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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Cinchona officinalisLojabark25
Cinchona pubescensQuinine tree, Red Bark, Cinchona, Quina, Quinquina, Quinine Bark, Peruvian Bark, Jesuit's Bark25
Copaifera langsdorffiiCopaiba, Langsdorf's copaifera14
Copaifera multijugaHayne oil, Copaiba,14
Copaifera officinalisCopaiba Balsam, Medicinal Copaiba24
Crataegus pinnatifidaChinese Haw33
Eucalyptus globulusTasmanian Blue Gum, Eurabbie, Blue Gum, Blue Eucalyptus14
Ginkgo bilobaMaidenhair Tree, Ginkgo55
Melaleuca alternifoliaTea Tree05
Sambucus nigraElderberry - European Elder, Black elderberry, American black elderberry, Blue elderberry, Europea43
Taxus baccataYew, English yew, Common Yew34
Ulmus rubraSlippery Elm25
Moringa oleiferaHorseradish Tree, Moringa,44
Persea americanaAvocado, Alligator Pear53
Vernicia fordiiTung Tree, Tung Nut13
Vernicia montanaAbrasin oil tree03
Sambucus nigra spp canadensisAmerican Elder43
Aleurites moluccanusCandle Nut, Country Walnut33
Duboisia myoporoidesCorkwood03
Guibourtia copalliferaKobo Tree, Sierra Leone gum copal01
Trichilia emeticaBanket mahogany, Natal mahogany, 23
Acacia catechuCutch tree, Catechu acacia12
Aesculus sppHorse chestnut44
Camptotheca acuminataHappy Tree, Cancer Tree05
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