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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Acacia salignaBlue-Leaved Wattle, Orange wattle10
Acer saccharinumSilver Maple, River Maple, Soft Maple31
Acer saccharumSugar Maple, Florida Maple, Hard Maple, Rock Maple42
Adansonia digitataBaobab, Judas Fruit, Monkey Bread Tree33
Albizia julibrissinMimosa, Silktree, Mimosa Tree,22
Albizia lebbeckSiris Tree, Woman's Tongue, East Indian Walnut12
Alnus nepalensisNepalese Alder01
Alnus rubraRed Alder, Oregon Alder22
Alocasia macrorrhizosGiant Taro, Giant Elephant Ear32
Amorpha fruticosaFalse Indigo, False indigo bush12
Arundinaria giganteaCanebrake bamboo, Cane Reed, Giant cane31
Arundinaria sppRunning Bamboo31
Arundo donaxGiant Reed, Giant Reed Grass32
Atriplex canescensGrey Sage Brush, Fourwing saltbush41
Atriplex nummulariaGiant Saltbush, Bluegreen saltbush32
Atriplex semibaccataAustralian Saltbush. Australian saltbush, Creeping saltbush20
Atriplex truncataWedgescale Saltbush20
Balanites aegyptiacaDesert Date. Desert date, Soapberry tree32
Bambusa oldhamiiRyoku-Chiku, Giant Timber Bamboo, Oldham's Bamboo20
Bambusa textilisClumping Bamboo. Weaver's bamboo30
Boehmeria niveaRamie, Chinese Grass, Chinese Silk Plant22
Brosimum alicastrumBreadnut. Maya nut32
Cajanus cajanPigeon Pea, Puerto Rico Bean, Gandul, Dhal, Congo Pea42
Calliandra calothyrsusRed Calliandra, Powderpuff, Kaliandra00
Calopogonium mucunoidesCalopo, Wild ground nut00
Caragana microphyllaLittleleaf Peashrub00
Cercocarpus ledifoliusMountain Mahogany, Curl-leaf mountain mahogany12
Chamaecytisus proliferusTagasaste. Tree lucerne.00
Coix lacryma-jobiJob's Tears33
Colophospermum mopaneRhodesian ironwood, Rhodesian mahogany12
Cordeauxia edulisYeheb. Yeheb nut32
Cornus sericeaRed Osier Dogwood, Western dogwood22
Dendrocalamus asperGiant Bamboo, Dragon bamboo, Sweet bamboo40
Dendrocalamus giganteusGiant Bamboo, Bhalu bans, Dhungre bans21
Desmodium cinereumRensoni. Tickclover00
Desmodium paniculatumPanicled tick trefoil00
Elaeagnus angustifoliaOleaster, Russian olive42
Elaeagnus umbellataAutumn Olive42
Enterolobium cyclocarpumDevil's Ear. Earpod tree22
Erythrina edulisBalu. Andean tree bean32
Erythrina poeppigianaMountain Immortelle. Madre de Cacao10
Erythrina subumbransDadap. December tree22
Escontria chiotillaChiotilla, Jiotilla40
Faidherbia albidaWhite Acacia. White-thorn. Apple ring acacia12
Flemingia macrophyllaEnoki-mame12
Gigantochloa albociliataClumping bamboo30
Gigantochloa verticillataWhorled bamboo, Giant stripy bamboo30
Gleditsia triacanthosHoney Locust32
Gliricidia sepiumGliricidia, Forest Lilac, Mexican Lilac22
Guadua angustifoliaClumping Bamboo. Guadua00
Guazuma ulmifoliaBastard Cedar. West Indian elm, Guasimo23
Gynerium sagittatumUva Grass02
Haloxylon sppSaxaul32
Hippophae rhamnoidesSea Buckthorn, Seaberry55
Lespedeza bicolorLespedeza, Shrub lespedeza30
Leucaena diversifioliaIpil-ipil00
Leucaena leucocephalaLeucaena, Lead Tree, White Tamarind32
Litsea glutinosaIndian Laurel. Brown bollygum, Maida lakri22
Miscanthus x giganteusGiant Miscanthus00
Moringa oleiferaHorseradish Tree, Moringa,44
Morus albaWhite Mulberry, Common Mulberry,43
Nopalea cochenilliferaCochineal plant.22
Opuntia dilleniiDillen prickly pear, 30
Opuntia ficus-indicaPrickly Pear, Barbary fig32
Opuntia tomentosaVelvet prickly pear, Woollyjoint Pricklypear30
Oxytenanthera abyssynicaSavanah Bamboo22
Panicum maximumGuinea grass. Green panic grass12
Parkinsonia aculeataJerusalem Thorn32
Pennisetum purpureumNapier grass. Elephant grass22
Phragmites australisCommon Reed, American common reed, Hybrid common reed, European common reed, Subtropical common re52
Pithecellobium dulceManila Tamarind, Madras Thorn42
Plukenetia volubilisInca peanut30
Pongamia pinnataPongam, Karum Tree, Poonga-Oil Tree, Indian Beech03
Populus hybridsHybrid poplar33
Populus nigraBlack Poplar, Lombardy poplar13
Prosopis chilensisChilean algarrobo, Chilean mesquite20
Prosopis cinerariaJandi, Ghaf32
Prosopis glandulosaHoneypod mesquite. Glandular mesquite32
Prosopis tamarugoTamarugo10
Pueraria montana lobataKudzu Vine45
Pueraria phaseoloidesTropical Kudzu21
Robinia neomexicanaNew Mexico Locust, Rusby's locust, Locust11
Robinia pseudoacaciaBlack Locust, Yellow Locust32
Saccharum hybridsEnergy Cane42
Saccharum officinarumSugarcane, Purple Sugar Cane42
Salix eriocephalaMissouri Willow, Missouri River willow02
Salix hybridsHybrid willows33
Salix miyabeana 02
Salix purpureaPurple Osier. purpleosier willow13
Salix viminalisOsier. Basket Willow12
Samanea samanRain Tree, False Powder Puff, Monkey Pod32
Schleichera oleosaMalay Lac Tree. Lac tree, Ceylon oak32
Senegalia senegalGum Arabic32
Senna siameaSiamese Senna, Kassod Tree11
Sesbania grandifloraVegetable Hummingbird, Agati,32
Sesbania sesbanSesban22
Stenocereus stellatusJoconostle cactus, Baja organ pipe cactus30
Tamarindus indicaTamarind43
Tithonia diversifoliaMexican Sunflower03
Trema orientalisCharcoal Tree12
Trichanthera giganteaGiant trichanthera, Nacadero22
Ulmus pumilaSiberian Elm, Hybrid elm22
Vachellia tortilisUmbrella Thorn22
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