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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Bupleurum chinenseBei Chai Hu23
Bupleurum falcatumThorow-Wax22
Eucalyptus macrorhynchaRed Stringybark13
Eucalyptus youmanii 10
Fagopyrum dibotrysPerennial Buckwheat42
Fagopyrum esculentumBuckwheat43
Forsythia suspensaLian Qiao, Weeping forsythia13
Hibiscus mutabilisCotton Rose, Dixie rosemallow22
Humulus lupulusHop, Common hop, European Hop,45
Hydrangea paniculataPanicled hydrangea, Hybrid Hydrangea, PeeGee Hydrangea, Panicle Hydrangea12
Polygonum hydropiperSmartweed, Marshpepper knotweed22
Rheum australeHimalayan Rhubarb33
Rheum officinaleChinese Rhubarb13
Rheum x cultorumRhubarb43
Ruta graveolensRue, Common rue, Herb of Grace, Garden Rue13
Smilax chinaChina Root43
Solanum tuberosumPotato, Irish potato52
Sophora japonicaJapanese Pagoda Tree, Scholar Tree23
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