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Search for: Stellaria
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Myosoton aquaticumWater Chickweed, GiantchickweedCaryophyllaceaeCerastium aquaticum. Stellaria aquatica.11
Stellaria alsineBog Stitchwort, Bog chickweedCaryophyllaceaeAlsine uliginosa. Stellaria uliginosa12
Stellaria dichotomaAmerican chickweedCaryophyllaceaeAlsine americana. Arenaria stephaniana var. americana. Stellaria dichotoma L. var. americana02
Stellaria diversiflora CaryophyllaceaeStellaria diversifolia10
Stellaria gramineaLesser stitchwortCaryophyllaceaeAlsine graminea (L.) Britton. Cerastium gramineum Crantz. S. gramineoides Hazit. S. patentifolia Kitag. S. (L.) Kuntze31
Stellaria jamesianatuber starwortCaryophyllaceaeAlsine curtisii. Alsine jamesiana. Alsine glutinosa. Alsine jamesii. Pseudostellaria jamesiana30
Stellaria mediaChickweed, Common chickweedCaryophyllaceaeAlsine media. Alsine apetala. Arenaria vulgaris. Stellaria vulgaris.33
Stellaria neglectaGreater Chickweed, Common chickweedCaryophyllaceaeS. media neglecta. (Weihe.)Murr.10
Stellaria nipponica Caryophyllaceae 10
Stellaria puberaStar chickweedCaryophyllaceaeAlsine pubera (Michx.) Britton31
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