o3840.5819-29 Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: 0974-7907 Description:
[Ref:1960 - Ethnobotanical Studies on Some Rare and Endemic Floristic Elements of Eastern Ghats-Hill Ranges of South East Asia, Publication: Ethnobotanical Leaflets 11: 52-70. 2007 Author: Rao D.M. & Pullaiah T. Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1961 - Phylogenetic position of the Himalayan genus Erioscirpus (Cyperaceae) inferred from DNA sequence data Publication: Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 170, 1-11 Author: Yano O. et al Website: http://10.1111/j.1095-8339.2012.01255.x Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1962 - Contributions to the Ethnobotany of the Cup'it Eskimo, Nunivak Island, Alaska Publication: Journal of Ethnobiology 21(2): 91-127, 2001 Author: Griffin D. Publisher: Year: 2001 ISBN: Description: Information on the uses of 47 species of plant indigenous to Nunivak Island in Alaska
[Ref:1963 - Caracterización química y actividad antimicrobiana del aceite esencial de las hojas de Libanothamnus neriifolius (As Publication: Revista peruana de biología 26(1): 095 - 100 (2019) Author: Aparicio-Zambrano R. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: 1561-0837 Description:
[Ref:1964 - A nomenclator for the frailejones (Espeletiinae Cuatrec., Asteraceae) Publication: PhytoKeys 16: 1-52 (2012) Author: Diazgranados M. Website: http://10.3897/phytokeys.16.3186 Publisher: Year: 2012 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1965 - Introducing Frailejones: The Andes’ Perfect Survival Plant Publication: American Gun Association Author: Anon Website: Publisher: American Gun Association Year: 2021 ISBN: Description: An article about the uses of the genus Espeletia and other related genera. Accessed 08/05/2021
[Ref:1966 - Quimica de Especies del Genero Espeletia. Espeletia killipii - Espeletia tunjana Publication: Revista Colombiana de Quimica, Bogata (Colombia) Vol 23, No. 3 pp 29-35, December 1994 Author: Torrenegra R.D. et al Publisher: Year: 1994 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1967 - Astonishing diversity - the medicinal plant markets of Bogotá, Colombia Publication: Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2018) 14:43 Author: Bussmann R.W. et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1968 - Palms of Southern Asia Publication: Author: Henderson A. Publisher: Princeton University Press, New York Year: 2009 ISBN: 978-0-691-13449-9 Description: An excellent concise guide
[Ref:1969 - Lanonia (Arecaceae: Palmae), a New Genus from Asia, with a Revision of the Species Publication: Systematic Botany (2011), 36(4): pp. 883-895 Author: Henderson A.J. & Bacon C.D. Website: http://1Ó.16OO/O36364411X6O4'JO3 Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1970 - A Taxonomic Account of Livistona R.Br. (Arecaceae) Publication: A Taxonomic Account of Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 60(2): 185-344. 2009 Author: Dowe J.L. Publisher: Year: 2009 ISBN: Description: An excellent, detailed work, though it is a shame it does not include information on traditional and other uses.
[Ref:1971 - Taxonomic notes on Livistona (Palmae) in flora of China Publication: Bulletin of Botanical Research, 31 (6), 644-648, 2011 Author: Liu H.S. Publisher: Year: 2011 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1972 - Ethnobotanical Studies of Shrubs and Trees of Agra Valley, Parachinar, Upper Kurram Agency, Pakistan Publication: Fuuast J. Biol., 4(1): 73-81, 2014 Author: Ajaib M. et al Publisher: Year: 2014 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1973 - Mazri (Nannorrhops ritchiana (Griff) Aitch.): a remarkable source of manufacturing traditional handicrafts, goods an Publication: Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2020) 16:45 Author: Abdullah et al Website: Publisher: Year: 2020 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1974 - A monograph of Hydriastele (Areceae, Arecaceae) in New Guinea and Australia Publication: Phytotaxa 370 (1): 001-092, 2018 Author: Petoe P., Heatubun C.D. & Baker W.J. Website: Publisher: Year: 2018 ISBN: 1179-3155 Description:
[Ref:1975 - A Revision of Wallichia (Palmae) Publication: Taiwania, 52(1): 1-11, 2007 Author: Henderson A. Publisher: Year: 2007 ISBN: Description:
[Ref:1976 - Documentation of tree species within Mizoram Science Centre, Berawtlang, Aizawl, India, with notes on their ethnomed Publication: Science Vision Vol. 19, Issue 3, July-September 2019 Author: Lalrinkimi & Lallianthanga R.K. Website: Publisher: Year: 2019 ISBN: 0975-6175 Description:
This bibliography complements the Plants For A Future Species Database, a database comprising 8000 species edible and useful plants, details are available on our Database Leaflet.
Plants For A Future: A resource and information centre for edible and otherwise useful plants
Plants For A Future (PFAF) is a charitable company, originally set up to support the work of Ken and Addy Fern on their experimental site in Cornwall, where they carried out research and provided information on edible and otherwise useful plants suitable for growing outdoors in a temperate climate. Over time they planted 1500 species of edible plants on 'The Field' in Cornwall, which was their base since 1989.
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