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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Agoseris glaucaMountain Dandelion, Pale agoseris, False agoseris11
Apocynum cannabinumIndian Hemp22
Argemone mexicanaPrickly Poppy, Mexican pricklypoppy13
Asclepias eriocarpaWoollypod Milkweed22
Asclepias halliiPurple Silkweed, Hall's milkweed31
Asclepias lanceolataPurple Silkweed, Fewflower milkweed21
Asclepias purpurascensPurple Milkweed21
Asclepias quadrifoliaFourleaf Milkweed22
Asclepias rubraRed Silkweed31
Asclepias speciosaShowy Milkweed32
Asclepias syriacaCommon Milkweed, Silkweed, Milkweed32
Calendula arvensisField Marigold23
Calendula officinaliscalendula, Pot Marigold35
Caltha leptosepalaWestern Marsh Marigold, Howell's marsh marigold, Sulphur marsh marigold21
Caltha natansFloating marsh marigold11
Caltha palustrisMarsh Marigold, Yellow marsh marigold22
Chelidonium majusGreater Celandine, Swallow Wort, Greater Celandine13
Cichorium intybusChicory, Radicchio, Succory, Witloof43
Coix lacryma-jobiJob's Tears33
Delphinium staphisagriaStavesacre02
Diospyros virginianaAmerican Persimmon, Common persimmon, Persimmon51
Dipsacus fullonumTeasel, Fuller's teasel02
Dipsacus sativusFuller's Teasel, Indian teasel02
Drosera rotundifoliaSundew, Roundleaf sundew13
Euphorbia hirtaAsthma Weed, Pill-Bearing Spurge13
Euphorbia lathyrisCaper Spurge, Moleplant12
Euphorbia serpyllifoliaThymeleaf Sandmat22
Ficus caricaFig, Edible fig, Fig Common42
Ficus palmataWild Fig, Punjab fig21
Impatiens aurellaPaleyellow touch-me-not22
Impatiens balsaminaRose Balsam, Spotted snapweed, Touch-Me-Not, Garden Balsam22
Impatiens capensisJewelweed32
Impatiens ecalcarata 22
Impatiens occidentalis 32
Impatiens parvifloraSmallflower touchmenot22
Juniperus sabinaSavine, Tam Juniper02
Lactuca canadensisCanada Lettuce23
Mercurialis annuaAnnual Mercury11
Mercurialis perennisDog's Mercury01
Monotropa unifloraIndian Pipe23
Ocimum minimumBush Basil43
Opuntia compressaEastern Prickly Pear, Prickly Pear Cactus31
Paulownia tomentosaFoxglove Tree, Princesstree, Empress Tree, Royal Paulownia,12
Podophyllum peltatumAmerican Mandrake, Mayapple, Ground Lemon, Mandrake, Mayapple24
Ranunculus acrisMeadow Buttercup, Tall buttercup, Showy buttercup12
Rhus diversilobaWestern Poison Oak, Pacific poison oak02
Rhus typhinaStag's Horn Sumach, Velvet Sumac, Staghorn Sumac42
Salvia lyrataCancer Weed, Lyreleaf Sage02
Sempervivum tectorumHouseleek, Common houseleek, Hen and Chickens23
Sonchus oleraceusSow Thistle, Common sowthistle22
Symphoricarpos albus laevigatusSnowberry12
Taraxacum officinaleDandelion - Kukraundha, Kanphool, Common dandelion, Dandelion43
Zea maysSweet Corn, Corn53
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