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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Anemone quinquefoliaWind Flower, Wood anemone, Twoleaf anemone, Nightcaps01
Anthemis tinctoriaYellow Camomile, Golden chamomile, Dyers' Chamomile, Golden Marguerite01
Daphne genkwaLilac Daphne03
Daphne mezereumMezereon, Paradise plant, February Daphne02
Monarda punctataHorse Mint, Spotted beebalm13
Plumbago europaeaPlumbago02
Rhus wallichii 01
Sapium sebiferumVegetable Tallow, Chinese tallow, Popcorn Tree, Chinese Tallow Tree22
Sinapis albaWhite Mustard33
Anacardium occidentaleCashew, Caju53
Anacardium occidentaleCashew, Caju53
Moringa oleiferaHorseradish Tree, Moringa,44
Musa x paradisiacaBanana52
Euphorbia tirucalliAfrican Milkbush, Pencil Cactus, Milk Bush02
Pentadiplandra brazzeanaJoy perfume tree, j'oubli44
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