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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Dictyosperma albumHurricane Palm, Princess Palm, Red Palm42
Elaeis guineensisAfrican Oil Palm52
Euterpe edulisJucara Palm, Assai Palm52
Euterpe oleraceaAcai, Assai Palm, Acai Palm52
Mauritia flexuosaBuriti Palm, Aguaje Palm42
Metroxylon amicarumCaroline Ivory Nut Palm31
Metroxylon saguSago Palm40
Phytelephas aequatorialisVegetable ivory, Corozo, Ivory palm20
Phytelephas macrocarpaVegetable Ivory, Tagua, Nut Palm, Ivory nut palm20
Raphia hookeriIvory Coast Raffia Palm32
Acrocomia aculeataCoyoli Palm. Gru-Gru Palm, Macaw palm31
Agave murpheyiHohokam Agave, Murphey agave20
Astrocaryum vulgareTucuma. Awarra palm, Tucum palm.42
Corypha utanGebang Palm. Corypha palm, Sugar palm32
Eugeissona utilisStilt-root Palm. Wild Borneo sago palm20
Hyphaene thebaicaDoum Palm. Gingerbread palm.22
Oenocarpus batauaPataua Palm. Bataua32
Oenocarpus distichusPataua, Bacaba, White bacaba32
Raphia viniferaWine Raffia Palm. Wine Palm30
Syagrus coronataLicuri Palm, Ouricury palm32
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