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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Aesculus flavaSweet Buckeye, Yellow buckeye40
Banksia integrifoliaCoast Banksia20
Banksia marginataSilver Banksia20
Comandra umbellataBastard Toad Flax, California bastard toadflax, Pale bastard toadflax11
Dianthus superbusFringed Pink23
Erica cerinthoidesFire Heath10
Eucalyptus gummiferaRed Bloodwood13
Euphorbia tetragonaNaboom11
Gladiolus daleniiCornflag10
Grevillea robustaSilky Oak20
Ipomopsis aggregataSkyrocket, Scarlet gilia12
Knightia excelsaRewarewa10
Lonicera ciliosaOrange Honeysuckle22
Lonicera periclymenumHoneysuckle, European honeysuckle12
Melianthus majorHoney Flower31
Melianthus minorHoney Flower30
Melichrus procumbensJam Tarts10
Melichrus urceolatus 10
Menziesia ferrugineaFalse Huckleberry, Rusty menziesia21
Metrosideros excelsaPohutukawa11
Metrosideros robustaNorthern Rata10
Musa basjooJapanese Banana22
Phormium cookianumWharariki20
Phormium tenaxNew Zealand Flax, Coastal Flax, New Zealand Hemp20
Protea cynaroidesKing Protea10
Protea melliferaSugar Bush11
Protea repensSugar Bush10
Salix alaxensisFeltleaf Wiillow12
Telopea speciosissimaWaratah10
Xanthorrhoea australisGrasstree21
Aloe arborescensCandelabra Aloe, Tree Aloe, Mountain Bush Aloe25
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