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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Angelica genuflexaKneeling Angelica21
Eriogonum inflatumAmerican Pipeweed, Desert trumpet21
Eupatorium maculatumJoe Pye Weed, Spotted joe pye weed02
Eupatorium purpureumGravel Root13
Heracleum sphondylium montanumCow Parsnip32
Sambucus racemosaRed Elder, Red elderberry, Rocky Mountain elder, European Red Elderberry32
Sambucus racemosa kamtschaticaRed Elder32
Uncaria rhynchophylla 02
Achnatherum hymenoidesIndian Millet, Indian ricegrass30
Bambusa oldhamiiRyoku-Chiku, Giant Timber Bamboo, Oldham's Bamboo20
Bambusa textilisClumping Bamboo. Weaver's bamboo30
Caragana microphyllaLittleleaf Peashrub00
Carex meyerianaSedge, Wu la cao 00
Chamaecrista rotundifoliaRound-leaf cassia00
Chrysopogon zizanioidesVetiver, Vetiver Root, Khus Khus22
Couma utilisSorva, Milk Tree42
Desmodium cinereumRensoni. Tickclover00
Mimosa pudicaMorivivir, Sensitive Plant22
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