Stachys hyssopifolia

Sandy, gravelly or peaty shores and bogs. Love
Sandy, gravelly or peaty shores and bogs. Love
By streams and ditches, also in swamps and fens. Occasionally found on arable land. Love
Dry prairies, gravels and rocky slopes. Love
Dry sterile soil or thin woodlands. Woods and roadsides in Texas. Love
Rich woods, thickets, river banks and prairies. Love
Not known in a truly wild situation but found as an escape from cultivation in damp places. Love
Moist coniferous and deciduous woods, clearings and bluffs, preferring shaded streamsides. Love
Prairies and glades. Calcareous or sandy soils and prairies in Texas. Love
Walls, shingle and warm grassy places on sandy soils. Avoids acid soils. Love
Hedge banks and the shady sides of damp woods. Love
Rocks, walls, cobbled paths etc, in dry sunny situations on acid or calcareous soils. Love
Shady cliffs and mossy rocks at low altitudes. Occasionally naturalized on walls in C. and S. Europe. Love
Cultivated ground, rocks and bushy places. Love
Meadows and wet grassy places by streams. Moist shady sites in grassland, on siliceous soils. Love
Wet meadows and swamps. Peaty or boggy soils. Love