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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Akebia quinataAkebia, Chocolate vine, Fiveleaf Akebia, Chocolate Vine42
Akebia trifoliataAkebia, Threeleaf Akebia42
Akebia x pentaphyllaFive Leaved Akebia40
Barbarea vernaLand Cress, Early yellowrocket30
Barbarea vulgarisYellow Rocket, Garden yellowrocket31
Berberidopsis corallinaCoral Plant00
Camellia japonicaCamellia, Common Camellia, Japanese Camellia32
Euonymus fortuneiWinter Creeper, Wintercreeper Euonymus01
Fuchsia splendensPlatanillo40
Hedera nepalensisNepal Ivy02
Holboellia latifolia 30
Humulus lupulusHop, Common hop, European Hop,45
Lapageria roseaChilean Bellflower30
Malus domesticaApple52
Prunus cerasusSour Cherry12
Prunus cerasus austeraMorello Cherry31
Prunus insititiaDamson51
Reichardia picroidesFrench Scorzonera, Common brighteyes50
Ribes nigrumBlackcurrant, European black currant53
Ribes rubrumRed Currant, Cultivated currant41
Ribes sativumRedcurrant30
Ribes uva-crispaGooseberry, European gooseberry51
Rubus deliciosusRocky Mountain Raspberry, Delicious raspberry20
Schisandra chinensisMagnolia Vine, Wu Wei Zi45
Schisandra henryi 30
Schisandra sphenanthera 25
Schizophragma hydrangeoidesJapanese Hydrangea Vine10
Schizophragma integrifolium 02
Ternstroemia japonica 01
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