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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Abies lasiocarpaSubalpine Fir, Alpine Fir22
Artemisia ludoviciana gnaphalodesWhite Sage02
Artemisia vulgarisMugwort, Common wormwood, Felon Herb, Chrysanthemum Weed, Wild Wormwood23
Clematis columbianaRock Clematis01
Comandra pallidaPale Bastard Toadflax11
Galium verumLady's Bedstraw, Yellow Spring bedstraw, Wirtgen's bedstraw32
Glycyrrhiza lepidotaAmerican Liquorice43
Pelargonium radensRasp-leaf pelargonium02
Potentilla anserinaSilverweed33
Rosa nutkanaNootka Rose, Bristly Nootka rose32
Rosa pisocarpaCluster Rose, Ahart's cluster rose22
Rosa woodsiiWestern Wild Rose, Woods' rose, Tehachapi rose22
Sedum acreCommon Stonecrop, Goldmoss stonecrop, Gold Moss Sedum12
Anacardium occidentaleCashew, Caju53
Brassica juncea integrifolia rugosaHead Mustard42
Brassica juncea integrifolia strumataLarge Petiole Mustard42
Brassica juncea integrifolia subintegrifoliaLeaf Mustard42
Brassica juncea tsatsai multicepsGreen In The Snow42
Brassica juncea tsatsai tumidaSwollen-Stem Mustard42
Dysphania anthelminticaWormseed24
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