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Search for: Chenopodium
Latin NameCommon NameFamilySynonymsEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Atriplex littoralisGrassleaf oracheAmaranthaceaeA. hastata littoralis (L.) Farw. A. marina L. A. maritima Pall. A. patula littoralis (L.) A.Gray. A. salicina Pall. A. salina Siev. A. serrata Huds. A. subcordata japonica (Koidz.) Honda. A. sulcata Michx. ex Schult. Chenopodium littorale Thunb. Schizotheca littoralis Fourr.20
Bassia scopariaSummer Cypress, BurningbushChenopodiaceaeChenopodium scoparia. Kochia scoparia. (L.)Schrad. K. trichophila.22
Chenopodium acuminatum Chenopodiaceae 20
Chenopodium albumFat Hen, LambsquartersChenopodiaceaeC. reticulatum.32
Chenopodium ambrosioidesMexican TeaChenopodiaceae 23
Chenopodium ambrosioides anthelminticumWormseedChenopodiaceaeC. anthelminticum.23
Chenopodium auricomumQueensland BluebushChenopodiaceae 20
Chenopodium berlandieriSouthern Huauzontle, Pitseed goosefoot, Nuttall's goosefoot, Bush's goosefoot, Zschack's goosefootChenopodiaceae 20
Chenopodium bonus-henricusGood King HenryChenopodiaceaeC. esculentus.42
Chenopodium botrysJerusalem Oak, Jerusalem oak goosefootChenopodiaceae 22
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