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Checklist of plants suitable for ground cover

This is the old version of the list, you can find a version split into A-Z catogries Here.

Botanical name Common name Habit Evergreen/ Deciduous Height (meters) Hardiness zone Soil Shade Moisture pH Growth rate Notes
Acaenia anserinifolia Pirri-pirri bur P E 0.10 6 LMH SN M ANB F Leaves used for tea.
Acanthus mollis Bear's breeches P   1.20   LM SN DM ANB S Drought tolerant.
Adiantum venustum   F E 0.25 9 LMH S M ANB M    
Aegopodium podagraria Ground elder P   0.60 5 LMH FSN M ANB F Edible leaves.
Ajuga australis   P E 0.15 6 LMH N DM ANB F  
Ajuga reptans Bugle P E 0.30 6 LMH FSN DMWe ANB M Edible young shoots. Drought tolerant.
Alchemilla vulgaris Lady's mantle P   0.30 5 LMH SN DM NB S Edible young leaves.
Antennaria dioica Catsfoot P E 0.12 5 L N DM ANB S Tolerates poor soil and drought.
Arabis caucasica Rock cress P E 0.15 4 LMH SN DM ANB M Edible leaves. Tolerates poor soil and drought.
Arctostaphylos nevadensis Pine-mat manzanita Sh E 0.10 6 LM SN M A M Edible fruit and seed. Dye.
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Bearberry Sh E 0.10 4 LM FSN M ANB M Edible fruit. Dye.
Arisarum vulgare Friar's cowl P   0.45 7 LM FS M ANB   Edible root if thoroughly cooked.
Armeria maritima Thrift P E 0.10 4 LM N DM ANB M Edible leaves. Tolerates maritime exposure.
Artemesia ludoviciana White sage P   1.00 5 LM SN DM NB M Condiment, leaves, tea. Drought tolerant.
Artemesia stelleriana Beach wormwood P E 0.50 3 LM N DM ANB M Condiment, tea. Medicinal. Drought tolerant.
Asarum canadense Snake root P   0.30 2 LMH FS M ANB S Root is a ginger substitute. Medicinal.
Asarum caudatum   P E 0.10 7 LMH FS M AN S Root is a ginger substitute.
Asarum europaeum Asarabacca P E 0.10 4 LMH FS M ANB S Dye. Medicinal.
Asarum shuttleworthii   P E 0.10 6 LMH FS M AN S Root is a ginger substitute.
Aspidistra elatior Aspidistra P E 0.60 7 LMH FS DM ANB S Medicinal. Tolerates drought and poor soils.
Asplenium scolopendrium Hart's tongue Fern F E 0.60 5 LM FS DM ANB M Medicinal.
Athyrium felix-femina Lady Fern F   0.60 2 LMH FS M ANB M Edible young shoots and root - they must be well cooked.
Aubrietia deltoidea Aubretia P E 0.15 7 LM SN DM ANB M Drought tolerant.
Aurinia saxatilis Golden alyssum P E 0.25 3 LMH N DM ANB M Tolerates drought and poor soils.
Baccharis pilularis Chaparral broom Sh E 0.50 8 LMH N DM ANB M Tolerates poor soils. A good ground stabilizer.
Baccharis viminea Mule fat Sh E 4.00 8 LMH N DM ANB M Tolerates poor soils. A good ground stabilizer.
Ballota pseudodictamnus   P E 0.60 8 LMH N DM ANB M Flowers are used as candle wicks.
Bergenia ciliata   P E 0.30 7 LMH SN M ANB M Medicinal. Tolerates poor soils.
Bergenia crassifolia   P E 0.30 3 LMH FSN M ANB S A tea is made from the leaves.
Bergenia purpurascens   P E 0.45 4 LMH SN M ANB S Medicinal.
Blechnum spicant Hard Fern F E 0.30 5 LMH FSN M AN S Root and young leaves - cooked.
Brachyglottis 'Sunshine'   Sh E 1.50 8 LMH N M ANB S Tolerates maritime exposure and drought.

Botanical name Common name Habit Evergreen/ Deciduous Height (meters) Hardiness zone Soil Shade Moisture pH Growth rate Notes
Calluna vulgaris Heather Sh E 0.60 4 LM SN DM A M Tea, dye, thatching, basketry, brooms.
Campanula portenschlagiana   P   0.25 3 LM SN M NB F Edible leaves.
Campanula poscharskyana   P E 0.25 3 LM SN M NB F Edible leaves.
Campsis radicans Trumpet vine Cl D 12.00 4 LMH SN M ANB F Medicinal.
Carex elata Tufted sedge P E 1.20 7 LMH SN MWe ANB M Edible root and seed.
Ceanothus prostratus Squaw carpet Sh E 0.05 7 LM SN DM ANB M Dye, soap substitute.
Ceanothus purpureus Hollyleaf ceanothus Sh E 2.00 8 LM SN DM ANB M Dye, soap substitute.
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus Blue brush Sh E 4.50 7 LM SN DM ANB M Dye, soap substitute. Tolerates maritime exposure.
Centaurea montana Mountain cornflower P   0.45 3 LMH N DM ANB F Succeeds in poor soils.
Cephalotaxus fortunei Chinese plum yew Sh E 6.00 7 LMH FSN M ANB S Edible seed and fruit.
Chaenomeles speciosa Japanese quince Sh D 3.00 5 LMH FSN M ANB M Edible fruit.
Chaenomeles x superba Dwarf quince Sh D 1.00 5 LMH FSN M ANB F Edible fruit.
Chamaemelum nobile Chamomile P E 0.15 4 LMH SN DM ANB M Tea, condiment, hair shampoo, dye, companion plant, liquid feed and plant tonic, medicinal.
Chelidonium majus Greater celandine P   0.50 6 LMH FSN M ANB F Medicinal. A weed in the garden, only use it in wild areas.
Chrysosplenium alternifolium Golden saxifrage P   0.30 4 LMH SN MWe ANB M Edible leaves.
Chrysosplenium americanum Water mat P   0.10 3 LMH SN MWe ANB M Condiment.
Chrysosplenium oppositifolium Golden saxifrage P   0.15 5 LMH SN MWe ANB M Edible leaves.
Cistus salviifolius Rock rose Sh E 0.60 8 LM N DM ANB M Condiment. Tolerates maritime exposure.
Clematis orientalis   Cl D 2.00 6 LMH SN M ANB F Medicinal.
Convallaria keiskei Lily of the valley P   0.30 3 LMH FSN DMWe ANB S Medicinal.
Convallaria majalis Lily of the valley P   0.15 3 LMH FSN DMWe ANB S Essential oil, dye. Medicinal.
Coprosma acerosa brunnea   Sh E 0.10 8 LM SN M AN S Edible fruit. Coffee substitute. Dye.
Coptis brachypetala   P E 0.22   LM S M A M Dye.
Coptis chinensis   P E 0.20   LMH SN MWe A   Medicinal.
Coptis deltoidea   P E     LMH SN MWe A   Medicinal.
Coptis japonica   P E 0.22 7 LMH SN M A   Medicinal.
Coptis occidentalis   P E 0.15 4 LMH SN M A   Dye. Medicinal.
Coptis teeta   P E 0.15   LMH SN M A   Medicinal.
Coptis teetoides   P E     LMH SN M A   Medicinal.
Coptis trifolia Goldthread P E 0.15 2 LMH S M A   Dye. Medicinal.
Coriaria microphylla   Sh D 1.20 8 LMH SN M ANB M Dye, ink, tannin.
Cornus canadensis Creeping dogwood P   0.25 2 LMH SN M AN M Edible fruit.
Cornus suecica Dwarf cornel P   0.15 2 LM SN M AN M Edible fruit.
Coronilla varia Crown vetch P   0.30 6 LMH N DM ANB M Insecticide. Soil stabilizer. Tolerates maritime exposure and poor soils.
Cotoneaster conspicuus   Sh E 3.00 6 LMH SN M ANB M Dye. Wind tolerant.

Botanical name Common name Habit Evergreen/ Deciduous Height (meters) Hardiness zone Soil Shade Moisture pH Growth rate Notes
Cotoneaster microphyllus   Sh E 1.00 5 LMH SN M ANB S Dye. Wind tolerant.
Cyathodes colensoi   Sh E 0.45 8 LMH S M AN S Edible fruit.
Cyathodes fraseri   Sh E 0.15 8 LMH FS M AN S Edible fruit.
Cystopterus bulbifera   F     5 LMH FS M ANB F Edible root. The plant can become invasive.
Cytisus scoparius Broom Sh D 2.40 5 LMH SN DM ANB F Succeeds on poor soils. Condiment, coffee substitute, fibre, dye, brooms. Medicinal.
Dactylis glomerata Cock's foot P   1.00 5 LMH SN M ANB F A food plant for native wildlife.
Darmera peltata Umbrella plant P   2.00 6 LMH SN WeWa ANB   Edible leaf stalk. Soil stabilization.
Deschampsia caespitosa Tussock grass P   1.50 5 LMH SN MWe ANB M Edible seed.
Dianthus gratianopolitanus Cheddar pink P   0.30 3 LMH N D NB M  
Dryas octopetala Mountain avens Sh E 0.10 2 LMH N M ANB M Tea substitute.
Dryopteris felix-mas Male Fern F   1.20 2 LMH S DM AN M Edible young fronds - must be cooked.
Duchesnea indica   P   0.10 6 LMH N M ANB F Edible fruit.
Elymus arenarius Lyme grass P   1.20 6 LMH N DM ANB F Weaving, soil stabilization. Tolerates maritime exposure.
Empetrum atropurpureum Purple crowberry Sh E 0.20   LM SN M A S Edible fruit. Wind tolerant.
Empetrum eamesii Rockberry Sh E 0.15 3 LM SN M A S Edible fruit. Wind tolerant.
Empetrum eamesii hermaphroditum Mountain crowberry Sh E 0.30 3 LMH N M AN S Edible fruit. Wind tolerant.
Empetrum nigrum Crowberry Sh E 0.30 3 LMH SN M AN S Edible fruit. Dye. Wind tolerant.
Empetrum rubrum   Sh E 0.30 8 LMH sn M AN S Edible fruit. Wind tolerant.
Epigaea asiatica   Sh E 0.10 4 LM FS M AN   Edible fruit.
Epimedium grandiflorum   P   0.35 5 LMH S M ANB   Young leaves - cooked.
Epimedium sagittatum   P   0.50 6 LMH S M ANB   Young leaves - cooked.
Erica vagans Cornish heath Sh E 0.75 5 LM N DM AN M Dye, brooms, thatching.
Erica x darleyensis   Sh E 0.60 6 LM N M ANB M Dye, brooms, thatching.
Euonymus fortunei   Sh E 4.50 5 LMH FSN DM ANB M Plants can also be grown as a hedge.
Fragaria californica Californian strawberry P   0.30   LMH SN M ANB F Edible fruit.
Fragaria daltoniana   P   0.30   LMH SN M ANB F Edible fruit.
Fragaria moschata Hautbois strawberry P   0.45 6 LMH SN M ANB F Edible fruit.
Fragaria viridis Green strawberry P   0.30 6 LMH SN M ANB F Edible fruit.
Galium mollugo Hedge bedstraw P   1.20 3 LMH S DM ANB M Edible leaves. Dye.
Galium odoratum Sweet woodruff P   0.15 5 LMH fs DM ANB M Edible leaves, tea. Dye. Medicinal.
Gaultheria adenothrix   Sh E 0.30 9 LM FS M AN M Edible fruit.
Gaultheria depressa Mountain snowberry Sh E 0.10 9 LM sn M AN M Edible fruit.
Gaultheria hispidula Creeping snowberry Sh E 0.10 6 LM S M AN F Edible fruit.
Gaultheria humifusa Alpine wintergreen Sh E 0.10 7 LM sn M AN   Edible fruit.
Gaultheria macrostigma   Sh E 0.50 8 LM S M A   Edible fruit.
Gaultheria mucronata   Sh E 1.50 6 LM SN M A   Edible fruit.

Botanical name Common name Habit Evergreen/ Deciduous Height (meters) Hardiness zone Soil Shade Moisture pH Growth rate Notes
Gaultheria myrsinoides   Sh E 0.15 9 LM SN M A   Edible fruit.
Gaultheria nummularioides   Sh E 0.10 9 LM SN M AN   Edible fruit.
Gaultheria ovatifolia Checkerberry Sh E 0.15 6 LM FS M AN M Edible fruit.
Gaultheria procumbens Checkerberry Sh E 0.15 4 LM FS DM AN M Edible fruit and leaves. Tea. Essential oil, Medicinal.
Gaultheria pumila leucocarpa   Sh E 0.20 7 LM SN M A F Edible fruit.
Gaultheria shallon Shallon Sh E 1.20 5 LM FS DM A M Edible fruit. Tea. Dye.
Gaultheria tricophylla   Sh E 0.10 8 LM SN M AN   Edible fruit.
Gaultheria x wisleyensis   Sh E 1.00 6 LM FS M A   Edible fruit.
Gaylussacia brachycera Box huckleberry Sh E 0.45 6 LMH SN DM A   Edible fruit.
Genista hispanica Spanish gorse Sh D 0.50 6 LM N DM ANB   Medicinal. Drought tolerant.
Geranium macrorrhizum   P   0.50 4 LMH SN DM NB F Essential oil.
Geranium sylvaticum Wood cranesbill P   0.60 4 LMH FSN M ANB F Essential oil.
Geranium wallichianum   P   0.30 7 LMH sn M ANB F Dye.
Glechoma hederacea Ground ivy P E 0.20   MH S M ANB F Edible leaves. Tea.
Hebe 'Great Orme'   Sh E 1.00 6 LMH N M ANB M Can also be used as a hedge. Tolerates maritime exposure.
Hebe rakaiensis   Sh E 1.00 6 LMH N M ANB M Can also be grown as a hedge.
Hedera helix Ivy Cl E 15.00 5 LMH FSN MWe ANB M Dye, hair shampoo. An excellent plant for wildlife.
Herniaria glabra Rupture wort Bi/P   0.02 5 LM N DM ANB S Medicinal.
Heuchera americana Rock geranium P E 0.45 4 LM SN M ANB   Mordant.
Heuchera cylindrica Alum root P E 0.45 4 LM SN M ANB   Edible leaves. Mordant.
Heuchera diversifolia Alum root P E 0.45 5 LM SN M ANB   Edible leaves. Mordant.
Heuchera glabra   P E 0.60 4 LM SN M ANB   Edible leaves. Mordant.
Heuchera micrantha Alum root P E 0.60 5 LM SN M ANB   Edible leaves. Mordant.
Heuchera sanguinea Alum root P E 0.60 6 LM SN M ANB   Mordant.
Heuchera versicolor   P E 0.20 9 LM SN M ANB   Mordant.
Hosta crispula   P   0.30   LMH SN M ANB M Edible leaves and stems.
Hosta longipes   P   0.30   LMH FSN M ANB M Edible leaves and stems.
Hosta plantaginae   P   0.25   LMH FSN M ANB M Edible leaves and stems.
Hosta rectifolia   P   0.20   LMH FSN M ANB M Edible leaves and stems.
Hosta sieboldiana   P   0.60   LMH FSN M ANB M Edible leaves and stems.
Hosta undulata   P   0.30   LMH FSN M ANB M Edible leaves and stems.
Hosta ventricosa   P   0.25 5 LMH FSN M ANB M Edible leaves and stems.
Houttuynia cordata Tsi P   0.60 5 LMH S MWeWa ANB F Edible leaves.
Hydrangea anomala   Cl D 12.00 5 LMH FSN M ANB M Edible leaves. Sugar. Paper. Wind tolerant.
Hypericum androsaemum Tutsan Sh D 1.00 6 LMH SN DM ANB M Medicinal. Wind tolerant.

Botanical name Common name Habit Evergreen/ Deciduous Height (meters) Hardiness zone Soil Shade Moisture pH Growth rate Notes
Hypericum bellum   Sh E 0.70 6 LMH SN M ANB  
Hypericum calycinum Rose of Sharon Sh E 0.30 6 LMH FSN DM ANB F Dye.
Imperata cylindrica   P   1.20 8 LMH N DM ANB F Edible young shoots and root. Weaving, paper making, thatching. Tolerates maritime exposure
Iris foetidissima Stinking gladwin P E 0.60 6 LMH FSN DM ANB S Medicinal. Tolerates maritime exposure.
Juniperus communis Juniper Sh E 9.00 2 LMH SN DM ANB S Edible fruit, condiment, coffee, tea. Essential oil, incense, insect repellent. Medicinal.
Juniperus communis nana Juniper Sh E 9.00 2 LMH SN DM ANB S Same as above.
Juniperus conferta Shore juniper Sh E   5 LMH SN DM ANB S Edible fruit. Tolerates maritime exposure.
Juniperus horizontalis Creeping juniper Sh E 1.00 4 LMH N DM ANB S Coffee, tea. Tolerates maritime exposure.
Juniperus sabina Savine Sh E 4.00 3 LMH N DM ANB S Essential oil, parasiticide, insect repellent.
Juniperus squamata Flaky juniper Sh E 8.00 5 LMH N DM ANB S Medicinal. Drought tolerant.
Lamium album White dead nettle P   0.60 4 LMH SN M ANB M Edible young leaves.
Lamium galeobdolon Yellow archangel P   0.30 6 LMH FSN M ANB F Edible young leaves and flowers.
Lathyrus latifolius Perennial sweet pea P Cl   2.00 5 LMH SN DM ANB F Seed, seedpods and young plants might be edible. Drought tolerant.
Liriope graminifolia   P E 0.30 8 LM SN DM ANB M Edible root. Drought tolerant.
Liriope minor   P E 0.30 8 LM SN DM ANB M Edible root. Drought tolerant.
Liriope muscari   P E 0.45 8 LM FSN DM ANB M Edible root. Drought tolerant.
Liriope spicata   P E 0.30 4 LM SN DM ANB M Edible root. Drought tolerant.
Lonicera henryi   Cl E 4.00 4 LMH SN M ANB F Edible flowers, leaves and stems.
Lonicera japonica   Cl E 5.00 4 LMH SN DM ANB F Edible flowers. Tea.
Lonicera nitida Boxleaf honeysuckle Sh E 3.60 7 LMH FSN M ANB F Can also be used as a hedge.
Lonicera pileata   Sh E 0.20 5 LMH FSN DM ANB M Tolerates maritime exposure.
Lysimachia nummularia Creeping Jenny P E 0.15 4 LMH SN MWeWa ANB M Tea.
Mahonia aquifolium Oregon grape Sh E 2.00 5 LMH FSN DM ANB M Edible fruit and flowers. Dye.
Mahonia repens Oregon grape Sh E 0.30 6 LMH SN DM ANB M Edible fruit. Dye.
Maianthemum canadense   P   0.20 3 LMH FS M ANB M The fruit might be edible.
Matteuccia struthiopteris Ostrich Fern F   0.90 2 LMH S M AN M Edible young leaves and root.
Meehania urticifolia   P   0.30 5 LMH S M ANB   Edible young leaves.
Mentha requienii Corsican mint P   0.10 6 LMH SN M ANB S Edible young leaves. Tea.
Millium effusum Wood millet P   1.80 6 LMH FS DM ANB M Edible seed. Weaving, soil stabilization.
Miscanthus sinensis Eulalia P   4.00 4 LMH SN M ANB F Biomass. Wind tolerant.
Mitchella repens Partridge berry Sh E 0.30 3 LM SN M AN   Edible fruit.
Mitchella undulata   P E 0.10 6 LM SN M AN   Edible fruit.
Montia sibirica Pink purslane A/P   0.15 3 LMH FSN DM ANB M Edible leaves and flowers.
Muehlenbeckia axillaris   Cl D 0.30 8 LMH SN M ANB M Edible fruit.
Oenanthe javanica Water dropwort P   1.00 10 LMH N WeWa ANB   Edible root, leaves and seed.

Botanical name Common name Habit Evergreen/ Deciduous Height (meters) Hardiness zone Soil Shade Moisture pH Growth rate Notes
Onoclea sensibilis Sensitive Fern F   1.20 4 LMH FS MWe AN   Edible young leaves and root.
Ophiopogon japonicus   P E 0.30 7 LM SN MWeWa ANB   Edible root.
Origanum vulgare Oreganum P   0.60 5 LMH SN DM ANB M Edible leaves, tea, condiment. Essential oil, dye, insect repellent. Medicinal.
Origanum vulgare hirtum Greek oregano P   0.60 5 LMH SN DM ANB M As above.
Oxalis oregana Redwood sorrel P   0.20 7 LMH FSN M ANB M Edible young leaves.
Pachyphragma macrophylla   P E 0.40 7 LMH FS DM ANB   Edible leaves?
Pachysandra terminalis   Sh E 0.20 5 LMH FS DM ANB M Edible fruit. Drought tolerant.
Paronychia argentea Algerian tea P   0.10 7 LM N DM ANB   Tea substitute.
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia creeper Cl D 30.00 3 LMH SN M ANB F Edible fruit and stems. Dye.
Parthenocissus tricuspidata Boston ivy Cl D 18.00 4 LMH SN M ANB F Edible sap.
Peltaria alliacea Garlic cress P E 0.30 6 LM SN M ANB M Edible leaves.
Pennisetum alopecuroides   P   1.50 7 LM N DM ANB   Edible seed.
Petasites albus Butterbur P   0.60 5 LMH FSN M ANB F Edible leaf stems.
Petasites frigidus Sweet coltsfoot P   0.15 5 LMH FSN MWe ANB F Edible leaves, stems and roots.
Petasites japonicus Sweet coltsfoot P   1.50 5 LMH FSN MWe ANB F Edible leaf stems and flowers.
Phalaris arundinacea Canary grass P   1.50 4 LMH SN DMWe ANB F
Phlomis fruticosa Jerusalem sage Sh E 1.30 7 LMH N DM ANB M Succeeds in poor soils.
Phlomis russeliana   P   1.00 7 LMH SN DM ANB F Drought tolerant.
Phlomis samia   P   1.00 7 LMH SN DM ANB F
Phyla nodiflora Frogfruit P   0.20 10 LMH N DM ANB   Edible leaves. Tea.
Picea abies Norway spruce T E 60.00 4 LMH N MWe AN F Selected dwarf cultivars are used. Edible cones, inner bark, tea. Adhesive, turpentine.
Pinus mugo Dwarf mountain pine T E 4.50 3 LM N DM AN M Condiment, dye. Soil stabilization.
Platycrater arguta   Sh D 0.20 8 LMH S M ANB   Tea. Wind tolerant.
Pleioblastus humilis   B E 2.00 7 LMH S M ANB F Soil stabilization.
Pleioblastus humilis pumilus   B E 1.00 7 LMH S M ANB F Soil stabilization.
Pleioblastus pygmaeus Fern-leaf bamboo B E 0.25 6 LMH SN M ANB F Soil stabilization.
Pleioblastus pygmaeus distichus   B E 0.75 6 LMH SN M ANB F Soil stabilization.
Pleioblastus variegatus White-striped bamboo B E 0.75 7 LMH SN M ANB F Soil stabilization.
Polypodium vulgare Polypody F E 0.30 3 LMH FS DM ANB M Edible root.
Potentilla fruticosa Shrubby cinquefoil Sh D 1.20 6 LMH SN M ANB M Tea. Drought tolerant.
Primula vulgaris Primrose P   0.30 6 LMH SN M ANB M Edible young leaves and flowers.
Prunella grandiflora   P E 0.15 5 LMH SN M ANB M Edible leaves.
Prunella vulgaris Self-heal P   0.15 3 LMH SN M ANB M Edible leaves, drink. Dye.
Prunus laurocerasus Cherry laurel Sh E 6.00 7 LMH FSN M ANB M Edible fruit? Dye. Use selected cultivars.
Pueraria lobata Kudzu vine P Cl   15.00 6 LMH N M ANB F Edible root, stem and leaves. Fibre.
Pulmonaria officinalis Lungwort P E 0.30 4 LMH FS M ANB M Edible leaves.

Botanical name Common name Habit Evergreen/ Deciduous Height (meters) Hardiness zone Soil Shade Moisture pH Growth rate Notes
Pulmonaria saccharata Jerusalem sage P E 0.30 3 LMH FSN M ANB M Condiment.
Reineckia carnea   P E 0.10 7 LMH FS M AN  
Rheum palmatum Turkey rhubarb P   3.00 7 MH SN M ANB M Edible leaf stem. Insecticide.
Ribes glandulosum Skunk currant Sh D 0.40 2 LMH SN M ANB   Edible fruit.
Rosa wichuraiana   Sh D 0.30 5 LMH SN M ANB M Edible fruit and young shoots.
Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary Sh E 2.00 6 LM N DM ANB M Condiment, tea. Insect repellent, incense, hair shampoo, essential oil, medicinal.
Rubus arizonicus   Sh D 0.20   LMH SN M ANB   Edible fruit. Dye.
Rubus calycinoides   Sh E 0.08   LMH FSN M ANB   Edible fruit. Dye.
Rubus hispidus Swamp dewberry Sh E 0.20 3 LMH SN M ANB   Edible fruit. Dye.
Rubus illecebrosus Strawberry-raspberry Sh D 0.60 5 LMH SN M ANB M Edible fruit. Dye.
Rubus nepalensis Nepalese raspberry Sh E 0.20 9 LMH SN M ANB M Edible fruit. dye.
Rubus parvus   Sh E 0.20 9 LMH SN M ANB   Edible fruit, sap. Dye.
Rubus tricolor Creeping bramble Sh E 0.30 7 LMH FSN DM ANB F Edible fruit. dye.
Ruscus aculeatus Butcher's broom Sh E 1.00 7 LMH FS DM ANB S Edible shoots, coffee. Scourer.
Salix repens Creeping willow Sh D 1.50 5 LMH SN M ANB   Soil stabilizer and soil reclamation..
Salvia officinalis Sage Sh E 0.60 5 LM N DM NB M Condiment, tea. Essential oil, insect repellent.
Sanicula europaea Wood sanicle P   0.60 6 LMH SN M ANB   Edible leaves?
Santolina chamaecyparissus Lavender-cotton Sh E 0.60 7 LM N DM ANB M Condiment. Essential oil, insect repellent, dye.
Sasa veitchii Kuma-zasa B E 1.50 8 LMH S M ANB F
Saxifraga stolonifera Strawberry saxifrage P   0.40 5 LMH S M ANB   Edible leaves and flowering stem.
Schizophragma hydrangioides   Cl D 6.00 5 LMH SN M ANB S Edible leaves.
Sedum acre Common stonecrop P E 0.12 5 LMH N DM ANB F Edible leaves, condiment. Tolerates drought.
Sedum album Small houseleek P   0.10 6 LMH N DM ANB F Edible leaves. Tolerates maritime exposure.
Sedum anacampseros Loce restorer P   0.10 6 LMH SN DM AN   Edible leaves.
Sedum spathulifolium   P E 0.15 7 LMH N DM ANB M Edible leaves.
Sedum spurium   P E 0.15 7 LMH N DM ANB M Edible leaves.
Shibataea kumasasa Okame-zasa B E 0.75 6 LMH S M ANB F
Stephanandra incisa   Sh D 2.50 5 LMH SN M ANB   Edible young leaves.
Symphytum tuberosum   P   0.60 5 LMH SN M ANB F Coffee substitute.
Thymus praecox   Sh E 0.05 5 LM N DM ANB M Condiment. Essential oil, medicinal.
Thymus serpyllum Wild thyme Sh E 0.10 5 LM N DM ANB M Edible leaves, tea. Essential oil, insect repellent, fungicide, medicinal. Wind tolerant.
Thymus vulgaris Common thyme Sh E 0.20 7 LM N DM NB M As above.
Thymus x citriodorus Lemon thyme Sh E 0.20 7 LM N DM NB M As above.
Tiarella cordifolia Foamflower P E 0.20 3 LMH SN M ANB S Medicinal.
Tolmiea menziesii Youth on age P   0.60 7 LMH FS DM ANB M Edible young shoots.
Trachelospermum asiaticum   Cl E 6.00 9 LMH SN M ANB S

Botanical name Common name Habit Evergreen/ Deciduous Height (meters) Hardiness zone Soil Shade Moisture pH Growth rate Notes
Trifolium repens White clover P E 0.10 4 LMH N M ANB M Edible leaves and flowers. Tea.
Vaccinium crassifolium Creeping blueberry Sh E 0.10 7 LM SN M A   Edible fruit.
Vaccinium nummularia   Sh E 0.10   LM SN M A   Edible fruit
Vaccinium praestans Kamchatka bilberry Sh D 0.15 4 LM S M A S Edible fruit.
Vaccinium vitis-idaea Cowberry Sh E 0.35 5 LM SN M A   Edible fruit, tea. Dye.
Vinca minor Lesser periwinkle Sh E 0.20 4 LMH FSN DM ANB M Basket making. Medicinal. Drought tolerant.
Viola cornuta Viola P E 0.30 5 LMH SN M AN   Edible leaves, flowers, tea.
Viola labradorica Labrador violet P E 0.10 2 LMH FSN M AN   Edible leaves and flowers.
Viola obliqua Marsh blue violet P   0.15   LMH SN MWe ANB   Edible flowers, leaves, tea.
Vitis coignetiae Crimson glory vine Cl D 20.00 5 LMH SN DM ANB F Edible leaves and stems. Dye.
Vitis davidii Spiny vitis Cl D 20.00 7 LMH SN DM ANB   Edible fruit and leaves. Dye.
Xanthorrhiza simplicissima Yellowroot Sh D 1.00 6 LMH SN MWe A   Dye.


Habit: A = Annual. B = Bamboo. Bi = Biennial. Cl - Climber. F = Fern. Sh = Shrub. T = Tree. P = Perennial.

Deciduous/Evergreen: D = Deciduous. E = Evergreen.

Hardiness zone: 1 = Succeeds in the Arctic zone. 10 = Does not tolerate frost. Most of Britain is in zone 7, the milder areas are zone 8 (though some zone 9 plants can be there), some upland and northern areas are 6 or lower.

Soil: L = Light. M = Medium. H = Heavy.

Shade: F = Succeeds in full shade. S = Succeeds in semi-shade. N = Succeeds in full sun (or no shade).

Moisture: D = Succeeds in dry soils. M = Succeeds in moist soils (the average soil moisture level). We = Succeeds in wet soils. Wa = Succeeds in water.

pH: A = Succeeds in acid soils. N = Succeeds in neutral soils. B = Succeeds in basic (alkaline soils).

Growth rate: S = Slow. M = Medium. F = Fast.

When using this list it is important to remember that it can only contain a small portion of the information we hold on each plant. You are stronglt advised to seek more information on any plant before making use of it in the manner suggested.

Now available: PLANTS FOR YOUR FOOD FOREST: 500 Plants for Temperate Food Forests and Permaculture Gardens.

An important new book from PFAF. It focuses on the attributes of plants suitable for food forests, what each can contribute to a food forest ecosystem, including carbon sequestration, and the kinds of foods they yield. The book suggests that community and small-scale food forests can provide a real alternative to intensive industrialised agriculture, and help to combat the many inter-related environmental crises that threaten the very future of life on Earth.

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