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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Cydonia oblongaQuince42
Diospyros kakiPersimmon, Japanese persimmon43
Fortunella japonicaRound Kumquat31
Imperata cylindricaCogongrass, Japanese Blood Grass33
Lablab purpureusHyacinth Bean, Bonavist-bean42
Pseudosasa japonicaMetake - Bamboo21
Pueraria montana lobataKudzu Vine45
Pueraria pseudohirsutaTropical kudzu33
Rhus succedaneaWax Tree12
Tamarix chinensisChinese Tamarisk, Five-stamen tamarisk02
Triticum aestivumBread Wheat, Common wheat42
Paederia foetidaSkunk Vine24
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