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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Acer monoMaple21
Aconitum chasmanthum 01
Aconitum chinense 01
Aconitum lycoctonum vulpariaWolfbane11
Aconitum napellusAconite, Venus' chariot, Wolfsbane Garden, Monk's Hood Garden12
Arisaema triphyllumJack In The Pulpit, Dragonroot, Indian Turnip32
Arnica fulgensHillside Arnica, Foothill arnica02
Asarum canadenseSnake Root, Canadian wildginger, Canada Wild Ginger, Wild Ginger33
Bryonia dioicaRed Bryony, Cretan bryony12
Caltha palustrisMarsh Marigold, Yellow marsh marigold22
Calystegia soldanellaSea Bindweed, Seashore false bindweed11
Capsicum annuumSweet Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Chili Pepper, Christmas Pepper, Red Pepper, Ornamental Chili Pepper43
Capsicum baccatumLocoto, Aji33
Capsicum frutescensTabasco Pepper, Cayenne pepper34
Capsicum pubescensTree Pepper, Rocoto33
Helleborus nigerBlack Hellebore02
Helleborus viridisGreen Hellebore02
Juniperus sabinaSavine, Tam Juniper02
Narcissus poeticusPoet's Narcissus01
Nicotiana tabacumTobacco, Cultivated tobacco22
Oxalis acetosellaWood Sorrel32
Pulsatilla patensPasque Flower, Eastern pasqueflower, Cutleaf anemone02
Rhus toxicodendronEastern Poison Oak02
Zanthoxylum americanumPrickly Ash - Northern, Common pricklyash, Northern Prickly Ash23
Zanthoxylum clava-herculisHercules Club. Prickly Ash - Southern, Hercules' club, Southern Prickly Ash23
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