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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Abies concolorColorado Fir, White fir02
Abies proceraNoble Fir01
Acer pensylvanicumMoosewood, Striped maple, Moosewood, Pennsylvania Maple01
Adiantum pedatumNorthern Maidenhair,American Maidenhair Fern02
Agastache foeniculumAnise Hyssop, Blue giant hyssop51
Andromeda polifoliaMarsh Andromeda, Bog rosemary21
Aplectrum hyemalePutty Root, Adam and eve01
Arachis hypogaeaPeanut42
Aralia nudicaulisWild Sarsaparilla43
Ardisia crispa 11
Aristolochia kaempferi 02
Aristolochia rotundaSnakeroot02
Asplenium adiantum-nigrumBlack Spleenwort02
Aster amellusIalian Aster22
Astragalus hoantchyWu La Te Huang Qi11
Astragalus membranaceusHuang Qi05
Baillonella toxispermaAfrican Pearwood, False Shea Butternut33
Belamcanda chinensisLeopard Lily, Blackberry lily, Leopard Flower13
Bletilla striataHyacinth Orchid, Urn orchid, Hyacinth Bletilla, Hardy Orchid, Chinese Ground Orchid03
Botrychium virginianumRattlesnake Fern12
Bryonia dioicaRed Bryony, Cretan bryony12
Bupleurum chinenseBei Chai Hu23
Bupleurum falcatumThorow-Wax22
Cajanus cajanPigeon Pea, Puerto Rico Bean, Gandul, Dhal, Congo Pea42
Carpesium abrotanoides 22
Ceanothus cuneatusBuckbrush, Sedgeleaf buckbrush, Monterey ceanothus21
Cedrus atlanticaAtlas Deodar, Atlantic cedar02
Cercis canadensisRedbud, Eastern redbud, Mexican redbud,Texas redbud32
Chenopodium capitatumStrawberry Blite, Blite goosefoot31
Chilopsis linearisDesert Willow11
Chrysophyllum cainitoStar Apple, Caimito42
Chrysothamnus nauseosusRubber Rabbitbrush12
Citrullus lanatusWater Melon43
Coix lacryma-jobiJob's Tears33
Comandra umbellataBastard Toad Flax, California bastard toadflax, Pale bastard toadflax11
Coptis teetaYun Lian12
Cydonia oblongaQuince42
Dirca palustrisLeather Wood, Eastern leatherwood02
Echium vulgareViper's Bugloss, Common viper's bugloss12
Elaeagnus angustifoliaOleaster, Russian olive42
Elaeagnus umbellataAutumn Olive42
Entada phaseoloidesSt. Thomas Bean32
Ephedra equisetinaMuzei Ma Huang, Ma huang14
Ephedra majorMa Huang14
Ephedra sinicaMa Huang, Chinese ephedra14
Ephedra torreyanaMexican Tea, Torrey's jointfir23
Eriodictyon californicumYerba Santa, California yerba santa23
Fagus grandifoliaAmerican Beech22
Ficus caricaFig, Edible fig, Fig Common42
Fritillaria cirrhosaChuan Bei Mu23
Fritillaria pallidifloraPale-Flowered Fritillary03
Gentiana scabraLong Dan Cao13
Gentiana scabra buergeri 13
Glechoma hederaceaGround Ivy, Field Balm, Gill Over The Ground, Runaway Robin23
Glycyrrhiza glabraLiquorice, Cultivated licorice44
Gossypium barbadenseSea Island Cotton32
Guiera senegalensisMoshi medicine, guier du Senegal14
Gutierrezia sarothraeBroomweed, Broom snakeweed02
Handroanthus serratifoliusYellow Trumpet Tree02
Helianthus strumosusPaleleaf Woodland Sunflower21
Hymenaea courbarilWest Indian Locust33
Hypochoeris radicataCat's Ear21
Hyssopus officinalisHyssop23
Indigofera cassioides 11
Juglans ailanthifoliaJapanese Walnut31
Juglans ailanthifolia cordiformisHeartseed Walnut41
Juglans nigraBlack Walnut33
Juglans regiaWalnut, English walnut, Persian Walnut,43
Juncus effususSoft Rush, Common rush, Lamp rush, Pacific rush12
Juniperus monospermaOne-Seed Juniper32
Kadsura coccinea 21
Laburnum anagyroidesLaburnum, Golden chain tree01
Lamium albumWhite Dead Nettle23
Lantana camaraWild Sage, Lantana Verbena24
Lavatera cachemirianaLavatera21
Ledum groenlandicumLabrador Tea, Bog Labrador tea23
Ligustrum lucidumChinese Privet, Glossy privet, White Wax Tree, Tree Ligustrum13
Lilium browniiHong Kong Lily32
Lilium concolorMorning Star Lily22
Lilium wallichianum 21
Linum hybridsPerennial Flax44
Linum usitatissimumFlax, Common flax43
Liquidambar orientalisOriental Sweet Gum23
Liriope graminifoliaLilyturf21
Liriope minor 21
Liriope muscariLilyturf, Big blue lilyturf, Border Grass, Blue Lilyturf, Liriope21
Liriope spicataLily Turf, Creeping liriope, Creeping Lilyturf21
Lithospermum incisumNarrow-Leaf Gromwell, Narrowleaf stoneseed12
Lomatium dissectumFernleaf Biscuitroot, Carrotleaf biscuitroot42
Lomatium macrocarpumBigseed Biscuitroot42
Lomatium nudicaulePestle Parsnip, Barestem biscuitroot42
Lomatium triternatumNineleaf Biscuitroot, Broadnineleaf biscuitroot31
Lonicera caprifoliumItalian Honeysuckle, Italian woodbine12
Lonicera involucrataTwinberry, Twinberry honeysuckle22
Loropetalum chinenseFringe Flower, Chinese Fringe Bush02
Ludwigia palustrisWater Purslane, Marsh seedbox01
Malpighia glabraEscobillo, Acerola41
Malus fuscaOregon Crab, Oregon crab apple32
Malva parvifloraCheeseweed, Cheeseweed mallow32
Melaleuca uncinataBroom honeymyrtle01
Monarda fistulosaWild Bergamot, Mintleaf bergamot, Wild Bee-Balm, Lupine32
Morus albaWhite Mulberry, Common Mulberry,43
Morus bombycisKuwa22
Myrica rubraChinese Bayberry22
Oenanthe aquaticaWater Dropwort, Fineleaf waterdropwort02
Ophiopogon japonicusSnake's Beard, Dwarf lilyturf, Mondo Grass, Monkey Grass, Dwarf Lilyturf23
Opuntia compressaEastern Prickly Pear, Prickly Pear Cactus31
Orobanche californicaCalifornia Broomrape, Jepson's broomrape21
Orobanche fasciculataCancer Root, Clustered broomrape12
Osmorhiza occidentalisWestern Sweet-Cicely, Western sweetroot32
Ostrya virginianaIronwood, Hophornbeam, Hop Hornbeam American, Hop Hornbeam Eastern01
Packera aureaGolden Groundsel - Life Root, Golden ragwort02
Paeonia browniiBrown's Peony12
Perideridia gairdneriYampa, Gardner's yampah, Common yampah52
Perilla frutescensShiso, Beefsteakplant, Spreading Beefsteak Plant43
Perilla frutescens nankinensisPurple Shiso43
Petasites frigidusSweet Coltsfoot, Arctic sweet coltsfoot, Arrowleaf sweet coltsfoot, Golden Palms Coltsfoot, Butterb21
Petasites hyperboreusArctic Sweet Coltsfoot21
Petasites palmatusSweet Butterbur, Golden Palms Coltsfoot, Sweet Coltsfoot, Butterbur21
Peucedanum officinaleHog's Fennel02
Physalis pubescensGround Cherry, Husk tomato41
Picea engelmanniiMountain Spruce, Engelmann spruce22
Picea glaucaWhite Spruce, Black Hills Spruce, Canadian Spruce22
Picea rubensRed Spruce21
Picea sitchensisSitka Spruce22
Pimpinella anisumAniseed (Saunf - Hindi), Anise burnet saxifrage43
Pinus contortaBeach Pine, Lodgepole pine, Bolander beach pine, Beach pine, Sierra lodgepole pine, Yukon pine, Shor32
Pinus edulisRocky Mountain Piñon, Twoneedle pinyon, Nut Pine, Pinyon Pine, Rocky Mountain Pinyon Pine, Singlelea42
Pinus monticolaWestern White Pine22
Pinus muricataBishop's Pine22
Pinus ponderosaPonderosa Pine, Washoe pine32
Pinus quadrifoliaParry Piñon, Parry's Pinyon Pine, Four-leaved Pinyon42
Pinus resinosaRed Pine12
Pinus rigidaNorthern Pitch Pine, Pitch pine12
Pinus sabinianaDigger Pine, California foothill pine, Bull Pine, Gray Pine, Digger Pine42
Pinus strobusWhite Pine, Eastern white pine23
Plantago amplexicaulis 12
Polemonium reptansAbcess Root, Greek valerian02
Polygonum alaskanumAlaska Wild Rhubarb21
Polygonum alpinumAlpine Knotweed, Alaska wild rhubarb21
Polygonum amphibiumWillow Grass, Water knotweed, Longroot smartweed, Water smartweed12
Polygonum virginianumJumpseed, Fleece Flower, Smartweed, Knotweed11
Polypodium glycyrrhizaLicorice Fern12
Polypodium vulgarePolypody, Adders Fern, Golden Maidenhair Fern, Wall Fern, Common Polypod Fern23
Pouteria sapotaSapote, Mamey Sapote42
Prosopis cinerariaJandi, Ghaf32
Protea melliferaSugar Bush11
Prunus andersoniiDesert Peach22
Prunus armeniacaApricot43
Prunus armeniaca mandschuricaManchurian apricot43
Prunus dulcisAlmond, Sweet almond43
Prunus ilicifoliaHolly-Leaved Cherry21
Prunus mumeJapanese Apricot, Japanese Flowering, Apricot33
Prunus nigraCanadian Plum41
Prunus pensylvanicaPin Cherry22
Prunus serotinaRum Cherry - Wild Cherry, Black Cherry, Wild Black Cherry42
Prunus virginianaChokecherry, Western chokecherry, Black chokecherry32
Prunus virginiana demissaWestern Chokecherry32
Prunus virginiana melanocarpaRocky Mountain Chokecherry32
Psoralea esculentaBreadroot, Large Indian breadroot51
Pyrus pyrifoliaSand Pear, Chinese pear41
Pyrus pyrifolia cultaAsian Pear41
Rhus ovataSugar Bush, Sugar sumac21
Rubus frondosusYankee Blackberry21
Rubus occidentalisBlack Raspberry42
Salvia carnosaPurple Sage12
Salvia melliferaCalifornian Black Sage12
Salvia sclareaClary, Europe sage, Clary Sage22
Sambucus caeruleaBlue Elder42
Schisandra chinensisMagnolia Vine, Wu Wei Zi45
Schisandra sphenanthera 25
Silphium perfoliatumCup Plant, Rosinweed02
Smilax herbaceaCarrion Flower, Smooth carrionflower41
Solidago graminifoliaFlat-Topped Goldenrod11
Sonchus arvensisField Milk Thistle, Field sowthistle, Moist sowthistle21
Sophora flavescensKu Shen, Shrubby sophora03
Spiraea salicifoliaBridewort, Willowleaf meadowsweet11
Streptopus roseusScootberry, Rosybells42
Taxus brevifoliaPacific Yew34
Tephrosia virginianaCatgut, Virginia tephrosia02
Thuja plicataWestern Red Cedar, Giant Arborvitae, Giant Cedar, Incense Cedar, Western Red Cedar12
Torreya nuciferaKaya, Japanese torreya52
Tribulus terrestrisCaltrop, Puncturevine13
Triosteum perfoliatumWild Coffee, Feverwort12
Vaccinium corymbosumHigh-Bush Blueberry, American Blueberry, Swamp Blueberry, Blueberry41
Verbascum densiflorumMullein02
Verbascum nigrumDark Mullein, Black mullein03
Verbascum phlomoidesWooly Mullein, Orange mullein03
Viola bifloraTwoflower Violet, Arctic yellow violet, Carlott's violet31
Ziziphus jujubaJujube43
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