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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Abies balsameaBalsam Fir35
Abies fraseriShe Balsam, Fraser fir, Southern Balsam Fir13
Artemisia tridentataSage Brush, Big sagebrush, Bonneville big sagebrush32
Asclepias asperulaAntelope Horns, Spider milkweed, Trailing Milkweed21
Asclepias halliiPurple Silkweed, Hall's milkweed31
Asclepias incarnataSwamp Milkweed, Swamp Butterfly Weed, Marsh Milkweed32
Asclepias lanceolataPurple Silkweed, Fewflower milkweed21
Asclepias ovalifoliaOval-leaf milkweed20
Asclepias pumilaLow Milkweed, Plains milkweed21
Asclepias purpurascensPurple Milkweed21
Asclepias quadrifoliaFourleaf Milkweed22
Asclepias rubraRed Silkweed31
Asclepias speciosaShowy Milkweed32
Asclepias syriacaCommon Milkweed, Silkweed, Milkweed32
Asclepias tuberosaPleurisy Root, Butterfly milkweed, Rolfs' milkweed, Indian Paintbrush33
Asclepias viridifloraGreen Milkweed, Green comet milkweed32
Chrysothamnus nauseosusRubber Rabbitbrush12
Eleocharis palustrisCommon Spike-Rush, Common spikerush10
Epilobium angustifoliumWillow Herb32
Eriophorum angustifoliumCotton Grass, Tall cottongrass21
Eriophorum gracileCotton Grass, Slender cottongrass20
Fagus sylvaticaBeech, European beech, Common Beech42
Galium borealeNorthern Bedstraw22
Galium triflorumFragrant Bedstraw12
Galium verumLady's Bedstraw, Yellow Spring bedstraw, Wirtgen's bedstraw32
Hierochloe odorataHoly Grass22
Imperata cylindricaCogongrass, Japanese Blood Grass33
Jubaea chilensisChilean Wine Palm, Chile cocopalm30
Metaplexis japonicaRough potato22
Onopordum acanthiumScotch Thistle, Scotch cottonthistle21
Petasites frigidusSweet Coltsfoot, Arctic sweet coltsfoot, Arrowleaf sweet coltsfoot, Golden Palms Coltsfoot, Butterb21
Petasites hyperboreusArctic Sweet Coltsfoot21
Pinus wallichianaHimalayan Blue Pine, Bhutan pine, Himalayan Pine22
Populus trichocarpaWestern Balsam Poplar, Black cottonwood13
Pseudognaphalium obtusifoliumWhite Balsam, Rabbit-tobacco02
Pteridium aquilinumBracken, Western brackenfern, Decomposition brackenfern, Hairy brackenfern22
Pteridium aquilinum esculentumBracken22
Scirpus cyperinusWoolly Grass Bulrush, Woolgrass10
Sequoia sempervirensCoastal Redwood, Redwood, California Redwood, Coast Redwood01
Thuja plicataWestern Red Cedar, Giant Arborvitae, Giant Cedar, Incense Cedar, Western Red Cedar12
Tussilago farfaraColtsfoot33
Typha angustifoliaSmall Reed Mace, Narrowleaf cattail53
Typha bungeana 43
Typha davidiana 43
Typha domingensisSouthern Cattail43
Typha glaucaHybrid cattail40
Typha latifoliaReedmace, Broadleaf cattail, Bullrush, Nailrod53
Typha laxmannii 41
Typha orientalisBroadleaf Cumbungi43
Calotropis giganteaGiant Milkweed, Crown Flower, Giant Calotrope, Swallow-wort23
Caryota urensJaggary Palm, Toddy Palm, Fishtail Wine Palm42
Ceiba pentandraKapok Tree, Cotton Tree, Suma'ma33
Cocos nuciferaCoconut Palm, Coconut52
Mimusops elengiSpanish Cherry, Bakul32
Phyllanthus emblicaEmblica, Indian Gooseberry35
Tarchonanthus camphoratusCamphor Bush, Wild Camphor Bush13
Typha elephantinaBora. Elephant grass, Indian reed-mace.33
Calotropis proceraAuricula Tree, Dead Sea Apple, Sodom Apple13
Ceiba aesculifoliaPochote21
Gossypium barbadenseSea Island Cotton32
Gossypium herbaceumLevant cotton33
Ochroma pyramidaleBalsa Wood02
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