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Latin NameCommon NameEdibility RatingMedicinal Rating
Aloe macrosiphonTanzanian Aloe04
Aloe perryiPerry's Aloe04
Andrographis paniculataGreen Chireta, Creat, Nilavembu, Kirayat, Chuan Xin Lian, King of Bitters14
Azadirachta indicaNeem24
Canavalia gladiataSword Bean32
Capparis spinosaCaper,Common Caper, Caper Bush23
Capsicum annuumSweet Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Chili Pepper, Christmas Pepper, Red Pepper, Ornamental Chili Pepper43
Capsicum baccatumLocoto, Aji33
Capsicum frutescensTabasco Pepper, Cayenne pepper34
Capsicum pubescensTree Pepper, Rocoto33
Cassia sieberianaWest African Laburnum14
Cirsium vulgareCommon Thistle, Bull thistle, Dodder, Boar Thistle, Bull Thistle21
Cissus quadrangularisVeldt Grape24
Cola acuminataCola Nut, Kola, Bissy Nut34
Cola nitidaCola Nut, Kola, Bissy Nuts34
Costus aferSpiral Ginger, Ginger lily, White spiral costus.24
Croton lechleriSangre De Grado, Dragon's blood04
Croton palanostigmaSangre De Grado, Dragon's blood04
Croton salutarisSangre De Grado, Dragon's blood04
Curculigo orchioidesStar grass, Golden-eyed grass14
Cynoglossum officinaleHound's Tongue, Gypsyflower12
Dioscorea bulbiferaAerial Yam, Air Potato42
Euphorbia tirucalliAfrican Milkbush, Pencil Cactus, Milk Bush02
Gloriosa superbaGloriosa Lily, Climbing Lily, Flame Lily04
Gnetum africanumEru, African Jointfir42
Gnetum buchholzianumJointfir42
Indigofera tinctoriaIndigo, True Indigo, dye indigo22
Ipomoea aquaticaKangkong, Swamp Morning Glory42
Jatropha curcasPhysic Nut, Barbados Nut23
Landolphia heudelotiiGuinea gumvine, Landolphia rubber32
Leptadenia hastataAkamongot, Anvara43
Linaria canadensisBlue Toadflax01
Luffa aegyptiacaLoofah22
Mangifera indicaMango, Bowen Mango53
Milicia excelsaAfrican Teak23
Milicia regiaOroko, Iroko22
Morinda citrifoliaNoni, Indian Mulberry34
Musa acuminataDwarf Banana, Edible banana52
Myrianthus arboreusGiant yellow mulberry, Monkeyfruit43
Orobanche fasciculataCancer Root, Clustered broomrape12
Parkia biglobosaAfrican Locust Bean42
Pentadiplandra brazzeanaJoy perfume tree, j'oubli44
Philadelphus lewisiiMock Orange, Lewis' mock orange01
Pongamia pinnataPongam, Karum Tree, Poonga-Oil Tree, Indian Beech03
Prosopis cinerariaJandi, Ghaf32
Pterocarpus soyauxiiAfrican Coralwood22
Quercus virginianaLive Oak32
Rhus typhinaStag's Horn Sumach, Velvet Sumac, Staghorn Sumac42
Rubus allegheniensisAlleghany Blackberry, Graves' blackberry32
Rubus argutusHighbush Blackberry, Sawtooth blackberry21
Rubus flagellarisNorthern Dewberry31
Rubus trivialisSouthern Dewberry41
Scoparia dulcisSweet Broom, Licorice Weed, Vassourinha24
Sedum divergensPacific Stonecrop11
Sedum spathulifoliumBroadleaf Stonecrop, Purdy's stonecrop, Yosemite stonecrop, Stonecrop, Blood Leaf Sedum11
Senegalia catechuBlack Catechu23
Sesamum indicumSesame33
Simarouba glaucaParadise Tree, Bitterwood, Dysentery-bark34
Terminalia chebulaBlack Myrobalan, Chebulic Myroblan,35
Terminalia ivorensisBlack Afara02
Terminalia superbaShinglewood02
Thespesia populneaPortia Tree, Aden Apple, Indian Tulip Tree33
Thespesia populneoidesTulip Tree; Portia Tree; Pacific Rosewood33
Vachellia niloticaGum Arabic Tree22
Xanthorhiza simplicissimaYellowroot02
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