We have recently completed a survey and research project on the 'The Field'.

The surveyors’ aims were:
1. to identify significant trees, shrubs and ground layer plants growing in the Field, record as
much information as possible about them, and tag them for future reference, be it action or
research; to create from that information records that could be useful for the future
management of the Field;
2. to create accurate maps of the Field, with National Grid coordinates for nearly all the
labelled plants marked on them, to ensure they are easy to find in future ;
3. to assess the general condition of the native woodland, which makes up half of the area of
the Field, and record any possible harvests from the trees therein;
4. to assess the ecological health of the Field by way of bird and invertebrate surveys;
5. to interview as many of the current and previous participants in the Field experiment, in
order to gather as much general information about the experiment as possible.