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Search for: Primula
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Anagallis arvensisScarlet PimpernelPrimulaceae 22
Androsace sarmentosaRock JasminePrimulaceae 02
Ardisia crenataCoralberry, Hen's eyes, SpiceberryPrimulaceae 01
Ardisia crispa Primulaceae 11
Ardisia japonicaMarlberryPrimulaceae 03
Ardisia sieboldiiDuo Zhi Zi Jin NiuPrimulaceaeBladhia sieboldii.10
Cyclamen hederifoliumCyclamen, Alpine Violet, Persian VioletPrimulaceaeC. europaeum. Auct. C. neapolitanum.01
Dodecatheon hendersoniiSailor-Caps, Mosquito billsPrimulaceae 10
Embelia ribesFalse black pepper, White-flowered EmbeliaPrimulaceaeEmbelia garciniifolia Wall. ex Miq. Embelia glandulifera Wight34
Glaux maritimaBlack Saltwort, Sea milkwortPrimulaceae 21
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