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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Amorphophallus paeoniifoliusElephant Yam, Whitespot giant arum42
Caragana sinicaChinese Pea Shrub12
Cleome monophylla 21
Cydonia oblongaQuince42
Eupatorium lindleyanum 02
Imperata cylindricaCogongrass, Japanese Blood Grass33
Lotus corniculatusBird's Foot Trefoil11
Mentha spicataSpearmint43
Mondia whiteiMondia, White's Ginger34
Paederia foetidaSkunk Vine24
Rubus coreanusKorean Bramble12
Scrophularia ningpoensis 03
Sisymbrium irioLondon Rocket12
Skimmia japonicaJapanese Skimmia01
Trachelospermum jasminoidesStar Jasmine, Confederate jasmine02
Trigonella foenum-graecumFenugreek, Sicklefruit fenugreek45
Verbena urticifoliaWhite Vervain01
Vitis flexuosa 21
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