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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Pinus edulisRocky Mountain Piñon, Twoneedle pinyon, Nut Pine, Pinyon Pine, Rocky Mountain Pinyon Pine, Singlelea42
Pinus monophyllaSingle Leaf Piñon, Single Leaf PinyonPine, Stone Pine, Pine Pinyon42
Quercus emoryiBlack Oak, Emory oak32
Quercus kelloggiiCalifornian Black Oak, Black Oak32
Tylosema esculentumMarama Bean40
Gnetum buchholzianumJointfir42
Acanthosicyos horridusNaras. Butterpips32
Bauhinia petersianaWhite bauhinia, Zambezi coffee32
Caryocar villosumPiquia30
Cordeauxia edulisYeheb. Yeheb nut32
Guibourtia coleospermaBushman bean, Large false mopane22
Panicum turgidumDesert Grass. Turgid panic grass, Afezu20
Schinziophyton rautaneniiMongongo Nut. Manketti Tree32
Sclerocarya birreaMarula33
Urochloa mosambicensisSabi grass, Gonya grass, Bushveld signal grass20
Brosimum parinarioidesLeite de amapa, Brosimum32
Stipagrostis pungensDrinn31
Cercidium microphyllumPaloverde. Foothill palo verde. Small-leaved palo verde30
Distichlis palmeriNipa. Palmer saltgrass, NyPa Wild Wheat40
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