We have recently published ‘Food Forest Plants for Hotter Conditions’: i.e. tropical and sub-tropical regions. We rely on regular donations to keep our free database going and help fund development of this and another book we are planning on food forest plants for Mediterranean climates. Please give what you can to keep PFAF properly funded. More >>>

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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Artemisia keiskeana 21
Asparagus cochinchinensisChinese Asparagus33
Asparagus racemosusShatavari35
Bacopa monnieriHerb of Grace, Brahmi, Smooth Water Hyssop34
Eleutherococcus trifoliatus 11
Epimedium sagittatumYin Yang Huo23
Eryngium yuccifoliumButton Eryngo02
Ginkgo bilobaMaidenhair Tree, Ginkgo55
Gymnanthemum amygdalinumBitterleaf43
Lepidium meyeniiMaca53
Lomatium macrocarpumBigseed Biscuitroot42
Lycium chinenseChinese Boxthorn, Chinese desert-thorn43
Maianthemum dilatatumWild Lily Of The Valley, False lily of the valley21
Physocarpus opulifoliusNinebark, Common ninebark, Atlantic ninebark, Ninebark01
Polygala sibiricaYuan Zhi13
Psoralea corylifoliaBu Gu Zhi14
Rosa laevigataCherokee Rose23
Rubus chamaemorusCloudberry41
Rumex mexicanusMexican Dock12
Tigridia pavoniaTiger Flower31
Tinospora cordifoliaKanda Amrta24
Tribulus terrestrisCaltrop, Puncturevine13
Trichilia dregeanaCape Mahogany43
Turnera diffusa aphrodisiacaDamiana13
Viburnum lantanoidesHobbleberry31
Vitex agnus-castusAgnus Castus, Lilac chastetree, Vitex, Chastetree25
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