Edible Plants: An inspirational guide to choosing and growing unusual edible plants
Authored by Plants For A Future
List Price: $21.50 USD (approx £14 GBP and €16.50 Euro depending on local taxes etc).

8.5" x 11" (21.59 x 27.94 cm)
Full Color on White paper
72 pages
ISBN-10: 1481170015
BISAC: Gardening / Organic
There are over 20,000 species of edible plants in the world yet fewer than 20 species now provide 90% of our food. However, there are hundreds of less well-known edible plants from all around the world that are both delicious and nutritious.
It is our belief that plants can provide people with the majority of their needs, in a way that cares for the planet’s health. A wide range of plants can be grown to produce all our food needs and many other commodities, whilst also providing a diversity of habitats for our native flora and fauna.
This book describes and provides advice on growing some of the lesser known and unusual edible plants, with an emphasis on perennials. Information includes: Alternative Fruits and Root Crops, Edible Leaves, Edible Flowers, Winter Salads, Staple Seed Crops and Useful Weeds.
Woodland Gardening: Designing a low-maintenance, sustainable edible woodland garden with fruit and nut trees, shrubs, herbs, vines and perennial vegetables
Authored by Plants For A Future
List Price: $21.50 USD (approx £14 GBP and €16.50 Euro depending on local taxes etc).

8.5" x 11" (21.59 x 27.94 cm)
Full Color on White paper
72 pages
ISBN-10: 1484069161
BISAC: Gardening / Vegetables
In a woodland garden everything grows together in a way that is very similar to a natural woodland but with the trees and shrubs all bearing edible crops, and with many different edible herbs and vegetables growing under them. Instead of battling against nature, this is a garden that works in harmony with it.
It is possible to plan out a woodland garden in a space as small as a backyard or as large as a few acres, using the guidelines that nature has shown us, but using species that can provide us with fruits, seeds, leaves, roots and flowers that are delicious and highly nutritious. When well designed, such a system can:
»» be far more productive than a field of annuals
»» produce a much wider range of foods
»» require far less work
»» require far less inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides
»» provide valuable habitats for wildlife
»» be very pleasing aesthetically.
It all comes down to selecting the right mixture of species. There are over 5,000 species of edible plants that can be grown outdoors in temperate climates and about 2,100 of these can be grown in a woodland so there really is no lack of variety to choose from.
Edible Trees: 50 Top Trees From Plants For A Future
Authored by Plants For A Future
List Price: $24.99 USD (approx £15.50 GBP and €18.50 Euro depending on local taxes etc).

8.5" x 11" (21.59 x 27.94 cm)
Full Color on White paper
82 pages
A practical and inspirational guide from Plants For A Future on how to grow and harvest trees with edible and other useful produce.
Now Available