Category Tree

Pinus jeffreyi

Usually found on dry and exposed slopes, 1800 – 2700 metres in California. Found on a variety of soils, but growing best in those that are deep and well-drained. Love

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Pinus coulteri

Scattered singly or in small groves in coniferous forests on dry rocky slopes and ridges to 2000 metres in the coastal mountains of California and N.W. Mexico. Love

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Pinus caribaea

Hillsides and plains at low elevations from sea level to 600 metres. Found in a wide range of forest and savannah habitats, often as a pioneer species, for instance after fires, where it can create pure stands. Love

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Pinus albicaulis

Often found on rocky ridges and bluffs, it is reduced to a prostrate gnarled mat at the highest elevations and exposures, but the best specimens are found at lower elevations in sheltered canyons Love

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Pinus armandii

Moderate to high elevations. Mountains, river basins; 1000-3300 m. S Gansu, C and NW Guizhou, Hainan, SW Henan, W Hubei, S Shaanxi, S Shanxi, Sichuan, C Taiwan, SE Xizang, Yunnan. Love

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