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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Desmanthus illinoensisPrairie Mimosa, Illinois bundleflower41
Hesperaloe funiferaNew Mexico false yucca00
Hordeum vulgareBarley, Common barley43
Triticum aestivumBread Wheat, Common wheat42
Cordeauxia edulisYeheb. Yeheb nut32
Elymus hispidusWild triga, Pubescent wheatgrass,40
Helianthus cusickiiCusick's sunflower31
Helianthus hybridsPerennial Sunflower42
Helianthus pauciflorusStiff Sunflower, Prairie Sunflower40
Lepidium spp.Perennial Lepidium53
Lesquerella hybridsPerennial Lesquerella20
Microlaena stipoidesWeeping rice grass30
Oryza hybridsPerennial Rice42
Secale hybridsPerennial cereal rye51
Silphium integrifoliumPrairie Rosinweed31
Sorghum hybridsPerennial Sorghum41
Zea hybridsPerennial corn, Perennial Maize53
Linum hybridsPerennial Flax44
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