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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Carya illinoinensisPecan41
Carya ovataShagbark Hickory31
Corylus avellanaCommon Hazel, Common filbert, European Filbert, Harry Lauder's Walking Stick, Corkscrew Hazel, Hazel52
Corylus avellana pontica 40
Corylus maximaFilbert, Giant filbert50
Glycine maxSoya Bean42
Glycine sojaWild Soya Bean32
Prunus dulcisAlmond, Sweet almond43
Attalea maripaInaja, Maripa Palm32
Attalea speciosaBabassu, American Oil Palm, Motacu, Motacuchi42
Brosimum alicastrumBreadnut. Maya nut32
Brosimum parinarioidesLeite de amapa, Brosimum32
Brosimum utileCow Tree, Palo De Vaca32
Chrysophyllum cainitoStar Apple, Caimito42
Cocos nuciferaCoconut Palm, Coconut52
Couma macrocarpaBarca, Milk Tree, Couba, Sorva, Sorva grande42
Macadamia integrifoliaMacadamia, Macadamia nut40
Macadamia ternifoliaMacadamia Nut, Gympie nut40
Macadamia tetraphyllaQueensland Nut, Macadamia nut40
Treculia africanaAfrican Breadfruit or Breadnut42
Manilkara bidentataBalata, bulletwood, bully tree22
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