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Index of Common Names: Q
Latin NameCommon NameHabitHeightHardinessGrowthSoilShadeMoistureEdibleMedicinalOther
Acacia podalyriifoliaQueensland Silver Wattle, Pearl wattleTree3.0 7-10  LMNDM103
Agathis robustaQueensland KauriTree45.0 8-11  LMHSNM003
Amelanchier stoloniferaQuebec Berry, Running serviceberryShrub1.5 4-8  LMHSNDM510
Artemisia annuaQing Hao, Sweet sagewortAnnual3.0 6-9 FLMSNDM142
Aspidosperma quebracho-blancoQuebrachoTree0.0 -  LMHSNM022
Astragalus henryiQin Ling Huang QiPerennial0.8 -  LMNDM10 
Atriplex lentiformisQuail Bush, Big saltbush, Quailbush,Shrub3.0 7-10  LMNDM312
Camassia cusickiiCussick's camasBulb0.9 3-11 MLMSNM203
Camassia quamashQuamash, Small camas, Utah small camas, Walpole's small camasBulb0.3 3-7  LMHSNM513
Castanopsis cuspidataJapanese ChinquapinTree25.0 6-9  MHSM20 
Chenopodium auricomumQueensland BluebushAnnual1.8 -  LMHNM201
Chenopodium quinoaQuinoa, Goosefoot, Pigweed, Inca WheatAnnual1.5 10-12 FLMHNM502
Cinchona pubescensQuinine tree, Red Bark, Cinchona, Quina, Quinquina, Quinine Bark, Peruvian Bark, Jesuit's BarkTree15.0 10-12 FLMSNM252
Cocculus orbiculatusQueen coralbeadClimber4.0 6-9  LMHSNM122
Crataegus champlainensisQuebec hawthornTree6.0 5-9  LMHSNMWe422
Crataegus submollisQuebec HawthornTree7.0 4-8  LMHSNMWe423
Cydonia oblongaQuinceTree7.5 5-9 MLMHFSNM423
Filipendula rubraQueen Of The Prairie, MeadowsweetPerennial2.5 3-9 MLMHSNMWe01 
Gentiana macrophyllaQin JiaoPerennial0.6 5-9  LMHSNM13 
Macadamia tetraphyllaQueensland Nut, Macadamia nutTree10.0 9-12 SLMHNM403
Parajubaea cocoidesQuito PalmTree15.0 - MLMHSNM10 
Peucedanum praeruptorumQian HuPerennial0.8 -  LMHSNM02 
Quassia amaraBitterwood, Amargo BarkShrub5.0 10-12 SMHSNM242
Quercus acutissimaSawthorn OakTree5.0 5-9 MMHSNM223
Quercus brantiiBarro, Brant's oakTree8.0 7-9 FLMHNDM323
Quercus cerrisTurkey Oak, European turkey oakTree35.0 5-9 FMHSNM322
Quercus cocciferaKermes OakShrub4.0 5-9  MHSNM323
Quercus dentataJapanese Emperor Oak, Daimyo oakTree20.0 4-8 FMHSNM222
Quercus frainettoHungarian Oak, Italian Oak, Forest Green OakTree30.0 5-8 FMHSNM422
Quercus fruticosaGall Oak, Lusitanian OakShrub2.0 7-10  MHNM322
Quercus gambeliiShin Oak, Gambel oak, Rocky Mountain White OakShrub4.5 4-8 SMHSNDM323
Quercus glaucaRing-cup oak , Ring Cupped Oak, Blue Japanese OakTree15.0 8-9 SMHSNM323
Quercus ilex ballotaHolm OakTree25.0 6-9 SLMHSNM523
Quercus insignisChicalabaTree22.0 8-11 FLMHNM123
Quercus ithaburensis macrolepisValonia OakTree15.0 6-9  MHSNDM422
Quercus kelloggiiCalifornian Black Oak, Black OakTree25.0 8-11 MMHSNM324
Quercus laevisAmerican Turkey Oak, Turkey oakTree12.0 7-9 SMHSNM223
Quercus leucotrichophora Tree25.0 7-10  MHSNDM223
Quercus lobataCalifornian White Oak, Valley oakTree30.0 7-11 SMHSNM222
Quercus marilandicaBlackjack OakTree10.0 6-9 SMHSNDM223
Quercus mongolica grosseserrata Tree20.0 3-7  MHSNM223
Quercus muehlenbergiiYellow Chestnut Oak, Chinkapin oakTree20.0 4-8 MMHSNM323
Quercus nigraWater OakTree20.0 5-9  MHSNM223
Quercus petraeaSessile Oak, Durmast oakTree40.0 5-8 SMHSNMWe232
Quercus phillyreoidesBlack ridge oak,Shrub9.0 6-9 SMHSNM322
Quercus prinusRock Chestnut OakTree20.0 4-8 SMHSNM423
Quercus pubescensDowny OakTree20.0 4-8  MHSNDM223
Quercus roburPedunculate Oak, English oakTree30.0 4-8 SMHSNMWe435
Quercus rubraRed Oak, Northern red oakTree25.0 3-7 FMHSNDM323
Quercus semecarpifolia Tree30.0 7-10  MHSNM223
Quercus shumardiiShumard Oak, Schneck oakTree30.0 4-8 MMHSNM223
Quercus stellataPost OakTree20.0 4-8 SMHSNM323
Quercus suber occidentalisCork OakTree18.0 7-10 SMHSNDM222
Quercus undulataWavyleaf OakShrub3.0 4-8  MHSNM222
Quercus variabilisChinese Cork OakTree30.0 4-8  MHSNM223
Quercus velutinaBlack OakTree30.0 - MMHSNDM233
Quercus x hybridBurgambel oakTree30.0 3-8 MMHSNDM323
Rhodiola rhodanthaQueen's Crown, Redpod stonecropPerennial0.4 4-8  LMHNDM10 
Santalum acuminatumQuandongShrub0.0 -  LMHSNM112
Simarouba amaraParadise tree, bitterwoodTree25.0 10-12 FLMHSNMWe343
Solanum septemlobumQing Qi.Perennial2.0 -  LMHSNM10 
Stillingia sylvaticaQueen's DelightPerennial1.0 -  LMHSNM01 

Growth: S = slow M = medium F = fast. Soil: L = light (sandy) M = medium H = heavy (clay). pH: A = acid N = neutral B = basic (alkaline). Shade: F = full shade S = semi-shade N = no shade. Moisture: D = dry M = Moist We = wet Wa = water. Rating: 1 = Minor 5 = Great.

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